Dr. Josef Georg Grohs ist ein hervorragender Orthopäde, der am 6. März 1961 in Wien geboren wurde. Er studierte Medizin an der Universität Wien und verfügt über verschiedene Abschlüsse in Postgraduiertenpraxis, Berufserfahrung und orthopädischer Chirurgie. Er war an mehreren medizinischen Organisationen beteiligt und hat Operationen in Ghana und Kenia durchgeführt.
Dr. Grohs is the outstandung orthopedist. He was born in Vienna on March 6, 1961. Dr. Josef Georg Grohs finished high school in Vienna in 1979. During the period 1980 – 86 has been studied Medicine at the University of Vienna, M.D. awarded on Dec. 18, 1986 .
Postgraduate Experience: • 1995 Diplom Klinischer Prüfarzt (Österr. Ärztekammer) • 1999 Diplom Manuelle Medizin (Österr. Ärztekammer) • 2003 Universitätslehrgang für medizinische Führungskräfte, Univ. Wien • 2010-03-11 Diplom Klinischer Monitor (Wiener Ärzetkammer)
Professional Experience
1981 + 82 Dept. of Pharmacology, E. Boehringer Institute for Drug Research (Prof. Dr. W. Kobinger)
1986 - 90 Dept. of Pharmacology, University of Vienna, (Prof. Dr. G. Raberger)
1991 - 94 Internship at Wilhelminenspital, Vienna IV Dept. of Internal Medicine (Prof. Dr. H. Pointner) Dept. of Neurology (Prof. Dr. E. Sluga) III Dept. of Internal Medicine (Prof. Dr. K. Steinbach) Dept. of Pediatrics (Prim. Dr. H. Zimprich) I Dept. of Surgery (Prof. Dr. M. Wagner) Dept. of Traumatology (Prof. Dr. M. Wagner) Dept. of Dermatology (Prof. Dr. H. Partsch) Dept. of Gynaecology (Prof. Dr. H. Salzer) Dept. of Otolaryngology (Prim. Dr. Arnoldner) Dept. of Anaesthesiology (Prof. Dr. Fitzal)
31. 1. 1994 Jus practicandi
1995 Clinial Investigator (Diploma of the Viennese Chamber of Physicians)
1996- 97 KH Barmherzige Schwestern, Vienna, Dept. of Surgery (Prof. Dr. Wunderlich)
1998 Dept. of Plastic Surgery, University of Vienna (Prof. Dr. M. Frey)
1998 Dept. of Surgery, University of Vienna (Prof. Dr. R. Jakesz)
since 1994 Fellowship at Dept. of Orthopaedics, University Vienna (Prof. Dr. R. Kotz)
31.12.1998 Diploma as Specialist for Orthopaedic Surgery
since 1999 Spine Group/Dept. of Orthopaedics, Univ. Vienna (Prof. Dr. R. Kotz)
1.7.2005 Assistent Professor
Since 2004 Deputy Chief of the Spine Unit/Dept. of Orthopaedics, Medical Univ. Vienna (Prof. Dr. R. Kotz, Prof. Dr. R. Windhager)
Since 2002 Board Member of the Austrian Spine Society
2006 Surgery in Koforidua/Ghana
14.11.2006 Habilitation in Orthopaedics
2007-09 Vice President of the Austrian Spine Society
2009 Surgery in Kwale/Kenia 2010 Surgery in Kwale/Kenia
2009-2011 President of the Austrian Spine Society
2011-13 Vice President of the Austrian Spine Society
2011-14 Core-Reviewer in Program Committee of Spine Society of Europe
2011-14 Orthopedic Education Officer of AO-Spine Austria
Since 2015 Chair of AO-Spine Austria
Since 2015 Advisory Board of Austrian Spine Societ
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