Die #1 Medizintourismusplattform seit 2014

Beste Angioplastie und Stenting der Wirbelarterie Neurochirurgen - TOP-22 Ärzte

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Fahad Mawlood - Allgemeinarzt. Gewinner von 4 wissenschaftlichen Preisen. Er diente in Westasien. Ehemaliger Teamleiter eines medizinischen Teams zur Betreuung arabischsprachiger Patienten. Jetzt Fahad ist verantwortlich für die Datenverarbeitung und die Genauigkeit der medizinischen Inhalte.
Gerardo Conesa Bertran
39 Jahre der Erfahrung
396 Rezensionen
Spanien, Barcelona
Teknon Barcelona

Gerardo Conesa Bertran

39 Jahre der Erfahrung


European Association of Neurosurgical Societies

Dr. Conesa ist ein erfahrener Neurochirurg, der 1982 sein Medizinstudium an der Universität Barcelona abschloss und 1990 seine Spezialisierung auf Neurochirurgie am Universitätskrankenhaus de Bellvitge abschloss. Er hat Praktika in den USA und Frankreich absolviert und in verschiedenen Krankenhäusern gearbeitet in Barcelona seit 1985. Er ist Mitglied von Berufsverbänden wie der European Association of Neurosurgical Societies, dem European Union Congress of Neurosurgeons, der Spanish Society of Neurosurgery und der Walter Dandy Society.

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396 Rezensionen
Baran Yilmaz
19 Jahre der Erfahrung
22 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Valued Med Hub Hospitals

Baran Yilmaz

19 Jahre der Erfahrung

Education and Expertise

1998 - 2005 - Marmara University Faculty of Medicine

1998 - 2005 - Marmara University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery, Istanbul

(Head of the Department: Prof Dr Türker KILIÇ)

2011 - 2012 - Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA (Director: Murat Günel MD. PhD., Professor of Neurosurgery)Cerebrovascular Research Fellowship


Professional Memberships

2014 + Turkish Neurosurgery Association

2017 + Turkish Spine Association

2018 + AOSpine



Turkish Neurosurgery Society 31st Scientific Congress “Prof. Dr. Hamit Ziya Gökalp Young Neurosurgeon Encouragement First Prize”, Antalya, 2017.


Courses and Certificates

1. Member of the Organizing Committee; 12. National Neuroscience Congress, Bahçeşehir University, 28-31 May 2014

2. Member of the Organizing Committee; 11. ASNO 'Skull-base Anatomy Course', 11-14 September 2014, Istanbul

3. Instructor / Member of the Organizing Committee; Neurosurgery Course Series – 4 /Prof. Dr. Evandro de Oliveira Skull Base Course 2, Prof. Rhoton Anatomy Lab BAU Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, 2015.

4. Member of the Organizing Committee; International Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery Microelectrode Recording Cadaver Course, Rhoton Anatomy Lab BAU Faculty of Medicine, 6-7 February 2015 Istanbul.

5. Organization Officer; TND Istanbul Meetings, Istanbul, 2015-2016

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22 Rezensionen
Ralf Buhl
26 Jahre der Erfahrung
55 Rezensionen
Deutschland, Solingen
Krankenhaus Solingen (Medical Center in Solingen)

Ralf Buhl

26 Jahre der Erfahrung

Prof. Ralf Buhl ist ein weltberühmter Neurochirurg mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung. Dr. Buhl leitet die Neurochirurgie am Klinikum Solingen. Sein Ruf reicht bis nach China und in die USA, wo er neurochirurgische Vorträge hält.


Dr. Buhl ist auf nicht-invasive Methoden zur Behandlung von Bandscheibenvorfällen, Gehirn- und Rückenmarkstumoren spezialisiert. Der Arzt behandelt Erkrankungen des peripheren Nervensystems und führt computergestützte Navigationsmikrooperationen durch.


Dr. Ralf Buhl hat über 4.000 erfolgreiche Neurochirurgien durchgeführt. Unter seinen Patienten sind berühmte Politiker, Geschäftsleute, Musiker, Schauspieler. Im Jahr 2015 hatte Hollywoodstar George Clooney starke Rückenschmerzen und wurde von Professor Buhl behandelt.


Wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit

Dr. Buhl führt wissenschaftliche Arbeiten und Forschungen in der Behandlung von intrakraniellen Kavernomen, der chirurgischen Behandlung von Hirnmetastasen und anderen neurochirurgischen Bereichen durch.

Рrofessor Buhl hat den Fonds mitbegründet, der sich der Erforschung von Hirntumoren widmet.

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55 Rezensionen
Mustafa Bozbuga
33 Jahre der Erfahrung
48 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
NP Istanbul

Mustafa Bozbuga

33 Jahre der Erfahrung
Prof. Dr. Mustafa BOZBUGA ist ein erfahrener Neurochirurg mit über 30 Jahren Erfahrung in Schädelbasischirurgie, Neuroonkologie, neurovaskulärer Chirurgie, Wirbelsäulen- und Rückenmarkschirurgie. Er ist Professor am NPISTANBUL Brain Hospital und hat einen Abschluss der Istanbul University Istanbul Medical School. Er hat mehrere wissenschaftliche Arbeiten in internationalen und nationalen Zeitschriften veröffentlicht und auf Konferenzen präsentiert.Mehr lesen
48 Rezensionen
Kamran Aghayev
23 Jahre der Erfahrung
1 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Dr. Kamran Aghayev's Private Practice

Kamran Aghayev

23 Jahre der Erfahrung
Dr. Kamran Aghayev ist ein renommierter Neurochirurg mit über 23 Jahren Erfahrung, der sich auf komplexe Eingriffe an Gehirn und Wirbelsäule spezialisiert hat. Er hat über 5.000 erfolgreiche Operationen durchgeführt und hält mehrere US-Patente für Erfindungen im Bereich der Wirbelsäulenchirurgie. Er hat einzigartige Operationstechniken entwickelt und über 50 wissenschaftliche Arbeiten veröffentlicht.Mehr lesen
1 Rezensionen
Sait Ozturk
16 Jahre der Erfahrung
20 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Medical Park Istanbul

Sait Ozturk

16 Jahre der Erfahrung

Education and Expertise:

 2000 - 2007 - Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Undergraduate 

2009 - 2014 - Fırat University, Department of Neurosurgery, Specialization

 2015 - 2019 - Fırat University, Department of Neurosurgery, Dr. Instructor Member of 

2019 - 2021 - Fırat University, Department of Neurosurgery, Assoc. Dr.



 2014-2015 Harvard Medical School – Surgery for Movement Disorders and Epilepsy / United States


Professional Memberships:

 European Society of Neurosurgery (EANS) Turkish Neurosurgery Association

 Neuromodulation Association



  epilepsy surgery 

 Epilepsy pacemaker surgery

  Neurosurgery

  brain biopsy

  Spasticity surgery

  brain tumors 

 hydrocephalus

  spine surgery 


Scientific publications A.1 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKGÜN BEKİR,EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖNAL SELAMİ ATEŞ,KAPLAN METİN (2018). Intra-operative Results and Post-operative Clinical Outcomes of Lumbar Microdiscectomy in Patients Received Transforaminal Anterior Epidural Steroid Injection Earlier for Lumbar Radiculopathy.. Turkish Neurosurgery, 28(2), 263-269., (Kontrol No: 4613287) A.2 AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,TAŞKENT İSMAİL,SÜRME MEHMET BEŞİR,EROL FATİH SERHAT,YILDIRIM HANEFİ (2018). Evaluation of Apparent Diffusion Coefficients in the Cerebellar Tonsils and Bulbus in Chiari Type I Malformations: Comparison Before and After Surgery.. Turkish Neurosurgery, 28(5), 710- 715., (Kontrol No: 4612782) A.3 AKGÜN BEKİR,ÇAKIN HAKAN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,YILDIRIM HANEFİ,ÖKÇESİZ İZZET,KAZAN MEHMET SAİM,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2018). Evaluation of Cortical Brain Parenchyma by Diffusion and Perfusion MRI Before and After Chronic Subdural Hematoma Surgery.. Turkish Neurosurgery, 28(3), 405-409., (Kontrol No: 4612955) A.4 ARTAŞ GÖKHAN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KULOĞLU TUNCAY,DAĞLI ADİLE FERDA,GÖNEN MURAT,ARTAŞ HAKAN,AYDIN SÜLEYMAN,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2018). A Novel Candidate Molecule in the Pathological Grading of Gliomas: ELABELA. Turkish Neurosurgery, 28(6), 989-994., (Kontrol No: 4613377) A.5 AKGÜN BEKİR,SARI AYSEL,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖZERCAN İBRAHİM HANİFİ,ULU RAMAZAN (2017). Effects of Mucuna pruriens on Free Fatty Acid Levels and Histopathological Changes in the Brains of Rats Fed a High Fructose Diet. Medical Principles and Practice, 26(6), 561-566., Doi: 10.1159/000481402, (Kontrol No: 4958477) A.6 KAPLAN METİN,Arıcı Lütfu,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇOBANOĞLU ŞİMŞEK BENGÜ,Hergünsel Ömer Batu,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2018). A comparison of the type IX collagen levels of the intervertebral disc materials in diabetic and nondiabetic patients who treated with lumbar microdiscectomy.. EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL, 27(1), 214- 221., (Kontrol No: 4613103) A.7 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KARABULUT KORAY,PAŞAHAN RAMAZAN,KAPLAN METİN (2018). Laparoscopy in the Management of Lumboperitoneal Shunt Catheter in Obese Patients with Pseudotumor Cerebri.. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, 21(3), 397-400., (Kontrol No: 4612896) A.8 Balevi Mustafa,ÖZTÜRK SAİT (2018). Modified simple decompression of ulnar nerve in the treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome: Report of a series of cases. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, 21(8), 974-978., (Kontrol No: 4613693) A.9 AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ARTAŞ GÖKHAN,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2018). Effects of Intrathecal Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester (CAPE) on IL-6 and TNF-? Levels and Local Inflammatory Responses in Spinal Cord Injuries.. Turkish Neurosurgery, 28(4), 625-629., (Kontrol No: 4612843) A.10 ÜÇLER NECATİ,Hergünsel Ömer Batu,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,kozan serpil,KAPLAN METİN (2018). Simpson Grade 2 Resection and Tumor Recurrence in Ventrally Located Spinal Meningiomas. Turkish Neurosurgery, 28(6), 979-982., (Kontrol No: 4613414) A.11 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KURTULDU HÜSEYİN,KOCAK ONUR,EROL FATİH SERHAT,KAPLAN METİN (2017). Smartphones and Programmable Shunts: Are These Indispensable Phones Safe and Smart?. World Neurosurgery, 102(6), 518-525., Doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2017.03.054, (Kontrol No: 3887228) A.12 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KAPLAN METİN,AYAN ERDOĞAN (2017). Morphological Changes of Anterior Cerebral Artery (ACA) in Hydrocephalic Pediatric Patients. Iranian Journal of Child Neurology, 11(1), 37-42., (Kontrol No: 3886860) A.13 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT,AKGÜN BEKİR,KAPLAN METİN (2017). The effectiveness and clinical outcomes of the Minerva cervical thoracicjacket in patients with type II odontoid fractures. TURKISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, 47(4), 1089-1096., Doi: 10.3906/sag-1512-100, (Kontrol No: 3747025) A.14 KAPLAN METİN,kılınç ahmet,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,İLHAN NEVİN,GÜROCAK ŞİMAY,GÖNEN MURAT (2017). Effect of radiation on brain tissue endothelin 1 level and tumor development. Asian Journal of Neurosurgery, 12(2), 185-188., Doi: 10.4103/1793-5482.145575, (Kontrol No: 2075391) A.15 ÜÇLER NECATİ,EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKGÜN BEKİR,KAPLAN METİN,ŞEN YAŞAR (2017). Does Ventriculoperitoneal Shunting Improve Thyroid Hormone Levels in Hydrocephalic Newborns?. Pediatric Neurosurgery, 52(1), 26-29., Doi: 10.1159/000448050, (Kontrol No: 3886441) A.16 EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKGÜN BEKİR,KAPLAN METİN (2017). Ventriculoperitoneal shunt malfunction caused by fractures and disconnections over 10 years of follow-up. Child’s Nervous System, 33(3), 475- 481., Doi: 10.1007/s00381-017-3342-0, (Kontrol No: 3887129) A.17 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÖZTÜRK YAŞAR,ÖCAL ÖZGÜR (2017). The First Case of Kernohan-Woltman Notch Phenomenon Caused by Epidural Hematoma in a Pediatric Patient. Pediatric Neurosurgery, 52(3), 181-184., Doi: 10.1159/000474945, (Kontrol No: 3887815) A.18 ÖZTÜRK YAŞAR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,YAMAN MESUT EMRE,AYBERK GIYAS (2017). An Asymptomatic, Supratentorial, Remote Epidural Hematoma Following Posterior Fossa Surgery. Erciyes Medical Journal, 39(1), 32-34., Doi: 10.5152/etd.2017.1612, (Kontrol No: 3887688) A.19 AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÜÇER ÖZLEM,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2017). Intradural sacral mature teratoma associated with a low-lying conus.. NEUROLOGY INDIA, 65(1), 216-217., Doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.198208, (Kontrol No: 3886607) A.20 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÜÇLER NECATİ,hergünsel ömer batu,GÜLKESEN ARİF,KAPLAN METİN (2016). The Efficacy of Gabapentin in the Treatment of Pain Due to Far Lateral Lumbar Disc Herniations. Clinical Neuropharmacology, 39(3), 140-143., Doi: 10.1097/WNF.0000000000000145, (Kontrol No: 2076634) A.21 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT,AKGÜN BEKİR,KAPLAN METİN,BİRKENT ÖMER FARUK,KARLIDAĞ TURGUT (2016). Evaluation of Hearing Function by Auditory Brainstem Response in Newborn Patients with Hydrocephalus before and after Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Surgery. Pediatric Neurosurgery, 51(4), 183-190., Doi: 10.1159/000444453, (Kontrol No: 3245962) A.22 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,YILDIRIM HANEFİ,KAPLAN METİN (2016). Is the existence of cervical rib an advantage for C7 posterior stabilization. Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine, 7(4), 201- 203., Doi: 10.4103/0974-8237.193269, (Kontrol No: 3245818) A.23 albayrak serdal,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ayden ömer,ÜÇLER NECATİ (2016). Dural tear a feared complication of lumbar discectomy. Turkish Neurosurgery, 26(6), 918-921., Doi: 10.5137/1019- 5149.JTN.14065-15.2, (Kontrol No: 2076028) A.24 albayrak serdal,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,durdag emre,ayden ömer (2016). Surgical management of recurrent disc herniations with microdiscectomy and long term results on life quality Detailed analysis of 70 cases. Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice, 7(1), 87-90., Doi: 10.4103/0976- 3147.165426, (Kontrol No: 2075492) A.25 AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÜÇER ÖZLEM,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2015). Epithelioid hemangioma of the thoracic spine. Neurology India, 63(4), 610-611., Doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.162082, (Kontrol No: 1852595) A.26 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KAPLAN METİN (2015). Spontaneous Recanalization of Traumatic Transverse Sinus Occlusion despite Persistence of Depression Fracture. Journal of Pediatric Neurology, 12(2), 81-83., Doi: 10.1055/s-0035-1556762, (Kontrol No: 2075597) A.27 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKGÜN BEKİR,EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖKÇESİZ İZZET,YILDIRIM HANEFİ (2015). Schwannoma of medial cord of the brachial plexus An uncommon localisation. Neurology India, 63(2), 256- 257., Doi: 10.4103/0028- 3886.156296, (Kontrol No: 1852549) A.28 EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,AKIN MEHMET MUSTAFA (2014). Spontaneous rupture of intracranial dermoid cyst mimicking a primary psychiatric disorder . Nöro Psikiyatri Arşivi, 51(2), 181-183., Doi: 10.4274/npa.y6962, (Kontrol No: 2075973) A.29 AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KAPLAN METİN (2014). Migration of fragments into the spinal canal after intervertebral polyethylene glycol implantation an extremely rare adverse effect. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine, 21(4), 614-616., Doi: 10.3171/2014.6.SPINE13855, (Kontrol No: 1852579) A.30 KAPLAN METİN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,AKGÜN BEKİR,ONUR MEHMET RUHİ,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2014). Sacrococcygeal sinus angle as a new anatomic landmark for the posterior approach of presacral lesions. European Spine Journal, 23(2), 337-340., Doi: 10.1007/s00586- 013-2830-5, (Kontrol No: 886467) A.31 EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKGÜN BEKİR,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KAPLAN METİN (2013). How Innocent Is Corpus Callosum Dysgenesis ?. Pediatric Neurosurgery, 49(1), 24-28., Doi: 10.1159/000355421, (Kontrol No: 886461) A.32 ÇAKIN HAKAN,KAPLAN METİN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KAZEZ AHMET (2013). Intrathoracic migration of ventriculoperitoneal shunt through the Morgagni s hernia in case with Down syndrome A rare shunt complication. Neurology India, 61(5), 552-553., Doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.121952, (Kontrol No: 886455) A.33 KAPLAN METİN,KOPARAN MEHMET,SARI AYSEL,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,kozan serpil,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2013). Can Behenic Acid (C22:0) Levels be a Prognostic Factor in Glial Tumors?. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES, 40(6), 854-856., (Kontrol No: 886458) A.34 EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,dönmez osman,KAPLAN METİN (2013). Free floating ventricular shunt catheter between lateral ventricles an unusual ventriculoperitoneal shunt complication report of case. Turkish Neurosurgery, 23(6), 821-3., Doi: 10.5137/1019- 5149.JTN.6351-12.2, (Kontrol No: 886449) A.35 KAPLAN METİN,ÇAKIN HAKAN,ÖZDEMİR NİYAZİ,göçmez cüneyt,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2012). Is the Elapsed Time following the Placement of a Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Catheter an Individual Risk Factor for Shunt Fractures?. Pediatric Neurosurgery, 48(6), 348-351., Doi: 10.1159/000353616, (Kontrol No: 886465) B. Uluslararası Sözlü Sunumlar B.1 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AYGÜN DURSUN,TEMEL YASİN,KOCABIÇAK ERSOY (2018). Deep brain stimulation of the globus pallidus interna (GPi) with microelectrode recording for secondary dystonias: Clinical reports and review of the literature. XXIII. Congress of the European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, (Özet bildiri), (Kontrol No: 4614115) B.2 BALGETİR FERHAT,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,YALÇIN ALPER (2018). Visfatin Immunoreactivity in Rat Brain Tissues of Experimental Ischemia-Reperfusion. 3. International Congress of Turkish Neuroendocrinology Society, (Özet bildiri), (Kontrol No: 4614072) B.3 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KURTULDU HÜSEYİN,KOCAK ONUR,EROL FATİH SERHAT,KAPLAN METİN (2017). Smartphones Change the Opening Pressure of the Programmable Valves. XVI. WFNS World Congress of Neurosurgery, (Özet bildiri), (Kontrol No: 3888708) C. Yayınlanmış Kitaplar ve Bölümler C2.1 C2.2 C2.3 C2.4 C2.5 C2.6 Fonksiyonun Cerrahi Anatomisi, Bölüm adı:(Stereotaktik Biyopsi) (2019)., ÖZTÜRK SAİT,Hergünsel Ömer Batu, US Akademi, Editör:Biçeroğlu Hüseyin, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 2161, ISBN:978-605-9358-50- 7, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap), (Kontrol No: 4965003) Fonksiyonun Cerrahi Anatomisi, Bölüm adı:(Tremorda Cerrahi Tedavi) (2019)., Hergünsel Ömer Batu,ÖZTÜRK SAİT, US Akademi, Editör:Biçeroğlu Hüseyin, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 2161, ISBN:978-605-9358- 50-7, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap), (Kontrol No: 4965012) Nörolojik ve Psikiyatrik Hastalıklarda Derin Beyin Stimülasyonu (DBS) El Kitabı, Bölüm adı:(Derin Beyin Stimülasyonunda Cerrahi Teknik) (2019)., KOCABIÇAK ERSOY,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,TEMEL YASİN, US Akademi, Editör:Temel Yasin, Kocabıçak Ersoy, Akbostancı M. Cenk, Doğu Okan, Savaş Ali, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 340, ISBN:978-605-9358-66-8, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap), (Kontrol No: 4965049) Nörolojik ve Psikiyatrik Hastalıklarda Derin Beyin Stimülasyonu (DBS) El Kitabı, Bölüm adı:(Derin Beyin Stimülasyonu Sisteminin Parçaları ve Yakın Gelecekteki Olası Değişiklikler) (2019)., ÖZTÜRK SAİT,TAŞKIN ÖNDER, US Akademi, Editör:Temel Y, Kocabıçak E, Akbostancı MC, Doğu O, Savaş A, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 340, ISBN:978-605-9358- 66-8, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap), (Kontrol No: 4965063) Nörolojik ve Psikiyatrik Hastalıklarda Derin Beyin Stimülasyonu (DBS) El Kitabı, Bölüm adı:(Directional Steering (Yönlendirilmiş Stimülasyon)) (2019)., KOCABIÇAK ERSOY,ÖZTÜRK SAİT, US Akademi, Editör:Temel Y, Kocabıçak E, Akbostancı MC, Doğu O, Svaş A, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 340, ISBN:978-605-9358-66-8, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap), (Kontrol No: FTR Pratiğinde Nöromodülasyon Uygulamaları, Bölüm adı:(Parkinson Hastalığında Nöromodülasyon) (2018)., ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KOCABIÇAK ERSOY, Türkiye Klinikleri, Editör:Erhan Belgin, Yıldızgören Mustafa Turgut, Yılmaz Atilla, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa Sayısı 64, ISBN:978-975-9118-91-4, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap), (Kontrol No: 4613890) D. Yayınlanmış Ulusal Makaleler D.1 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2018). Vertebraya İnvaze Tümörlerde Vertebra Rezeksiyonu. Turkiye Klinikleri J Thor Surg-Special Topics, 9(1), 175-180., (Kontrol No: 4613748) D.2 MORALI GÜLER TUĞBA,GÜRBÜZ MEHMET SABRİ,EKŞİ MURAT ŞAKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT (2018). Gelişen Teknoloji ve Nöroşirürjikal Komplikasyonlar. TÜRK NÖROŞİRURJİ DERGİSİ, 28(3), 350- 355., (Kontrol No: 4613510) D.3 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÖZTÜRK YAŞAR,ÖKÇESİZ İZZET (2017). Ultrason eşliğinde lomber faset eklem enjeksiyon tekniğinin etkinliği: floroskopik teknik ile karşılaştırma çalışması. Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 42(4), 664-669., Doi: 10.17826/cutf.325687, (Kontrol No: 3887994) D.4 ÖZTÜRK YAŞAR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÖCAL ÖZGÜR,GÜRÇAY AHMET GÜRHAN (2017). Torakal ve Lomber Patlama Kırıklı Hastalarda Uzun Segment Posterior Enstrümantasyon ve Füzyon Tekniğinin Erken ve Geç Dönem Sonuçları. Fırat Tıp Dergisi, 22(4), 158-166., (Kontrol No: 3888346) D.5 balevi mustafa,ÖZTÜRK SAİT (2016). Yüksek Enerjili Kafa Travması Sonrası Medikal veya CerrahiTedavi Uygulanan Hastalarda Mortalite Oranları. Türk Nöroşirurji Dergisi, 26(2), 128- 132., (Kontrol No: 3246166) D.6 AKGÜN BEKİR,SÜRME MEHMET BEŞİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2016). Spontan Spinal Epidural Hematomlar: 12 Olgunun Değerlendirilmesi. Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Tıp Dergisi, 30(3), 107-111., (Kontrol No: 4958128) D.7 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KAPLAN METİN,EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KARA MURAT (2016). Açık Spinal Disrafizmli Hastalarda ve Sağlıklı Annelerinde MTHFR c677t, MTHFR a1298c, PAI-1, Faktör İİ ve Faktör V Polimorfizminin Değerlendirilmesi.. GULHANE TIP DERGİSİ, 58, 385-388., Doi: 10.5455/gulhane.220973, (Kontrol No: 4958066) D.8 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT,AKGÜN BEKİR,SÜRME MEHMET BEŞİR,ARTAŞ GÖKHAN,ÖZERCAN İBRAHİM HANİFİ (2016). Nörofibromatozis Tip I Tanılı Hastada Nörofibromu Taklit Eden İntradural Ekstramedüller Yerleşimli Spinal Kavernöz Hemanjiyom. Türk Nöroşirurji Dergisi, 26(2), 141-144., (Kontrol No: 3246101) D.9 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,hergünsel ömer batu,GÖNEN MURAT,KAPLAN METİN (2016). Çoklu Kranial Sinir Tutulumunun Eşlik Ettiği Oksipital Kondil Kırığı. Fırat Tıp Dergisi, 21(1), 57-58., (Kontrol No: 2075903) D.10 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,EROL FATİH SERHAT,KAPLAN METİN (2016). Serebral Kontüzyonlu Hastalarda Erken Dönem Post TravmatikEpilepsi Açısından Bir Risk Faktörü Olarak Yaş. Türk Nöroşirurji Dergisi, 26(2), 125-127., (Kontrol No: 3246135) D.11 serdal albayrak,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÜÇLER NECATİ (2015). Dev Lomber Disk Hernilerinde Cerrahi Yönetim. Türk Nöroşirurji Dergisi, 25(3), 313-316., (Kontrol No: 2075783) D.12 AKGÜN BEKİR,ÇAKIN HAKAN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KAPLAN METİN (2015). Kalvaryal primer intradiploik menenjiyom. VanTıp Dergisi, 22(1), 58-61., (Kontrol No: 2075544) D.13 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÜÇLER NECATİ,DEMİREL İSMAİL,KAPLAN METİN (2015). The Development of Glioblastoma Multiforme in Early Period After Intracranial Radiotherapy. Fırat Tıp Dergisi, 20(4), 233-235., (Kontrol No: 2075001) D.14 ÇAKIN HAKAN,AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2015). Makroskopik Olarak Menenjiyomu Radyolojik Olarak Subdural Kanamayı Taklit Eden Leptomeningeal B Hücreli Lenfoma. Türk Nöroşirurji Dergisi, 25(3), 320- 322., (Kontrol No: 2075251) D.15 EROL FATİH SERHAT,KAPLAN METİN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT (2012). Parkinson hastalığının cerrahi tedavisi. Türkiye Klinikleri J Neurol-Special Topics, 5(4), 71-76., (Kontrol No: 2076294) E. National oral presentations E.1 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ERGÜN AHMET CEMİL,AKGÜN BEKİR,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2018). Üçüncü ventrikül kolloid kistleri:89 olgunun uzun dönem sonuçları. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği Nöroonkoloji Vasküler Anatomi 2018 Sempozyımu, (Kontrol No: 4965682) E.2 SAĞMAK TARTAR AYŞE,ÖZER BALIN ŞAFAK,AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKBULUT AYHAN (2018). Nöroşirürji Ameliyatlarında Kullanılan Materyallerin Antibiyotik Emdirilerek Kullanılmalarının Enfeksiyonu Önlemedeki Etkinliği. 7. Türkiye Ekmud Uluslararası Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4614005) E.3 ARTAŞ GÖKHAN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT (2018). Glial tümörlerin histopatolojik tanısında transient receptor potential melastatin (trpm) katyon kanallarının rolü. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 32. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965687) E.4 ÖZTÜRK SAİT (2018). Ventriküloperitoneal şant cerrahisi uygulanan pediatrik hastalarda cilt kaynaklı komplikasyonlar ve yönetimi: 10 yıllık deneyim. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 32. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965652) E.5 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,SARI AYSEL,ŞEN AŞKIN,EROL FATİH SERHAT,KAPLAN METİN (2018). Glial tümörlerde izositratdehidrogenaz 1 ve 2 mutasyonunun tümör dokusundaki serbest yağ asidi düzeyleri ile korelasyonu. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 32. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No:4965660) E.6 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,GÖNEN MURAT,KORKMAZ SEVDA,EROL FATİH SERHAT,KOCABIÇAK ERSOY (2017). Early-term results of deep brain stimulation in patients with Parkinson’s Disease: Elazığ Experience.. 3rd Clinical Neuroscience Course, (Kontrol No: 3889828) E.7 AKGÜN BEKİR,SÜRME MEHMET BEŞİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2017). Spontan Spinal Epidural Hematomlar: 12 olgunun Değerlendirilmesi. 12. Uluslararası Türk Omurga Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965633) E.8 AKGÜN BEKİR,SÜRME MEHMET BEŞİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,DEMİR FATİH,ÖKÇESİZ İZZET,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2017). Akut lomber disk hernilerinin ince kesit lomber mrg ile değerlendirilmesi. 12. Uluslararası Türk Omurga Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965625) E.9 EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKGÜN BEKİR,KAPLAN METİN (2016). Şantın mekanik Komplikasyonlarından Olan Fraktürler ve Diskonneksiyonlar: 10 yılı aşan deneyimimiz. Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Derneği 12. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965610) E .10 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KARA MURAT,EROL FATİH SERHAT,KAPLAN METİN (2016). Açık Spinal Disrafizmli Hastalarda ve Sağlıklı Annelerinde MTHFR c677t MTHFR a1298c PAI 1 Faktör II ve Faktör V Polimorfizminin Değerlendirilmesi. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 30. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 3276894) E .11 hergünsel ömer batu,AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2016). Metastaz Benzeri Bir Serebellar Tüberkülom Olgusu. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 30. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 3276917) E .12 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÜÇLER NECATİ,Hergünsel Ömer Batu,GÜLKESEN ARİF,KAPLAN METİN (2016). FAR LATERAL DİSKLERİN OLUŞTURDUĞU AĞRININ MEDİKALTEDAVİSİNDE GABAPENTİNİN ETKİNLİĞİ. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 30. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 4965356) E.13 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKGÜN BEKİR,EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÖKÇESİZ İZZET,YILDIRIM HANEFİ (2015). Schwannoma Of Medıal Cord Of The Brachıal Plexus An Uncommon Localısatıon. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 2077584) E.14 ALBAYRAK SERDAL,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÜÇLER NECATİ (2015). Dural Tear A Feared Complıcatıon Of Lumbar Discectomy. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 2077685) E.15 HERGÜNSEL ÖMER BATU,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KAPLAN SERPİL,ERTUĞRUL BİLAL,KAPLAN METİN (2015). Torakal Bölge Yerleşimli Bir Ligamentum Flavum Kisti. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 2077539) E .16 ÜÇLER NECATİ,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KAPLAN METİN (2015). SPONTAN HIZLI REGRESYON GÖSTEREN FASET EKLEM KİSTİ: OLGU SUNUMU. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965347) E .17 KAPLAN METİN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,erdoğanoğlu gamze,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2015). Sakrokoksigeal ve Presakral Yerleşimli Tümörlerin Cerrahi Yönetimi. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 2077911) E.18 AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KAPLAN METİN (2015). İntervertebral polietilen glikol implantasyonu sonrası fragmanların spinal kanala migrasyonu. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 2077631) E .19 KAPLAN METİN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,YILDIRIM HANEFİ (2015). A New Screwıng Method For C7 Posterior Stabilization in Case Of Cervical Rib Existence. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 2077723) E.20 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ALBAYRAK SERDAL,ÜÇLER NECATİ (2015). Dev Lomber Disk Hernilerinde Cerrahi Yönetim. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi., (Kontrol No: 2077373) E.21 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT,AKGÜN BEKİR,KARLIDAĞ TURGUT,KAPLAN METİN (2015). VENTRİKÜLOPERİTONEAL ŞANT CERRAHİSİ UYGULANAN HİDROSEFALİ TANILI PEDİATRİK OLGULARDA OPERASYON ÖNCESİ VE SONRASI İŞİTME FONKSİYONLARININ DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 29. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965548) E.22 ÇAKIN HAKAN,AKGÜN BEKİR,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2013). RADYOLOJİK OLARAK SUBDURAL HEMATOMU, MAKROSKOBİK OLARAK MENENGİOMU TAKLİT EDEN LEPTOMENİNGEAL B HÜCRELİ LENFOMA OLGUSU. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 26. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965330) E .23 KAPLAN METİN,koparan mehmet,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,SARI AYSEL,ÇAKIN HAKAN,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2012). Tümör Dokusu ve Kandaki Serbest Yağ Asidi Düzeylerinin Glial Tümör Malignitesi İle İlişkisi. Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Derneği 8. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965435) E.24 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KAPLAN METİN,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2012). Serebral Kontüzyolu Hastalarda Posttravmatik Epilepsi Görülmesinde Bir Risk Faktörü Olarak ’xxYAŞ’xx. Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Derneği 8. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965319) E.25 EROL FATİH SERHAT,ÇAKIN HAKAN,KAPLAN METİN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT (2012). BİR VP ŞANT KOMPLİKASYONU OLARAK SERBEST VENTRİKÜLER ŞANT KATETERİNİN LATERALVENTRİKÜLLER ARASINDA YÜZMESİ: OLGU SUNUMU. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 26. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965327) E.26 KAPLAN METİN,ÖZTÜRK SAİT,AKGÜN BEKİR,ONUR MEHMET RUHİ,EROL FATİH SERHAT (2012). Presakral Lezyonların Cerrahisinde Yeni Bir Anatomik Landmark Olarak Sakrokoksigeal Açı. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 26. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965458) E.27 ÖZTÜRK SAİT,KAPLAN METİN,ÖNDER SEMEN (2011). SPİNAL SİNİR KÖKÜ KAYNAKLI DİFFÜZ ASTROSİTOM (OLDUKÇA NADİR BİR OLGU). Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği 25. Bilimsel Kongresi, (Kontrol No: 4965293) I. Bilimsel Ödüller I.1 Prof. Dr. Hamit Ziya Gökalp Genç Nöroşirurjiyen Bilim Teşvik Ödülü, Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği, 2018 I.2 7. Bakırköy Nöropsikiyatri Günleri Yılın En İyi Çalışması Ödülü, 7. Bakırköy Nöropsikiyatri Günleri, 2017 I.3 30. Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği Bilimsel Kongresi Yılın En iyi Bildirileri 3. Ödülü, Türk Nöroşirurji Derneği, 2016 I.4 11. Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Derneği Kongresi Sözlü Bildiri Kategorisinde 1. Ödülü, Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Derneği, 2015 I.5 10 Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Kongresi En İyi E-Bildiri Ödülü., Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Derneği, 2014

Mehr lesen
20 Rezensionen
Gürhan Adam
Interventioneller Radiologe/-in
19 Jahre der Erfahrung
97 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital

Gürhan Adam

Interventioneller Radiologe/-in
19 Jahre der Erfahrung

Der Arzt studierte von 1997 bis 2004 an der Ege University, gefolgt von einer Spezialisierung auf interventionelle Radiologie am Tepecik Training and Research Hospital von 2005 bis 2010. Seitdem hat er in verschiedenen Krankenhäusern als Spezialist für diagnostische und interventionelle Radiologie gearbeitet und ist Mitglied der Türkischen Gesellschaft für Radiologie, der Türkischen Gesellschaft für Interventionelle Radiologie, der Türkischen Ärztekammer und der Gesellschaft für Kardiovaskuläre und Interventionelle Radiologie.

Mehr lesen
97 Rezensionen
Professor Shimon Rochkind
45 Jahre der Erfahrung
137 Rezensionen
Israel, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical Center

Professor Shimon Rochkind

45 Jahre der Erfahrung


World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies

Professor Shimon Rohkind MD ist ein erfahrener Neurochirurg und pädiatrischer Neurochirurg mit über 35 Jahren Praxis. Er ist Experte für Neurochirurgie, Wirbelsäulenchirurgie und Mikrochirurgie peripherer Nerven und verwendet moderne Laser- und Bioengineering-Technologien, um die komplexesten Operationen mit minimalem Komplikationsrisiko durchzuführen. Er engagiert sich auch in der wissenschaftlichen Forschung und ist Mitglied der Israeli Society of Laser Neurotechnologies und der World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies.

Mehr lesen
137 Rezensionen
Ilhan Elmaci
37 Jahre der Erfahrung
19 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Florence Nightingale Hospital

Ilhan Elmaci

37 Jahre der Erfahrung


The European Association of Neurosurgical Societies
European Skull Base Society

He was born in Niğde which is the city middle part of Anatolia. He studied high school in Adana. He graduated from Ankara University Medical School of Medicine. He started his career at Bakırköy Neurological Sciences Hospital in Zeki Oral MD.’s Clinic in 1987 and finished his Neurosurgery residency in 1993. During this period, he completed his micro neurosurgery education, which was a breakthrough for him, at Zurich University “Professor M. Gazi Yaşargil’s Clinic”.

Between 1993-2003, he worked as a teaching assistant and then as an assistant professor at the Professor Necmettin Pamir’s Clinic, Faculty of Medicine, Marmara University. At the same time, he obtained clinical and surgical gains in the field of neurooncology and vascular neurosurgery at Professor Donlin M. Long and Daniele Rigamonti's Clinic at Johns Hopkins University, USA. In 2003, he received the title of Associate Professor of Neurosurgery.

Between 2004-2010, he worked as Chief of Clinic in Göztepe Training and Research Hospital of Ministry of Health. During this period, he led his clinic to become the only accredited clinic by EANS (The European Association of Neurosurgical Societies) in Turkey, with its educational and care services. During this period, he completed his endoscopic skull base training starting at the University of Pittsburgh.

In 2010, he started to work for Acıbadem University Faculty of Medicine and became a Professor of Neurosurgery. He established the Neurosurgery Department in Medipol University Faculty of Medicine on 2012. He served as a Head of Neurosurgery Department in Memorial Health Group Istanbul Hospitals between 2014-2018. He served Neurosurgery Department of Maslak Hospital of Acıbadem Health Group with his team between 2018- September 2021.

Since 01.10.2021, He have started to work with his team at my private clinic located in Fulya and Ulus Hospital of Liv Health Group.

He served as the founding chairman of ”Skull Base Society” in Turkey. He is also a member of the Executive Committee of the European Skull Base Society (ESBS).

There are more than 110 scientific papers which he hs published in international refereed journals (SCI/SCIEx) and in national refereed journals and 18 scientific articles. He Has more than 250 scientific congress presentations, published books and chapters in books.

Mehr lesen
19 Rezensionen
Salih Murat Imer
39 Jahre der Erfahrung
19 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Florence Nightingale Hospital

Salih Murat Imer

39 Jahre der Erfahrung


1. The Course of Functional and Stereotactic Neurosurgery, 1990, Oulu, Finland.

2. European Course participation that holds by EANS for 5 years cycle (Amsterdam/1988, Rostock/1989, Çeşme/1994, Klagenfurt/1995, Aalborg/1996).

3. "Primary Examination" for European Board was passed in Klagenfurt,1995, Austria.

4."Advanced Training on Functional Disorders with Leksell Gamma Knife", 2004, Marseille, France.

5. "Advanced Training on Vestibular Schwannomas and Skull Base Surgery wiyh Leksell Gamma Knife", 2004, Marseille, France.

6. The certificate for "DISC Nucleoplasty in Cervical and Lumbar Disc Diseases", 2004, Freiburg, Germany.

7. "Neuropathfinder" Train - the - Trainer Meeting, 2009, Wien, Austria.

8. " Neuropathfinder" Train - the - Trainer Meeting, 2011, Athens, Greece.

9. The certificate for "Full- Endoscopic Spine Surgery", 2011, Herne, Germany.

Mehr lesen
19 Rezensionen
Zvi Lidar
33 Jahre der Erfahrung
137 Rezensionen
Israel, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical Center

Zvi Lidar

33 Jahre der Erfahrung


American Association of Neurological Surgeons
Israel Medicine Association
North American Spine Society

Dr. Zvi Lidar ist ein renommierter Neurochirurg und orthopädischer Chirurg für Schulterersatz, der in Israel und den USA zertifiziert ist. Er ist auf Neurochirurgie bei Erwachsenen und Kindern spezialisiert und hat mehr als 30 wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zur Wirbelsäulenchirurgie verfasst. Er ist Mitglied der American Association of Neurological Surgeons, der Israel Neurosurgical Society, der Israel Medicine Association, der Israel Spine Society und der North American Spine Society.

Mehr lesen
137 Rezensionen
Mustafa Gurelik
35 Jahre der Erfahrung
1 Rezensionen
Türkei, Sivas
Medicana Sivas Hospital

Mustafa Gurelik

35 Jahre der Erfahrung
Doktor graduierte 1989 an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Cumhuriyet und schloss 1997 die Spezialisierung ab. Erfahrung in der Arbeit an verschiedenen medizinischen Einrichtungen, darunter Keskin Closed Prison Medical, Medizinische Fakultät der Universität Cumhuriyet, Sivas AnadoluHospital und Malatya Gözde Hospital. Spezialisiert auf Gehirn- und Rückenmarkstumoren, Hirnblutungen, Wirbelsäulenerkrankungen, Kopf- und Wirbelsäulentraumata, Hypophysenchirurgie, Shunt- und endoskopische Operationen bei Hydrozephalus, chirurgische Eingriffe bei Lenden- und Nackenhernien, nicht-chirurgische Behandlungsmethoden bei Lenden- und Nackenhernien, zerebrovaskuläre Aneurysmen und Karpaltunnel und andere Nervenverstopfungen.Mehr lesen
1 Rezensionen
Naki Keles
14 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul
Büyük Anadolu Krankenhäuser

Naki Keles

14 Jahre der Erfahrung


Endoscopic Closed Lumbar Disc Herniation Surgery

Surgical Treatment for Spine Fractures

Minimally Invasive Surgery for Cervical and Lumbar Herniations

































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Murat Tiftikci
20 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul
Adatip Hospital

Murat Tiftikci

20 Jahre der Erfahrung

Specialization: Neurospinal Cord and Nerve Surgery

Foreign Language : English

Date of Birth: 03.02.1974

Education :

Gazi University Faculty of Medicine (1991-1997)
Fırat University Neurosurgery Specialization (1999-2004)


Private Adatip Hospital (2004-2013)
Private Cihan Hospital (2013-2015)
Private Adatip Hospital (2015-...)


Sakarya Medical Chamber
Turkish Neurosurgery Association






Mehr lesen
Gulsah Bademci
31 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Ankara
Private Koru Ankara Hospital

Gulsah Bademci

31 Jahre der Erfahrung

Prof. Dr. Gülşah Bademci is a physician specialized in the field of brain, nerve, spine, and spinal cord surgery. She graduated as the fourth-ranked student from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1993. She obtained her title as a brain and nerve surgeon from the Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Department of Brain and Nerve Surgery in 2001. In 2008, she became an associate professor at the Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine, and in 2021, she became a professor at the Yüksek İhtisas University Faculty of Medicine. She has contributed to numerous international publications, serving as a research and clinical fellow at the University of Arkansas Medical Sciences with Prof. Dr. M. Gazi Yaşargil, and as a research fellow at Yale University School of Medicine. She holds ECFMG America Board Step 1 and EANS European Board certificates. She speaks advanced-level English and has awards in tennis and swimming. She also pursues professional-level caricature art and medical illustration. In her 30-year career, she has performed numerous surgeries as a brain and nerve surgery specialist, particularly in spinal canal stenosis surgery, lumbar and cervical disc herniations, brain tumors, hydrocephalus surgery, and nerve compressions.

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Andry Key
50 Jahre der Erfahrung
12 Rezensionen
Israel, Jerusalem
Hadassah Medical Center

Andry Key

50 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dr. Andrew Kaye ist ein führender Neurochirurg mit 47 Jahren Erfahrung, spezialisiert auf die chirurgische Behandlung von Hirntumoren, Schädelbasischirurgie, Entfernung von Hypophysentumoren und Operationen an den Blutgefäßen des Gehirns. Er ist ein preisgekrönter Arzt mit Abschluss an der University of Melbourne, hatte verschiedene Führungspositionen inne und ist Mitglied mehrerer neurochirurgischer Gesellschaften.

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Samuel Moskovichi
19 Jahre der Erfahrung
12 Rezensionen
Israel, Jerusalem
Hadassah Medical Center

Samuel Moskovichi

19 Jahre der Erfahrung
Dr. Samuel Moscovici ist ein hoch angesehener Arzt in Jerusalem, Israel, spezialisiert auf Epidermoidzysten, Schwannom, Neurosarkoidose, endovaskuläre Embolisation und Stentplatzierung, mit 67 Peer-Review-Artikeln in 15 Jahren.Mehr lesen
12 Rezensionen
Umut Dogu Akturk
16 Jahre der Erfahrung
31 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Emsey Hospital

Umut Dogu Akturk

16 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dr. X verfügt über 10 Jahre Erfahrung in der Neurochirurgie an der medizinischen Fakultät der Hacettepe-Universität, der Diskapi Yildirim Beyazit Training and Research Hospital Neurology Clinic, dem Yozgat City Hospital, dem Private Lokman Hekim Akay Hospital und dem Emsey Hospital.

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31 Rezensionen
Melih Ucer
16 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul
Doç. Dr. Melih UÇER

Melih Ucer

16 Jahre der Erfahrung


Work Address: Biruni University Hospital, Department Of Neurological Surgery, Istanbul 

Education And Training

Undergraduate: 1997 - 2001 Halkali High School, Istanbul, Turkey 

Graduate:   2001 - 2007 Mersin University, School of Medicine, Mersin, Turkey 

Postgraduate: 2009 – 2014 Bakırköy Research And Training Hospital For Psychiatric And Neurological Disease, Department Of Neurological Surgery, Istanbul, Turkey 

Observer: June-December 2017 University of Wisconsin- Department of Neurological Surgery, Madison, USA

June-August 2020 Acıbadem University- Spine Center, İstanbul, Turkey



 Professional Interest: Cranial Surgery, Functional neurosurgery (used to treat movement disorders), Spine Surgery 


Licensure And Certification 

 2007 June: Doctor of Medicine, Turkish Ministry of Health 

 2014 July: Neurosurgeon, Turkish Ministry of Health



2014– 2021 Neurosurgeon - Istanbul Kanuni Sultan Suleyman Research And Training Hospital

2021- Neurosurgeon- Biruni University Hospital, Department of Neurological Surgery


Training Courses / Workshops / Meetings / Symposiums 

(In Chronological Order)


Has Participated in 18 National and International Courses, Scientific Meetings (Certified) in Neurosurgery And Spinal Surgery. 

  • Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease Symposium, 8-11 October 2009 Nevşehir/Turkey
  • 24th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting, 14-18 May 2010  Antalya / Turkey
  • Turkish Neurosurgical Society: Spine And Peripheral Nerve Surgery Education And Training Group: Basic Education Program, 3-6 July 2011 Sapanca / Turkey
  • 27th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting, 12-16 Apr 2013  Antalya / Turkey
  • Turkish Neurosurgical Society: Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery: Hands-On Cadaver Course 15-16 November 2013 Istanbul/Turkey
  • Turkish Neurosurgical Society: Neurooncology And Neurovascular Surgery Education And Training Group: Unified Symposium. 28-29 December 2013 Istanbul/Turkey
  • Turkish Neurosurgical Society: Spine And Peripheral Nerve Surgery Education And Training Group: Lumbar Minimally Invasive Surgery Course. 7 Feb 2014 Istanbul / Turkey
  • 28th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 4-8 April 2014    Antalya / Turkey
  • Medtronic Midas Rex Workshop: Cadaver Course 23 May 2014 Istanbul / Turkey
  • Turkish Neurosurgical Society: Spine And Peripheral Nerve Surgery Education And Training Group, 26-29 June 2014 Gaziantep/Turkey
  • ISMISS Turkey 2015 Congress, 6-8 November 2015, Istanbul/ Turkey
  • Endoscopic Lumbar Surgery Comprehensive Cadaveric Course, 16-17 April 2016, Istanbul/Turkey
  • 84th AANS Annual Scientific Meeting, 30 April - 4 May 2016 Chicago/Illinois
  • Istanbul Microneurosurgery Course, 26-29 January 2017,  Istanbul/ Turkey
  • Microvascular Surgery Course, December 2017, Madison/Wisconsin
  • 32th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 20-24 April 2018    Antalya / Turkey
  • 33th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 11-14 April 2019    Antalya / Turkey
  • 2019 Turkish Spine Society Eurospine Advance Diploma Course






Published Article








Published Abstracts And Presentations In International Scientific Meetings 

(In Chronological Order)



  • Metastatic prostate carcinoma to the intramural extramedullary spinal compa rtment: a case report, Melih Üçer, Ilhan Aydın, Sarper Polat, Erhan Emel, WFNS Seoul, Korea, 8-12 September 2013
  • Radiation-Induced Cerebellopontine Angle (CPA) Meningioma: Case Report, Hasan Burak Gündüz, Anas Abdallah, Fatih Cesur, Erhan Emel, Betül Güler, Akın Öztürk, Melih Üçer, 10th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons Astana - Kazakhstan / 9 - 12 September 2014
  • Mid-term Surgical Treatment Outcomes Of Intracranial Epidermoid: Experience of 15 Patients, Anas Abdallah, Erhan Emel, Akın Öztürk, Mustafa Levent Uysal, Melih Üçer, Murad Asiltürk,10th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons Astana - Kazakhstan / 9 - 12 September 2014
  • Congenital Thecal Sac Defect Terminated In The Skin At L2-3: Case Report, Anas Abdallah, Akın Gökçedağ, Erhan Emel, Melih Üçer, 10th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons Astana - Kazakhstan / 9 - 12 September 2014
  • Intradural Extramedullary Paraganglioma At S1 Level : Case Report, Anas Abdallah1, Erhan Emel, Özden Erhan Sofuoğlu, Melih Üçer, Akın Öztürk, 10th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons Astana - Kazakhstan / 9 - 12 September 2014
  • A Case of Intracranial Hypotension Complicated with Hydrocephalus, Melih Üçer, Ilhan Aydın, Sarper Polat, Abdullah Emre Taçyıldız, 10th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons Astana - Kazakhstan / 9 - 12 September 2014



Published Abstracts And Presentations In National Scientific Meetings 

(In Chronological Order)


  • Eosinophilic granuloma, case report; Baran Bozkurt, Melih Üçer, Levent Uysal, Oral Presentation. 26th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 12-16 April 2012 Antalya / Turkey.
  • Guyon’s Canal Syndrome Due to Tortuous Ulnar Artery: A Case Report, Melih Üçer, Ilhan Aydın, Sarper Polat, Abdullah Emre Taçyıldız,  28th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 4-8 April 2014   Antalya / Turkey
  • Cerebellar hemorrhage after resection of frontal meningioma.Case report, Melih Üçer, Ilhan Aydın, Sarper Polat, Abdullah Emre Taçyıldız, 28th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 4-8 April 2014   Antalya / Turkey
  • Intracranial Migration of Ventriculo-Peritoneal Shunt Catheter, Melih Üçer, Ilhan Aydın, Sarper Polat, Abdullah Emre Taçyıldız, 28th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 4-8 April 2014   Antalya / Turkey
  • Migration of Abdominal Catheter of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt into the Scrotum, Melih Üçer, Sarper Polat, Ilhan Aydın, Abdullah Emre Taçyıldız, 28th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 4-8 April 2014   Antalya / Turkey
  • Armoured brain: a case of bilateral calcified chronic subdural haematoma complicating infantile hydrocephalus, Melih Üçer, Ilhan Aydın, Sarper Polat, Abdullah Emre Taçyıldız, 28th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 4-8 April 2014   Antalya / Turkey
  • Long term results of the patients with lumbar stenosis who were opereted on by transspinos method, Oral presentation, Melih Üçer, Erhan Emel, Müslüm Güneş, 28th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 4-8 April 2014   Antalya / Turkey
  • Posterior comminican artery aneurysm relation with the tentorium, Oral presentation, İlhan Aydin, Oğuz Baran, Melih Uçer, Barış Küçükyürük, Necmettin Tanrıöver, 29th Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 17-21 April 2015    Antalya / Turkey
  • Anterior commissure and classification: neuroanatomical studies, Oral presentation, Serhat Şevki Baydın, Abuzer Gungor, Necmettin Tanrıover,  Melih Ucer, Oğuz Baran, Erhan Emel, Albert Rhoton Turkish Neurosurgical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 8-12 April 2016  Antalya / Turkey


   Computer  Skills

  • Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • SPSS statistical software



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Adem Yilmaz
31 Jahre der Erfahrung
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Adem Yilmaz

31 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul
Medistate Hospital Istanbul
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Bookimed redaktionelle Richtlinie

Bookimed, eine führende globale Plattform für Medizintourismus, hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Kunden bei der Suche nach einer Wirbelarterien-Angioplastie und einem Stenting zu unterstützen, indem es fachkundige Unterstützung und vertrauenswürdige medizinische Lösungen für jede Situation bietet. Mithilfe eines intelligenten automatischen Rankingsystems werden transparente Kliniklisten erstellt, die von einem Datenwissenschaftler unter Einsatz von KI für Genauigkeit sorgfältig gepflegt werden. Die Plattform garantiert Authentizität, indem sie Bewertungen von echten Patienten nach ihren Behandlungen veröffentlicht. Bookimed bietet umfassende medizinische Lösungen mit Updates von Kliniken, um die Vertrauenswürdigkeit zu gewährleisten. Der Inhalt über Angioplastie und Stenting der Wirbelarterien, der von erfahrenen medizinischen Autoren erstellt und von Spezialisten überprüft wurde, entspricht den redaktionellen Richtlinien von Bookimed und spiegelt das Engagement der Plattform für die Bereitstellung hochwertiger und klarer Gesundheitsinformationen wider. Für weitere Details oder Anfragen kontaktieren Sie uns bitte unter oder erfahren Sie hier mehr über uns und unsere Mission.

Experte des Medizinischen Beirats von Bookimed für Angioplastie und Stenting der Wirbelarterie


Experte für Tiefe Hirnstimulation (THS).
Hat über 850 erfolgreiche DBS-Verfahren und mehr als 1.350 neurochirurgische Verfahren durchgeführt.
Hat einen Guinness-Weltrekord für die größte Anzahl von Patienten gebrochen, nachdem sich DBS an einem Ort versammelt hat.
Ausgebildet in Deutschland, Spanien, Großbritannien, Israel, Belgien und den USA.