Polen, Rzeszow

Behandlung von Coxarthrose in Holy Family Hospital

5 Bewertungen
2 Krankenhaus Akkredititationen der Qualität

Über Klinik


  • Ausgezeichnet für hervorragende Leistungen in der Orthopädie mit Patient Choice Awards in den Bereichen Rehabilitation und Orthopädie.
  • Spezialisiert auf minimalinvasive chirurgische Verfahren, einschließlich Hüftgelenkersatz und MAKOplasty-Hüftgelenkersatz.
  • Innovative Verwendung von bioresorbierbaren Magnezix-Implantaten für den Knochenaufbau, wodurch zusätzliche Operationen vermieden werden.
  • Bietet fortschrittliche regenerative Behandlungen wie Stammzelltherapie und periartikuläre Zellmatrix-Blockaden.
  • Umfassende stationäre und ambulante Rehabilitationsprogramme unter der Leitung von erfahrenen Ärzten für medizinische Rehabilitation.


Behandlungspreise in der Klinik

Letzte Preisaktualisierung — 29.04.2024, Preise können je nach medizinischem Fall und Arztempfehlungen geändert werden.
Arthroskopie $1000 - $5000
Hüftersatz $3000 - $7000
Stammzelltherapie bei Arthritis $1400 - $1600

Krankenhaus Akkredititationen der Qualität

Patient choice in Rehabilitation
UA, Patient choice in Rehabilitation Zertifikat für Holy Family Hospital eine medizinische Einrichtung Holy Family Hospital
Patient choice in Orthopaedics
UA, Patient choice in Orthopaedics Zertifikat für Holy Family Hospital eine medizinische Einrichtung Holy Family Hospital

Holy Family Hospital: Weitere Details über klinik

Polen, Rzeszow

Today, it is one of the largest private hospitals in southern Poland, providing comprehensive treatment for osteoarticular and muscular system diseases and injuries. The hospital strongly emphasizes minimally invasive surgical procedures for various body areas, such as the hand, elbow, shoulder, hip, knee, ankle, and spine.

The Orthopedics and Traumatology department offers comprehensive treatment for osteoarticular and muscular system diseases and injuries. Special attention is given to the development of minimally invasive surgical procedures, utilizing innovative medical techniques and bio-engineering materials for bone and joint reconstruction. The hospital specializes in joint endoprosthesis, offering hip, knee, shoulder, brachioradialis, and foot joint treatments. It also provides advanced solutions for injury and post-surgery recovery, including vacuum-assisted closure for wound healing, ozone therapy, and innovative techniques for managing postoperative pain and swelling.

Unique to the hospital is its use of bioabsorbable Magnezix implants made of magnesium alloy, which gradually biodegrade in the body and are replaced by natural bone tissue. This eliminates the need for additional metal removal surgeries. The hospital applies regenerative medicine techniques and bioengineering in bone and articular cartilage reconstruction, offering treatments such as Cellular Matrix periarticular blockages and stem cell therapy with LIPOGEMS growth factors.

The hospital offers comprehensive inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation programs led by qualified medical rehabilitation physicians and physiotherapy specialists. Orthopedic rehabilitation targets various diseases of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle, and spine, while neurological rehabilitation caters to patients with conditions such as strokes, craniocerebral injuries, spinal cord injuries, and Parkinson's disease. 

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