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Fahad Mawlood - Allgemeinarzt. Gewinner von 4 wissenschaftlichen Preisen. Er diente in Westasien. Ehemaliger Teamleiter eines medizinischen Teams zur Betreuung arabischsprachiger Patienten. Jetzt Fahad ist verantwortlich für die Datenverarbeitung und die Genauigkeit der medizinischen Inhalte.
Stephany Ramirez
5 Jahre der Erfahrung
Dominikanische Republik, Santo Domingo
Dystec Dental Clinic
Okan Parmaksiz
12 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul
Okan Parmaksız's Clinic

Okan Parmaksiz

12 Jahre der Erfahrung
Dr. Okan Parmaksiz ist ein spezialisierter Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Arzt und HNO-Chirurg mit Erfahrung in verschiedenen Krankenhäusern und seiner Privatklinik. Er beherrscht Verfahren wie Nasenkorrekturen, Septumplastiken, Otoplastiken und den Einsatz von Botox und anderen injizierbaren Toxinen.Mehr lesen
Dr. Okan Parmaksiz ist ein spezialisierter Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Arzt und HNO-Chirurg mit Erfahrung in verschiedenen Krankenhäusern und seiner Privatklinik. Er beherrscht Verfahren wie Nasenkorrekturen, Septumplastiken, Otoplastiken und den Einsatz von Botox und anderen injizierbaren Toxinen.
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Arztbesuch preis auf anfrage
Rhinoplastik (Nasenkorrektur) $2174.5 - $4349.01
Otoplastik (Ohrenkorrektur) $1630.88 - $2174.5
Weitere Behandlungen
Karolina Venslauskaite
11 Jahre der Erfahrung
1 Rezensionen
Litauen, Kaunas
SV Plastic Surgery Clinic

Karolina Venslauskaite

11 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dr. Karolina Venslauskaitė ist eine erfahrene plastische und rekonstruktive Chirurgin mit Erfahrung in gepulsten Diodenlasern, Mesotherapie, Biorevitalisierung, PRP-Injektionen und Gesichtskonturkorrekturen. Sie ist Dozentin am St. Ignac Loyola College und nimmt jährlich an wissenschaftlichen Konferenzen und Kursen teil.

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Dr. Karolina Venslauskaitė ist eine erfahrene plastische und rekonstruktive Chirurgin mit Erfahrung in gepulsten Diodenlasern, Mesotherapie, Biorevitalisierung, PRP-Injektionen und Gesichtskonturkorrekturen. Sie ist Dozentin am St. Ignac Loyola College und nimmt jährlich an wissenschaftlichen Konferenzen und Kursen teil.

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1 Rezensionen
Tuğkan Yilmaz
18 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul
Emax Clinic
Serkan Suleyman Aslan
14 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Izmir
Ekol International Hospitals

Serkan Suleyman Aslan

14 Jahre der Erfahrung
Dr. Serkan Suleyman Aslan ist ein Spezialist für plastische, rekonstruktive und ästhetische Chirurgie. Er beherrscht verschiedene Operationen wie Fettabsaugung, Facelifting, Brustrekonstruktion, Bauchdeckenstraffung, Nasenkorrektur und vieles mehr. Dr. Aslans Arbeit wurde durch zahlreiche Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften und Präsentationen auf nationalen und internationalen Kongressen anerkannt.Mehr lesen
Dr. Serkan Suleyman Aslan ist ein Spezialist für plastische, rekonstruktive und ästhetische Chirurgie. Er beherrscht verschiedene Operationen wie Fettabsaugung, Facelifting, Brustrekonstruktion, Bauchdeckenstraffung, Nasenkorrektur und vieles mehr. Dr. Aslans Arbeit wurde durch zahlreiche Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften und Präsentationen auf nationalen und internationalen Kongressen anerkannt.
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Arslan Musbeh
19 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul
Hairmedico Clinic

Arslan Musbeh

19 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dr. Arslan Musbeh ist ein Haartransplantationsspezialist mit über 15 Jahren Erfahrung. Ein Experte für FUE-Haartransplantation.

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Dr. Arslan Musbeh ist ein Haartransplantationsspezialist mit über 15 Jahren Erfahrung. Ein Experte für FUE-Haartransplantation.

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Doctor Park Sun June
16 Jahre der Erfahrung
Republik Korea, Seoul
Intro Plastic Surgery
Ileana Martinez
10 Jahre der Erfahrung
3 Rezensionen
Mexiko, Guadalajara
Hair In 1 Day Guadalajara

Ileana Martinez

10 Jahre der Erfahrung
Dr. Ileana Martinez ist eine Spezialistin für Haar-, Bart- und Augenbrauentransplantationen mit umfassender Erfahrung in der Bereitstellung von über Tausenden von Eingriffen. Sie ist Absolventin der Autonomen Universität von San Luis Potosí und hat zuvor in der Hair Clinic in 1 Day, im Centro de Salud Villa Zaragoza und im Central Hospital Dr. Ignacio Morones Prieto gearbeitet.Mehr lesen
Dr. Ileana Martinez ist eine Spezialistin für Haar-, Bart- und Augenbrauentransplantationen mit umfassender Erfahrung in der Bereitstellung von über Tausenden von Eingriffen. Sie ist Absolventin der Autonomen Universität von San Luis Potosí und hat zuvor in der Hair Clinic in 1 Day, im Centro de Salud Villa Zaragoza und im Central Hospital Dr. Ignacio Morones Prieto gearbeitet.
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3 Rezensionen
Rahmi Evinc
23 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Izmir
Odin Clinic

Rahmi Evinc

23 Jahre der Erfahrung
Dr. Rahmi Evinc ist Spezialist für kosmetische, plastische und rekonstruktive Chirurgie. Er verfügt über umfangreiche Erfahrung, da er in mehreren Krankenhäusern praktiziert hat, bevor er 2018 seine eigene Praxis eröffnete. Er bietet eine breite Palette von Behandlungen an, darunter Brustvergrößerung, Fettabsaugung und Handchirurgie.Mehr lesen
Dr. Rahmi Evinc ist Spezialist für kosmetische, plastische und rekonstruktive Chirurgie. Er verfügt über umfangreiche Erfahrung, da er in mehreren Krankenhäusern praktiziert hat, bevor er 2018 seine eigene Praxis eröffnete. Er bietet eine breite Palette von Behandlungen an, darunter Brustvergrößerung, Fettabsaugung und Handchirurgie.
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Natalia Liuzzi
19 Jahre der Erfahrung
Brasilien, Rio de Janeiro
Odontoliuzzi Dentistry Clinic

Natalia Liuzzi

19 Jahre der Erfahrung

MEMBER OF THE BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF LASER IN MEDICINE AND SURGERY Dr Lívia Camargo specializes in aesthetic dermatology and offers a variety of beauty treatments and skin and hair care. Combining high technology and modern techniques, our clinic is located in Praia do Flamengo, south of Rio de Janeiro, providing a beautiful view of the city. Our goal is to promote health, beauty and well-being, all in an elegant and welcoming environment.

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MEMBER OF THE BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF LASER IN MEDICINE AND SURGERY Dr Lívia Camargo specializes in aesthetic dermatology and offers a variety of beauty treatments and skin and hair care. Combining high technology and modern techniques, our clinic is located in Praia do Flamengo, south of Rio de Janeiro, providing a beautiful view of the city. Our goal is to promote health, beauty and well-being, all in an elegant and welcoming environment.

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Op Dr Hasan Celik
13 Jahre der Erfahrung
4 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
EsteCapelli Clinic

Op Dr Hasan Celik

13 Jahre der Erfahrung


Work Experience:


TURKEYANA Aesthetic Clinic, Istanbul

2021-2022: Estetik International Aesthetic Center, Istanbul

2018-2021 Artvin State Hospital,

2018- 2018: Medipol Mega Hospital, Istanbul

2011-2011: Medical Doctor, Ambulance Emergency Medical Services

Awards: 1. 3rd Annual ISPRES / ICOPLAST Young Plastic Surgeon Award - Third Place Comparing

Effects of; Blastema of Axolotl, Prp of Axolotl and Prp of Rat on Scalded Injury, 88th Annual

Meeting, American Society of Plastic Surgeons Congress, September 20-23 2019, San Diego,


2. Certificate of Appreciation - Subject: "Rational Drug Use and Rational Antibiotics Use"

Ministry of Health - Artvin Provincial Health Directorate, July 2019, Artvin, Turkey

3. Resident Oral Presentation Contest in Experimental Study - Second Place

Comparing Effects of; Blastema of Axolotl, Prp of Axolotl and Prp of Rat on Scalded

Injury, 40th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress,

October 17-21 2018, Antalya, Turkey

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Work Experience:


TURKEYANA Aesthetic Clinic, Istanbul

2021-2022: Estetik International Aesthetic Center, Istanbul

2018-2021 Artvin State Hospital,

2018- 2018: Medipol Mega Hospital, Istanbul

2011-2011: Medical Doctor, Ambulance Emergency Medical Services

Awards: 1. 3rd Annual ISPRES / ICOPLAST Young Plastic Surgeon Award - Third Place Comparing

Effects of; Blastema of Axolotl, Prp of Axolotl and Prp of Rat on Scalded Injury, 88th Annual

Meeting, American Society of Plastic Surgeons Congress, September 20-23 2019, San Diego,


2. Certificate of Appreciation - Subject: "Rational Drug Use and Rational Antibiotics Use"

Ministry of Health - Artvin Provincial Health Directorate, July 2019, Artvin, Turkey

3. Resident Oral Presentation Contest in Experimental Study - Second Place

Comparing Effects of; Blastema of Axolotl, Prp of Axolotl and Prp of Rat on Scalded

Injury, 40th Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons Congress,

October 17-21 2018, Antalya, Turkey

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4 Rezensionen
Arztbesuch preis auf anfrage
Bruststraffung $4500 - $5200
Otoplastik (Ohrenkorrektur) $3200 - $3600
Rhinoplastik (Nasenkorrektur) $4849 - $5281
Weitere Behandlungen
Alexander Dionyssopoulos
37 Jahre der Erfahrung
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, Dubai
Hairplasis Clinic

Alexander Dionyssopoulos

37 Jahre der Erfahrung
Dr. Alexander Dionyssopoulos ist Spezialist für plastische Chirurgie und beherrscht die FUE-Haartransplantation, die PRP-Haarausfallbehandlung, die DHI-Haartransplantation und die unrasierte Haartransplantation. Er verfügt über Qualifikationen von renommierten Institutionen und ist im Vereinigten Königreich, in der EU und in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten zugelassen.Mehr lesen
Dr. Alexander Dionyssopoulos ist Spezialist für plastische Chirurgie und beherrscht die FUE-Haartransplantation, die PRP-Haarausfallbehandlung, die DHI-Haartransplantation und die unrasierte Haartransplantation. Er verfügt über Qualifikationen von renommierten Institutionen und ist im Vereinigten Königreich, in der EU und in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten zugelassen.
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Semih Tiber Mentese
14 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul
VM Medical Park Florya Hospital

Semih Tiber Mentese

14 Jahre der Erfahrung


Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul 2008-2014 

Okmeydanı Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul 2016-2023

Necip Fazıl Research and Training Hospital 2023-2024 


C O U R S E S 

1. National XXXI. Basic Microsurgery Course, June 2018, Marmara University Medical Faculty, İstanbul. 

2. XXVIII. Laboratory Animal Science for Researchers Course, September 2019, YUDETAM, Yeditepe University Experimental Research Center


W O R K    E X P E R I E N C E

1. Cardiovascular Surgery Clinic, Cardiology Hospital C. I. Parhon Iaşi/ROMANIA 2010 (IFMSA Medical Student Exchange Program) 

2. Gastroenterology Clinic, Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa Zaragoza/SPAIN 2011 (IFMSA Medical Student Exchange Program) 

3. Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Clinic, General Surgery Clinic, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome/ITALY 2012 (ERASMUS Student Exchange Program) 

4. Cardiology Clinic, Herlev Hospital, Copenhagen/DENMARK 2012 (IFMSA Medical Student Exchange Program) 

5. General Surgery Clinic, Hippokration General Hospital, Athens/GREECE 2012 (Observership As Medical Student)


Peer Reviewed Abstracts 

1. Kuru P, Bilgin S, Mentese ST, Tazegul G, Ozgur S, Cilingir OT, Akakin D, Yarat A, Kasimay O. Ameliorative Effect of Chronic Moderate Exercise in Smoke Exposed or Nicotine Applied Rats From Acute Stress Nicotine Tob Res. 2014 Sep 19. pii: ntu182. (As Senior Medical Student) 

2. Özdemir ZN, Tazegül G, Kuru P, Bilgin S, Menteşe ST, Erzik C, Şirvancı S, Yeğen B. Nicotine alleviates colitis-induced damage in rats via its anti-oxidative activity. Marmara Medical Journal 2014; 27: 13-20 DOI: 10.5472/MMJ.2013.03125.1 (As Senior Medical Student) 

3. Özay Özkaya Mutlu, Mert Canlı, Semih Tiber Menteşe, Ahmet Dilber; Retrospective Comperative Analysis of Preoperative Lymph Node Imaging and Pathological Results in Malignant Melanoma Patients, October Antalya 2017 


Peer Reviewed Posters 

1. Özlem Çolak, Semih Tiber Menteşe, Özay Özkaya, Deniz Özcan; Case Report: Differentiation of Intraoral lesions, Squamous Cell Carcinoma or Pseudoepitheliamatous Hyperplasia, October 2016, Antalya, Turkey. 

2. Özay Özkaya, Semih Tiber Menteşe, Özlem Çolak, İlker Üsçetin; The Effect of Staging on Survey in Malignant Melanoma, October 2016, Antalya, Turkey. 

3. Özay Özkaya Mutlu, Semih Tiber Menteşe, Ahmet Dilber, Özlem Çolak; Case Report: Free Adductor Magnus Flap Reconstruction of Calcanel Defect, October 2017, Antalya, Turkey. 

4. Özlem Çolak, Özay Özkaya Mutlu, Kadri Özer, S. Tiber Menteşe;Multifunctional Use of Elongated Temporoparietal Fascia Flap in Periorbital Reconstruction, October 2018, Antalya, Turkey. 

5. Ayberk Akçay, Özlem Çolak, Semih Tiber Menteşe; Case Report: Superior Epigastric Artery Perforator Propellar Flap Reconstruction of Anterior Chest Wall Defect, October 2018, Antalya, Turkey. 

6. Batıbey Batmacı, Harun Erbek, Semih Tiber Menteşe, Türkay Gökeri, İlker Üsçetin, Ayşin Karasoy Yeşilada; Malign Hand Tumors in the Last Five Years In Our Clinic, September 2019, Samsun, Turkey. 

7. Semih Tiber Menteşe, Harun Erbek, Özlem İmren, Mert Canlı, İlker Üsçetin, Ayşin Karasoy Yeşilada; Regional Fasciectomy Treatment Results of Dupuytren’s Contracture Patients, September 2019, Samsun, Turkey. 

8. Semih Tiber Menteşe, Harun Erbek, Türkay Gökeri, Özlem İmren, Mert Canlı, Ayşin Karasoy Yeşilada; The Comparison of Results of Late Term Primarily Fixed and Hunter Prosthesis Used Flexor Digitorum Profundus Injuries,September 2019, Samsun, Turkey. 

9. Semih Tiber Menteşe, Özlem Çolak, Mert Canlı, İlker Üsçetin, Ayşin Karasoy Yeşilada; Extensor Indicis Proprius Transfer Supplied with Ruptured Extensor Pollicis Longus (EPL) Proximal Portion in a Patient with Recurrent EPL Rupture, September 2019, Samsun, Turkey. 

10. Özlem Çolak, Mahir Gökbulut, Selman Taşkın, Tuğçe Yasak Par, Semih Tiber Menteşe, İlker Üsçetin; Lesions Prediagnosed as Vascular Tumors; September 2020, İstanbul, Turkey. 

11. Özlem Çolak, Tuğçe Yasak Par, Emre Gunenc, Selman Taşkın, Semih Tiber Menteşe, İlker Üsçetin; Flap Reconstruction of Periorbital Area Zone 2 Tumor Excision Defects, September 2020, İstanbul, Turkey. 

12. Özlem Çolak, Emre Gunenc, Selman Taşkın, Tuğçe Yasak Par, Semih Tiber Menteşe, İlker Üsçetin; Thoracal Wall Reconstruction in a Male Patient with Poland Syndrome, September 2020, İstanbul, Turkey. 

13. Özlem Çolak, Burak Yılmaz, Semih Tiber Menteşe, Tuğçe Yasak, İlker Üsçetin; A Rare Skin Malignancy: Sebaceous Carcinoma, November 2021, Antalya, Turkey. 



1. The Effect of Apelin on Indomethacin Induced Gastric Ulcer, World Gastroenterology Subregional Meeting, November 2011, Antalya, Turkey. (As Senior Medical Student) 

2. Özlem Çolak, Semih Tiber Menteşe, Özay Özkaya Mutlu, İlker Üsçetin; Case Report: 4 Different Merkel Cell Carcinoma, October 2018, Antalya, Turkey. 

3. Özlem Çolak, Semih Tiber Menteşe, İlker Üsçetin, Özay Özkaya Mutlu; Our Clinical Experience, Retrospective Analysis of Gynecomastia Patients, October 2018, Antalya, Turkey. 

4. Semih Tiber Menteşe, Akif Ayberk Akçay, İlker Üsçetin, Harun Erbek, Ayşin Karasoy Yeşilada; Our Approach to Congenital Hand Anomalies Between 2015- 2019 Time Periods in Our Clinic, April 2019, İstanbul, Turkey. 

5. Semih Tiber Menteşe, Mert Canlı, Özlem Çolak, Batıbey Batmacı, Ayşin Karasoy Yeşilada; Results of Repair Through Nerve Graft in Our Clinic in 2015- 2019 Time Periods, April 2019, İstanbul, Turkey. 

6. Semih Tiber Menteşe, Mert Canlı, Özlem Çolak, Harun Erbek, Ayşin Karasoy Yeşilada; The Evaluation of Long Term Results of Mallet Finger Cases Operated 2015-2019 Periods in Our Clinic, April 2019, İstanbul, Turkey. 

7. Akif Ayberk Akçay, Semih Tiber Menteşe, Ayşin Karasoy Yeşilada, Özlem Çolak; The Evulation of Biomechanical and Histologic Aspects the Effect of Direct Thrombin inhibitors on Tendon Healing, September 2019, Samsun, Turkey. 

8. Özlem Çolak, Harun Erbek, Tuğçe Yasak Par, Selman Taşkın, Mert Canlı, Semih Tiber Menteşe, İlker Üsçetin; Comparison of Fat Pad Transposition and Fat Graft Application After Fat Pad Resection in Transconjunctival Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty, September 2020, İstanbul, Turkey 

9.Özlem Çolak, Zeynep Öykü Gürel, Semih Tiber Menteşe, İlker Üsçetin, Mahir Gökbulut; Versatile Use of Thoracodorsal Artery Perforator Flap in Axillary Reconstruction, November 2021, Antalya, Turkey. 

10.Türkay Gökeri, Tiber Menteşe, Özlem Çolak, Günay Güldoğuş, Tuğçe Yasak Par; Effects of Covid-19 Pandemics on Emergency Plastic Surgery Patiens Admission, November 2021, Antalya, Turkey. 

11.Özlem Çolak, Tuğçe Yasak Par, Semih Tiber Menteşe, Zeynep Öykü Gürel, İlker Üsçetin, Mahir Gökbulut ; Retrospective Analysis of Fourniere’s Gangrene Reconstruction Patients Operated From 2010 to 2021, November 2021, Antalya, Turkey. 

12. Özlem Çolak, Semih Tiber Menteşe, Günay Güldoğuş, Tuğçe Yasak Par; Foot Defect Reconstruction with a Superficial Circumflex İliac Artery Flap Including a Bony Component, November 2021, Antalya, Turkey. 

13.Özlem Çolak, Semih Tiber Menteşe, Günay Güldoğuş, Ayça Ergan Şahin; Reconstruction of Wrist Dorsum with a Very Thin Flap: Superficial Circumflex İliac Artery Perforator Flap, November 2021, Antalya, Turkey. 

14.Semih Tiber Menteşe, Özlem Çolak, Caner Ali İlhan, Tuğçe Yasak Par, İlker Üsçetin; An Effective Solution for Wide Abdominal Wall Defect: Free Latissimus Dorsi Flap, November 2021, Antalya, Turkey. 

15.Özlem Çolak, Semih Tiber Menteşe, Caner Ali İlhan, Ayça Ergan Şahin; An Early and Higher Function Providing Reconstruction Option in Phalangeal Bony Defects, November 2021, Antalya, Turkey. 

Mehr lesen


Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul 2008-2014 

Okmeydanı Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul 2016-2023

Necip Fazıl Research and Training Hospital 2023-2024 


C O U R S E S 

1. National XXXI. Basic Microsurgery Course, June 2018, Marmara University Medical Faculty, İstanbul. 

2. XXVIII. Laboratory Animal Science for Researchers Course, September 2019, YUDETAM, Yeditepe University Experimental Research Center


W O R K    E X P E R I E N C E

1. Cardiovascular Surgery Clinic, Cardiology Hospital C. I. Parhon Iaşi/ROMANIA 2010 (IFMSA Medical Student Exchange Program) 

2. Gastroenterology Clinic, Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa Zaragoza/SPAIN 2011 (IFMSA Medical Student Exchange Program) 

3. Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Clinic, General Surgery Clinic, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome/ITALY 2012 (ERASMUS Student Exchange Program) 

4. Cardiology Clinic, Herlev Hospital, Copenhagen/DENMARK 2012 (IFMSA Medical Student Exchange Program) 

5. General Surgery Clinic, Hippokration General Hospital, Athens/GREECE 2012 (Observership As Medical Student)


Peer Reviewed Abstracts 

1. Kuru P, Bilgin S, Mentese ST, Tazegul G, Ozgur S, Cilingir OT, Akakin D, Yarat A, Kasimay O. Ameliorative Effect of Chronic Moderate Exercise in Smoke Exposed or Nicotine Applied Rats From Acute Stress Nicotine Tob Res. 2014 Sep 19. pii: ntu182. (As Senior Medical Student) 

2. Özdemir ZN, Tazegül G, Kuru P, Bilgin S, Menteşe ST, Erzik C, Şirvancı S, Yeğen B. Nicotine alleviates colitis-induced damage in rats via its anti-oxidative activity. Marmara Medical Journal 2014; 27: 13-20 DOI: 10.5472/MMJ.2013.03125.1 (As Senior Medical Student) 

3. Özay Özkaya Mutlu, Mert Canlı, Semih Tiber Menteşe, Ahmet Dilber; Retrospective Comperative Analysis of Preoperative Lymph Node Imaging and Pathological Results in Malignant Melanoma Patients, October Antalya 2017 


Peer Reviewed Posters 

1. Özlem Çolak, Semih Tiber Menteşe, Özay Özkaya, Deniz Özcan; Case Report: Differentiation of Intraoral lesions, Squamous Cell Carcinoma or Pseudoepitheliamatous Hyperplasia, October 2016, Antalya, Turkey. 

2. Özay Özkaya, Semih Tiber Menteşe, Özlem Çolak, İlker Üsçetin; The Effect of Staging on Survey in Malignant Melanoma, October 2016, Antalya, Turkey. 

3. Özay Özkaya Mutlu, Semih Tiber Menteşe, Ahmet Dilber, Özlem Çolak; Case Report: Free Adductor Magnus Flap Reconstruction of Calcanel Defect, October 2017, Antalya, Turkey. 

4. Özlem Çolak, Özay Özkaya Mutlu, Kadri Özer, S. Tiber Menteşe;Multifunctional Use of Elongated Temporoparietal Fascia Flap in Periorbital Reconstruction, October 2018, Antalya, Turkey. 

5. Ayberk Akçay, Özlem Çolak, Semih Tiber Menteşe; Case Report: Superior Epigastric Artery Perforator Propellar Flap Reconstruction of Anterior Chest Wall Defect, October 2018, Antalya, Turkey. 

6. Batıbey Batmacı, Harun Erbek, Semih Tiber Menteşe, Türkay Gökeri, İlker Üsçetin, Ayşin Karasoy Yeşilada; Malign Hand Tumors in the Last Five Years In Our Clinic, September 2019, Samsun, Turkey. 

7. Semih Tiber Menteşe, Harun Erbek, Özlem İmren, Mert Canlı, İlker Üsçetin, Ayşin Karasoy Yeşilada; Regional Fasciectomy Treatment Results of Dupuytren’s Contracture Patients, September 2019, Samsun, Turkey. 

8. Semih Tiber Menteşe, Harun Erbek, Türkay Gökeri, Özlem İmren, Mert Canlı, Ayşin Karasoy Yeşilada; The Comparison of Results of Late Term Primarily Fixed and Hunter Prosthesis Used Flexor Digitorum Profundus Injuries,September 2019, Samsun, Turkey. 

9. Semih Tiber Menteşe, Özlem Çolak, Mert Canlı, İlker Üsçetin, Ayşin Karasoy Yeşilada; Extensor Indicis Proprius Transfer Supplied with Ruptured Extensor Pollicis Longus (EPL) Proximal Portion in a Patient with Recurrent EPL Rupture, September 2019, Samsun, Turkey. 

10. Özlem Çolak, Mahir Gökbulut, Selman Taşkın, Tuğçe Yasak Par, Semih Tiber Menteşe, İlker Üsçetin; Lesions Prediagnosed as Vascular Tumors; September 2020, İstanbul, Turkey. 

11. Özlem Çolak, Tuğçe Yasak Par, Emre Gunenc, Selman Taşkın, Semih Tiber Menteşe, İlker Üsçetin; Flap Reconstruction of Periorbital Area Zone 2 Tumor Excision Defects, September 2020, İstanbul, Turkey. 

12. Özlem Çolak, Emre Gunenc, Selman Taşkın, Tuğçe Yasak Par, Semih Tiber Menteşe, İlker Üsçetin; Thoracal Wall Reconstruction in a Male Patient with Poland Syndrome, September 2020, İstanbul, Turkey. 

13. Özlem Çolak, Burak Yılmaz, Semih Tiber Menteşe, Tuğçe Yasak, İlker Üsçetin; A Rare Skin Malignancy: Sebaceous Carcinoma, November 2021, Antalya, Turkey. 



1. The Effect of Apelin on Indomethacin Induced Gastric Ulcer, World Gastroenterology Subregional Meeting, November 2011, Antalya, Turkey. (As Senior Medical Student) 

2. Özlem Çolak, Semih Tiber Menteşe, Özay Özkaya Mutlu, İlker Üsçetin; Case Report: 4 Different Merkel Cell Carcinoma, October 2018, Antalya, Turkey. 

3. Özlem Çolak, Semih Tiber Menteşe, İlker Üsçetin, Özay Özkaya Mutlu; Our Clinical Experience, Retrospective Analysis of Gynecomastia Patients, October 2018, Antalya, Turkey. 

4. Semih Tiber Menteşe, Akif Ayberk Akçay, İlker Üsçetin, Harun Erbek, Ayşin Karasoy Yeşilada; Our Approach to Congenital Hand Anomalies Between 2015- 2019 Time Periods in Our Clinic, April 2019, İstanbul, Turkey. 

5. Semih Tiber Menteşe, Mert Canlı, Özlem Çolak, Batıbey Batmacı, Ayşin Karasoy Yeşilada; Results of Repair Through Nerve Graft in Our Clinic in 2015- 2019 Time Periods, April 2019, İstanbul, Turkey. 

6. Semih Tiber Menteşe, Mert Canlı, Özlem Çolak, Harun Erbek, Ayşin Karasoy Yeşilada; The Evaluation of Long Term Results of Mallet Finger Cases Operated 2015-2019 Periods in Our Clinic, April 2019, İstanbul, Turkey. 

7. Akif Ayberk Akçay, Semih Tiber Menteşe, Ayşin Karasoy Yeşilada, Özlem Çolak; The Evulation of Biomechanical and Histologic Aspects the Effect of Direct Thrombin inhibitors on Tendon Healing, September 2019, Samsun, Turkey. 

8. Özlem Çolak, Harun Erbek, Tuğçe Yasak Par, Selman Taşkın, Mert Canlı, Semih Tiber Menteşe, İlker Üsçetin; Comparison of Fat Pad Transposition and Fat Graft Application After Fat Pad Resection in Transconjunctival Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty, September 2020, İstanbul, Turkey 

9.Özlem Çolak, Zeynep Öykü Gürel, Semih Tiber Menteşe, İlker Üsçetin, Mahir Gökbulut; Versatile Use of Thoracodorsal Artery Perforator Flap in Axillary Reconstruction, November 2021, Antalya, Turkey. 

10.Türkay Gökeri, Tiber Menteşe, Özlem Çolak, Günay Güldoğuş, Tuğçe Yasak Par; Effects of Covid-19 Pandemics on Emergency Plastic Surgery Patiens Admission, November 2021, Antalya, Turkey. 

11.Özlem Çolak, Tuğçe Yasak Par, Semih Tiber Menteşe, Zeynep Öykü Gürel, İlker Üsçetin, Mahir Gökbulut ; Retrospective Analysis of Fourniere’s Gangrene Reconstruction Patients Operated From 2010 to 2021, November 2021, Antalya, Turkey. 

12. Özlem Çolak, Semih Tiber Menteşe, Günay Güldoğuş, Tuğçe Yasak Par; Foot Defect Reconstruction with a Superficial Circumflex İliac Artery Flap Including a Bony Component, November 2021, Antalya, Turkey. 

13.Özlem Çolak, Semih Tiber Menteşe, Günay Güldoğuş, Ayça Ergan Şahin; Reconstruction of Wrist Dorsum with a Very Thin Flap: Superficial Circumflex İliac Artery Perforator Flap, November 2021, Antalya, Turkey. 

14.Semih Tiber Menteşe, Özlem Çolak, Caner Ali İlhan, Tuğçe Yasak Par, İlker Üsçetin; An Effective Solution for Wide Abdominal Wall Defect: Free Latissimus Dorsi Flap, November 2021, Antalya, Turkey. 

15.Özlem Çolak, Semih Tiber Menteşe, Caner Ali İlhan, Ayça Ergan Şahin; An Early and Higher Function Providing Reconstruction Option in Phalangeal Bony Defects, November 2021, Antalya, Turkey. 

Mehr lesen
Necdet Baydar
27 Jahre der Erfahrung
1 Rezensionen
Türkei, Antalya
Premium Solution Turkey

Necdet Baydar

27 Jahre der Erfahrung
1 Rezensionen
Huseyin Kaya
21 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul
Istanbul Hair Center

Huseyin Kaya

21 Jahre der Erfahrung
Dr. Hüseyin Kaya ist ein Zahnarzt mit 9 Jahren Praxis. Er ist auf verschiedene Haartransplantationsmethoden spezialisiert, wie z.B. FUE-Haartransplantation, DHI-Haartransplantation und PRP-Haarausfallbehandlung.Mehr lesen
Dr. Hüseyin Kaya ist ein Zahnarzt mit 9 Jahren Praxis. Er ist auf verschiedene Haartransplantationsmethoden spezialisiert, wie z.B. FUE-Haartransplantation, DHI-Haartransplantation und PRP-Haarausfallbehandlung.
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Bildern vor und nach
Yasin Koca
14 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul

Yasin Koca

14 Jahre der Erfahrung

- Graduated from Kocaeli University

- Hair transplant specialist for 10 years

- He cooperated with many clinics in Turkey and abroad

As one of the first teams to perform hair transplantation in Turkey, he has been serving only in the field of hair transplantation and hair treatments since 2010.

-He is one of the first to use FUE and DHI hair transplantation techniques, which are the most advanced techniques known. He still applies hair transplantation to his patients more actively with FUE and, when necessary, DHI technique.

Mehr lesen

- Graduated from Kocaeli University

- Hair transplant specialist for 10 years

- He cooperated with many clinics in Turkey and abroad

As one of the first teams to perform hair transplantation in Turkey, he has been serving only in the field of hair transplantation and hair treatments since 2010.

-He is one of the first to use FUE and DHI hair transplantation techniques, which are the most advanced techniques known. He still applies hair transplantation to his patients more actively with FUE and, when necessary, DHI technique.

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Bildern vor und nach
Svetlana Rabotenko
16 Jahre der Erfahrung
Ukraine, Lemberg

Svetlana Rabotenko

16 Jahre der Erfahrung
Arztbesuch preis auf anfrage
Bauchdeckenstraffung $3044.31 - $5436.26
Blepharoplastik (Augenlidkorrektur) $869.8 - $1630.88
Bruststraffung $4892.63 - $9241.64
Weitere Behandlungen
Emre Alp
25 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul
HIV FUE Istanbul

Emre Alp

25 Jahre der Erfahrung
Eda Vatansever
8 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Antalya
SoracaMed Clinic

Eda Vatansever

8 Jahre der Erfahrung

Work Experience:

Hair Transplant Specialist

2013-2016 Dünyagöz Hospital- Nurse

October 2016-November 2017 ASMED Hair clinicHair Tansplant Assistant.

2017- continues as a Hair Transplant specialist

5000+ operations in 8 years of hair transplant


Education History:

Health vocational High School- Kocaeli University Class of 2012 Department of Nursing


-Hair Transplant

-Beard Transplant

-Mustache Transplant

  • -Platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) 

-Hair Mesotherapy


Languages: English, Turkish

Mehr lesen

Work Experience:

Hair Transplant Specialist

2013-2016 Dünyagöz Hospital- Nurse

October 2016-November 2017 ASMED Hair clinicHair Tansplant Assistant.

2017- continues as a Hair Transplant specialist

5000+ operations in 8 years of hair transplant


Education History:

Health vocational High School- Kocaeli University Class of 2012 Department of Nursing


-Hair Transplant

-Beard Transplant

-Mustache Transplant

  • -Platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) 

-Hair Mesotherapy


Languages: English, Turkish

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Amit Agarkar
15 Jahre der Erfahrung
Indien, Mumbai
Vplant Speciality Clinics

Amit Agarkar

15 Jahre der Erfahrung


  • Doctor of Medicine (M.D) in Dermatology 
  • Fellowship of College of Physicians and Surgeons (F.C.P.S) in Dermatology 
  • Diploma in Dermatology and Venereology (D.D.V) 
  • Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (M.B.B.S) 

Professional Experience:

Hair Transplant Surgeon & Trichologist  (Medical director & promotor)

Vplant Advanced Hair Clinic, Mumbai

Perform advanced hair transplant surgeries using both MHI and FUE techniques to restore natural hairlines and density.

Conduct comprehensive hair loss evaluations and develop personalized treatment plans for patients.

Provide holistic trichology care, including medical management of hair disorders, scalp treatments, and nutritional counselling.

Utilize state-of-the-art technology and innovative techniques to achieve optimal results in hair restoration.

Educate patients on hair care practices, maintenance therapies, and lifestyle modifications to promote healthy hair growth.

Consultant Dermatologist  in Bandra Bhabha hospital 2011

Senior Hair Transplant surgeon for 3 years in DHI HAIR TRANSPLANT CENTER FROM   2011 TO 2014

Assistant professor in Chennai medical college 2014


  • Hair Transplant Surgery Certification
  • Trichology Certification
  • Dermatology Board Certification


Expertise in hair transplant surgery techniques (MHI and FUE)

Proficient in diagnosing and treating hair and scalp disorders

Comprehensive understanding of trichology principles and practices

Strong surgical skills and attention to detail

Excellent communication and patient counselling abilities

Commitment to evidence-based practice and continuous professional development

Professional Memberships:

International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)

World Trichology Society (WTS)

Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists, and Leprologists (IADVL)

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  • Doctor of Medicine (M.D) in Dermatology 
  • Fellowship of College of Physicians and Surgeons (F.C.P.S) in Dermatology 
  • Diploma in Dermatology and Venereology (D.D.V) 
  • Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (M.B.B.S) 

Professional Experience:

Hair Transplant Surgeon & Trichologist  (Medical director & promotor)

Vplant Advanced Hair Clinic, Mumbai

Perform advanced hair transplant surgeries using both MHI and FUE techniques to restore natural hairlines and density.

Conduct comprehensive hair loss evaluations and develop personalized treatment plans for patients.

Provide holistic trichology care, including medical management of hair disorders, scalp treatments, and nutritional counselling.

Utilize state-of-the-art technology and innovative techniques to achieve optimal results in hair restoration.

Educate patients on hair care practices, maintenance therapies, and lifestyle modifications to promote healthy hair growth.

Consultant Dermatologist  in Bandra Bhabha hospital 2011

Senior Hair Transplant surgeon for 3 years in DHI HAIR TRANSPLANT CENTER FROM   2011 TO 2014

Assistant professor in Chennai medical college 2014


  • Hair Transplant Surgery Certification
  • Trichology Certification
  • Dermatology Board Certification


Expertise in hair transplant surgery techniques (MHI and FUE)

Proficient in diagnosing and treating hair and scalp disorders

Comprehensive understanding of trichology principles and practices

Strong surgical skills and attention to detail

Excellent communication and patient counselling abilities

Commitment to evidence-based practice and continuous professional development

Professional Memberships:

International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)

World Trichology Society (WTS)

Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists, and Leprologists (IADVL)

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