Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie
Diagnostik | |
Rücksprache Gynäkologen | $76.2 - $108.86 |
Behandlung | |
Geburt | $4520.09 |
Kaiserschnitt | $4727.91 |
Medicover Clinic is a multidisciplinary hospital in Warsaw. It belongs to the network of 157 medical centers in 14 countries of the world. Medicover is the largest private clinic in Eastern Europe.
Doctors of the Medicover Hospital specialize in cardiosurgery, neurosurgery, oncology, orthopedics, gynecology, and plastic surgery.
Over 500,000 patients undergo treatment at Medicover annually.
Medicover Hospital offers comprehensive medical services to patients. It has ISO 9001:2008 certification and Ministry of Health accreditation. Medicover has 7 specializes department and 7 diagnostic centers. The medical institution is opened 24/7 hours.
Diagnostik | |
Rücksprache Gynäkologen | $76.2 - $108.86 |
Behandlung | |
Geburt | $4520.09 |
Kaiserschnitt | $4727.91 |
Diagnostik | |
Rücksprache mit einem Orthopäden | $97.97 |
Behandlung | |
Hüftersatz | Preis auf Anfrage |
Stammzelltherapie bei Arthritis | $3117.3 |
Arthroplastik des Knies | $2612.53 |
Diagnostik | |
Rücksprache mit einem Urologen | $76.2 - $108.86 |
Behandlung | |
Blasenentfernung | $653.13 |
Nephrektomie | $1523.98 |
Behandlung | |
Karotisendarteriektomie | $3374.52 - $6095.9 |
Behandlung | |
Chirurgie des Aortenaneurysmas | $3374.52 - $6095.9 |
Koronararterien-Bypass-Operation | $12899.36 |
Koronare Stents | $3374.52 |
Herzschrittmacher einbauen | $1741.69 |
Chirurgie des interventrikulären Septumdefekts | $14042.34 |
Behandlung | |
Magenkrebs-Operation | $3047.95 |
Mastektomie | $1741.69 |
Diagnostik | |
Gastroskopie mit Biopsie | $315.68 |
Rücksprache mit einem Ernährungsberater | $76.2 - $108.86 |
Konsultation mit einem Proktologen | $76.2 - $108.86 |
Behandlung | |
Resektion der Gallenblase | $1523.98 |
Behandlung | |
Koronare Angioplastie | $2177.11 |
Chirurgie des Vorhofseptumdefekts | $12900 |
Diagnostik | |
Rücksprache mit einem Chirurgen | $76.2 - $108.86 |
Behandlung | |
Brustkrebsoperation | Preis auf Anfrage |
Hysterektomie (Entfernung der Gebärmutter) | $2612.53 |
Behandlung | |
Kyphoplastie | $4354.22 - $7075.6 |
Wirbelplastik | $4354.22 - $7075.6 |
Diagnostik | |
Rücksprache mit einem Neurologen | $76.2 - $108.86 |
Rücksprache mit einem Neurochirurgen | $76.2 - $108.86 |
Behandlung | |
Entfernung von Hirntumoren | $20029.39 |
Behandlung | |
Sleeve-Gastrektomie | $7086.49 |
Magenbypass | $7086.49 |
Diagnostik | |
Rücksprache mit einem Kinderarzt | $76.2 - $108.86 |
Behandlung | |
Stammzellen Therapie | $3117.3 |
Diagnostik | |
CT-Scan des Körperteils | $130.63 |
Konsultation mit einem Hämatologen | $76.2 - $108.86 |
Diagnostik | |
EKG | $26.13 - $54.43 |
Rücksprache mit einem Herzchirurgen | $76.2 - $108.86 |
Diagnostik | |
Bronchoskopie + Biopsie | $250.37 - $468.08 |
Zystoskopie | $326.57 |
Rücksprache mit einem Anästhesisten | $76.2 - $108.86 |
Rücksprache mit einem Gefäßchirurgen | $76.2 - $108.86 |
Diagnostik | |
OCT (Optische Kohärenztomographie) | $103.41 |
Diagnostik | |
Hornhautpachymetrie | $19.59 |
Elektroretinographie | $108.86 |
Diagnostik | |
Konsultation mit einem Dermatologen | $76.2 - $108.86 |
Diagnostik | |
Konsultation mit einem HNO-Arzt | $76.2 - $108.86 |
Medicover Hospital in Poland was established in 1994. It is located on the outskirts of Warsaw, 10 kilometers from the airport.
Medicover includes 8 departments and 2 specialized centers — for consulting and diagnostics.
This certificate confirms the quality of medical services. Patients do not wait in the queues; they know their doctors, and treatment process.
Medicover Clinic follows strict standards of information security. Only practicing physicians have access to the patient information.
Doctors treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, abdominal organs, skin, and joints. Laparoscopy and endoscopy are conducted here. Those are minimally invasive operations conducted through small incisions or natural openings.
A doctor performs endoscopic procedures using a tube with a camera on its end. Depending on the affected organ, the tube is injected through the mouth or anus. That way, the procedure is performed without punctures and does not require general anesthesia.
Laparoscopic interventions are performed by surgeons for the treatment of abdominal organs. A physician makes several punctures in the abdomen through which an optical device and surgical instruments are inserted. In this way, Medicover doctors remove appendicitis, umbilical hernia, gallbladder, and GI tract tumors. Patient recovery after laparoscopy is fast, no extensive scars remain.
Doctors of the Department specialize in the surgical removal of malignant tumors. Oncological diseases are diagnosed with the help of ultrasound, computed tomography, and biopsy (sampling for tissue analysis).
Oncosurgeons operate through small incisions. This shortens a rehabilitation period; a patient does not have extensive scarring.
Treatment of patients with excess weight is carried out by a bariatric surgeon, a nutritionist, a psychologist, and a rehabilitologist.
To reduce weight, doctors of the Department perform:
The Cardiac Surgery at Medicover is the leading Department for the treatment of pulmonary embolism and pulmonary hypertension in Poland. Doctors of the Department perform:
Doctors of the Department specialize in the surgical treatment of injuries, hernias, and tumors of the spine.
Medicover neurosurgeons operate applying the technique of minimally invasive spinal surgery (MISS). MISS is an intervention through one or more small incisions. The advantages of the method are:
Doctors of the Department treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system and carry out rehabilitation of patients after operations and sports injuries.
Such procedures are performed:
Doctors of the Medicover Clinic use the newest treatment methods, such as:
A doctor takes the patient's blood and receives the serum in the laboratory. Then it is injected into the body to stop the inflammatory processes and stimulate the regeneration of tissues.
Orthokin therapy is used to treat osteoarthritis, chronic muscle pain.
A patient is given a blood plasma with hyaluronic acid. Substances accelerate healing, reduce pain, and prevent degeneration of the joint.
Doctors produce stem cells from the fat tissue of a patient, inject them into the affected joint. As a result of therapy, the cells of the body are restored.
Doctors conduct a procedure for the treatment of osteoarthritis, restoration of bone and cartilaginous tissues.
Doctors of the Medicover Clinic Department specialize in the treatment of patients with endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, malignant tumors, and infertility.
To diagnose the pathology, doctors use ultrasound with color Doppler, CT, and MRI. These techniques allow diagnosing diseases at the early stage.
Surgery is performed by doctors using laparoscopy or hysteroscopy. Laparoscopic interventions are performed by surgeons through 3-4 punctures in the peritoneum. Hysteroscopic procedure is an operation through the vagina without incisions. After this procedure, a patient is restored 2-3 times faster than after the open surgery.
Patients stay in a single, double or a two-room apartment. The rooms are equipped with adjustable beds, air conditioning, and TV. All rooms have free Wi-Fi. A patient can order an individual menu.
The Medicover Clinic allows staying with the family and children. Their accommodation is paid separately.