Erfahrener Leiter der Plastischen und Ästhetischen Chirurgie des Krankenhauses Horovice mit einem Abschluss in Allgemeinmedizin der Karlsuniversität in Prag und Facharztbescheinigungen für Plastische Chirurgie und Chirurgie. Die postgraduale Ausbildung umfasst verschiedene Kurse in Plastischer und Ästhetischer Chirurgie, Rekonstruktiver Mikrochirurgie und Anatomie. Auch beteiligt an einem experimentellen Projekt mit der internen Förderagentur des Gesundheitsministeriums der Tschechischen Republik.
Breast modeling is performed for the purpose of correcting voluminous, sagging breasts in order to lift them, reduce their volume and shape them, or due to the loss of breast volume after pregnancy, due to hormonal changes, or to restore the shape of the breasts after their partial or complete loss for various reasons. Breast shaping is a surgical procedure that is performed under general anesthesia and takes approximately 2 hours. Therefore, a preoperative examination is necessary. The aim of the procedure is to reduce the breast skin, strengthen the gland and overall modeling of the
breasts. There are several options for modeling and it depends on the specific needs of the client.
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