Krankenhausaufenthalt + anschließender Hotelaufenthalt
VIP-Transfer (Premium-Fahrzeugservice, alle Transfers zwischen Flughafen, Hotel und Klinik)
There are two main ways surgery for hernias can be carried out: open surgery (where a cut is made to allow the surgeon to push the lump back into the tummy) and laparoscopy (keyhole surgery - this is a less invasive, but more difficult, technique where several smaller cuts are made, allowing the surgeon to use various special instruments to repair the hernia). Most people are able to go home the same day or the day after surgery and make a full recovery within a few weeks.
Persönlicher medizinischer Koordinator
Medizinische Reisearrangements — Buchung von Flugtickets und Hotelzimmern zu Sonderpreisen
Patientenbefürwortung während einer medizinischen Reise