Die #1 Medizintourismusplattform seit 2014

Beste die hydrafaziale Dermabrasion Ästhetische Spezialisten - TOP-27 Ärzte

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Fahad Mawlood - Allgemeinarzt. Gewinner von 4 wissenschaftlichen Preisen. Er diente in Westasien. Ehemaliger Teamleiter eines medizinischen Teams zur Betreuung arabischsprachiger Patienten. Jetzt Fahad ist verantwortlich für die Datenverarbeitung und die Genauigkeit der medizinischen Inhalte.
Camps Fresneda Alejandro
45 Jahre der Erfahrung
403 Rezensionen

Camps Fresneda Alejandro

45 Jahre der Erfahrung
Spanien, Barcelona
Teknon Barcelona
López Gil Francisco José
28 Jahre der Erfahrung
403 Rezensionen

López Gil Francisco José

28 Jahre der Erfahrung
Spanien, Barcelona
Teknon Barcelona
Mustafa Tumturk
15 Jahre der Erfahrung
47 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Health Point World Clinic (former Dr. Soho Clinic)

Mustafa Tumturk

15 Jahre der Erfahrung

Die medizinische Ästhetik ist ein Spezialgebiet der Medizin, das sich auf die Verbesserung des kosmetischen Erscheinungsbilds durch die Behandlung von Erkrankungen wie Narben, schlaffer Haut, Falten, Muttermalen, Altersflecken, überschüssigem Fett, Cellulite, unerwünschter Behaarung, Hautverfärbungen und Besenreisern konzentriert. In Istanbul, Türkei, umfasst die medizinische Ästhetik eine breite Palette nichtchirurgischer Verfahren, die darauf abzielen, das Aussehen einer Person zu verbessern und ihr Selbstvertrauen zu stärken.

  • Injektionen: Einschließlich Botox und Hautfüller, um das Auftreten von Falten zu reduzieren und die Haut aufzupolstern.
  • Laserbehandlungen: Werden zur Haarentfernung, Hauterneuerung und zur Verringerung der Sichtbarkeit von Narben oder Pigmentierung eingesetzt.
  • Hautverjüngung: Beispielsweise chemische Peelings, Mikronadelung und Lichttherapie zur Verbesserung der Hautstruktur und des Hauttons.
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Domenica Trifoglio
Spezialist/-in für Regenerative Medizin
19 Jahre der Erfahrung
Schweiz, Lugano
LaCLINIQUE of Switzerland

Domenica Trifoglio

Spezialist/-in für Regenerative Medizin
19 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dr. Domenica Trifoglio ist Expertin für ästhetische Medizin und Wellness-Medizin.

Sie schloss ihr Studium der Medizin und Chirurgie an der Universität Rom „Tor Vergata“ ab und erhielt 2012 das Spezialisierungsdiplom in ästhetischer Medizin und Wohlbefinden an der IAF-Schule in Rom.

Sie besuchen derzeit die Schule für Spezialisierung in Physikalischer Medizin und Rehabilitation an der Universität Rom „La Sapienza“.

Nachdem Dr. Trifoglio in zahlreichen Einrichtungen in Rom Erfahrungen gesammelt hat, praktiziert er heute als Krankenhausarzt bei der kantonalen Spitalbehörde in Faido und als Schönheitsarzt bei LACLINIQUE of Switzerland in Lugano, Schweiz.

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Die Wahl einer Klinik im Ausland kann stressig sein. Bei Bookimed, wo wir bereits über 800.000 Patienten geholfen haben, verstehen wir Ihre Bedenken. Wir wissen, wie man vertrauenswürdige Ärzte, das beste Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis und Lösungen selbst für komplizierte Fälle findet. Wir sind hier, um Sie bei jedem Schritt zu unterstützen.
Yan Matsiivskiy
Leiter des Teams der medizinischen Koordinatoren
Dr Makbule Dundar
25 Jahre der Erfahrung
2 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Medipol Acibadem Bezirkskrankenhaus

Dr Makbule Dundar

25 Jahre der Erfahrung


2017 - 2024: SALTAT CLINIC GÖZTEPE BRANCH, Facharzt für Dermatologie und Venerologie

2014 - 2017: MEMORIAL WELLNESS, Facharzt für Dermatologie und Venerologie

2008 - 2014: PRIVATES ISTANBUL MEDIPOL KRANKENHAUS, Facharzt für Dermatologie und Venerologie

2006 - 2008: MEDICALPARK BAHÇELİEVLER HOSPITAL, Facharzt für Dermatologie und Venerologie

2003 - 2006: TBV SERVICE KRANKENHAUS, Facharzt für Dermatologie und Venerologie

1999 - 2003: FIZIKOM AESTHETICS AND LASER CENTER, Facharzt für Dermatologie und Venerologie


1996 - 1999: HASEKI STATE HOSPITAL - Facharztausbildung in Dermatologie

1989 - 1995: Universität Istanbul, Medizinische Fakultät Istanbul, Ausbildung zum Arzt

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Nazan Taslidere
29 Jahre der Erfahrung
28 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Florence Nightingale Hospital

Nazan Taslidere

29 Jahre der Erfahrung

Veröffentlichte Zeitschriftenartikel, indiziert nach SCI, SSCI und AHCI I. Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit der Teledermatologie bei der Diagnose von Hautläsionen bei pädiatrischen Patienten TaslidereN.,KucukO.S. Revista daAssociacaoMedicaBrasileira (1992),Bd. 69, Nr. 10,2023 (SCI-Erweitert) I. Kann mit der Teledermatologie-Methode eine korrekte Diagnose gestellt werden? TAŞLIDEREN.,SUKÜÇÜKÖ. ACTADERMATOVENEROLOGICACROATICA,Bd. 30, Nr. 1, S. 32–39,2022 (SCI-Erweitert) I I. Durch COVID-19 verursachtes Melkersson-Rosenthal-Syndrom: Ein Fallbericht TaşlıdereB.,MehmetajL.,ÖzcanA.B.,GülenB.,TaşlıdereN. AmericanJournalofEmergencyMedicine, Bd. 41, 2021 (SCI-Expanded) IV. Welche Hautpatienten besuchten während des SARS-CoV-2-Ausbruchs in der Türkei dermatologische Ambulanzen und was geschah mit ihnen? CENGİZ FP, EMİROĞLUN., BAHALIA.G., DİZMAND., TAŞLIDEREN., Akarslan T.C., Gunes B., MERTÖ., KÜÇÜKÖ.S., ONSUNN. DERMATOLOGICTHERAPY, Bd. 33, Nr. 4, 2020 (SCI-Expanded)

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Baki Yilmaz
24 Jahre der Erfahrung

Baki Yilmaz

24 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul
Uniqacare Clinic
Domenico Riitano
30 Jahre der Erfahrung
2 Rezensionen
Italien, Rom
Ospedale San Carlo di Nancy

Domenico Riitano

30 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dr. Domenico Riitano, specialist in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1989 and specialized in Orthopedics and Traumatology in 1994 at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. In 2007 he completed his training with a further specialization in reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery at the University of Messina.

He perfected his technique in Brazil at various specialized hospitals and clinics, including the Fluminense Clinic of Plastic Surgery “Niteroi” in Rio De Janeiro.

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Johanna Pacheco
Spezialist/-in für orale Rehabilitation
12 Jahre der Erfahrung
Dominikanische Republik, Santo Domingo
Love Dental & Sthetic Zahnklinik

Johanna Pacheco

Spezialist/-in für orale Rehabilitation
12 Jahre der Erfahrung


Zahnärztliche Ausbildung


Fakultät für Gesundheitswissenschaften – Zahnmedizinische Fakultät l Dezember 2012

Universität Eugenio Maria de Hostos – Santo Domingo.

*Diplome und Kurse

Höheres Diplom in oraler Implantologie – SIND

Zahnmedizinische Fakultät l Januar 2021

Universität Nacional Evangelica – Schule Iberoamericana, Absolventen der Zahnmedizin – Vereinigung Iberoamericana, Familienzahnmedizin.

Internationale Diplome in hochästhetischer Zahnmedizin.

Zahnmedizinische Fakultät l Mai 2019

Universität Cartagena – Unterhaltungszentrum für Zahnmedizin, Ceo Latinoamerica – Bogota, Kolumbien.

Extraktionsverlauf von retinierten und halbretinierten Weisheitszähnen

Weiterbildung l Februar 2017

Dominikanische Institut für fortgeschrittene Zahnmedizinstudien IDEDA – Santo Domingo

Kurs für parodontale und periimplantäre plastische Chirurgie

Workshop zum Thema Gewebemanagement und Substitute l Mai 2015

Zahndepot IDEMEFA – Geistlich Biomaterials Santo Domingo

Kurse Indirekte Veneers und Komposit

Weiterbildung l Oktober 2014

Zahnärztliche Anzahlung IDEMEFA – Ökologische Weiterbildung in der Zahnmedizin – Santo Domingo.

Diplomat in Kieferorthopädie

Zahnmedizinische Fakultät l Juli 2014

Zentrum für Weiterbildung im Bereich Gesundheit – CECONSA, Santo Domingo

Ausbildung in ästhetischer Medizin


Ästhetische Medizin l Oktober 2019

Harmony Peña Muñoz Center – Santo Domingo

Praktisch-Theoretische Ausbildung Hyaluronsäure-Anwendungen Botulinumtoxin

Zahnmedizinische Fakultät l Mai 2019

Lateinamerikanisches Schulungszentrum für Zahnmedizin – Bogota, Kolumbien

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Preeti Yadav
Spezialist/-in für Haartransplantation
14 Jahre der Erfahrung
Indien, Gurgaon
Konarc Aesthetics

Preeti Yadav

Spezialist/-in für Haartransplantation
14 Jahre der Erfahrung

Rejuvenate Beauty with Konarc Aesthetics Cosmetic Surgery in Gurgaon, India

For those battling with insecurities about their appearance, cosmetic surgery offers a transformative solution. Dr. Preeti Yadav at Konarc Aesthetics, a seasoned plastic surgeon with over a decade of experience in aesthetics, leads a renowned clinic in Gurgaon, India. Her approach is holistic, catering to each patient's unique needs and desires.

As a female plastic surgeon, Dr. Preeti Yadav understands the specific concerns that women face regarding their bodies. From mothers seeking post-childbirth recovery to teenagers grappling with body image issues, Dr. Yadav empathetically listens to her patients' worries and provides sustainable solutions.

The clinic specializes in a range of procedures tailored to enhance beauty and confidence. Popular treatments include rhinoplasty, jawline shaping, chin enhancement, cheek augmentation, lip fillers, arm and back liposuction, bust surgeries (reduction/enlargement/lift), tummy and waist sculpting, buttock lifts, vaginal rejuvenation, and thigh lifts.

Treatments and Procedures

  • Hair Transplant
  • Liposuction
  • Breast reshaping
  • Facial plastic surgery
  • Laser therapy
  • Male breast surgery
  • Reconstructive surgery
  • Surgical and non-surgical weight loss procedures
  • Non-surgical treatments like botox and fillers

More Information you can contact to us.

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Kim Jae Hwa
10 Jahre der Erfahrung
Republik Korea, Seoul
Oracle Clinic Cheongdam

Kim Jae Hwa

10 Jahre der Erfahrung


Regular member of the Korean Dermatological Association

Regular member of the Korean Dermatological Association

Regular member of the Korean Society of Dermatology Laser

Regular member of the Korean Society of Vitiligo Pigmentation

Regular member of the Korean Clinical Dermatology Research Association

Adjunct professor of dermatology at Eulji University

Current) Director of Oracle Dermatology Cheongdam Branch











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Kim Hee Jeong
16 Jahre der Erfahrung
Republik Korea, Seoul
Oracle Clinic Cheongdam

Kim Hee Jeong

16 Jahre der Erfahrung


Full member of the Korean Dermatological Association

Full member of the Korean Dermatological Association

Certificate of Nutrition Science in Stanford Medicine

Certificate of Exercise Physiology in Stanford Medicine

Former) Director of Oracle Dermatology Apgujeong Branch

Current) Director of Oracle Dermatology Cheongdam Branch


















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Ekrem Keskin
11 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul
Keskin Klinik

Ekrem Keskin

11 Jahre der Erfahrung

Surgeon Ekrem Keskin was born in 1986 in Istanbul. He completed his education at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine in 2010, and was awarded the title of Medical Doctor. During his residency training he was instructed in nose, facial and breast aesthetics under the supervision of James Zins, MD and Raffi Gurunluoglu, MD, at Cleveland Clinic Plastic and Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Department, Cleveland, OHIO-USA in 2016. After 5 years of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery training, he completed his specialization and became a Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist.

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Murat Balanli
36 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul
BHLC Medical

Murat Balanli

36 Jahre der Erfahrung

Professional Summary

Dr. Murat Balanlı is an experienced internal medicine specialist with over 35 years in the field of modern medicine. Since completing his medical education, Dr. Balanlı has continuously expanded his expertise, ultimately embracing a holistic approach to healthcare. Rather than seeing holistic medicine as an alternative, he regards it as an essential extension of conventional treatment that focuses on restoring the unity of mind, body, and spirit. His philosophy, rooted in the idea that medicine is a branch of philosophy, aims to treat not only physical symptoms but also the underlying disruptions to an individual’s overall sense of well-being.

Dr. Balanlı's commitment to lifelong learning, his respect for the arts, and his passion for exploring new perspectives on health have enriched his practice and deepened his connection with patients. His experience includes positions in hospital administration, health institution management, and public health, equipping him with a comprehensive understanding of the healthcare system and patient care at various levels.


*Educational Background

Doctor of Medicine (MD)
Ege University, Faculty of Medicine, 1988

Specialist Training in Internal Medicine
Tepecik Training and Research Hospital, 1994

Master’s Degree in Health Institutions Management
Başkent University, Faculty of Social Sciences, 2012


*Professional Experience

Healthy Living Clinic, Turkey

Founder and Head Practitioner
2014 - Present
Founded and oversees the Healthy Living Clinic, which offers personalized holistic treatment plans to patients. Here, Dr. Balanlı integrates modern medicine with holistic practices, aiming to support patients in achieving both physical health and emotional well-being.

SB Behçet Uz Children's Diseases and Surgery Training and Research Hospital

Hospital Administrator
2015 - 2018
Managed administrative and operational functions at one of Turkey's leading children's hospitals, ensuring high standards of healthcare delivery.

Social Security Institution (SGK), Izmir

Regional Director of Health Affairs
2004 - 2009
Oversaw healthcare services and managed regional health affairs for SGK, contributing to policy-making and service delivery improvements across the region.

Board Member
2009 - 2012
Served on the SGK Board of Directors, actively involved in shaping healthcare policies and advocating for quality, affordable healthcare.

Kayseri Ibn-i Sina Medical Centers

Chief Physician
2003 - 2008
Directed medical services, focusing on the integration of patient-centered care with evidence-based medical practices.

Tokat Niksar State Hospital

Chief Physician
Completed mandatory service as a physician, gaining foundational experience in diverse clinical settings.


*Certifications and Advanced Training

  • Neuroanatomy, Neuroelectrophysiology, and Biofeedback
    Completed in Romania
  • Biorezonance Medicine and Applications
    Completed in Russia
    Specialized training in biorezonance therapy to support holistic approaches in addressing various chronic and stress-related conditions.

*Key Skills and Expertise

  • Internal Medicine
  • Holistic Medicine Approaches
  • Holistic Wellness Approaches
  • Patient-Centered Care
  • Biorezonance Therapy
  • Health Systems Management
  • Hospital and Healthcare Administration

Publications and Contributions

Dr. Balanlı has shared his insights on holistic medicine through articles, presentations, and community health talks, with a focus on bridging modern and holistic approaches. His dedication to sharing knowledge has made him a respected figure in both traditional and holistic medical communities.



  • Turkish (Native)
  • English (Fluent)
  • Russian (Native)
  • Azerbaijani (Fluent)
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Ali Sahan
12 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul
Rebornia Hair Clinic

Ali Sahan

12 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dr. Ali Şahan, born on December 3, 1982, is a highly skilled dermatologist with extensive experience in hair transplantation and cosmetic dermatology. He completed his pre-university education at Balıkesir Sırrı Yırcalı Anatolian High School and earned his Medical Doctor degree from the Ankara GATA Faculty of Medicine. In 2014, he completed his specialization in dermatology at the Ankara GATA Department of Dermatology, earning the title Dermatology Specialist.

From 2012 to 2014, Dr. Şahan served as a consultant and trainer for Restylane, sharing his expertise in filler applications through boutique workshops. Currently, he continues to serve as a trainer for Allergan (Botox, Juvederm filler) and Aptos (non-surgical thread facelift) and regularly participates in dermatology conferences, where he leads workshops on cosmetic procedures.

Dr. Şahan has authored numerous publications in national and international journals and is deeply committed to advancing the field of dermatology. His primary areas of interest include the use of hyperbaric oxygen and ultrasound devices in hair transplantation, always staying updated with the latest technological advancements. He has successfully patented the HIBO hyperbaric oxygen device, which he developed to enhance the success of hair transplantation procedures. With over a decade of experience in treating hair loss, Dr. Şahan has personally managed more than 5,000 cases, demonstrating his dedication to achieving optimal results for his patients.

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Ezgi Ozkur
13 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul
Trustmed Clinic

Ezgi Ozkur

13 Jahre der Erfahrung

Assoc. Dr. Ezgi ÖZKUR was born in Beşiktaş. In 2005, she started Ege University Faculty of Medicine and graduated in 2011. In the same year, she started her specialization in Dermatology at Istanbul Training and Research Hospital.

Since 2011, she has been continuing her research in the field of dermatology. She worked as a dermatology specialist at Şişli Etfal Training and Research Hospital between 2016-2021, and worked as the administrative officer of Şişli Etfal EAH dermatology department between 2018-2019.

In 2015, she was accepted with a scholarship from the Cosmetic Surgery forum held in Las Vegas.

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Opr Dr Mevlut Kalcik
Spezialist/-in für Haartransplantation
74 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul
Elinda Clinic

Opr Dr Mevlut Kalcik

Spezialist/-in für Haartransplantation
74 Jahre der Erfahrung

Estetik Cerrahi: Deneyimli cerrahlarımızla, güncel teknikleri kullanarak estetik cerrahi hizmetleri sunuyoruz. Her bireyin ihtiyacına özel çözümler üreterek, doğal ve estetik sonuçlar elde etmeyi amaçlıyoruz.

Saç, Sakal ve Kaş Ekimi: Saç dökülmesi, seyrek sakal ya da kaş problemleriyle mücadele edenlere özel çözümler sunuyoruz. Uzman ekibimiz, kişinin yüz hatlarına uygun doğal sonuçlar elde etmeyi hedefler.

Dolgu Uygulamaları: Yüz gençleştirme ve kontürleme amacıyla kullanılan dolgu uygulamalarını, uzman estetik cerrahlarımız ile güvenli bir şekilde gerçekleştiriyoruz. Doğallığı ön planda tutan yaklaşımımızla, müşterilerimize istedikleri görünüme kavuşmalarında yardımcı oluyoruz.

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Himani Yadav
8 Jahre der Erfahrung
Indien, Gurgaon
Ikonic Aesthetics

Himani Yadav

8 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dr. Himani Yadav is the best Cosmetic Surgeon In Gurgaon. We have a well-experienced team of doctors for Skin, Dental, and Hair Treatment. Our clinic is also equipped with all sets of the latest types of equipment. Our ultimate goal is to help you achieve the healthy smile of our patients. Our Services: Hair:- • Hair transplant • Hair prp • Hair GFC • Hair mesotherapy • Dandruff treatment • Hair fall treatment • Scalp pigmentation Skin:- • Medifacials (hydra facial/oxygeneo/ photo facial/Korean glass treatment/vampire facial) • Injectables Botox/ filler/ threads (Anti-ageing treatment) • Skin tightening treatment Lasers:- • Hair reduction • Tato removal • Pigmentation removal"

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Prof Hakan
14 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul
international plus

Prof Hakan

14 Jahre der Erfahrung

Professor Hakan
Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon


  • 2006: Ege University - Medical School, MD
  • 2014: Atatürk University Medical Faculty - Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery, MS


  • Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)
  • Breast Augmentation / Reduction
  • Rhinoplasty / Septoplasty
  • Blepharoplasty
  • Otoplasty
  • Buccal Fat Removal
  • Microsurgery
  • Non-Surgical Face Treatments
  • Liposculpture
  • Brazilian Butt Lifting
  • Arm, Thigh, Back, and Breast Lifting
  • Gynecomastia
  • Labiaplasty, Hymenoplasty
  • Vaginoplasty
  • Fat Injection


  • Turkish Plastic Reconstructive Aesthetic Surgery Association (TPRECD)


  1. Reconstruction of Complex Shallow Defects of the Extremities with Free Serratus Musculofascial Flap
  2. Latissimus Dorsi Flap Harvest with a Short Incision
  3. Treatment of Linear Scleroderma (en Coup de Sabre) with Dermal Fat Grafting
  4. Versatile Use of Rhomboid Flaps for Closure of Skin Defects
  5. Reconstruction of Postburn Contractures Due to Tandem Oven
  6. Ultrasound Guided Bilateral Rhomboid Intercostal Block for Breast Reduction Surgery
  7. Total Lower Lip Reconstruction with Functional Gracilis Free Muscle Flap
  8. Management of Saddle Nose Deformity Using Dermal Fat and Costal Cartilage "Sandwich" Graft: A Problem-Oriented Approach and Anthropometric Evaluation
  9. Total Lower Lip Reconstruction Using Free Neurotendinous Fascocutaneous Anterolateral Thigh Composite Flap: A Case Report
  10. Maxillofacial Fracture Experiences: A Review of 152 Cases
  11. Neurotized Sural Flap: An Alternative in Sensory Reconstruction of the Foot and Ankle Defects
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Dr Reema Arora
Ästhetischer Arzt
18 Jahre der Erfahrung
Indien, Delhi
The Face Clinic

Dr Reema Arora

Ästhetischer Arzt
18 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dr Reema Arora has been a national and international trainer in BOTOX® and Fillers for the past 18 years. She has worked with Allergan India Pvt Ltd. as Medical Head- Facial Aesthetics and has the credit of training over 1500 Dermatologist and Plastic surgeons in the art of facial rejuvenation with injectables.
Dr. Arora has single handedly revolutionized the use of Botox and dermal fillers in India with new innovations and focus on Indian faces. She has perfected the art of using Botox, Juvederm, and Voluma amongst other injectables to rejuvenate, enhance and treat the whole face including -facial asymmetries, defining various facial features like the nose, jaw, lips and resolving excessive sweating. 

Dr Reema Arora has been a national and international trainer in BOTOX® and Fillers for the past 18 years. She has worked with Allergan India Pvt Ltd. as Medical Head- Facial Aesthetics and has the credit of training over 1500 Dermatologist and Plastic surgeons in the art of facial rejuvenation with injectables.
Dr. Arora has single handedly revolutionized the use of Botox and dermal fillers in India with new innovations and focus on Indian faces. She has perfected the art of using Botox, Juvederm, and Voluma amongst other injectables to rejuvenate, enhance and treat the whole face including -facial asymmetries, defining various facial features like the nose, jaw, lips and resolving excessive sweating.

Dr. Arora made the switch to cosmetic medicine in 2006 following her passion for Aesthetics. She has been trained in Australia, Korea and Singapore with acclaimed dermatologist and plastic surgeons. Dr. Reema Arora is a medical graduate from St John’s Medical College Hospital and a postgraduate in Paediatrics.She went on to do her Masters in Aesthetic Medicine from London in 2018 and has gone on to become a brand in herself in Facial Aesthetics, continuously perfecting her well honed skills. Being India’s leading Rejuvenation expert for over 8 years, Dr. Reema Arora has always been a pioneer in Injectables. She constantly updates her techniques and extensive knowledge of the subject by attending training workshops and seminars.

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