Die #1 Medizintourismusplattform seit 2014

Beste Hochintensive fokussierte Ultraschallablation (HIFU) Urologen - TOP-90 Ärzte

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Fahad Mawlood - Allgemeinarzt. Gewinner von 4 wissenschaftlichen Preisen. Er diente in Westasien. Ehemaliger Teamleiter eines medizinischen Teams zur Betreuung arabischsprachiger Patienten. Jetzt Fahad ist verantwortlich für die Datenverarbeitung und die Genauigkeit der medizinischen Inhalte.
Baris Nuhoglu
27 Jahre der Erfahrung
10 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
AquaHealth Clinic

Baris Nuhoglu

27 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dr. Baris Nuhoglu ist ein renommierter Spezialist für Uroonkologie, Endourologie und Kinderurologie. In seiner Laufbahn war er u. a. Leiter der Urologie in verschiedenen Einrichtungen, ist Mitglied in zahlreichen Berufsverbänden und hat eine umfangreiche Liste von Veröffentlichungen. Er ist in verschiedenen Operationen ausgebildet, unter anderem in der hochintensiven fokussierten Ultraschallablation (HIFU), der Nephrektomie und der robotergestützten da Vinci-Prostatektomie.

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Mustafa Solak
Klinischer Onkologe/-in
18 Jahre der Erfahrung
132 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Mustafa Solak

Klinischer Onkologe/-in
18 Jahre der Erfahrung

Mustafa Solak, MD, ist ein Arzt, der seinen Abschluss an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Hacettepe-Universität gemacht hat und Aufenthalte am Lehr- und Forschungskrankenhaus Istanbul Sisli Etfal und ein Stipendium am Krebsinstitut der Hacettepe-Universität absolviert hat. Er ist spezialisiert auf Brustkrebs, Hodenkrebs, Eierstockkrebs, Lungenkrebs, Kopf-Hals-Krebs und Magen-Darm-Krebs. Er hat auch am MD Anderson Cancer Center der University of Texas, dem Corum Training Hospital der Hitit University und dem Medical Park Hospital gearbeitet.

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Basri Cakiroglu
30 Jahre der Erfahrung
132 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Basri Cakiroglu

30 Jahre der Erfahrung
Assoz. Prof. Basri Çakıroğlu, MD, graduierte 1994 an der Medizinischen Fakultät der 19. Mai-Universität und beendete 2002 seine Facharztausbildung am Lehr- und Forschungskrankenhaus Taksim. Seine medizinischen Interessengebiete umfassen Endourologie, pädiatrische Urologie, Uroonkologie sowie Andrologie und Unfruchtbarkeit. Er hat in verschiedenen Gesundheitszentren und Krankenhäusern gearbeitet, darunter im Samsun Ayvacik Health Center des TR-Gesundheitsministeriums, im Samsun Carsamba Health Center des TR-Gesundheitsministeriums und im Giresun Şebinkarahisar State Hospital.Mehr lesen
Jose Emilio Batista Miranda
39 Jahre der Erfahrung
398 Rezensionen
Spanien, Barcelona
Teknon Barcelona

Jose Emilio Batista Miranda

39 Jahre der Erfahrung
Dr. Jose Emilio Batista Miranda ist ein hochgeschätzter Spezialist für Urologie mit über 25 Jahren Berufserfahrung. Seine Fachgebiete umfassen die Beschneidung von Erwachsenen, Vasektomie, Harninkontinenz, Harnröhrenchirurgie und Kinderurologie. Dr. Batista Miranda ist für seinen innovativen Ansatz bekannt, insbesondere bei der Prostata-Laser-Vaporisation. Er bietet eine Vielzahl von Eingriffen an, darunter Nephrektomie, hochintensive fokussierte Ultraschallablation (HIFU), Prostatektomie, nierenschonende Chirurgie und Vasektomie. Er ist aktives Mitglied mehrerer bedeutender medizinischer Vereinigungen und hat zu einer Vielzahl von Forschungsprojekten, Studien und Veröffentlichungen im Bereich der Urologie beigetragen.Mehr lesen
398 Rezensionen
Arztbesuch preis auf anfrage
Hochintensive fokussierte Ultraschallablation (HIFU) $17541.65 - $19734.35
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Yan Matsiivskiy
Leiter des Teams der medizinischen Koordinatoren
Gulumser Kiziltas Tokmak
22 Jahre der Erfahrung
132 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Gulumser Kiziltas Tokmak

22 Jahre der Erfahrung

Gülümser Kızıltaş Tokmak, MD, absolvierte 2002 die Cerrahpaşa School of Medicine der Universität Istanbul und absolvierte 2008 ihre Facharztausbildung an der Klinik für Neurologie des Lehr- und Forschungskrankenhauses Okmeydanı. Sie hat einen Master-Abschluss in Elektrophysiologie der Universität Istanbul und hat in verschiedenen Bereichen studiert und gearbeitet wie EMG, EEG, PSG, Demenz, Kopfschmerzen und Schwindel. Sie hat in der neurologischen Klinik des Ağrı State Hospital, dem Hisar Intercontinental Hospital und den Medical Park Hospitals gearbeitet.

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Andreas Gross
121 Rezensionen
Deutschland, Hamburg
Asklepios Klinik Barmbek

Andreas Gross


Prof. Andreas Gross ist ein deutscher TOP-Urologe, der sich auf die Behandlung von Prostata-, Blasen-, Nieren- und Hodenkrebs sowie gutartiger Prostatavergrößerung und Harnsteinen spezialisiert hat. Er und sein Team bieten mit minimal-invasiven Operationen und komplexen chirurgischen Eingriffen organerhaltende Therapien für Männer, Frauen und Kinder an.

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Ofer Merimsky
Klinischer Onkologe/-in
39 Jahre der Erfahrung
138 Rezensionen
Israel, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical Center

Ofer Merimsky

Klinischer Onkologe/-in
39 Jahre der Erfahrung


Society of oncologists and radiotherapists Israel
American Scientific Cancer Society
European scientific medical organization
European Society of Oncology of the musculoskeletal system

Israels führender Spezialist für die Behandlung von Sarkomen und Lungenkrebs, Leiter des Nationalen Zentrums für Knochen- und Weichgewebesarkome des Tel Aviv Medical Center Sourasky (Ichilov)


  • Behandlung aller Arten von Lungenkrebs und Brustorganen
  • Behandlung aller Arten von Knochen- und Weichgewebesarkomen
  • Behandlung von Stromatumoren des Gastrointestinaltrakts

Ausbildung und Spezialisierung:

  • Höhere medizinische Ausbildung, Abschluss an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Hebräischen Universität Jerusalem, Israel
  • Facharztausbildung in Allgemeiner Onkologie und Strahlentherapie
  • Ausbildung im Bereich Strahlentherapie und Brachytherapie am New York Hospital, USA
  • Spezieller Auffrischungskurs für die Behandlung von Tumoren des Skeletts und der Weichteile, Paris. Frankreich


  • Präsident der Gesellschaft der Onkologen und Strahlentherapeuten Israel
  • Die American Scientific Cancer Society
  • Europäische wissenschaftliche medizinische Organisation
  • Europäische Gesellschaft für Onkologie des Bewegungsapparates
  • Internationale Gesellschaft zur Behandlung von Tumoren des Bindegewebes
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Mehmet Tonge
20 Jahre der Erfahrung
31 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Parkinson- und Bewegungsstörungszentrum der Medipol University (PARMER)

Mehmet Tonge

20 Jahre der Erfahrung

Neurosurgery Training: Gazi University, Department of Neurosurgery, 2011 

H index: 10, I10 Index: 12 Citations: 296

 Dr Mehmet Tonge has international and nationwide 32 publications, 12 book chapters, 92 oral and poster presentations and 41 invited lectures, mostly on Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery. 


Work & Training experience:

2004-2011: Gazi University, Department of Neurosurgery (Residency)

 2008: Zurich University Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery (Intraoperative MRI applications), Switzerland 

2008: Zurich University Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery: Microneurosurgery, white matter dissection, interventional neuroradiology courses, Switzerland 

2011 – 2012: Sinop Ataturk State Hospital, Neurosurgeon

 2012 – 2013: Cankiri State Hospital, Neurosurgeon 

2013 – 2014: Istanbul Medipol University, Department of Neurosurgery & Gamma Knife Center (Ass Prof) 

2013 – now: Maastricht University Neurosurgery & Neuroscience Department (Visiting scientist, PhDc) The Netherlands 

2014: Maastricht University, The Netherlands: Deep Brain Stimulation Fellowship 2014-2018: Istanbul Memorial Hospital Neurosurgery: Staff Neurosurgeon

 2016-2018: Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital (Consultant, Gamma Knife Center) 

2018-now: Istanbul Medipol University (Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery, Gamma Knife Center) Ass. Prof.) 


Dr Mehmet Tonge has completed 4-year cycle EANS (European Association of Neurosurgical Societies) Training courses. 


Clinical areas of interest:

 • Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery

 • Surgery for movement disorders

  • * MR Guided Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS)

 • Gamma Knife Radiosurgery 

• Surgery for pain & spasticity 

• Psychosurgery


Research areas of interest: 

• Deep brain stimulation

  • * MR Guided Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS)

 • Stereotactic radiosurgery 


Administrative duties:

 • Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Sterotactic & Functional Neurosurgery Section: Board member 2015- 2017 

• Turkish Neurosurgical Society, Sterotactic & Functional Neurosurgery Section: Board member (Secretary) 2017-2019

 • Turkish Skull Base Society: Board member 2016-2018

 • Turkish Skull Base Society: Supervisory board member 2018-2020

 • Deep Brain Stimulation and Movement Disorders Surgery Society: Executive Board Member, (Accountant) 2023-still 



• WSSFN (World Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery Society) 

• ESSFN (European Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery Society)

 • Deep Brain Stimulation and Movement Disorders Surgery Society

 • Deep Brain Stimulation Society 

• International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society 

• Leksell Gamma Knife Society 

• EANS (European Association of Neurosurgical Societies) 

• Turkish Neurosurgical Society

• Turkish Skull Base Society



Sample Publications: 

1. Tonge M. Technological developments in electric based DBS. Deep Brain Stimulation 2024 4(36-41) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdbs.2023.12.001 

2. Akgul E, Onan HB, Islek I, Tonge M, Durmus Y, Barburoglu M, Azizova A, Erol C, Hakyemez B, Sencer S, Aydin K, Arat A. Flow diverter stents in the treatment of recanalized intracranial aneurysms. Interv Neuroradiol. 2021 Aug;27(4):481-489. doi: 10.1177/1591019921990507. Epub 2021 Jan 28. PMID: 33509011; PMCID: PMC8580529. 

3. Mulders AEP, Temel Y, Tonge M, Schaper FLWVJ, van Kranen-Mastenbroek V,Ackermans L, Kubben P, Janssen MLF, Duits A. The association between surgical characteristics and cognitive decline following deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson's disease. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2021 Jan;200:106341. doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2020.106341. Epub 2020 Nov 3. PMID: 33160716. 

4. Wetzelaer P, Vlis T, Tonge M, Ackermans L, Kubben P, Evers S, Kocabicak E, Temel Y. Management of Hardware Related Infections after DBS Surgery: A Cost Analysis. Turk Neurosurg. 2018;28(6):929- 933. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.21511-17.1. PMID: 29465741. 

5. Bedirli N, Emmez G, Ünal Y, Tönge M, Emmez H. Effects of positive end- expiratory pressure on intracranial pressure during pneumoperitoneum and Trendelenburg position in a porcine mode. Turk J Med Sci. 2017 Nov 13;47(5):1610-1615. doi: 10.3906/sag-1609-17. PMID: 29152942. 

6. Sari R, Tonge M, Bolukbasi FH, Onoz M, Baskan O, Silav G, Elmaci I. Management of Failed Cranioplasty. Turk Neurosurg. 2017;27(2):201-207. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.15395-15.0. PMID: 27593759. 

7. Tonge M, Kocabicak E, Ackermans L, Kuijf M, Temel Y. Final Electrode Position in Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery: A Comparison of Indirect and Direct Targeting Methods. Turk Neurosurg. 2016;26(6):900-903. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.13739-14.1. PMID: 27337232. 

8. Tonge M, Ackermans L, Kocabicak E, van Kranen-Mastenbroek V, Kuijf M, Oosterloo M, Kubben P, Temel Y. A detailed analysis of intracerebral hemorrhages in DBS surgeries. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2015 Dec;139:183-7. doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2015.10.017. Epub 2015 Oct 23. PMID: 26513430. 

9. Silav G, Bölükbaşı FH, Özek E, Tönge M, Önöz M, Elmacı İ. A Simple Technique for Bone Storage after Decompressive Craniectomy in Children. Pediatr Neurosurg. 2015;50(3):161-4. doi: 10.1159/000381748. Epub 2015 May 14. PMID: 25998533. 

10. Yilmaz MB, Donmez H, Tonge M, Senol S, Tekiner A. Vertebrojugular arteriovenous fistula and pseudoaneurysm formation due to penetrating vertebral artery injury: case report and review of the literature. Turk Neurosurg. 2015;25(1):141-5. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.8247-13.1. PMID: 25640560. 

11. Kurt G, Tönge M, Çeltıkçı E, Çapraz I, Serdaroğlu A, Bılır E. Surgery for intractable temporal lobe epilepsy: experience of a single institution. Turk J Med Sci. 2014;44(5):866-70. doi: 10.3906/sag-1307- 30. PMID: 25539559. 

12. Yılmaz MB, Tönge M, Emmez H, Kaymaz F, Kaymaz M. Neuroprotective effects of quetiapine on neuronal apoptosis following experimental transient focal cerebral ischemia in rats. J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2013 Jul;54(1):1-7. doi: 10.3340/jkns.2013.54.1.1. Epub 2013 Jul 31. PMID: 24044072; PMCID: PMC3772279. 

13. Yilmaz MB, Egemen E, Tonge M, Kaymaz M. Transoral protrusion of a peritoneal catheter due to gastric perforation 10 years after a ventriculoperitoneal shunting: case report and review of the literature. Turk Neurosurg. 2013;23(2):285-8. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.4904-11.1. PMID: 23546921. 

14. Omerhodzic I, Tonge M, Matos B, Musabeliu E, Raspanti C, Ferdinandov D, Galimova R, Muroi C, Balik V, Kursumovic A. Neurosurgical training programme in selected European countries: from the young neurosurgeons' point of view. Turk Neurosurg. 2012;22(3):286-93. doi: 10.5137/1019- 5149.JTN.5133-11.0. PMID: 22664994. 

15. Ergun E, Kurt G, Tonge M, Aytar H, Tas M, Baykaner K, Ceviker N. Effects of phenytoin sodium on dura mater healing in a rat model of CSF leakage. Turk Neurosurg. 2011;21(4):471-6. PMID: 22194102. 

16. Emmez H, Tonge M, Tokgoz N, Durdag E, Gonul I, Cevıker N. Radiological and histopathological comparison of microporous polysaccharide hemospheres and oxidized regenerated cellulose in the rabbit brain: a study of efficacy and safety. Turk Neurosurg. 2010 Oct;20(4):485-91. doi: 10.5137/1019- 5149.JTN.3300-10.2. PMID: 20963698. 

17. Emmez H, Yildirim Z, Kale A, Tönge M, Durdağ E, Börcek AO, Uçankuş LN, Doğulu F, Kiliç N, Baykaner MK. Anti-apoptotic and neuroprotective effects of α-lipoic acid on spinal cord ischemiareperfusion injury in rabbits. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2010 Sep;152(9):1591-600; discussion 1600-1. doi: 10.1007/s00701-010-0703-9. Epub 2010 Jun 10. PMID: 20535507. 

18. Kurt G, Tonge M, Börcek AO, Karahacioglu E, Gurel O, Baykaner K, Ceviker N, Aykol S. Fractionated gamma knife radiosurgery for optic nerve tumors: a technical report. Turk Neurosurg. 2010 Apr;20(2):241-6. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.1681-09.3. PMID: 20401852. 

19. Emmez H, Kale A, Tönge M, Cakir A, Ceviker N. Two meningiomas with different histological grades in the same patient. Case report. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo). 2010;50(8):686-8. doi: 10.2176/nmc.50.686. PMID: 20805656.

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31 Rezensionen
Arztbesuch preis auf anfrage
Hochintensive fokussierte Ultraschallablation (HIFU) $20000
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Abdullmutalip Simsek
19 Jahre der Erfahrung
29 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Valued Med Hub Hospitals

Abdullmutalip Simsek

19 Jahre der Erfahrung

Prof. Dr. Abdulmuttalip Şimşek

Prof. Dr. Abdulmuttalip Şimşek graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine in 2005. In 2010, he completed his 'Specialization Training' in the field of Urology at Foundation Gureba Hospital. Prof., who conducts studies at Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Lütfiye Nuri Burat State Hospital and Haseki Training and Research Hospital. Dr. Abdulmuttalip Şimşek received the title of Associate Professor in 2015.


He carried out studies at the University of Sheffield and Hallamshire Hospital between 2015 and 2016. Returning to Turkey in 2016, Prof. worked as a teaching assistant at Bakırköy Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital. Dr. Abdulmuttalip Şimşek has been working as a urologist at Başakşehir Çam and Sakura Hospital since 2020.


Prof. has an innovative perspective in the field of urology. Dr. Abdulmuttalip Şimşek treats his patients by taking advantage of developing technology. Prof. has made significant contributions to the field of urology with many international research and scientific publications. Dr. Abdulmuttalip Şimşek treats his patients as a Robotic and Reconstructive Urology Specialist.


Education status:






Undergraduate Medicine Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul 1999-2005

Specialization in Medicine Urology Bezmi Alem Vakif University Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul 2005-2010

Associate Professorship SBU Haseki Training and Research Hospital 2015

PhD in Reconstructive Urology under the direction of Professor Christopher Chapple, University of Sheffield and Hallamshire Hospital, England 2015-2016

Medical Specialization Thesis Title and Advisor: Comparison of Efficacy and Complication Rates of Transobturator and Retropubic Midurethral Loose Sling Surgery in Stress Urinary Incontinence Patients (2010) Thesis Advisor: Prof.Dr. Sinasi Yavuz Önol Bezmi Alem Vakıf University Faculty of Medicine Urology Clinic


Areas of Interest: Reconstructive urology, Robotic surgery, Urooncology






Job Title

Duty Station


Expert Dr. Lütfiye Nuri Burat State Hospital – Istanbul 2011- 2012

Expert Dr. Haseki Training and Research Hospital Urology Clinic - Istanbul 2012 January - 2015

Assoc. Dr. Haseki Training and Research Hospital Urology Clinic - Istanbul 2015

Associate Professor. University of Sheffield and Hallamshire Hospital, England 2015-2016

Education Officer Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital Urology Clinic - Istanbul 2016 – May 2020

Education Officer Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital Urology Clinic - Istanbul 2020 June - Present

Administrative Duties:

Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital Urology Clinic Administrative Manager – 2020


Supervised Theses:


expertise in medicine


Yunus ÇOLAKOĞLU (2020). Comparison of oncological and functional results of Robotic and Open Perineal Radical Prostatectomy. University of Health Sciences, Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital Urology Clinic

Ramazan UĞUR (2020). The effect of end-to-end anastomosis urethroplasty and buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty techniques on erectile function in bulbar urethra stenosis. University of Health Sciences, Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital Urology Clinic

Abdullah Hızır YAVUZSAN (2017). Comparison of peroperative parameters according to renal nephrometry score in robotic and laparoscopic partial nephrectomies. University of Health Sciences, Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital Urology Clinic


Memberships to Scientific Organizations:


Turkish Urology Association

Turkish Andrology Association

European Association of Urology

American Urological Association

American Society of Genitourinary Reconstructive Surgery


Awards :


Alpay KELAMI, Men's Sexual Health award, Turkish Andrology Association, 2011

Men's Sexual Health Alpay KELAMI award, Turkish Andrology Association, 2009

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Elif Esra Uyar
23 Jahre der Erfahrung
36 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Lokman Hekim Istanbul Hospital

Elif Esra Uyar

23 Jahre der Erfahrung

Medical Field of lnterest

Invitrofertilization , Repeated ivf failure, Recurrent miscarriage, Reproductive immunology, Labioplasty ,Vaginoplasty



• Turkish Medical Association

• Turkish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics(TJOD)

• Society for IVF and Infertility (TUBID)

• European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE)


Courses and Training Programs Attended

1. Experimental Animal Use and Ethical Approach - Marmara University Faculty of Medicine 2003

2. Early Pregnancy Ultrasound Course - Istanbul 2004

3. Neonatal Resuscitation Program -Istanbul 2004

4. Basic Statistics Training Course - Marmara University Faculty of Medicine 2004

5. 3D Vienna International School of 3D Ultrasonography - Vienna 2005

6. 8th Turkish-German Gynecology Congress- Colposcopy Course -Antalya 2009

7. Colposcopy Course- TJOD Istanbul Branch 2009

8. Health Law Certificate Program - Istanbul 2010

9. Expert Witness Training Program in Cases Arising from Medical Interventions - Istanbul 2014

10. Ovulation Induction Course- 4th Acibadem Days- Istanbul 2016

11. Emergency Obstetric Care Clinician Training - Ministry of Health - 2019

12. Aesthetic Genital Surgery Fellowship - The British Academy of CME- 2023

13. International Cosmetic and Functional Gynecology- ISAGSS- 2023

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Zulfu Sertkaya
16 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul
Andro Expertise Men's Health and Aesthetics

Zulfu Sertkaya

16 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dr. Sertkaya graduated from Konya Meram Science High School in 2001 and entered Gazi University Medical Faculty the same year, graduating in 2008. He completed his urology specialization at Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital in 2014, becoming a urology specialist.

Since becoming a specialist, he has focused on the sub-branch of Andrology, attending various training sessions and conferences and performing surgeries with some of the world's leading Andrology professors. In 2017, he passed the written and oral proficiency exams conducted by the European Association of Urology, earning the title of "FEBU."

In 2020, Dr. Sertkaya achieved the rank of Associate Professor of Urology. His journey in Urology and Andrology, which began in 2008, continues at the Andro Expertise Male Health and Aesthetics Center, which he founded in 2022. He sees patients in his own clinic and performs surgeries at affiliated hospitals.

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Murat Naki
Gynäkologischer Onkologe/-in
24 Jahre der Erfahrung
1 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Medipol Acibadem Bezirkskrankenhaus

Murat Naki

Gynäkologischer Onkologe/-in
24 Jahre der Erfahrung


1991 Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine. 


  • 2000 – 2004, S. B. Göztepe Training and Research Hospital / Research Assistant
  • 2005 – 2009, S. B. Göztepe Training and Research Hospital / Chief Resident
  • 2006, Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine Department of Gynecologic Oncology / Clinical Observer and Researcher
  • 2007 – 2008, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center New York, USA / Clinical Observer and Researcher
  • 2009 – 2010, Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital / Chief Resident
  • 2010 – 2013, Bağcılar Training and Research Hospital / Education and Administrative Responsible
  • 2011, Bağcılar Training and Research Hospital / Subspecialty Training in Gynecologic Oncology Surgery
  • 2013 – 2014, Bahçeşehir University Faculty of Medicine / Associate Professor
  • 2014 – 2016, Medipol University Faculty of Medicine / Associate Professor
  • 2016 – 2018, Acıbadem University Faculty of Medicine / Associate Professor
  • 2018 – 2020, Acıbadem University Faculty of Medicine / Professor
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Ireri Asteinza
33 Jahre der Erfahrung

Ireri Asteinza

33 Jahre der Erfahrung
Mexiko, Mexiko Stadt
Senol Erguney
36 Jahre der Erfahrung
2 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Büyük Anadolu Krankenhäuser

Senol Erguney

36 Jahre der Erfahrung



Kidney and urinary tract endoscopic stone crushing treatment

Endoscopic Prostate and Bladder Surgery (TUR Method)

Diagnosis and surgery of testicular diseases

Diagnosis and treatment of infertility in men (Varicocele surgeries)

Diagnosis and treatment of sexual dysfunctions

Treatment of urinary incontinence in women

Treatment of nocturnal incontinence in children

Treatment of undescended testicle in children





1995-1999 Bilecik State Hospital Urology Clinic

1999-2002 Kocaeli Gölcük State Hospital Urology Clinic

2002-2006 Sakarya Karasu State Hospital Urology Clinic and Chief Physician

2006-2012 Kocaeli State Hospital Urology Clinic and Chief Physician

2012-2015 Kocaeli State Hospital Urology Clinic

2015-2018 Kocaeli Public Hospitals Secretary General

2018-2021 Kocaeli Provincial Health Director

2021-2023 Kocaeli Darıca Farabi Training and Research Hospital Urology Clinic

2023- 2024 Kocaeli Gölcük Necati Çelik State Hospital Urology Clinic

2024 Private Darıca Büyük Anadolu Hospital




Uludag University Faculty of Medicine (graduation) 1988

Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine (specialization) 1994

1982-1988 Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine

1990 -1994 Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Urology (Specialization)


Scientific Publications


Acar A., Sert I. Ü., Gürbüz R., Ergüney Ş: Submucosal methotrexate applications in inoperable bladder tumors.  S.Ü.T.F. Journal. 1993; 9(1):39-41

Acar A., Sert İ.Ü., Gürbüz R., Arslan E.M., Ergüney Ş. , : Bladder wall and prostate


Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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Murat Sari
Klinischer Onkologe/-in
8 Jahre der Erfahrung
1 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Medipol Acibadem Bezirkskrankenhaus

Murat Sari

Klinischer Onkologe/-in
8 Jahre der Erfahrung

Education and Career

2011 – 2015, (Internal Medicine Specialist) Istanbul University Istanbul School of Education and Career

Medicine Department of Internal Medicine

2015 – 2016, (Internal Medicine) Specialist Istanbul Haydarpasa Numune Training and Research Hospital

2016 – 2019, (Medical Oncology) Istanbul University Istanbul School of Medicine Department of Medical Oncology

2019 – 2021, (Medical Oncology Specialist) - Istanbul Haydarpasa Numune Training and Research Hospital

2021 – 2024, (Associate Professor) Marmara University School of Medicine Department of Medical Oncology

Memberships in Scientific Organizations






In the field of oncology, he has published over 30 peer-reviewed articles at both international and national levels.

Awards Received

EAACI The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2019 Best Poster Award

"The top 3rd verbal presentation, IGICC (11th International Gastrointestinal Cancers Conference – IGICC2021)"

Speeches Delivered at National Congresses, Conferences, and Symposia:


Courses, Meetings, and Certificates

ESMO certified Medical Oncologist since 2019

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Selcuk Silay
13 Jahre der Erfahrung
1 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Medipol Acibadem Bezirkskrankenhaus

Selcuk Silay

13 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dr. Sılay is an experienced pediatric urologist practicing in Turkey.


Assoc. Prof. Selçuk Sılay specializes in robotic surgery for urology conditions in children.

Dr. Selçuk Sılay has provided over:

  • 300 pediatric laparoscopic surgeries
  • 100 pediatric robotic surgeries
  • 300 closed kidney stone surgeries in children.

Work experience

  • Since 2018 – Urologist in Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital and Memorial Ataşehir Hospital
  • 2017-2018 – Pediatric urology robotic surgery specialist in Mehmet Akif Ersoy Training and Research Hospital
  • 2016-2018 – Head of Pediatric Urology Department in Istanbul Medeniyet University Göztepe Training and Research Hospital
  • 2011-2016 – Head of Pediatric Urology Department at the Bezmialem Foundation University
  • 2009 – Urology Specialist in Diyarbakir Bismil State Hospital
  • 2006-2007 – Urology and Robotic Surgery Specialist.


  • 1997-2003 – Ankara University Medical School – Degree in general medicine
  • 2003 – Baylor College of Medicine (USA) – Training in urology
  • 2004-2009 – Istanbul Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Education And Research Hospital – Training in urology
  • 2006-2007 – Baylor College of Medicine (USA) – Internship in urology
  • 2014-2015 – Texas Children's Hospital (USA) – Pediatric Urology Robotic Surgery Training (USA).


  • 2016 Young Academician of the Year Award by the 24th National Urology Congress in Cyprus
  • 2018 Crystal Matula Award as European Academician of the Year.

Scientific activity

Prof. Selçuk Sılay provides research in robotic surgery in children. Has written over 80 articles.

Membership in organizations

  • The Turkish Society of Pediatric Urology
  • The European Association of Urology
  • The European Society for Paediatric Urology
  • The Turkish Association of Urology.
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Auala Hubert
34 Jahre der Erfahrung
12 Rezensionen
Israel, Jerusalem
Hadassah Medical Center

Auala Hubert

34 Jahre der Erfahrung


Israel Cancer Association

Dr. Auala Hubert ist ein vom Vorstand zertifizierter medizinischer Onkologe und Strahlentherapeut mit 33 Jahren Erfahrung und spricht sowohl Englisch als auch Hebräisch. Sie ist Mitglied mehrerer medizinischer und sozialer Dienstausschüsse und hat Qualifikationen in Onkologie und Strahlentherapie.

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Savas Ceylan
30 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul
VM Medical Park Pendik Hospital

Savas Ceylan

30 Jahre der Erfahrung

Education and Specialization:

  • Medical Degree: Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine (1981)
  • Specialization in Neurosurgery: Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine, Neurosurgery Department

Professional Experience:

  • 1994-1998: Associate Professor and Head of the Neurosurgery Department, Kocaeli University
  • 1998-Present: Professor and Head of the Neurosurgery Department, Kocaeli University
  • Current Position: Neurosurgeon at VM Medical Park Pendik Hospital

International Experience:

  • 1993: Observer at The Midland Centre for Neurosurgery and Neurology, Birmingham, UK
  • Trained in syringomyelia and stereotactic neurosurgery under Bernard Williams, M.D., and Edward R. Hitchcock, M.D.

Clinical Experience:

  • Performed over 5629 endoscopic surgeries including:
    • 4384 Pituitary Adenomas
    • 209 Rathke's Cleft Cysts
    • 152 Craniopharyngiomas
    • 121 Chordomas/Chondrosarcomas
    • 98 Tuberculum Sellae Meningiomas and other pathologies in the sellar region

Research and Publications: Prof. Dr. Savaş Ceylan has numerous publications in internationally recognized journals, covering a wide range of neurosurgical topics. His research includes pioneering work in endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary tumors and other sellar region pathologies.

Professional Memberships:

  • American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS)
  • Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS)
  • Academia Eurasiana Neurochirurgica
  • International Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (IFNE)
  • World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) Skull Base Committee
  • Turkish Neurosurgery Association
  • Turkish Society of Nervous System Surgery


  • 2016 Turkish Neurosurgery Association Service Award
  • Scientific Publication Awards from Kocaeli University
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Harika Bodur
19 Jahre der Erfahrung
1 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Medipol Acibadem Bezirkskrankenhaus

Harika Bodur

19 Jahre der Erfahrung


  • 1994 – 2000, Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine
  • 2000 – 2005, Kocaeli University Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Specialization


  • 2005 – 2006, Kocaeli University, Faculty of Medicine
  • 2006 – 2017, Acibadem Kadıköy Hospital
  • 2017 – 2024, Acıbadem Altunizade Hospital


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Nan-hee Jung
15 Jahre der Erfahrung
Republik Korea, Seoul
Trinity-Klinik für Frauengesundheit

Nan-hee Jung

15 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dr. NanHee Jung is a board-certified gynaecologist with Ph.D. degree who graduated from Korea University College of Medicine. She is currently the Director of leading cosmetic gynaecology clinic - Trinity Women’s Clinic in Seoul, South Korea. She also serves as a Clinical Assistant Professor at Dept of Ob & Gyn, Kyung Hee University Medical Centre. Dr Jung has vast exposure with international training background including fellowship at the Center for Reproductive Biology in Uppsala University in Sweden. She is a member of The Korean Society of Gynecologic Oncology and Colposcopy, The Korean Society of Gynecologic Endoscopy & The Korean Society of Obstetrics & Gynecology. She had over 15 years of experience treating female rejuvenation with various industry leading technologies & techniques.

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