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Beste Gesäßstraffung Chirurgen in Klaipėda - TOP -1 Ärzte

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Fahad Mawlood - Allgemeinarzt. Gewinner von 4 wissenschaftlichen Preisen. Er diente in Westasien. Ehemaliger Teamleiter eines medizinischen Teams zur Betreuung arabischsprachiger Patienten. Jetzt Fahad ist verantwortlich für die Datenverarbeitung und die Genauigkeit der medizinischen Inhalte.
Dainius Daunoravicius
17 Jahre der Erfahrung
Litauen, Klaipėda
Clinicus Klaipeda

Dainius Daunoravicius

17 Jahre der Erfahrung


International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery


LICENSE: MPL-17062/25779 (A specialist in plastic and reconstructive surgery).

Dr Dainius Daunoravičius has been working in this field since 2007. He is a member of the Lithuanian Society for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). The surgeon graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Vilnius University, later he finished continuing doctoral studies and was awarded an MD degree. Between 2007 and 2016, he lectured at the Faculty of Medicine of Vilnius University. The surgeon enhanced his knowledge and experience in plastic and reconstructive surgery through traineeships in Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Turkey, France, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Estonia, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom.

Surgeon D. Daunoravičius and his wife Ieva, an obstetrician gynaecologist, have four children: Ūla, Bernardas, Leonas and Vincentas.

From generation to generation

Surgeon D. Daunoravičius comes from a family of several generations of physicians, professors and artists in various fields. Medicine, art and music have been accompanying Dainius since he was a child. ‘As a child, I would frequent the hospital departments where my dad and grandfather practised, and their meaningful work as doctors left a huge impression on me. I also used to spend a lot of time in the workshop of another grandfather, a professor at the Academy of Arts, where we modelled and moulded gypsum sculptures together. Therefore, when I found plastic surgery, which I perceive as a synthesis of art, science and medicine, there was no doubt,’ Dr D. Daunoravičius describes his calling. ‘Recently, in the grandfather’s workshop, we have been going through art books on sculpture of different times: from antiquity to modern art. I learned to model the human body from them and had discussions with my grandfather about the ideal proportions and the shape of lips, nose, and cheeks. We perfect them on clay or plaster forms and observe how a face changes as it is put together. It’s very interesting and useful as, after all, it is similar to what we do in the operating room,’ adds the surgeon.

Continuous improvement for the sake of patients

‘Plastic surgery is my work and leisure, as well as a great field for endless improvement. The latest knowledge, new opportunities and mastered innovative operational techniques and tactics are especially important for people in our field. That is why I do traineeships at foreign clinics at least 5 times a year and subscribe to the latest scientific literature. I think that the greatest pleasure for every specialist in plastic and reconstructive surgery is the unique opportunity to make a positive change in the way the patient feels,’ says the surgeon. He maintains that plastic surgery has little to do with meeting one’s fancies and that it is the fulfilment of legitimate expectations and, quite often, even a necessity of human life.
‘Having succeeded in solving a physical problem, we help solve psychological issues and develop self-esteem at the same time. The results are clearly seen during postoperative visits when the patients arrive with shining faces, happy and self-confident. It is a great pleasure to see such harmony resulting from changes both on the inside and the outside, as this is the highest acclaim of our work.’


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