Dr. Tarık Akar absolvierte im Jahr 2000 die Cerrahpaşa School of Medicine der Universität Istanbul und erhielt 2004 den Titel „Internist“. Er hat 19 internationale Artikel, 6 lokale Artikel und 25 lokale und internationale Kongresspräsentationen veröffentlicht. Zu seinen medizinischen Interessengebieten gehören Achalasie, ESD, ERCP, Zenker-Divertikel und Gastroparese.
Mehr lesenArztbesuch | preis auf anfrage |
Laparoskopische Anti-Reflux (GERD)-Chirurgie | $12000 |
Abschluss: Bachelor
Bereich: Medizin
Universität: Atatürk-Universität
Jahr: 2001
Abschluss: Master
Bereich: Medizin
Universität: Atatürk-Universität
Jahr: 2001
Spezialisierung/Doktorat: Innere Medizin/Gastroenterologie
Universität: İnönü-Universität
Jahr: 2012
Außerordentliche Professur: Gastroenterologie
Universität: İnönü-Universität
Jahr: 2018
Fremdsprache: Englisch, 67,5, 2007
H-Index (WoS/Google): 8/10
Einflussfaktor: 8,1577
Wichtige Forschungsarbeiten:
„Erhöht Apocynin die Leberregeneration im Modell der partiellen Hepatektomie?“ Yılmaz Bilgiç, Burhan Hakan Kanat, Onural ÖZHAN, Azibe YILDIZ, Zeynep AKSUNGUR, Mehmet Erman ERDEMLİ, Nigar VARDI, Yusuf TÜRKÖZ, Sami AKBULUT, Adem KÖSE, Hakan PARLAKPINAR. Türkisches Journal für medizinische Wissenschaften, 2023 (53), 1-12 Q3.
Angegebener Projekttitel, Jahr:
K.3.6. „Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von Vinpocetin bei Sepsis durch Blinddarmligatur und Punktion bei Ratten“ (Leitender Forscher), 2023
Internationale Erfahrung:
Fortgeschrittene Endoskopie-Schulung, Anam Hospital, Südkorea (3 Monate, 2016)
ERCP-Aufbaukurs, Olympus Trainingscenter, Hamburg (2017)
Abschluss (MD ab)
Bachelor of Medicine, Medizinische Fakultät, Universität Chiang Mai
Diplom in Innerer Medizin, Medizinische Fakultät, Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Thailändisches Rotes Kreuz
Diplom der Inneren Medizin in Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie, Medizinische Fakultät, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University
Aktuelle Positionen
Mehr lesenDr. Jaroslav Tvaruzek ist Spezialist für Roboterchirurgie. Dr. Tvaruzek ist ein führender zertifizierter Experte von Intuitive Surgical – dem amerikanischen Hersteller der originalen Da Vinci-Roboter. Der Arzt ist Mitglied der Association of Aesthetic Medicine und der Association of Bariatric Surgery.
Dr. Tvaruzek leitet das Zentrum für Roboterchirurgie im Krankenhaus St. Zdislava (Tschechische Republik). Der Arzt hat für seine Praxis über 3.500 Roboteroperationen durchgeführt. Darunter sind:
Bariatrische metabolische Chirurgie
Onkologische Chirurgie
Mehr lesenEducation
Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine (1991)
KTÜ Faculty of Medicine Farabi Hospital (Specialization.1998)
Istanbul University Çapa Faculty of Medicine (Laparoscopic Surgery Training, 2002)
Istanbul University Çapa Faculty of Medicine (Laparoscopic Antireflux Surgery Training, 2006)
Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine (General Surgery Clinic Advance Laparoscopic Surgery, Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery, Morbid Obesity and Oncological Cancer Surgery Training, 2010i)
Mehr lesen
Medizinische Fakultät der Akdeniz-Universität
Medizinische Fakultät der Baskent-Universität. Innere Krankheiten
Medizinische Fakultät der Akdeniz-Universität, Nebenfach Gastroenterologie
Beteiligte Institutionen:
Staatliches Krankenhaus Tekirdag (Pflichtdienst)
Medizinische Fakultät der Demiroğlu-Bilim-Universität, Gastroenterologie
Medizinische Interessen:
Entzündliche Darmerkrankungen
Mehr lesenGastroenterology
Pendik Medipol University Hospital
1999 Karadeniz Technical University, Gastroenterology
1997Atatürk University, Internal Diseases Professorship
1992 Atatürk University, Internal Diseases Associated Professorship
1985 Atatürk University, Internal Diseases Specialist
1981 Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine
1- Nihat Okçu Gülçin Polat,Arif Yılmaz,Mehmet Koruk,The demographıc features of gastrıc cancers ın erzurum(Eurasian J Med 2000; 32: 63-65)
2- Üst Gastrointestinal Kanamalı Olguların Bir Değerlendirilmesi. Klinik Bilimler-Doktor.2000, - E.akarsu,N.Okçu, ve Ark.Kuzeydoğu Anadolu’da 6:4:435-438
3-N.Okçu, A.yılmaz. İ.kiki,M.D.onuk, C.gündoğdu, H.uzunismail. Tanısal Üst Gastrointestinal endoskopi Sonuçlarımız. Atatürk Üniversitesi Tıp Dergisi 1997,29 (2):486
4-N. Okçu, M.gündoğdu, M.D. onuk, İ.kiki, l.cerrahoğlu, k.yılmaz, i. çapoğlu. Nonsteroid Anti İnflamatuar İlaç (NSAİİ) Kullanan Hastalarda oluşan Gastroduodenal Lezyonların Önlenmesinde Misoprostolün Yeri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Tıp Dergisi 1997,29 (2):453-455.
5-N.Okçu, A. öz, m.d. onuk, e.akarsu, b. tekin, h.z. tonbul, h.kaya. Kronik Aktif Hepatit İle Dekopanse Karaciğer Parankim Yetmezliğinde Plazma Fibronektin Düzeyleri ve Karaciğerin Fonksiyon Durumu İle İlişkisi. Türk J. Gastroenterol 1995;27(4): 422-426.
6-N.Okçu, tahir buran,m.d. onuk,a. yılmaz, e.akarsu, g. akçay. Erzurum ve Çevresinde Duodenum Ülserli Hastalarda Helicobacter Pylori Prevelansı. Türk J. Gastroenterol 1995;27(4): 447-450.
7-N.Okçu, b.s. uyanık, e. akarsu, e. bakan, z. tonbul. Mide ve Kolorektal Kanserlerinde Karbonhidrat Antijenleri (CA-19-9, CA-125), Karsinoembriyonik Antijen (CEA) ve Alkalen Fosfatazın Önemi. Türk J. Gastroenterol 1995;6:467-471.
8-N. Okçu, m.d. onuk, e. akarsu, h. doğan, c. gündoğdu. Bölgemizdeki Hepatoselüler Karsinomlu Hastalarda Major Risk Faktörleri. Gastroenteroloji 1994;5(2):154-157
9-N.Okçu, m.d. onuk, e. akarsu, h. doğan, c.gündoğdu, tahir buran. Erzurum Bölgesinde Gastrik Karsinom Sıklığı, Endoskopik ce Histolojik Özellikler. Gastroenteroloji 1994;5(2):263-267.
10-N. Okçu, m.d. onuk, tahir buran, e. akarsu, m.a. çiftçioğlu. Erzurum İli Çevresinde Nonspesifik Gastritli Olgularda Helicobacter Pylori Sıklığı. Gastroenteroloji 1994;5(2):211-213.
11-N.Okçu, m.d. onuk, ö. ünal, e. akarsu, l. incesu, k. akgöz. Karın İçi Kitle Lezyonlarında Ultrason Rehberliğinde Yapılan İnce İğne Aspirasyon Biyopsisinin Tanı Değeri. Gastroenteroloji 1993;4(1):166-68.
12-N.O.kçu, m.d. onuk, m. polat, a. yılmaz, m. gündoğdu, m. paç. Budd-Chiari Sendromu (2 Olgu). Türk J Gastroenterhepatol 1993; 4(1):77-80.
13-N.Okçu, h. koçak, m.d. onuk, m. gündoğdu, e. bakan, a. yılmaz, a. başoğlu, a. ateş, f.a. paç. The Effect of Atrial Pressure Changes and Cardiac Nerves on Plasma Atrial Natriüretic Peptide (ANP) Levels. Vascular Surgery 1993; 27(2): 128-132
15-N.Okçu, m.d. onuk, a.yılmaz, m. gündoğdu, t. buran. Omeprozol ve Ranitidinin Peptik Ülser İyileşmesine Etkileri. Doğa-Tr.J. of Medical Sciences 1992;16:657-658.
16-N. Okçu, m.r. yiğitoğlu, b. adam, e. bakan. Konjestif Kalp Yetersizliği Olan Hastalarda Digıxin’in Plazma Atrial Natriüretik Peptik Düzeyine Etkisi. S.Ü. Tıp Fak. Dergisi 1991;7(2):243-247..
17-N.Okçu, a. yılmaz. Üst Gastrointestinal Sistem Kanamalarında Histamin H2 -Reseptör Antagonistlerinin Etkisi. Endoskopi Dergisi 1991;2(4):17-23.
18-N.Okçu, E. bakan, b. adam, a. yılmaz, m.r. yiğitoğlu. Kronik Hepatit ve Karaciğer Sirozlu Hastalarda Seks Hormanları ve Seks Hormon Bağlayıcı Globülin Seviyeleri (Editöre Mektup). Doğa-Tr. J. Of Medical Sciences 1991;15:1-2.
19-N.Okcu Ömer Yılmaz.Helıcobacter pylorı and related gastroıntestınal system dıseases Turkiye Klinikleri JMed Sci. 2013;33(3):806-13
20-Nihat Okçu , Ömer yılmaz, hakan dursun, gülçin polat. Dispeptik semptomlarla beslenme alışkanlıkları, endoskopik ve histolojik bulgular arasındaki ilişki (Eurasian J Med 2006; 38: 13-17)
21-Mehmet Bilici,1Nihat Okcu,1Kerim Cayır,1Ibrahim Pirim,2Salim B. Tekin,1andCemal Gundogdu3 - Distribuion of HLA Tissue Groups in Patients with Gastric Cancer Eurasian J Med. 2010 Apr; 42(1): 9.11.
22-Nihat Okcu,Abdulhalim Bak,Mehmet Sari,Mehmet Arslan,Sait Kapicioglu :The fibroblast proliferation,relationship of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and interferon-A2A Gastroenterology April 2000Volume 118,Issue 4, Part 2, PageA1404
23-Kubra Kaynar,Sait Kapicioglu,Mehmet Sarı,Nihat Okcu,Abdulhalim Baki. The effect of fish oil on stress ulcer prophylaxis GastroenterologyVolume 118, Issue 4, Part 2, PageA1255
Mehr lesenDr. Auala Hubert ist ein vom Vorstand zertifizierter medizinischer Onkologe und Strahlentherapeut mit 33 Jahren Erfahrung und spricht sowohl Englisch als auch Hebräisch. Sie ist Mitglied mehrerer medizinischer und sozialer Dienstausschüsse und hat Qualifikationen in Onkologie und Strahlentherapie.
Mehr lesenArztbesuch | preis auf anfrage |
Laparoskopische Anti-Reflux (GERD)-Chirurgie | $12000 |
General and oncologist surgeon for more than 20 years of experience.
Mehr lesenI’m Dr. Enrique Pliego Esquivel, a surgeon specializing in bariatric and metabolic surgery with over 8 years of experience transforming lives through advanced surgical solutions. I am proud to be one of the few bariatric surgeons in Mexico who is a member of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS). I am also certified by the Mexican Board of Obesity Surgery and the Mexican College of General Surgery.
My primary focus is providing comprehensive care to patients dealing with obesity, obesity-related conditions such as diabetes and hypertension, as well as managing complications from bariatric surgery. I also treat gastroesophageal reflux and reflux-related esophagitis, offering tailored solutions that significantly enhance my patients' quality of life.
Patients often highlight my professionalism, empathy, and dedication to understanding their unique needs. I take the time to listen and fully grasp their goals because I believe every case deserves a personalized approach and a clear path toward success.
My priority isn’t to see the most patients—it’s to deliver exceptional care and outstanding results for each individual. I am deeply committed to quality, staying accessible, and maintaining close communication with my patients throughout their journey.
If you’re looking for expertise, compassion, and results you can trust, I’m here to help you take the first step toward a healthier, happier life.
Mehr lesenProf. M.D. Yusuf Serdar Sakin was born in Nevşehir in 1978. After completing his primary and secondary education in Ankara, he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at Gülhane Military Medical Academy in 2002.
Following his graduation, he served in Gole/Ardahan for two years. He started his internal medicine training at the Department of Internal Medicine, Gülhane Faculty of Medicine.
After completing his training, he worked as an internal medicine specialist in Ankara. A year later, he began additional training in the Department of Gastroenterology at Gülhane Faculty of Medicine and completed his training in 2014.
After graduation, Yusuf Serdar Sakin continued to work in the same department. He also received advanced endoscopy and Motility training at AMC Center in the Netherlands in 2017.
After obtaining the title of Associate Professor in 2017, he became a Professor in 2023.
He currently provides medical services to patients at Koru Ankara Hospital. His areas of medical interest include:
-Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
-Push enteroscopy
-Endoscopic mucosal resection
-High-resolution manometry
-pH/pH-impedance metry analysis
-Advanced endoscopic procedures (stenting, dilation, etc.)
-Gastrointestinal motility disorders
-Gastroesophageal reflux disease
-Inflammatory bowel diseases
-Advanced endoscopic procedures and pancreatitis.