Plastische Chirurgie
Behandlung | |
Fox Eye Lifting | $2549.35 |
Brustimplantat-Revision | $3362.97 |
Fettabsaugung am Gesäß | $1627.24 - $2169.66 |
FUE-Haartransplantation | $1518.76 - $1573 |
Armplastik (Brachioplastik) | $2495.1 |
Avicenna International Hospital is a private multi-specialty center in Istanbul, Turkey, specializing in neurosurgery, orthopedics, plastic surgery, and weight loss surgery. Ranked the 2nd best hospital in Istanbul by Clinicspots in 2023, it provides care for both adults and children. Each year, 175,000 patients choose the hospital, with many coming from CIS countries, Europe, and the Balkans.
Behandlung | |
Fox Eye Lifting | $2549.35 |
Brustimplantat-Revision | $3362.97 |
Fettabsaugung am Gesäß | $1627.24 - $2169.66 |
FUE-Haartransplantation | $1518.76 - $1573 |
Armplastik (Brachioplastik) | $2495.1 |
Behandlung | |
Operation bei Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs | $16272.42 - $21696.56 |
Eierstockkrebs-Operation | $7593.8 - $10848.28 |
Schilddrüsenresektion | $4881.73 - $7593.8 |
Laparoskopische Hysterektomie | $7593.8 - $10848.28 |
Brustkrebsoperation | $5424.14 - $7593.8 |
Diagnostik | |
Biopsie | $1627.24 - $2169.66 |
Ultraschall | $162.72 - $216.97 |
MRT eines Bereichs | $325.45 - $379.69 |
Behandlung | |
Blinddarmoperation | $2712.07 |
Magenresektion | $2712.07 |
Behandlung | |
Whipple-Operation | $16272.42 - $18442.08 |
Laparoskopische Tubenligatur | $2712.07 - $3254.48 |
Laparoskopische Myomektomie | $4881.73 - $6508.97 |
Hysteroskopische Myomektomie | $4339.31 - $6508.97 |
Hysterektomie (Entfernung der Gebärmutter) | $5424.14 - $10848.28 |
Behandlung | |
Hymenoplastik (Wiederherstellung des Jungfernhäutchens) | $2169.66 - $2386.62 |
Entfernung der Ovarialzyste | $3796.9 - $4881.73 |
Laparoskopische Ovarialzystektomie | $4881.73 - $5966.55 |
Behandlung | |
Hüftersatz | $6508.97 - $8678.63 |
Schulterersatz | $7593.8 - $8678.63 |
Operation zur Reparatur der Rotatorenmanschette | $4339.31 - $4881.73 |
$6508.97 - $7593.8 | |
VKB-Rekonstruktion | $4339.31 - $5424.14 |
Behandlung | |
Magenballon | $1627.24 - $2712.07 |
Magenbypass | $3796.9 |
Behandlung | |
Prostatektomie | $7593.8 - $16272.42 |
Nephrektomie | $7593.8 - $10848.28 |
Vasektomie | $2929.04 |
Behandlung | |
Anteriore zervikale Diskektomie | $5424.14 - $7593.8 |
Diskektomie | $4881.73 - $5424.14 |
Laminektomie | $5424.14 - $7593.8 |
Bandscheibenvorfall-Operation | $5500 |
Behandlung | |
Kataraktchirurgie mit Multifokallinsenimplantat | $1301.79 - $1952.69 |
Kataraktoperation (ein Auge) | $1301.79 - $2169.66 |
Behandlung | |
Thyreoidektomie | $4881.73 - $6508.97 |
Diagnostik | |
MRT des Gehirns | $325.45 - $433.93 |
Mammographie | $162.72 - $271.21 |
Diagnostik | |
Brust Röntgen | $54.24 - $81.36 |
Frauenuntersuchung | $542.41 - $813.62 |
Männlicher Check-up | $542.41 - $813.62 |
Echokardiographie | $238.66 - $271.21 |
CT (Computertomographie) | $379.69 - $867.86 |
Diagnostik | |
Rücksprache mit einem Kinderarzt | $2700 |
Avicenna Hospitals have been providing high-quality healthcare services in Istanbul for over three decades. With four locations across the city, they are known for their commitment to modern medical technologies, patient satisfaction, and excellence in treatment. Their approach combines preventive care with advanced medical solutions, ensuring accessibility and affordability.
Avicenna Hospitals offer a wide range of specialized treatments, including:
The hospitals are equipped with cutting-edge medical technology, ensuring a seamless experience from diagnosis to treatment and recovery. Key departments include:
Patient satisfaction is a core value, supported by expert doctors, highly trained healthcare professionals, and specialized units. Hospitals also prioritize staff development and foster a workplace culture based on fairness, respect, and continuous education.
Avicenna Hospitals uphold the highest standards of data security. Patient information is handled with strict confidentiality, accessed only by authorized personnel, and never shared with third parties unless legally required.
By merging modern medical advancements with ethical values, Avicenna Hospitals continue to be a trusted healthcare provider in Turkey.