Psicólogo universitario, cognitivo conductual. Profesor de Psicología. Consultor de salud mental y desarrollo personal en empresas. Entrenado también como life coach. Miembro de la asociación argentina de trastornos por ansiedad.
Con 20 años de experiencia clínica, ha desarrollado un modelo de terapia efectiva, de alto impacto y súper focalizada. Trabaja individualmente y con parejas. Atiende online y tambien realiza seminarios superintensivos presenciales a solicitud.
Psychologist, cognitive behavioral. Professor of Psychology. Mental health and personal development consultant in companies. Also trained as a life coach. Member of the Argentine Association of Anxiety Disorders.
With 20 years of clinical experience, he has developed an effective, high-impact, and super-targeted therapy model. Works individually and with couples. He attends online and also conducts face-to-face super-intensive seminars upon request.
Mehr lesenPsicólogo universitario, cognitivo conductual. Profesor de Psicología. Consultor de salud mental y desarrollo personal en empresas. Entrenado también como life coach. Miembro de la asociación argentina de trastornos por ansiedad.
Con 20 años de experiencia clínica, ha desarrollado un modelo de terapia efectiva, de alto impacto y súper focalizada. Trabaja individualmente y con parejas. Atiende online y tambien realiza seminarios superintensivos presenciales a solicitud.
Psychologist, cognitive behavioral. Professor of Psychology. Mental health and personal development consultant in companies. Also trained as a life coach. Member of the Argentine Association of Anxiety Disorders.
With 20 years of clinical experience, he has developed an effective, high-impact, and super-targeted therapy model. Works individually and with couples. He attends online and also conducts face-to-face super-intensive seminars upon request.
Erfahrener Psychologe mit MSc in Klinischer Psychologie von der Universität Uskudar. Erfahrung in verschiedenen Umgebungen, einschließlich Istanbul Oncology Hospital, Güliz Education and Psychological Counseling Center, NP ISTANBUL Brain Hospital, NP Feneryolu Policlinic, Dragos Hatice Satoğlu Nursing Home, Private Ersoy Hospital Psychiatry und NP İSTANBUL Brain Hospital Ümraniye. Hat zahlreiche Zertifikate in verschiedenen psychologischen Themen.
Mehr lesenErfahrener Psychologe mit MSc in Klinischer Psychologie von der Universität Uskudar. Erfahrung in verschiedenen Umgebungen, einschließlich Istanbul Oncology Hospital, Güliz Education and Psychological Counseling Center, NP ISTANBUL Brain Hospital, NP Feneryolu Policlinic, Dragos Hatice Satoğlu Nursing Home, Private Ersoy Hospital Psychiatry und NP İSTANBUL Brain Hospital Ümraniye. Hat zahlreiche Zertifikate in verschiedenen psychologischen Themen.
Dr. Adel M. Jibril ist Experte für die Behandlung komplexer Autoimmunerkrankungen mit umfassender Erfahrung in rheumatoider Arthritis, Osteoarthritis und ankylosierender Spondylitis. Er spricht fließend Arabisch, Englisch und Russisch und hat einen MBBS, MD, PhD, FACRM, ACPM, AAP, UFR, SH.
Mehr lesenDr. Adel M. Jibril ist Experte für die Behandlung komplexer Autoimmunerkrankungen mit umfassender Erfahrung in rheumatoider Arthritis, Osteoarthritis und ankylosierender Spondylitis. Er spricht fließend Arabisch, Englisch und Russisch und hat einen MBBS, MD, PhD, FACRM, ACPM, AAP, UFR, SH.
Dr. Vivek Sharma ist ein erfahrener Chirurg für Orthopädie und Gelenkersatz mit über 14 Jahren Erfahrung. Er ist ein D.Ortho- und DNB-qualifizierter Chirurg und hat über 5.000 primäre komplexe und Revisionsoperationen durchgeführt. Er verfügt über Erfahrung in der Durchführung von Primär- und Revisions-Hüft-/Knie-Arthroplastiken, Knie-Osteotomie sowie in der Behandlung von Osteoporose, Osteoarthritis und Schmerzen. Er ist auch Gründungsmitglied des Rajasthan Arthoplasty Center of Excellence.
Mehr lesenDr. Vivek Sharma ist ein erfahrener Chirurg für Orthopädie und Gelenkersatz mit über 14 Jahren Erfahrung. Er ist ein D.Ortho- und DNB-qualifizierter Chirurg und hat über 5.000 primäre komplexe und Revisionsoperationen durchgeführt. Er verfügt über Erfahrung in der Durchführung von Primär- und Revisions-Hüft-/Knie-Arthroplastiken, Knie-Osteotomie sowie in der Behandlung von Osteoporose, Osteoarthritis und Schmerzen. Er ist auch Gründungsmitglied des Rajasthan Arthoplasty Center of Excellence.
Professional Experience:
Licenses and Certifications:
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Professional Experience:
Licenses and Certifications:
Dr. Mehdi Afrit is a Medical Oncologist who practices at Burjeel Specialty Hospital in Sharjah. He has over 11 years of experience caring for and managing cancer patients. He has extensive experience providing chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy to patients. He earned a Certificate of Medical Oncology from the Gustave Roussy Institute in Paris, France, where he received training in antitumor chemotherapy and cancer medical treatment. Additionally, he holds an international certificate in breast diseases. He also has a certificate in Good Clinical Practice from Trans Celerate Biopharma Inc. and a certificate in Clinical Trial Management: Good Clinical Practice from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians. He previously worked for over five years as an Assistant Professor of Medical Oncology at Tunis’s Faculty of Medicine. He later practiced as a Consultant, Medical Oncologist for six years at Arianna’s hospital in Tunisia. He later worked for two years as a Specialist Medical Oncologist at Zulekha Hospital. He was also an investigator in three international clinical trials and holds clinical trial auditing and CRO certifications and a GCP Training Certificate from 2016. He is a member in good standing of the Emirates Oncology Society (EOS), the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO), and the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). His clinical expertise includes but is not limited to the following:
Dr. Mehdi Afrit is a Medical Oncologist who practices at Burjeel Specialty Hospital in Sharjah. He has over 11 years of experience caring for and managing cancer patients. He has extensive experience providing chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy to patients. He earned a Certificate of Medical Oncology from the Gustave Roussy Institute in Paris, France, where he received training in antitumor chemotherapy and cancer medical treatment. Additionally, he holds an international certificate in breast diseases. He also has a certificate in Good Clinical Practice from Trans Celerate Biopharma Inc. and a certificate in Clinical Trial Management: Good Clinical Practice from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians. He previously worked for over five years as an Assistant Professor of Medical Oncology at Tunis’s Faculty of Medicine. He later practiced as a Consultant, Medical Oncologist for six years at Arianna’s hospital in Tunisia. He later worked for two years as a Specialist Medical Oncologist at Zulekha Hospital. He was also an investigator in three international clinical trials and holds clinical trial auditing and CRO certifications and a GCP Training Certificate from 2016. He is a member in good standing of the Emirates Oncology Society (EOS), the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO), and the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). His clinical expertise includes but is not limited to the following: