Kardiologe/-in, Gefäßchirurg/-in
University professor Irene Lang, specialist in the field of vascular surgery, award-winning cardiologist. Professor Lang works at the Vienna General Hospital of General Medicine (AKH). Professor Lang is the creator of the method in Austria by which narrowed pulmonary vessels can be dilated. The doctor also leads research teams and teaches as a professor at the Medical University of Vienna. Lang completed her studies of “sub auspiciis praesidentis” (under the auspices of the president), which means with honors. In 1984 the president of the Federation, Rudolf Kirchschlager personally congratulated her on receiving the title of Doctor of Medical Sciences. Then Lang was engaged in research activities in San Diego (USA) for five years until 1989, but for family reasons was forced to return to Vienna.
But this did not stop her from making the brilliant career, and already in 2016, Lang received an honorary order for her services to the Republic of Austria. Irene Lang has many years of experience in cardiopulmonary medicine, assessment and interpretation of hemodynamics, vascular interventions, hemodynamic testing, pulmonary and systemic angiography, oximetry, measurement of compliance and resistance, as well as in pulmonary vascular biology. In the largest hospital in Europe (AKH Vienna), the professor has access to a fully equipped catheter laboratory, including the introduction of nitric oxide, hardware and software for measuring upward resistance, an outpatient pulmonary vascular clinic and a vascular biology laboratory.
Scientific activities in the areas of: Pulmonary arterial hypertension, hemodynamics, vascular resistance, vascular impedance, vascular biology, acute myocardial infarction, myocardial regeneration, thrombosis, vascular occlusion, mechanisms of development of atherosclerosis.
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Ich war nicht im Krankenhaus. Ich habe nur eine zweite Meinung eingeholt. Ich war sehr enttäuscht, weil ich viel daran gearbeitet habe, die gesamte Dokumentation ins Englische zu übersetzen, und schli... Mehr lesen
Alles war in Ordnung. Bookimed war sehr nett, mir kurzfristig einen Termin in Wien zu vermitteln. Der Chirurg war sehr professionell. Das einzige, was ich vorgezogen hätte, war die Zahlung mit Kreditk... Mehr lesen