{{h2}} ✅ Price includes:{{/h2}}{{li}}Four-star full-board accommodation with personalized vegetarian meals{{/li}}{{li}} Daily 90-minute Ayurvedic procedures recommended by our doctors{{/li}}{{li}} Daily meditation and yoga sessions{{/li}}{{li}} Access to the gym, pool, walking track, and indoor/outdoor games{{/li}}{{li}} Visit to the dairy and organic farm{{/li}}{{li}} Complimentary airport, railway station, and central bus stop transfers in Trivandrum{{/li}}{{li}} Individual consultation with Guru Yogi Shivan {{/li}}{{li}} Free Wi-Fi {{/li}}
{{h2}} ❌Price does not include: {{/h2}}{{li}} Excursion tours{{/li}}{{li}} Blood tests, X-rays, scans, physiotherapy, and psychotherapy (if recommended by the doctor){{/li}}{{li}} Prescription medications{{/li}}{{li}} Laundry services{{/li}}{{li}} Additional yoga sessions upon request{{/li}}{{li}} Hypnotherapy sessions{{/li}}
Persönlicher medizinischer Koordinator
Medizinische Reisearrangements — Buchung von Flugtickets und Hotelzimmern zu Sonderpreisen
Patientenbefürwortung während einer medizinischen Reise