Die #1 Medizintourismusplattform seit 2014

Beste Emax Veneers Zahnärzte - TOP-61 Ärzte

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Fahad Mawlood - Allgemeinarzt. Gewinner von 4 wissenschaftlichen Preisen. Er diente in Westasien. Ehemaliger Teamleiter eines medizinischen Teams zur Betreuung arabischsprachiger Patienten. Jetzt Fahad ist verantwortlich für die Datenverarbeitung und die Genauigkeit der medizinischen Inhalte.
Miller Vieira Paula
24 Jahre der Erfahrung
3 Rezensionen
Mexiko, Cancún

Miller Vieira Paula

24 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dr. Miller Vieira Paula ist auf Operationen wie All-on-4-Zahnimplantate, All-on-6-Zahnimplantate, Porzellanveneers und Zahnextraktionen spezialisiert. Sie ist eine angesehene Professorin und Forscherin für orale Mikrobiologie und Parodontologie mit einem umfassenden Forschungshintergrund auf dem Gebiet der parodontalen und endodontischen Infektionen, des Mikrobioms von Mund und Darm und des dentalen Biofilms.

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3 Rezensionen
All-Inclusive Paketpreis:
Pawak Tungthangthum
15 Jahre der Erfahrung
Thailand, Chiangmai
Zahnklinik Kitcha

Pawak Tungthangthum

15 Jahre der Erfahrung


The International Congress of Oral Implantologists
The Thai Association of Dental Implantology
The Dental Association of Thailand
Invisalign Provider Training

Dr. Pawak Tungthangthum ist ein hochqualifizierter Dentalexperte mit über 10 Jahren Erfahrung, ausgebildet in den USA und Thailand. Er ist Mitglied zahlreicher Berufsverbände und hatte eine Reihe von Positionen in verschiedenen Zahnkliniken und Krankenhäusern in Thailand und Kambodscha inne.

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Arztbesuch preis auf anfrage
Emax Veneers $345.64 - $432.05
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Rebeca Riera
20 Jahre der Erfahrung
Mexiko, Playa del Carmen
Bokanova Riviera Maya

Rebeca Riera

20 Jahre der Erfahrung
Dr. Rebeca Riera ist Spezialistin für Prothetik und ästhetische Zahnheilkunde am Bokanova Dental Center und spricht fließend Englisch, Italienisch und Spanisch.Mehr lesen
Arztbesuch preis auf anfrage
Emax Veneers $520
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Entdecken Sie die gefragten Emax Veneers-Pakete der Saison

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Türkei, Istanbul
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Türkei, Istanbul
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clinic image clinic image
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Bulgarien, Warna
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clinic image clinic image
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Mexiko, Los Algodones
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clinic image clinic image
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Türkei, Istanbul
Esteban Barragan
20 Jahre der Erfahrung
Mexiko, Playa del Carmen
Bokanova Riviera Maya

Esteban Barragan

20 Jahre der Erfahrung
Dr. Esteban Barragan ist ein Kieferorthopäde am Bokanova Dental Center, der sich auf konservierende Zahnheilkunde, zahnärztliche Untersuchungen, allgemeine Zahnheilkunde, Invisalign, Laserzahnheilkunde, Kieferorthopädie und Kinderzahnheilkunde (Pedodontie) spezialisiert hat, Englisch und Spanisch spricht und über 28 Jahre Erfahrung in der Kieferorthopädie und Orthopädie und 41 Jahre in allgemeiner Zahnmedizin mit einem Abschluss von der UNAM Mexico City und der Universidad Latinoamericana Mexico City.Mehr lesen
Arztbesuch preis auf anfrage
Emax Veneers $520
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Wie man Arzt und Klinik richtig auswählt: Insidertipps
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Die Wahl einer Klinik im Ausland kann stressig sein. Bei Bookimed, wo wir bereits über 800.000 Patienten geholfen haben, verstehen wir Ihre Bedenken. Wir wissen, wie man vertrauenswürdige Ärzte, das beste Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis und Lösungen selbst für komplizierte Fälle findet. Wir sind hier, um Sie bei jedem Schritt zu unterstützen.
Yan Matsiivskiy
Leiter des Teams der medizinischen Koordinatoren
Omer Bayar
8 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Ankara
Doctor Bayar Dental Clinics

Omer Bayar

8 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dr. Ömer Bayar was born on October 3, 1992, in Eskişehir, Turkey. After completing his primary and secondary education at Atayurt College between 1998 and 2006, he attended Eskişehir Anadolu High School from 2006 to 2010.


He graduated from Başkent University’s Faculty of Dentistry in 2015 and has been working at his clinic since 2017. In addition, he pursued a PhD in Prosthodontics at Başkent University’s Faculty of Dentistry, graduating as a prosthodontist in 2023.


Dr. Bayar specializes in aesthetic dentistry, smile design, implantology, and oral and maxillofacial surgery. He stays current in his field by attending various international congresses and seminars. His expertise includes full-mouth rehabilitation and smile makeovers for complex dental misalignments and jaw malpositions; implant surgeries for patients with severe bone deficiencies, bone grafting, and the "immediate implant" technique, which involves placing an implant at the time of tooth extraction. His PhD thesis, titled "Surface Roughness of Polished and Glazed 5Y-TZP Monolithic Zirconia Blocks After Brushing Simulation," has been published in both local and international academic journals.

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Naz Bayar
5 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Ankara
Doctor Bayar Dental Clinics

Naz Bayar

5 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dr. Naz Bayar was born on July 16, 1995, in Iran. After completing her primary education, she attended Sampad Farzanegan Schools for secondary and college education.


She graduated from Başkent University’s Faculty of Dentistry in 2019. Additionally, she pursued a PhD in Restorative Dentistry at Gazi University’s Faculty of Dentistry, graduating as a Doctor of Restorative Dentistry in 2024.


Dr. Bayar specializes in aesthetic dentistry, including smile design with composite bonding and laminates. She is also skilled in complex dental fillings, repairing broken teeth, fiber bridges, and professional dental whitening and cleaning. Her PhD thesis, titled "Evaluation of the Effect of Whitening Toothpastes Applied with a Brushing Simulator on the Surface Roughness of Anterior Composite Resin Restorations," has been published in both local and international academic journals.

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Imad Alboshe
8 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul

Imad Alboshe

8 Jahre der Erfahrung
Dr. Imad Alboshe ist ein Multispezialist, der in den Bereichen Kieferorthopädie, Parodontologie und Endodontie praktiziert.Mehr lesen
Maria Luisa Ramirez
31 Jahre der Erfahrung
Mexiko, Tijuana
Muela Dental Tijuana

Maria Luisa Ramirez

31 Jahre der Erfahrung
Dr. Maria Luisa Ramirez ist Fachärztin für Endokrinologie und Innere Medizin. Sie schloss ihr Studium am Instituto Tecnologico De Santo Domingo (Intec) Fac De Ciencias De La Salud im Jahr 2004 ab und verfügt über Fachkenntnisse in der Behandlung verschiedener Erkrankungen wie Diabetes mellitus, Schilddrüsenunterfunktion, Schilddrüsenkrebs und Fettstoffwechselstörungen.Mehr lesen
taygun Altindis
7 Jahre der Erfahrung

taygun Altindis

7 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dr. Taygun Altındiş was born in Iskenderun, Hatay. He completed his high school education at Iskenderun Makzume Anatolian High School. In 2012, he graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry and then started his specialization training in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Gaziantep University in 2013, following his undergraduate studies. He earned the title of Specialist Dentist in 2017.

Prosthetic treatment options in implant dentistry
Prof. Sang Ho Park 2019
Acbid international congress 2017
Botulinum toxin for TMJ related issues and Dental treatment course Knightsbridge academy 2022
Minimal invaziv implantology with inclined implants Prof.Dr. Ateş Parlar 2019
TFI research and education Zero Bone Loss Concept Dr. Tomas Linkevicius 2018
Guide Surgery Options in Implant Dentistry Prof. Yong Jin Kim 2020
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Dervishan Kucuk
22 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Antalya
Oris Dental Turkey

Dervishan Kucuk

22 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dr. Dervişhan Küçük was born in 1979 in Antalya Serik. Dervişhan Küçük, who graduated from Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Dentistry after completing his primary, secondary and high school education in Antalya, completed his specialty in Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery at the same faculty.

After completing his military service at Eskişehir Military Hospital, he worked at Antalya Yaşam Hospital for 3 years and later established Oris Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic. Currently serving his patients at Oris Clinic, Dr. Dervişhan Küçük is married and has 3 children. He speaks English.

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Vikram Bhatia
13 Jahre der Erfahrung
Thailand, Bangkok
SmileBox Zahnklinik - Thonglor, Sukhumvit Branch

Vikram Bhatia

13 Jahre der Erfahrung
  1. Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S), Rangsit University, Thailand
  2. Master of Science (MSc), Implantology, Bangkok Thonburi University, Thailand (Studying)
  3. Certificate in SmileFast Veneer Course, United Kingdom
  4. Certificate & Training in In-Direct Veneers, India
  5. Certificate in Dental Veneer Course by Tanawat Academy, Thailand
  6. Certificate in Veneer Bootcamp, Thailand
  7. Certificate in Mediclass Veneer, Thailand
  8. Certificate in EF Line Course by NuDent, Thailand
  9. Invisalign Platinum Provider 2022 & 2023
  10. Certificate in Invisalign Course by
  11. Align Technology, Thailand
  12. Certificate in Clear Aligners by Aligner Academy, Thailand
  13. Certificate in MOOV Clear Aligners, Masterclass, Thailand
  14. Certificate in AOSC Orthodontics Course, Thailand
  15. Certificate in E-Line Orthodontics Course, Thailand
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Dr Dt Alper T
5 Jahre der Erfahrung
2 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul

Dr Dt Alper T

5 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dr. Dt. Alper T.
Prosthesis Specialist


  • 2015-2022: Master's Degree in Prosthetic Dentistry, Istanbul University
  • 2006-2011: Undergraduate Education, Istanbul University, Faculty of Dentistry


  • 2021-present: Prosthodontist, Clinicexpert
  • 2019-2021: Prosthodontist, Prof. Dr. Osman Gümrü Clinic
  • 2019-2021: Prosthodontist, ParkDental ODHC
  • 2012-2019: Dentist, Silivri Aesthetic ODHC


  • 2021: The Effect of Surface Treatments with Different Laser Types on the Bond Strength of Zirconia-Reinforced Lithium Disilicate Glass Ceramics with Resin Composite


  • 2021: Biohorizons DAY, Dr. Marius Steigmann (Periodontal Tissue Advanced Surgery HandsOn)
  • 2018: Nobel Biocare Turkey Symposium Applications
  • 2018: Soft Tissue Management by Marius Steigmann, Frankfurt - Germany
  • 2017: Turkish Society of Oral Implant. XXXIX Sinus Lifting
  • 2017: Turkish Society of Oral Implantology XXXIX. International Scientific Congress
  • 2017: Advanced Training for i50FH/ i51FH Implant System and its Surgical System (Seul-Kore)
  • 2016: Turkish Society of Oral Implantology Congress. Prosthodontics and Implantology Logic
  • 2017: Gum BioHorizons International Symposium on Implantology and Surgery
  • 2017: IBS Advanced Surgery Symposium
  • 2017: Digital Transformation in 3D Dentistry
  • 2016: Nobel Biocare Turkey Symposium
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Nattaporn Verayangkura
7 Jahre der Erfahrung
Thailand, Bangkok
SmileBox Zahnklinik - Thonglor, Sukhumvit Branch

Nattaporn Verayangkura

7 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dr. Nattaporn Verayangkura is a highly accomplished dental professional with a robust educational background and specialized expertise in delivering exceptional results in cosmetic dentistry. She earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from Rangsit University in Bangkok, Thailand, where she developed a strong foundation in comprehensive dental care. Currently, she is advancing her knowledge and skills through a Master of Science in Esthetics and Implant at Chulalongkorn University, a prestigious institution in Bangkok known for its advanced research and cutting-edge practices in dental science.

Dr. Verayangkura's commitment to excellence in cosmetic dentistry is reflected in her extensive training and certifications. She is a licensed dental practitioner accredited by the Thai Dental Council, which ensures she meets the rigorous standards of professional practice and patient care in Thailand. Her pursuit of advanced training underscores her dedication to staying at the forefront of dental innovations. Notably, she obtained a certificate in orthodontics from Orthobrite in 2021, which provided her with in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience in orthodontic techniques and treatment planning. This qualification complements her expertise in cosmetic enhancements, allowing her to offer a broad range of orthodontic solutions tailored to individual patient needs.

In the same year, Dr. Verayangkura achieved certification as an Invisalign provider, further expanding her ability to deliver high-quality orthodontic care using state-of-the-art clear aligner technology. This certification reflects her proficiency in designing customized orthodontic treatment plans that address aesthetic concerns while ensuring optimal functional outcomes. Her skills in Invisalign aligners are instrumental in providing discreet and effective solutions for patients seeking a straighter smile without traditional metal braces.

Dr. Verayangkura's expertise in veneers is particularly noteworthy. She completed a specialized certification in veneers through the Veneers Bootcamp by Dr. Ketkarn in 2021, a rigorous program designed to refine skills in veneer placement and aesthetic customization. This training has equipped her with advanced techniques for creating natural-looking, durable veneers that enhance the overall appearance of the smile. Her ability to craft bespoke veneers ensures that each patient receives a personalized treatment that aligns with their unique facial features and aesthetic goals.

Dr. Verayangkura’s proficiency extends to smile makeovers and achieving the coveted Hollywood smile—a transformative cosmetic dental procedure that combines various treatments to create a flawless, radiant smile. Her approach to smile makeovers involves a meticulous assessment of each patient’s dental structure, facial proportions, and personal preferences. By integrating her expertise in veneers, orthodontics, and advanced esthetic techniques, she delivers comprehensive solutions that enhance not only the appearance but also the functionality of the smile. Her dedication to achieving excellence in smile makeovers is evident in the results she consistently delivers, characterized by harmonious and visually stunning outcomes that align with the highest standards of cosmetic dentistry.

Overall, Dr. Nattaporn Verayangkura exemplifies a commitment to excellence in the field of cosmetic dentistry through her advanced training, certifications, and dedication to patient satisfaction. Her expertise in veneers, smile makeovers, and creating Hollywood smiles positions her as a leading practitioner in her field, capable of delivering exceptional, aesthetically pleasing results tailored to each patient's unique needs. Her ongoing pursuit of knowledge and skill development ensures that she remains at the cutting edge of dental esthetics, providing top-tier care and transformative results for her patients.

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Prakasit Phermsangngarm
6 Jahre der Erfahrung
Thailand, Bangkok
SmileBox Zahnklinik - Thonglor, Sukhumvit Branch

Prakasit Phermsangngarm

6 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dr. Prakasit is a distinguished dental professional with an impressive academic and professional background, specializing in orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry. He earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S) degree from Rangsit University, Thailand, where he received comprehensive training in various aspects of dental care. His foundational education laid the groundwork for his advanced skills in both clinical practice and dental innovation.

In 2023, Dr. Prakasit further enhanced his expertise by completing the International Advanced Orthodontic Mini-residency at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). This rigorous program provided him with advanced knowledge and practical experience in orthodontics, equipping him with the latest techniques and methodologies in the field. His participation in this mini-residency reflects his commitment to staying at the forefront of orthodontic advancements and delivering high-quality care to his patients.

Dr. Prakasit’s dedication to cosmetic dentistry is exemplified by his certification in the Veneer BootCamp, a specialized training program focused on advanced veneer placement techniques. This certification underscores his proficiency in creating aesthetically pleasing and durable dental veneers, enabling him to offer state-of-the-art cosmetic solutions that enhance his patients' smiles with precision and artistry.

His contributions to the field of dentistry have been recognized through various awards and accolades. Notably, he was honored with the 2nd place at the RSU Innovation 2020, a prestigious award that acknowledges innovative approaches and advancements in dental practice. This recognition highlights his ability to integrate creativity and scientific knowledge to drive progress in the dental field.

In addition, Dr. Prakasit achieved the 3rd place as Master of the Month in Dentisterie Cosmétique for the months of December 2023 and February 2024. This accolade celebrates his exceptional skill and expertise in cosmetic dentistry, reflecting his dedication to excellence and his ability to deliver outstanding results in aesthetic dental treatments.

Dr. Prakasit’s commitment to research and innovation is further demonstrated by his achievement at the RSU International Research Conference 2022 on Science and Technology. He received the 3rd award for his presentation on "Quality Assessment of Newly Modified Patient Education Diagram for Self-instruction on Oral Exercise." This research highlights his dedication to improving patient education and self-care practices through innovative approaches and evidence-based strategies.

Overall, Dr. Prakasit’s career is marked by a blend of advanced education, specialized training, and notable achievements in both clinical practice and research. His extensive experience in orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry, combined with his commitment to innovation and patient care, positions him as a leading expert in the field. Dr. Prakasit’s continuous pursuit of excellence and his contributions to advancing dental science underscore his role as a prominent figure in contemporary dentistry.

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Serdar Demircal
14 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Izmir
Zahnklinik Dente Dental Studio

Serdar Demircal

14 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dt. Serdar Demirçal graduated from Denizli Anatolian High School in 2004 and subsequently gained admission to the Faculty of Dentistry at Ege University. He completed his dental education in 2010 and began his career as a dentist. After working for 3 years at Avrupadent Oral and Dental Hospital and 7 years at Cadde Dental Oral and Dental Health Clinic, he co-founded Dente Dental Studio Oral and Dental Health Clinic in 2021. Specializing in smile design, aesthetic dentistry, bonding, composite laminates, fixed and removable restorations, implant-supported fixed and removable restorations, root canal treatment, and zirconium prosthetics, Dt. Demirçal offers services in various fields of dentistry.

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Arztbesuch preis auf anfrage
Emax Veneers $422.35
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Beyza Bilal
6 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul

Beyza Bilal

6 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dt. Beyza Bilal graduated from Konya Selçuk University Faculty of Dentistry in 2018. Beyza Bilal, who served in a private health institution in Istanbul between 2018-2023, is among the strong staff of Private Dehadent Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic as of 2023.

Our valuable dentist, who supports her professional development with modern and innovative methods by attending many trainings, congresses and seminars in her field, closely follows digital dentistry and current treatments.

Beyza Bilal’s professional interests include smile design, lamina, inlay-onlay, zirconium-porcelain veneers, implant porcelains and prosthetic rehabilitation of complete edentulous mouths.


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Omer Celik
6 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Izmir
Zahnklinik Dente Dental Studio

Omer Celik

6 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dt. Ömer M. Çiftçi, Born in Gaziantep in 1994, Ömer M. ÇİFTÇİ pursued his high school education at Ayten Kemal Akınal Anatolian High School. Following his undergraduate studies at Ege University Faculty of Dentistry, he specialized in the field, staying abreast of the latest developments. Ömer M. ÇİFTÇİ is experienced in aesthetic dentistry, laminate veneers, e-max, and zirconium prosthetics, implant-supported prosthetics, and restorative dental treatments. His commitment to staying informed about the latest advancements ensures that he provides high-quality and up-to-date dental care.

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Arztbesuch preis auf anfrage
Emax Veneers $422.35
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Evgeniy Shitev
8 Jahre der Erfahrung
1 Rezensionen

Evgeniy Shitev

8 Jahre der Erfahrung
Ukraine, Lemberg