Behandlung | |
Myomektomie (Entfernung von Uterusmyomen) | $3000 |
Hysterektomie (Entfernung der Gebärmutter) | $2000 - $3100 |
Dr. Ali GEMİCİ Clinic is a gynecology clinic located in the center of Ankara, Turkey. It specializes in providing a comprehensive range of advanced services for women's health. Dr. Ali Gemici, a physician with vast experience in obstetrics and gynecology, leads the clinic's team.
Behandlung | |
Myomektomie (Entfernung von Uterusmyomen) | $3000 |
Hysterektomie (Entfernung der Gebärmutter) | $2000 - $3100 |
Diagnostik | |
Kolposkopie | $300 |
Frauenuntersuchung | $600 |
Eierstockbiopsie | $1000 |
Behandlung | |
Trachelektomie (Zervicektomie) | $2000 |
Geburt | $2750 - $3500 |
Сervix Konisation | $750 - $1000 |
Hymenoplastik (Wiederherstellung des Jungfernhäutchens) | $500 - $1000 |
Behandlung | |
Hysterektomie mit dem DaVinci-Roboter | $5000 - $6000 |
Laparoskopische Hysterektomie | $3000 - $3200 |
Behandlung | |
Vaginale Verjüngung mit Laser | $500 - $750 |
Vaginale Laserstraffung | $500 - $750 |
Vaginale Laseraufhellung | $500 - $750 |
Behandlung | |
Labioplastik | $1000 - $1200 |
Behandlung | |
In-vitro-Fertilisation (IVF) | $3500 - $4000 |
Dr. Ali GEMİCİ Clinic provides detailed and advanced medical care across various areas:
Who is Dr. Ali Gemici?
Dr. Ali Gemici, a second-generation physician with a family tradition in medicine, completed his residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Ankara University Faculty of Medicine. Following his state service obligation as the sole obstetrician in the Emet district of Kütahya, he continued his career at prominent institutions such as Etlik Maternity Hospital in Ankara, TOBB Etu, and Güven Hospital. Presently, Dr. Gemici leads the Gynecology Medical Clinic named after him.