Erdem Özdemir absolvierte das Anatolische Gymnasium in Antalya. Er schloss 2005 sein Studium an der Fakultät für Zahnmedizin der Gazi-Universität und 2010 an der Fakultät für Zahnmedizin der Başkent-Universität ab und wurde Prothetiker.
Im Jahr 2008 arbeitete er im Eastman Dental Center (Rochester, USA) an der frühen Implantatplatzierung und -belastung und von 2010 bis 2011 arbeitete er als Facharzt am Ümitköy-Krankenhaus der Başkent-Universität. Von 2011 bis 2012 arbeitete er als Prothetiker in der zahnmedizinischen Abteilung des Militärkrankenhauses Gölcük.
1. Einfluss dynamischer Belastung und verschiedener Klebstoffsysteme auf die Mikroleckage in Wurzelkanälen.
Erdem Özdemir, Selim Erkut, Wei-Shao Lin, Hasan Orucoglu
Zeitschrift für Adhäsionswissenschaft und -technologie 2012; 26:22, 2517-2530
2. Einfluss verschiedener Stiftmaterialien und Befestigungszemente auf Mikroleckagen in endodontisch behandelten Wurzelkanälen
Can Ramiz Erbaşar, Erdem Ozdemir und Güzin Neda Hasanoğlu Erbaşar
Seiten 1651-1662 | Empfangen am 07. Dezember 2014, Akzeptiert am 20. März 2015, Online veröffentlicht am: 11. Mai 2015
3. Einfluss von Klebstoffsystemen auf Mikroleckagen bei endodontisch behandelten und mit Glasfaserstiften restaurierten Zähnen.
Erdem Özdemir, Kamran Gülsahi, Yonca Korkmaz, Selim Erkut, Abidin Hakan Tuncer
Zeitschrift für Adhäsionswissenschaft und -technologie 2014; ID.883773; DOI. 10:1080/01694243
4. Grenzflächenbewertung endodontisch behandelter Zähne, die mit ausgewählten Klebematerialien und Glasfaserstiften restauriert wurden: Eine SEM-Analyse.
Erdem Ozdemir, Wei-Shao Lin, Selim Erkut, Abidin Hakan Tuncer.
Journal of Dental Sciences 2013; 8:4, 365-72.
5. Behandlung des interproximalen Weichgewebes mit einer kunststoffgebundenen Prothese nach sofortiger Implantation.
Özdemir E, Lin WS, Erkut S.
J Prosthet Dent. 2012 Jan;107(1):7-10.
6. Auswirkungen der sofortigen Implantatplatzierung und -belastung auf die Weichteilbehandlung
Erdem Özdemir, Yener Oğuz
Open Journal of Stomatology, 2013, 3, ***-***
7. Ein ästhetischer Ansatz für den vorderen Abschnitt: Lavakronenrestaurationen nach subepithelialer Bindegewebstransplantation
Erdem Özdemir, Yasin Bozok
Allgemeine Zahnmedizin (angenommen 2013)
8. Mikroleckage bei verschiedenen provisorischen Techniken für Klasse-I-Inlays.
Selim Erkut, Alper Caglar, Burak Yilmaz, H. Cenker Küçükeşmen, Erdem Ozdemir
Journal of Dental Sciences, Band 8, Ausgabe 1, März 2013, Seiten 1–7.
9. Oberkieferrehabilitation mit einer CAD/CAM-gefertigten, langfristigen Interims- und anatomisch konturierten definitiven Prothese mit digitalem Workflow: Ein klinischer Bericht Lin WS, Harris BT, Ozdemir E, Morton D.
J Prosthet Dent. 2013 Jul;110(1):1-7.
10. Ein alternatives Behandlungsprotokoll mit drei Terminen zur Herstellung einer implantatgetragenen gefrästen Stegprothese.
Lin WS, Özdemir E, Morton D.
J Prosthet Dent. 2012 Feb;107(2):75-9.
11. Haftfestigkeit von selbsthaftenden Harz-Zementen am menschlichen Dentin
Özlem Acar, Erdem Özdemir
Rezensionen zu Adhäsion und Klebstoffen 2013 August;1(3) 346-364
12. Ein klinischer Vergleich von kabellosen und konventionellen Verdrängungssystemen hinsichtlich klinischer Leistung und Abdruckqualität
Özlem Acar, Selim Erkut, Tuncer Burak Özcelik, Erdem Özdemir, Mehtap Akci (Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2014, April)
13. Einfluss der Platzierung und des Zeitpunkts der Belastung von Zahnimplantaten auf das Vorhandensein und die Qualität benachbarter Interdentalpapillen
Erdem Ozdemir, Yener Oğuz, Wei-Shao Lin, Dean Morton
(Zeitschrift für Mundgesundheit und Zahnbehandlung; April 2015)
14. Einfluss verschiedener Oberflächenreinigungstechniken auf die Haftfestigkeit von Kompositrestaurationen.
Erkut S, Yilmaz B, Bagis B, Küçükeşmen C, Ozdemir E, Acar OJ Prosthet Dent. 2014 Okt;112(4):949-56. doi: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2014.05.001. Epub 14. Juni 2014. PMID: 24939254
„Auswirkungen verschiedener Trocknungstechniken auf die Bruchfestigkeit von Dentalgipsen des Typs IV“
Burak Özcelik, Erdem Özdemir, Özlem Acar, Ali Karahanoğlu
European Prosthetic Association, 2009, Österreich
„Ein ästhetischer Ansatz für den vorderen Abschnitt: Lavakronenrestaurationen nach subepithelialer Bindegewebstransplantation“
Erdem Özdemir, Yasin Bozok
European Prosthetic Association, 2009, Österreich
„Einfluss dynamischer Belastung und unterschiedlicher Klebstoffsysteme auf die Mikroleckage“
Erdem Özdemir, Selim Erkut, Kamran Gülşahı, Hasan Orucoğlu
IADR, 2010, Barcelona
„Einfluss unterschiedlicher Befestigungsmittel auf die Mikroleckage von faserverstärkten Stiften“
Erdem Özdemir, Yonca Korkmaz, Kamran Gülsahı, Selim Erkut
„Ein klinischer Vergleich kabelloser und konventioneller Verdrängungssysteme hinsichtlich klinischer Leistung und Abdruckqualität“
Özlem Acar, Selim Erkut, Tuncer Burak Özcelik, Erdem Özdemir, Mehtap Akcil
FDI 2013, Istanbul, Türkei
Handbuch der Klebtechnik
3. Auflage
Mehr lesenDentist Halime Ulukaya graduaded from Ege University Faculty of Dentistry in 2005. She took English lessons for her preparatory year in Ege University in 1999. She opened her own clinic in Antalya in 2005 and continued there until 2022. She took many various branches of dentistry educations on Esthetic Dentistry, Laminate Dental Veneers , Dental İmplant Surgery and Prosthesis, Digital Smile Design. Now, she is working her own oral and health center which name is HB Dental Clinic.
Mehr lesenArztbesuch | preis auf anfrage |
Porzellan-Furnier | $100 - $330 |
Prof. Dr. Emre Şeker is a renowned dental specialist with a distinguished academic career and extensive clinical experience. As the founder of Dentarma Dental Clinic, he combines his expertise with a patient-centered approach to deliver exceptional dental care.
Prof. Dr. Şeker holds a Ph.D. in Prosthodontics and has served as an Associate Professor at esteemed universities in Turkey. His academic background, coupled with his hands-on clinical practice, positions him as a leading authority in the field of implant dentistry, smile design, and advanced prosthetic treatments.
With a focus on patient satisfaction and utilizing cutting-edge technology, Prof. Dr. Emre Şeker and his team at Dentarma are committed to providing world-class dental solutions.
Key Areas of Expertise:
Gazi University Dentistry (2005)
Başkent University Prosthodontics (2010)
Eastman Dental Center, Rochester, NY, USA (2008)
PhD thesis. Influence of Dynamic Loading and Different Adhesive Systems on the Microleakage in Root Canals
1. Influence of Dynamic Loading and Different Adhesive Systems on the Microleakage in Root Canals.
Erdem Özdemir, Selim Erkut, Wei-Shao Lin, Hasan Orucoglu
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 2012; 26:22, 2517-2530
2. Effect of various post materials and resin luting cements on microleakage in endodontically treated root canals
Can Ramiz Erbaşar,Erdem Ozdemir &Güzin Neda Hasanoğlu Erbaşar
Pages 1651-1662 | Received 07 Dec 2014, Accepted 20 Mar 2015, Published online: 11 May 2015
3. Effect of adhesive systems on microleakage in endodontically treated teeth restored with glass fiber posts.
Erdem Özdemir, Kamran Gülsahi, Yonca Korkmaz, Selim Erkut, Abidin Hakan Tuncer
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 2014; ID.883773; DOI. 10:1080/01694243
4. Interfacial evaluation of endodontically treated teeth restored with selected adhesive materials and glass fiber posts: An SEM analysis.
Erdem Ozdemir, Wei-Shao Lin, Selim Erkut, Abidin Hakan Tuncer.
Journal of Dental Sciences 2013; 8:4, 365-72.
5. Management of interproximal soft tissue with a resin-bonded prosthesis after immediate implant placement.
Özdemir E, Lin WS, Erkut S.
J Prosthet Dent. 2012 Jan;107(1):7-10.
6. Effect of Immediate Implant Placement and Loading on Soft TissueManagement
Erdem Özdemir, Yener Oğuz
Open Journal of Stomatology, 2013, 3, ***-***
7.An esthetic approach to anterior segment: Lava crown restorations following subepithelial connective tissue graft procedure
Erdem Özdemir, Yasin Bozok
General Dentistry (accepted 2013)
8. Microleakage of different provisionalization techniques for class I inlays.
Selim Erkut, Alper Caglar, Burak Yilmaz, H. Cenker Küçükeşmen, Erdem Ozdemir
Journal of Dental Sciences, Volume 8, Issue 1, March 2013, Pages 1-7.
9. Maxillary rehabilitation with a CAD/ CAM-fabricated, long-term interim and anatomic contour definitive prosthesis with a digital workflow: A clinical report Lin WS, Harris BT, Ozdemir E, Morton D.
J Prosthet Dent. 2013 Jul;110(1):1-7.
10. A three-appointment alternative treatment protocol for fabricating an implant-supported milled bar overdenture.
Lin WS, Ozdemir E, Morton D.
J Prosthet Dent. 2012 Feb;107(2):75-9.
11. Bonding strength of self adhesive resin cements to human dentin
Özlem Acar, Erdem Özdemir
Reviews of Adhesion and Adhesives 2013 August;1(3) 346-364
12. A clinical comparison of cordless and conventional displacement systems regarding clinical performance and impression quality
Özlem Acar, Selim Erkut, Tuncer Burak Özcelik, Erdem Özdemir, Mehtap Akci (Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2014, april)
13. Effect of Dental Implant Placement and Loading Timing on Presence and Quality of Adjacent Interdental Papillae
Erdem Ozdemir, Yener Oğuz, Wei-Shao Lin, Dean Morton
(journal of oral health and dental management; april, 2015)
14. Effect of different surface-cleaning techniques on the bond strength of composite resin restorations.
Erkut S, Yilmaz B, Bagis B, Küçükeşmen C, Ozdemir E, Acar O.J Prosthet Dent. 2014 Oct;112(4):949-56. doi: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2014.05.001. Epub 2014 Jun 14.PMID: 24939254
“Effects of various drying techniques on the fracture strength of type IV dental stones”
Burak Özcelik, Erdem Özdemir, Özlem Acar, Ali Karahanoğlu
European Prosthetic Association, 2009, Austria
“An esthetic approach to anterior segment: Lava crown restorations following subepithelial connective tissue graft procedure”
Erdem Özdemir, Yasin Bozok
European Prosthetic Association, 2009, Austria
“Influence of Dynamic Loading and Different Adhesive Systems On The Microleakage”
Erdem Özdemir, Selim Erkut, Kamran Gülşahı, Hasan Orucoğlu
IADR, 2010, Barcelona
“Influence of Different Luting Agents on the Microleakage of Fiber-Reinforced Posts”
Erdem Özdemir, Yonca Korkmaz, Kamran Gülsahı, Selim Erkut
“A clinical comparison of cordless and conventional displacement systems regarding clinical performance and impression quality”
Özlem Acar, Selim Erkut, Tuncer Burak Özcelik, Erdem Özdemir, Mehtap Akcil
FDI 2013, İstanbul, Turkey
Handbook of adhesive technology
3. edition
Chapter 21
Mehr lesenÖzge Aydoğ is a dentist specialized in prosthetic dental treatment. She completed her Doctorate program in Prosthetic Dental Treatment at Ankara University and her Bachelor’s degree in Dentistry at Marmara University. Dr. Aydoğ has worked at various dental clinics and universities throughout her career. She has gained experience as a dentist at Istanbul Aydın University, as well as private clinics such as Özel Doc Fethiye Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Polikliniği and currently at Özel Dentoper Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Polikliniği. Dr. Aydoğ is a member of the Turkish Dental Association (TDB) and has participated in various scientific events related to her field of expertise. She has also presented her research at several scientific conferences, including the 24th International Dental Congress in Ankara and the FDI World Dental Congress in Madrid. Dr. Aydoğ has published an article in the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry titled “Flexural strength of CAD-CAM and conventional interim resin materials with a surface sealant”. She has also given several presentations on topics such as telescopic copings supported maxillary overdenture and multidisciplinary oral rehabilitation of a patient with synthetic cannabinoids addiction. With her extensive education, experience, and scientific contributions, Dr. Aydoğ is dedicated to providing her patients with the highest quality dental care.
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