Bietet einzigartige Handchirurgie und rekonstruktive Mikrochirurgie der Nerven. Zu seinen Patienten gehört Dani Pedrosa, eine spanische Motorradlegende.Orthopäde-Traumatologe
Individuelle Station
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Thank you for choosing Teknon Medical Center Barcelona: https://www.teknon.es/
We received your request regarding rotator cuff repair surgery.
Leading specialist in field of upper extremity problems, Dr. Casañas:
In the attachment, we send the doctor's resume in English.
To determine the amount of treatment needed and to accurately calculate the budget, we suggest consulting a doctor online.
As a result of the consultation, you will receive an official medical opinion, which you can use to obtain permission to enter Spain during a pandemic.
Consultation cost: 350 euros
Yours faithfully,
Ostap Bondarenko
Teknon Medical Assistant
Persönlicher medizinischer Koordinator
Medizinische Reisearrangements — Buchung von Flugtickets und Hotelzimmern zu Sonderpreisen
Patientenbefürwortung während einer medizinischen Reise