Türkei, Istanbul

CT-Scan des ganzen Körpers in Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital

2 Bewertungen
1 Krankenhaus Akkredititationen der Qualität

Über Klinik


Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital is a private multi-specialty medical center located in Istanbul, Turkey. The team is dedicated to cardiology, oncology, heart surgery and surgery. Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital, part of the esteemed Medipol Health Group, is a leader in healthcare with 441 beds and JCI accreditation. Our focus on advanced technologies, such as TrueBeam STx and Halcyon in Radiation Oncology, sets us apart. Renowned for comprehensive cancer care, integrating PET-CT and SPECT-CT imaging, we prioritize patient comfort with modern maternity units. Positioned in Istanbul's Bahçelievler district, we cater to global patients, contributing to health tourism. Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital serves both adults and children. 600000 patients choose Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital to get medical care every year. Patients from Europe & Commonwealth, Arab League States, and Russian-Speaking Countries visit the clinic most often.


Behandlungspreise in der Klinik

Letzte Preisaktualisierung — 29.04.2024, Preise können je nach medizinischem Fall und Arztempfehlungen geändert werden.
Magenkrebs-Operation $10000 - $12000
Transnasale Resektion des Tumors $10000 - $15000
Laparoskopische Prostatektomie $6000
Lungensegmentektomie $12000 - $15000
Strahlentherapie bei Kehlkopfkrebs $4000 - $6000
Schulterersatz $8500 - $11000
Konservative Behandlung der Skoliose $4000 - $6000
Hallux-valgus-Operation $3500
Osteotomie $4000 - $60000
Plastische Chirurgie
Bauchdeckenstraffung $4500
die Turbinoplastik $2500 - $3500
Unrasierte Haartransplantation $1600
Haartransplantation $1400
die Revisionsoperation bei Gynäkomastie $4000
Carotis-Angioplastie und Stenting $9000
Endovenöse Radiofrequenzablation (EVRF) $1800 - $2500
Transluminale arterielle Angioplastie (PTA) und Stenting $2500 - $4500
Aneurysma-Wicklung $10000 - $20000
Radiofrequenz-Ablation $2000 - $3000
Herzklappenersatz $10000 - $15000
Chirurgie des Aortenaneurysmas $12000 - $15000
Koronararterien-Bypass-Operation $8000 - $12000
Koronare Stents $1500 - $2500
Operation am offenen Herzen $8000 - $12000
Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde/Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde (HNO)
Nasenpolypenoperation $2000
Reparatur von Lippen- oder Gaumenspalten $2500
Septumplastik $2000
Ästhetische Medizin und Kosmetologie
Vaginale Laseraufhellung $1000
Entfernung von Muttermalen $1500 - $2500
Botox-Falten $250 - $350
die Entfernung atypischer Muttermale $2500 - $3000
Botox für Männer $250 - $350
Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie
FUS-Ablation von Uterusmyomen $4000 - $5000
Trachelektomie (Zervicektomie) $2500 - $3500
Die Operation Wertheim-Meigs $13000 - $16000
Myomektomie (Entfernung von Uterusmyomen) $4000 - $5000
Сervix Konisation $1250
Resektion der Gallenblase $5500 - $7500
Magenresektion $10000 - $12000
Blinddarmoperation $3000 - $3500
Сholezystektomie $3500 - $4000
Resektion des Dünndarms $8000 - $12000
Chirurgie zur Gewichtsabnahme
Sleeve-Gastrektomie $3900
Postbariatrische plastische Chirurgie $7000
der Roux-en-Y-Magenbypass $5000 - $6000
Magenballon $1500 - $3500
Magenbypass $4500 - $5000
Wirbelplastik $9000 - $13000
Chirurgische Behandlung der Skoliose $18000 - $25000
Bandscheibenvorfall-Operation $3500 - $5000
Laminektomie $3500 - $5000
Entfernung eines Bandscheibenvorfalls mit präoperativer Diagnostik $3500 - $5000
Stereotaktische Operationen $5000 - $9000
Medikamentöse Behandlung von Epilepsie $1000 - $1500
Mohs-Mikrochirurgie $1500
Kolektomie (Dickdarmresektion) $12000 - $15000
Leberresektion $12000 - $15000
Resektion eines Glioms $12000 - $18000
Whipple-Operation $18000 - $25000
Pädiatrische Neurochirurgie
Operation des Hypophysentumors $10000 - $15000
Kraniotomie $10000 - $15000
Strahlentherapie bei Hirntumoren $4000 - $6000
Chirurgische Entfernung der Gehirnzyste $12000 - $15000
Entfernung von Hirntumoren $12000 - $17000
Flexible Ureterorenoskopie (URS) $2000 - $4000
Prostatektomie $4000 - $5000
Blasenentfernung $8000 - $12000
die Hydrocelektomie $1700 - $2250
Varikozelektomie $2000 - $2500
Hämorrhoidektomie $2500
Rektale Resektion $8000 - $10000
Kataraktoperation mit IOL-Ersatz $1200 - $1600
Trabekulotomie $4000 - $6000
Kataraktoperation (ein Auge) $1200 - $1600
Kataraktchirurgie mit Multifokallinsenimplantat $2000 - $2500
Strabismus-Operation $2500 - $3000
Diskektomie $3000 - $4000
Reparatur von Hirnaneurysmen $15000 - $19000
Anteriore zervikale Diskektomie und Fusion $5000 - $6000
Medikamentöse Behandlung von Multipler Sklerose $6000 - $12000
Zungenkrebsoperation $12000 - $16000
Nephrektomie $8000 - $12000
Dialyse $200
Platzierung des Cochlea-Implantats $19000 - $29000
Stammzellen Therapie $4500 - $5500
Nabelschnurblutbehandlung $7000 - $9000
Krampfadern-Stripping $2000
Sklerotherapie von Krampfadern $1500
Pädiatrische Onkologie
Strahlentherapie $3000 - $6000
Knochenresektion $8000 - $12000
Strahlentherapie bei Sarkomen $4000 - $6000
Ventrikelseptumdefekt-Chirurgie $8000 - $12000
Valvuloplastik (Herzklappenplastik) $8000 - $12000
Plastische Chirurgie für Herzklappe $12000 - $14000
Wohlbefinden und Langlebigkeit
Stammzellverjüngungstherapie $2000 - $5000
Weite Exzision $2500 - $3500
Lungenkrebsoperation $15000 - $20000
Psychotherapie $250
Thyreoidektomie $4000 - $5500
Radiojodtherapie $5000 - $7000
Hämatologie Onkologie
Chemotherapie Preis auf Anfrage
CT-Scan des ganzen Körpers $700


Krankenhaus Akkredititationen der Qualität

Joint Commission International
US, Joint Commission International Zertifikat für Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital eine medizinische Einrichtung Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital

Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital: Weitere Details über klinik

Türkei, Istanbul

Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital, which started its services in May 2022, has a capacity of 441 beds and is the second-largest hospital within the Medipol Health Group. Equipped with the most advanced technologies, our hospital has incorporated nationally and internationally renowned physicians and embraces the principle that there is no end to progress. With a total closed area of 60,000 square meters, the hospital has 15 floors, including the ground floor, and currently employs 700 staff members.

Our hospital offers services in all specialties through 137 outpatient clinic rooms. There are 14 operating rooms, each equipped with the technological infrastructure to perform all surgeries. In addition to the main branches such as pediatrics and internal medicine, our hospital provides services in the sub-branches of these fields, including nephrology, hematology, gastroenterology, endocrinology, neurology, rheumatology, infection, allergy-immunology, with an academic-level doctor staff.

Providing uninterrupted service for all prominent branches and the emergency department 24/7, the hospital offers after-hours outpatient clinics and operation services in surgical branches such as orthopedics, ophthalmology, and ear, nose, and throat. In Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital, advanced cardiovascular surgery, invasive cardiological procedures, interventional radiology, and medical and radiation oncology units are also available, besides general hospital services. The hospital, where maternity and surgery services are commonly provided, has a neonatal intensive care unit with a capacity of 52 incubators. Additionally, adult and pediatric intensive care units and a cardiovascular surgery intensive care unit provide services at a 3-tier level.

Located in the Bahçelievler district of our beautiful Istanbul, the hospital has completed its preparations to serve international patients and contribute to health tourism. The hospital earned the JCI Accreditation in June 2023 with sufficient translator and staff support.


Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital provides 24/7 healthcare services with its preventive and therapeutic approaches, pioneering practices in health, multidisciplinary perspective, technological infrastructure, advanced diagnostic and treatment methods at world standards, and experienced expert staff.

MEDICAL EQUIPMENT Fully Equipped Superior Infrastructure According to International Standards

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI);
  • Computed Tomography (CT);
  • Doppler Ultrasonography;
  • 4D Ultrasonography;
  • Bone Densitometry;
  • Mammography;
  • Exercise Test;
  • Blood Pressure, Echocardiography (EKO), Electrocardiography (EKG), Holter Application;
  • Electroencephalography (EEG);
  • Angiography Units;
  • Sleep Test;
  • Hearing Test;
  • Respiratory Function Test;
  • EEG;
  • EMG;
  • Orbscan;
  • Topography;
  • Pachymetry;
  • C-Arm Scopy;
  • Bone Densitometer;
  • Fluoroscopy;
  • Eye Angiography;
  • Eye Ultrasonography;
  • YAG Laser;
  • Argon Laser;
  • IOL Master;
  • Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT);
  • Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography (PET CT);
  • Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT CT);
  • Linear Accelerator (LINAC);
  • Iodine Room;
  • Visual Field;
  • Audiometry Room;
  • Medical Oncology Clinics and Chemotherapy Units.

EMERGENCY SERVICES Designed for prompt intervention in sudden onset and life-threatening emergencies, the Emergency Services department, which includes intensive care units, is staffed by an experienced team of experts. Equipped with state-of-the-art CPR, observation, and intervention rooms, as well as smart technological imaging capabilities, the 24/7 ready ambulance team provides services in all emergency interventions.

OPERATING ROOMS With advanced medical equipment, high-quality sterilization, and compliance with infection control conditions, 14 operating rooms in ideal conditions ensure patient and staff safety. Endoscopic, arthroscopic, laparoscopic, and hysteroscopic operations are successfully performed by a strong and expert healthcare team in operating rooms equipped with the latest technology.


  • General Intensive Care; 
  • Coronary Intensive Care; 
  • Cardiovascular Intensive Care (KVC); 
  • Neonatal Intensive Care;
  • Pediatric Intensive Care.

Equipped with advanced technological infrastructure, an experienced expert staff, and a multidisciplinary approach, the Intensive Care Units provide continuous, 24-hour vital support.


The Radiology Unit, staffed by experienced experts performing interventional procedures for diagnosis and treatment, provides higher resolution, high-quality, and rapid imaging with its advanced technology. It offers 24/7 service for all types of radiology procedures, both with and without contrast.

  • 3 Tesla MRI;
  • 1.5 Tesla MRI;
  • Computed Tomography (CT);
  • Doppler Ultrasonography;
  • 4D Ultrasonography;
  • X-ray;
  • Bone Densitometry;
  • Digital Mammography;
  • Fluoroscopy;
  • Bone Densitometer;
  • C-Arm Scopy;
  • Mammography.

Nutrition and Diet Unit at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Weight control;
  • Nutritional therapy for diseases;
  • Nutrition during pregnancy;
  • Child nutrition;
  • Athlete nutrition;
  • Clinical nutrition.

Brain and Nervous System Surgery Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Hydrocephalus Shunt and Third Ventriculostomy;
  • Spinal tumors;
  • Spinal fractures;
  • Congenital anomalies of the nervous system;
  • Microsurgery for neck and lumbar hernias;
  • Brain tumor with neuro-monitoring and navigation;
  • Brain hemorrhage surgeries;
  • Spinal misalignments;
  • Aneurysm.

Pediatric Surgery Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Congenital surgical diseases in newborns;
  • Surgical diseases of the urogenital system in infants and children;
  • Inguinal and umbilical hernias;
  • Tumor surgery;
  • Circumcision.

Pediatric Infectious Diseases Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Upper respiratory tract infections;
  • Lower respiratory tract infections;
  • Otitis media;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Skin and soft tissue infections;
  • Febrile and rash diseases;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Immunization (Vaccination).

Pediatric Immunology and Allergy Diseases Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Asthma;
  • Urticaria;
  • Food Allergy;
  • Allergic Rhinitis;
  • Eczema;
  • Anaphylaxis (Allergic Shock);
  • Insect Allergies;
  • Immune system deficiencies.

Pediatric Cardiology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Congenital heart diseases;
  • Rheumatic valve diseases;
  • Rhythm disorders in children;
  • Chest pains in children;
  • Fetal echocardiography;
  • Cardiac health examination for young athletes.

Pediatric Nephrology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Urinary tract infections;
  • Kidney stones in children;
  • Voiding disorders;
  • Nocturnal enuresis;
  • Hypertension in children;
  • Cystic kidney diseases;
  • Edema.

Pediatric Neurology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Cerebral palsy;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Vertigo;
  • Headaches;
  • Syncope (Fainting);
  • Sleep disorders;
  • High-risk infants (Premature, difficult delivery, etc., follow-up);
  • Developmental and speech delay;
  • Congenital metabolic and genetic disorders affecting the nervous system;
  • Autism spectrum disorder.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Autism spectrum disorder;
  • School refusal;
  • Specific learning difficulties (Dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia);
  • Enuresis (Bedwetting);
  • Speech delay;
  • Mood disorders (Depressive disorder, bipolar disorder);
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD);
  • Psychotic disorders.

Dermatology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Hair diseases;
  • Facial rejuvenation;
  • Allergic skin diseases;
  • Fungal diseases;
  • Viral diseases, warts on genitals and body;
  • Corn treatment;
  • Psoriasis.

Endocrinology and Metabolism Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Acromegaly-Cushing's disease;
  • Pituitary gland diseases;
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • Adrenal insufficiency and adrenal gland diseases;
  • Reproductive hormone deficiency in men and women;
  • Goiter and thyroid gland diseases;
  • Types and treatment of diabetes mellitus;
  • Hyperlipidemia treatment;
  • Insulin resistance and treatment;
  • Causes and treatment of obesity;
  • Osteoporosis treatment;
  • Parathyroid gland disease treatment.

Adult Intensive Care Unit at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Organ support systems;
  • Mechanical ventilation methods and applications (Artificial respiration);
  • Renal replacement therapies;
  • Heart and lung support systems (ECMO, etc.);
  • Liver support systems;
  • Blood purification and filtration applications (Plasmapheresis and sepsis filter);
  • Intravenous catheter applications;
  • Intensive care support for patients in all specialties;
  • Comprehensive critical patient care;
  • Wound care and rehabilitation;
  • Necessary applications to prevent wound opening;
  • "Physiotherapy Applications" aiming at post-intensive care rehabilitation;
  • "Dietitian Support" in the nutrition program of all patients;
  • "Respiratory Therapist Support" in all types of artificial respiration applications.

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • PRP and joint injections;
  • Treatment of herniated discs in the neck, back, and lumbar region;
  • Knee and shoulder pain;
  • Soft tissue rheumatism;
  • Nerve compression;
  • Back pain, neck pain;
  • Knee, hip, and joint pain;
  • Osteoarthritis;
  • Muscle pain;
  • Fibromyalgia treatment;
  • Ozon therapy;
  • Cupping therapy (Hijama);
  • Manual therapy;
  • Dry needling.

Gastroenterology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Endoscopy-Colonoscopy;
  • Gastric balloon;
  • Advanced endoscopic procedures such as ERCP, EMR, ESD;
  • Diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, and bile ducts;
  • Celiac disease;
  • Liver cirrhosis;
  • Ulcerative colitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • Gastric ulcer - reflux.

General Surgery Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation;
  • Breast Cancer Surgery;
  • Thyroid Surgery;
  • Proctology (Anal Region Diseases);
  • Pelvic Floor Surgery;
  • Colorectal Surgery;
  • Digestive System Oncological Surgery.

Thoracic Surgery Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Lung Cancer;
  • Pleural Mesothelioma (Lung Membrane Cancer);
  • Surgical treatment of lung hydatid cyst;
  • Tracheal Narrowing;
  • Thoracic (Chest Cage) Traumas (Fractures, bleeding, or organ injuries caused by stabbing, shooting, traffic accidents, or falls);
  • Emphysema Surgery;
  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Accumulation of Fluid in the Lungs;
  • Treatment of Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating in the Armpits and Hands);
  • Inflammation of the Pleura;
  • Rupture of the Pleura;
  • Herniation of Organs Adjacent to the Diaphragm;
  • Congenital Deformities of the Chest (Sunken and Protruding Chest Cage).

Pulmonology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Asthma;
  • COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease);
  • Shortness of Breath;
  • Chronic Cough;
  • Allergic Diseases;
  • Respiratory Tract Infections.

Ophthalmology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Premature Retinopathy;
  • Childhood Eye Diseases and Strabismus;
  • Drooping of the Eyelid and Periocular Disorders;
  • Near and Far Vision Problems.

Internal Medicine Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes);
  • Hypertension;
  • Gastritis;
  • Intestinal Diseases;
  • Anemia;
  • Liver Diseases;
  • Thyroid Diseases (Goiter, etc.);
  • Upper and Lower Respiratory Tract Diseases.

Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Colposcopy;
  • HPV Treatment;
  • Treatment of Uterine Prolapse;
  • Treatment of Gynecological Cancers;
  • Treatment of Precancerous Lesions;
  • Urinary Incontinence Issues;
  • Pregnancy Monitoring and Delivery;
  • Monitoring High-Risk Pregnancies;
  • Laparoscopy Hysteroscopy;
  • Genital Aesthetic Applications;
  • Genital Laser Applications;
  • Infertility Treatment for Child Desire.

Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital offers modern, fully equipped maternity units that adhere to international standards. A dedicated team of expert doctors, nurses, and midwives provides 24/7 services. The maternity units are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including birthing and pain rooms, Doppler and cardiotocography, and ultrasound technologies. The experienced team successfully performs painless childbirth (such as epidural anesthesia), cesarean sections, and all other surgeries.


NST (Non-Stress Test) is a simple and practical application to obtain information about the baby in the womb. It provides detailed information about whether labor has started and the condition of the baby in the amniotic sac. NST, which has become an indispensable method for monitoring the health of both the mother and the baby during pregnancy, is carried out in specially designed comfortable rooms for expectant mothers.


Creating a comfortable and stress-free environment is crucial for expectant mothers. LDRP (Labor Delivery Recovery Postpartum) is a unit specially designed for expectant mothers, allowing labor pains, childbirth, and the postpartum recovery process to occur in the same room.

In LDRP rooms, childbirth takes place with the support of a dedicated doctor, nurse, and midwife. LDRP rooms, where the mother and baby stay in the same place after childbirth, make the entire process as comfortable, relaxed, and seamless as possible. The first examination of the newborn is conducted by a neonatal specialist in the LDRP room right next to the mother. LDRP rooms are designed to prioritize privacy, allowing expectant mothers to feel at home. These rooms, meeting international quality standards, are equipped with smart technology to fulfill all the needs of the mother and baby.


Cardiovascular Surgery at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Coronary Bypass Surgeries;
  • Subclavian Heart Valve and Bypass Surgeries;
  • Heart Valve Repair and Replacement Surgeries;
  • Stroke-Preventing Carotid Artery Surgeries.

Cardiology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Coronary Angiography, Balloon, and Stent Procedures;
  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Arrhythmias;
  • Ablation Treatment for Arrhythmias;
  • Pacemakers and Shock Devices (ICD);
  • Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI);
  • Mitral Balloon Dilation;
  • Closure of Atrial Septal Defects (ASD);
  • EVAR, TEVAR Procedures.

Ear, Nose, and Throat Diseases Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Rhinoplasty (Nose Aesthetics);
  • Ultrasonic Piezo Septorhinoplasty (without bruising);
  • Radiofrequency Reduction of Concha (Nasal Concha);
  • Endoscopic Sinus Surgery;
  • Endoscopic Septoplasty;
  • Endoscopic Concha Reduction.

Nephrology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Hypertension;
  • Diabetic Nephropathy;
  • Urinary Abnormalities;
  • Urinary Tract Infections;
  • Kidney Failure;
  • Hemodialysis/Peritoneal Dialysis Patients;
  • Kidney Transplant Patients;
  • Polycystic Kidney Diseases;
  • Glomerulonephritis;
  • Nephrotic Syndrome.

Neurology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Headaches;
  • Dizziness;
  • Migraines;
  • Imbalance;
  • Chronic Pains;
  • Stroke-Paralysis;
  • Alzheimer's Disease;
  • Parkinson's Disease;
  • Tremors, Numbness, Tingling;
  • Botox Applications;
  • Epilepsy;
  • EEG-EMG Recordings;
  • Sleep Disorders.

Nuclear Medicine Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Advanced Nuclear Treatments for Late-Stage Metastatic Neuroendocrine Tumors;
  • Radioiodine Therapy;
  • Lu-177 PSMA Therapy, Lu-177 DOTA Therapy;
  • I-131 MIBG Therapy;
  • TARE (Y-90 Microsphere Therapy);
  • F-18 FDG PET-CT;
  • Ga-68 PSMA PET-CT, Ga-68 DOTA PET-CT;
  • All Scintigraphic Imaging;
  • Thyroid Cancer Monitoring and Treatment;
  • Nuclear Treatments for Advanced Metastatic Prostate Cancer.

The Nuclear Medicine Department at Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital

It is equipped with state-of-the-art PET-CT imaging technology, crucial in diagnosing heart, neurology, and oncology diseases. This low-radiation, high-speed scanning device is successfully used to analyze, plan, and evaluate cancer diseases post-treatment. The PET-CT device completes a full-body tumor scan in just 5 minutes, providing the most detailed anatomical images in each scan. The ultra HD-PET technology surpasses traditional PET-CT scanners, offering images with 4 times higher contrast. With ultra-low-dose capabilities and super-fast imaging, the PET-CT device makes tumor scans less stressful and more comfortable for patients and their families.

SPECT-CT The Nuclear Medicine Department at Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital 

Also houses state-of-the-art SPECT-CT imaging technology. This system provides high-resolution, detailed imaging for diagnosing heart, kidney, and bone diseases, allowing for accurate evaluation of treatment options. The unique diagnostic features of the system accurately measure even minor differences, enabling the early planning of treatments. The SPECT-CT system adheres to gold standards:

  • Precise resolution with enhanced tomography clarity;
  • Minimum dose, maximum speed;
  • Practical imaging in a short time.

Obesity Surgery Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Gastric Botox;
  • Gastric Balloon;
  • Sleeve Gastrectomy;
  • Gastric Bypass.

Orthopedics and Traumatology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Hip Arthroscopy;
  • Stem Cell Therapy;
  • Sports Injuries;
  • Hip and Knee Prosthesis;
  • Meniscus Tear;
  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury;
  • Knee Osteoarthritis.

Perinatology Unit at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Detailed Ultrasonographic Examination;
  • Screening Tests;
  • Diagnostic Procedures (Amniocentesis, Cordocentesis);
  • Treatment of Fetal Diseases;
  • Management of High-Risk Pregnancies;
  • Intrauterine Surgical Interventions;
  • Management of Multiple Pregnancies.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Burns, Skin Cancers;
  • Benign Skin Tumors;
  • Wart Treatment, Jaw, and Face Fractures;
  • Scar and Burn Scars;
  • Gynecomastia;
  • Cleft Lip and Palate;
  • Hand-foot anomalies such as Extra Fingers, etc.

Podology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Medical Foot Care;
  • Diabetic Foot Care;
  • Corn Care and Treatment;
  • Ingrown Toenail Treatment;
  • Custom Orthosis Application;
  • Treatment of Corns.

Department of Radiation Oncology at Medipol Bahçelievler:

  • Image-Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) for Tracking Organ Movements During Cancer Treatment;
  • Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT);
  • Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) for Non-Surgical Treatment of Brain Tumors;
  • Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) for Non-Surgical Cancer Treatment;
  • Halcyon Radiation Therapy;
  • Devices Compatible with Artificial Intelligence for Reduced Side Effects.

Equipped with intelligent technological devices that can be integrated with artificial intelligence, radiation therapy machines such as TrueBeam STx and Halcyon provide effective, fast, and reliable treatment options for cancer patients. With the advanced technologies of TrueBeam STx and Halcyon, precise irradiation can be delivered to the treated area with complete accuracy.


  • Stereotactic radiotherapy option completed in a short period, such as 1-5 days (SRS, SBRT).
  • Speedy completion of daily sessions.
  • High-tech radiotherapy adapted to respiratory control systems.
  • Treatment guided by image guidance (IGRT) tracking organ movements.
  • High-volume arc radiotherapy option with high efficacy (VMAT).


  • Stereotactic radiotherapy option completed in a short period, such as 1-5 days (SRS, SBRT).
  • Daily sessions are completed even faster than other new technology radiotherapy devices.
  • High-tech radiotherapy adapted to surface tracking systems.
  • Treatment guided by image guidance (IGRT) tracking organ movements.
  • High-volume arc radiotherapy option with high efficacy (VMAT).
  • A treatment system that can be integrated with artificial intelligence.

The Department of Mental Health Disorders at Medipol Bahçelievler provides services in the following areas:

  • Depression;
  • Mood Disorders;
  • Psychotic Disorders;
  • Anxiety Disorders;
  • Panic Disorder;
  • Sleep Disorders;
  • Social Anxiety Disorder;
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD);
  • Sexual Dysfunction Disorders;
  • Eating Disorders;
  • Mental Health and Disorders in the Elderly.

This department offers diagnostic, therapeutic, and supportive services for these mental health issues.

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