Die Unterkunft ist nicht inbegriffen
Transfer ist nicht inbegriffen
Patient needs to arrive 48 hrs before surgery, get preop labs and cardiologist clearence (200 usd), surgery on day 3 and stay 6-7 more days before flying back home.Patient spend one night at the hsopital and gets discharged the next day.Best option for accomodation: ll inclusive recovery house (driver, chef, private room, nurse care) around 170 usd per night. Videocall is available to meet the doctor and solve any question.10% downpayment to book surgery
Persönlicher medizinischer Koordinator
Medizinische Reisearrangements — Buchung von Flugtickets und Hotelzimmern zu Sonderpreisen
Patientenbefürwortung während einer medizinischen Reise