Dr. Sevgi has more than 10 years of experience. After graduating from Cyprus Near East University in 2013, she worked in oral surgery and general dentistry treatments at a state hospital for 7 years. Later, she served her patients in some private clinics and later opened her own clinic. She currently serves her patients at the Gaia Dental Clinic, which she founded.She has treated more than 10000 patients so far in her professional life.She does her job with passion and her biggest priority is that her patients are satisfied with their treatment.
Mehr lesenDr. Sevgi has more than 10 years of experience. After graduating from Cyprus Near East University in 2013, she worked in oral surgery and general dentistry treatments at a state hospital for 7 years. Later, she served her patients in some private clinics and later opened her own clinic. She currently serves her patients at the Gaia Dental Clinic, which she founded.She has treated more than 10000 patients so far in her professional life.She does her job with passion and her biggest priority is that her patients are satisfied with their treatment.
Dt. Burak Metin, Ege Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi'nden mezun olmuş olup Dentomega Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Polikliniği'nde hastalarına hizmet vermektedir.
Mehr lesenDt. Burak Metin, Ege Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi'nden mezun olmuş olup Dentomega Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Polikliniği'nde hastalarına hizmet vermektedir.
Dr. X ist Absolvent der Fakultät für Zahnmedizin der Universität Istanbul und Mitglied der Turkish Dental Association und der Turkish Oral Implantology Association.
Mehr lesenDr. X ist Absolvent der Fakultät für Zahnmedizin der Universität Istanbul und Mitglied der Turkish Dental Association und der Turkish Oral Implantology Association.