Die #1 Medizintourismusplattform seit 2014

Soykan Barlas


21 Jahre der Erfahrung


Dr. İlhami Soykan Barlas was born in the year 1977 in Istanbul Moda. He is graduated from Kadıköy Anadolu High School and Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine. He was awarded the title of General Surgery Specialist after completing his general surgery specialization in Okmeydanı Training and Research Hospital in the year 2008. 

He went to Scotland 2 times in the years 2006-2007 and received advanced laparoscopic education. He awarded with ‘Certificate of Appreciation’ by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey in the year 2009 for his contributions to the establishment of Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Training and Research Hospital Burn Center and for his related works. 

After completing his compulsory service at Kastamonu İnebolu State Hospital between the years 2009-2011, resigned from his duty at the state owned institutions, returned to Istanbul and started to work in private sector. He has been working as kidney transplant and general surgery specialist in Florence Nightingale group of hospitals since the year 2013. Since the year 2017, he has been serving as academic Doctor Lecturer in Faculty of Medicine of Demiroğlu Science University. He has more than 20 articles published in national and international journals in general surgery and kidney transplant and more than 30 proceedings that are submitted in national and international congresses. 

He also has been the book editor and chapter author on kidney transplant and he also has been chapter author in various surgery books. Dr Soykan Barlas has been awarded the title ‘General Surgery Associate Professor’ in the year 2020. Currently, he has been working within the organization of Medical Park Group of Hospitals .


 İstanbul Okmeydanı Training and Research Hospital 2003-2008 (Specialization Education ) 

 İstanbul Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital 2009 

 İnebolu State Hospital 2009-2011 (Compulsory Service Duty) 

 Private Hospitalium Şişli Hospital 2012-2013 

 Şişli Florence Nightingale Hospital Kidney and Pancreas Transplant Center 2013-2020 

 Demiroğlu Science University Faculty of Medicine Surgery Department Lecturer 2017- Present 

 İstanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital Kidney and Pancreas Transplant Center 2020- Present 

 Private Osmanoğlu Hospital Şişli 2020-2022 Medical Park Göztepe Hospital 2022- present.


1.Soykan Barlas,ArzuAkan,YavuzEryavuz,GirayYavuz,SedatKamalı,Gülçin Kamalı: PrimaryHydatidosis of thegluteusmuscle:Report of a caseandreview of theliterature. Ind JSurg.2016; 78(2): 161–162. 

2.Metin Kement, Hakan Ahmet Acar, İlhami Soykan Barlas, Nihat Aksakal, Cem Gezen, Uygar Düzci, Mustafa Öncel: Clinical evaluation of a temporaryfecalcontainmentdevicefornonsurgicalfecaldiversion in perinealburns. Ulus Trauma Emergency Surgery Journal. 2011; 17(2): 123-127 

3.Bilgin Y, Hot S,BarlasIS,AkanA,Eryavuz Y:Short andlongtermresults of harmonicscalpelhemorrhoidectomyversusstaplerhemorrhoidopexy in treatment of hemorrhoidaldisease. Asian J Surg. 2015;38(4):214-9. 

4.Sinangil A, Celik V, Barlas S, Sakaci T, Koc Y, Basturk T, Akin EB, Ecder T. NewOnsetDiabetesAfterKidneyTransplantationandPretransplantHypoma gnesemia.ProgTransplant. 2016 Mar;26(1):55-61. doi: 10.1177/1526924816633949. 

5.Sinangil A, Celik V, Barlas S, Altunrende F, Akin EB, Ecder T. CalcifiedDouble J StentafterSequentialLiverandRenalTransplantationAssociatedtoprim aryOxalosis: Case Report. BANTAO journal, 2015;13(2), 97-99. 

6.Sinangil A, Celik V, Barlas S, KuskuCabuk F, Akin EB, Ecder T. A veryraretumor in a renaltransplantdonorcandidate: primarymesentericneuroendocrinetumor.InternationalJournal Of AdvancesIn Case Reports, 2015;2(4):244-249 

7.Sinangil A, Celik V, Barlas S, Akin EB, Ecder T. Shouldtransplantureter be stentedroutinelyor not?EurRevMedPharmacolSci. 2014;18(23):3551-6. 

8.Sinangil A, Celik V, Barlas S, Koc Y, Basturk T, Sakaci T, Akin EB, Ecder T. Theincidence of newonsetdiabetesaftertransplantationandrelatedfactors: Singlecenterexperience. Nefrologia, 2017;37(2):181-188. 

9.Akin EB, Aydogdu I, Barlas IS. Introducing RobotAssistedLaparoscopicDonorNephrectomyAfterExperienceInHandAssistedRetroperitoneoscopicApproach. TransplantProceedings 2019;51, 2221-222. 

10. Barlas IS, Aydogdu I, Sinangil A, Atan Ucar Z, Koc Y, Sardogan C, Akin EB. IncisionalComplicationsandCosmetic Evaluation AfterHand-AssistedRetroperitoneoscopicDonorNephrectomy. TransplantProceedings 2019; 51, 2215-2220. 

11. Barlas IS, Aydogdu I, Sinangil A, Atan Ucar Z, Koc Y, Ecder T, Akin EB. HandAssistedNephretomyPredisposesIncisionalHerniationInObeseL ivingDonors. TransplantProceedings 2019; 51, 2210-2214. 

12.Sinangil A, Atan Ucar Z, KocY, Barlas IS, Abouzahir S,Ecder ST, Akin EB. TheOutcome of DesensitizationTherapy in Immunologically High-risk KidneyTransplantation: Single-Center Experience. TransplantProceedings 2019; 51, 2268-2273 

13.GodeOguten E, Barlas IS, Akin EB. MentalDistressSymptomsand Life SatisfactionamongLivingKidneyDonors: FrequencyandAssociationwithSubjectiveEvaluations. TransplantProceedings 2019; 51, 2232-2236 

14. Atan Ucar Z,Sinangil A, Koc Y, Barlas IS, AbouzahirS, Ecder T, Akin EB. TheClinicalPrognosis Of TheRenalRetransplantPatients: A Single Center Experience. TransplantProceedings 2019;51, 2274- 2278. 

15. Barlas IS, Demir M, Akın EB. A single-center nineyearexperience in pediatrickidneytransplantation. Cumhuriyet MedicalJournal 2020; 42 (1), 126-135


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