Beste Schwerhörigkeit HNO-Ärzte in der Türkei - TOP -65 Ärzte

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Fahad Mawlood - Allgemeinarzt. Gewinner von 4 wissenschaftlichen Preisen. Er diente in Westasien. Ehemaliger Teamleiter eines medizinischen Teams zur Betreuung arabischsprachiger Patienten. Jetzt Fahad ist verantwortlich für die Datenverarbeitung und die Genauigkeit der medizinischen Inhalte.
Yavuz Selim Yildirim
17 Jahre der Erfahrung
143 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Yavuz Selim Yildirim

17 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dr. hat einen Master-Abschluss in Management von Krankenhäusern und Gesundheitseinrichtungen und hat in vielen Institutionen gearbeitet, wie dem Ausbildungs- und Forschungskrankenhaus Haseki des Gesundheitsministeriums und der Bezmialem-Universität. Er hat an vielen internationalen Konferenzen teilgenommen, Preise gewonnen und Forschungsarbeiten veröffentlicht. Zu seinen Fachgebieten gehören Nasenästhetik, Cochlea-Implantat, Hörverlust, Ohrinfektionen, Gleichgewichtsstörungen, Nasenallergien, Nasenpolyposis, Krebschirurgie, plastische Gesichtschirurgie, Stimmstörungen, Schilddrüsenknoten, Sinusitis, endoskopische Nebenhöhlenchirurgie, Tonsillen- und Adenoiderkrankungen und Schnarchen, Schlafapnoe-Chirurgie. Internationale Erfahrungen sammelte er in den USA an der Johns Hopkins University, der Harvard University, der Harvard Medical School, dem Boston Children's Hospital, der Tufts University und der Cleveland Clinic.

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Dr. hat einen Master-Abschluss in Management von Krankenhäusern und Gesundheitseinrichtungen und hat in vielen Institutionen gearbeitet, wie dem Ausbildungs- und Forschungskrankenhaus Haseki des Gesundheitsministeriums und der Bezmialem-Universität. Er hat an vielen internationalen Konferenzen teilgenommen, Preise gewonnen und Forschungsarbeiten veröffentlicht. Zu seinen Fachgebieten gehören Nasenästhetik, Cochlea-Implantat, Hörverlust, Ohrinfektionen, Gleichgewichtsstörungen, Nasenallergien, Nasenpolyposis, Krebschirurgie, plastische Gesichtschirurgie, Stimmstörungen, Schilddrüsenknoten, Sinusitis, endoskopische Nebenhöhlenchirurgie, Tonsillen- und Adenoiderkrankungen und Schnarchen, Schlafapnoe-Chirurgie. Internationale Erfahrungen sammelte er in den USA an der Johns Hopkins University, der Harvard University, der Harvard Medical School, dem Boston Children's Hospital, der Tufts University und der Cleveland Clinic.

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143 Rezensionen
Arztbesuch preis auf anfrage
Platzierung des Cochlea-Implantats $19708 - $22081
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Ibrahim Altoparlak
14 Jahre der Erfahrung
147 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Dr. MED Clinic

Ibrahim Altoparlak

14 Jahre der Erfahrung
Dr. Ibrahim Altoparlak ist ein renommierter HNO-Arzt mit über 13 Jahren Erfahrung. Er ist spezialisiert auf ästhetische Verfahren und HNO-Behandlungen, einschließlich Rhinoplastik, Rhinoseptoplastik, Ohrrekonstruktion und Revision der Rhinoplastik.Mehr lesen
Dr. Ibrahim Altoparlak ist ein renommierter HNO-Arzt mit über 13 Jahren Erfahrung. Er ist spezialisiert auf ästhetische Verfahren und HNO-Behandlungen, einschließlich Rhinoplastik, Rhinoseptoplastik, Ohrrekonstruktion und Revision der Rhinoplastik.
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Selman Sarica
18 Jahre der Erfahrung
143 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Selman Sarica

18 Jahre der Erfahrung

Assoz. Prof. Selman SARICA, MD ist ein erfahrener Hals-Nasen-Ohrenarzt mit Fachkenntnissen in Otologie, pädiatrischer Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde, Schnarchchirurgie, gutartigen und bösartigen Kopf- und Halstumoren, Laryngologie, funktionellen Nasenoperationen, endoskopischen Nasennebenhöhlenoperationen, Schilddrüsenchirurgie und Speicheldrüsenerkrankungen. Er hat einen medizinischen Abschluss der Medizinischen Fakultät der Cerrahpaşa-Universität Istanbul und eine Expertise der Abteilung für Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde der Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam-Universität. Er ist außerordentlicher Professor für Medizin an derselben Universität.

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Assoz. Prof. Selman SARICA, MD ist ein erfahrener Hals-Nasen-Ohrenarzt mit Fachkenntnissen in Otologie, pädiatrischer Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde, Schnarchchirurgie, gutartigen und bösartigen Kopf- und Halstumoren, Laryngologie, funktionellen Nasenoperationen, endoskopischen Nasennebenhöhlenoperationen, Schilddrüsenchirurgie und Speicheldrüsenerkrankungen. Er hat einen medizinischen Abschluss der Medizinischen Fakultät der Cerrahpaşa-Universität Istanbul und eine Expertise der Abteilung für Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde der Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam-Universität. Er ist außerordentlicher Professor für Medizin an derselben Universität.

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143 Rezensionen
Arztbesuch preis auf anfrage
Platzierung des Cochlea-Implantats $19708 - $22081
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Tayfun Apuhan
26 Jahre der Erfahrung
143 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Tayfun Apuhan

26 Jahre der Erfahrung

Der Arzt ist spezialisiert auf Ohrinfektionen und Reparatur des Trommelfells sowie andere Eingriffe wie Nasenkorrektur, Septorhinoplastik, Adenoidektomie, Tonsillektomie, Platzierung von Beatmungsschläuchen, Schnarchen, Schlafapnoe-Operationen, Stimmbandknötchen, Zysten, Polypen, Ödeme, Laryngoskopie , MLS, Laryngektomie, zervikale Lymphknotendissektion, Halsdissektion, Kopf-Hals-Tumorchirurgie, Rekonstruktion und Mikrolaryngochirurgie. Er hat einen Bachelor-Abschluss der Inonu University und hat an mehreren Institutionen, darunter der Abant Izzet Baysal University, dem University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, der Gazi University und dem Comprehensive Cancer Center der Ohio State University, ausgebildet. Er hat in privaten Krankenhäusern und Gesundheitszentren in Istanbul und Malatya gearbeitet.

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Der Arzt ist spezialisiert auf Ohrinfektionen und Reparatur des Trommelfells sowie andere Eingriffe wie Nasenkorrektur, Septorhinoplastik, Adenoidektomie, Tonsillektomie, Platzierung von Beatmungsschläuchen, Schnarchen, Schlafapnoe-Operationen, Stimmbandknötchen, Zysten, Polypen, Ödeme, Laryngoskopie , MLS, Laryngektomie, zervikale Lymphknotendissektion, Halsdissektion, Kopf-Hals-Tumorchirurgie, Rekonstruktion und Mikrolaryngochirurgie. Er hat einen Bachelor-Abschluss der Inonu University und hat an mehreren Institutionen, darunter der Abant Izzet Baysal University, dem University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, der Gazi University und dem Comprehensive Cancer Center der Ohio State University, ausgebildet. Er hat in privaten Krankenhäusern und Gesundheitszentren in Istanbul und Malatya gearbeitet.

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143 Rezensionen
Arztbesuch preis auf anfrage
Platzierung des Cochlea-Implantats $19708 - $22081
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Onur Üstün
14 Jahre der Erfahrung
60 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Küçükçekmece Hospital

Onur Üstün

14 Jahre der Erfahrung
Dr. Onur Üstün ist ein geschätzter HNO-Arzt mit über 10 Jahren Erfahrung, der sich auf Kopf- und Halschirurgie und Rhinoplastik spezialisiert hat. Sein Fachwissen erstreckt sich auf Bereiche wie HNO, Sklerose, Chirurgie, Knorpel, systemische Sklerose, Laryngektomie, Sinus-Chirurgie, Wundheilung, plastische Chirurgie und mehr. Er engagiert sich in der wissenschaftlichen Forschung und hat 49 Arbeiten über chirurgische Techniken, Behandlungseffektivität und Patientenergebnisse veröffentlicht.Mehr lesen
Dr. Onur Üstün ist ein geschätzter HNO-Arzt mit über 10 Jahren Erfahrung, der sich auf Kopf- und Halschirurgie und Rhinoplastik spezialisiert hat. Sein Fachwissen erstreckt sich auf Bereiche wie HNO, Sklerose, Chirurgie, Knorpel, systemische Sklerose, Laryngektomie, Sinus-Chirurgie, Wundheilung, plastische Chirurgie und mehr. Er engagiert sich in der wissenschaftlichen Forschung und hat 49 Arbeiten über chirurgische Techniken, Behandlungseffektivität und Patientenergebnisse veröffentlicht.
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Serkan Orhan
21 Jahre der Erfahrung
108 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital

Serkan Orhan

21 Jahre der Erfahrung
Dr. Serkan Orhan ist Facharzt für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Rhinoplastik und plastische Gesichtschirurgie und verfügt über 25 Jahre Berufserfahrung. Er hat über 5.500 Behandlungen durchgeführt. Zu den bemerkenswerten Operationen, die er durchgeführt hat, gehören das Einsetzen von Cochlea-Implantaten, Septumplastiken, Nasenpolypen, Embolisationen bei Epistaxis und prothetische Ohr- und Nasenoperationen. Er war auch aktives Fakultätsmitglied an der Universität von Istanbul und absolvierte eine Facharztausbildung an der HNO-Abteilung der Radbound-Universität in den Niederlanden.Mehr lesen
Dr. Serkan Orhan ist Facharzt für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Rhinoplastik und plastische Gesichtschirurgie und verfügt über 25 Jahre Berufserfahrung. Er hat über 5.500 Behandlungen durchgeführt. Zu den bemerkenswerten Operationen, die er durchgeführt hat, gehören das Einsetzen von Cochlea-Implantaten, Septumplastiken, Nasenpolypen, Embolisationen bei Epistaxis und prothetische Ohr- und Nasenoperationen. Er war auch aktives Fakultätsmitglied an der Universität von Istanbul und absolvierte eine Facharztausbildung an der HNO-Abteilung der Radbound-Universität in den Niederlanden.
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108 Rezensionen
Arztbesuch preis auf anfrage
Platzierung des Cochlea-Implantats $27000
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Bora Basaran
20 Jahre der Erfahrung
29 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Florence Nightingale Hospital

Bora Basaran

20 Jahre der Erfahrung
Dr. Bora Basaran ist ein renommierter Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Arzt (HNO) mit Spezialisierung auf Onkologie und Chirurgie des Kopfes und Halses, Schilddrüsentumore und endoskopische Sinus-Chirurgie. Er ist Mitglied des European Board of Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery und außerordentlicher Professor für HNO.Mehr lesen
Dr. Bora Basaran ist ein renommierter Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Arzt (HNO) mit Spezialisierung auf Onkologie und Chirurgie des Kopfes und Halses, Schilddrüsentumore und endoskopische Sinus-Chirurgie. Er ist Mitglied des European Board of Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery und außerordentlicher Professor für HNO.
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Turkan Guliyeva
15 Jahre der Erfahrung
47 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Health Point World Clinic (former Dr. Soho Clinic)

Turkan Guliyeva

15 Jahre der Erfahrung

Extensive experience performing various ear, nose and throat procedures both endoscopic and conventional methods as well as microsurgery.

The skilled highlights are stated as below  Skill Highlights • Rhinoplasty • Septoplasty • Myringoplasty • Tympanoplasty • Tonsillectomy • Thyroidectomy


The  Experience of the ENT surgeon  2023 – 2024 Esencan Hospital - Istanbul 2017 – 2023 Cerrahpaşa Medical University Hospital Education 2009 – 2011 AZERBAIJAN MEDICAL FACULTY 2011 – 2016 19 MAYIS MEDICAL FACULTY - ANKARA Recognitions & Memberships 1. Tempral Kemik ve Endoskopik Sinüs Cerrahisi Kadavra Diseksiyon Kursu, Ankara, 2018 2. Temporal Kemik ve Endoskopik Sinüs Cerrahisi Kadavra Diseksiyon Kursu, İstanbul, 2019 

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Extensive experience performing various ear, nose and throat procedures both endoscopic and conventional methods as well as microsurgery.

The skilled highlights are stated as below  Skill Highlights • Rhinoplasty • Septoplasty • Myringoplasty • Tympanoplasty • Tonsillectomy • Thyroidectomy


The  Experience of the ENT surgeon  2023 – 2024 Esencan Hospital - Istanbul 2017 – 2023 Cerrahpaşa Medical University Hospital Education 2009 – 2011 AZERBAIJAN MEDICAL FACULTY 2011 – 2016 19 MAYIS MEDICAL FACULTY - ANKARA Recognitions & Memberships 1. Tempral Kemik ve Endoskopik Sinüs Cerrahisi Kadavra Diseksiyon Kursu, Ankara, 2018 2. Temporal Kemik ve Endoskopik Sinüs Cerrahisi Kadavra Diseksiyon Kursu, İstanbul, 2019 

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47 Rezensionen
Arztbesuch preis auf anfrage
Platzierung des Cochlea-Implantats $34000 - $50000
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Baris Avsar
23 Jahre der Erfahrung
3 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Büyük Anadolu Krankenhäuser

Baris Avsar

23 Jahre der Erfahrung


  • - Nose Aesthetics (Rhinoplasty)
  • - Sleep Apnea Surgeries
  • - Otoplasty Surgeries
  • - Functional Nose (Nose Breathing) Surgeries
  • - Ear and Ear Tube Surgeries (Timpanoplasty)
  • - Tonsil and Adenoid Surgeries
  • - Filling, Botox, PRP, Mesotherapy
  • - Head and Neck Tumor Surgery
  • - Vocal Cord Operations
  • - Endoscopic Sinus Surgeries


  • - Eskişehir Yunus Emre state hospital 2007 - 2009
  • - Trabzon Bayram Halil State Hospital 2009 - 2010
  • - Trabzon Private Black Sea Hospital 2011 - 2014
  • - Zonguldak Ereğli Anadolu hospital 2015 - 2018
  • - Zonguldak Ereğli Echomar hospital 2018 - 2020
  • - Eskişehir Private Gürlife Hospital 2020 - 2022
  • - Turgutlu Private Egeumut Hospital 2022 - 2023
  • - Trabzon Medical Park
  • - Izmir Metropol Hospital


  • - Ankara university
  • - Vocational Trainings, Courses and Conferences Attended
  • - Evaluations of nasal airway
  • - Rhinocamp winter davos best work award
  • - Professional Memberships
  • - TTB Foundation
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  • - Nose Aesthetics (Rhinoplasty)
  • - Sleep Apnea Surgeries
  • - Otoplasty Surgeries
  • - Functional Nose (Nose Breathing) Surgeries
  • - Ear and Ear Tube Surgeries (Timpanoplasty)
  • - Tonsil and Adenoid Surgeries
  • - Filling, Botox, PRP, Mesotherapy
  • - Head and Neck Tumor Surgery
  • - Vocal Cord Operations
  • - Endoscopic Sinus Surgeries


  • - Eskişehir Yunus Emre state hospital 2007 - 2009
  • - Trabzon Bayram Halil State Hospital 2009 - 2010
  • - Trabzon Private Black Sea Hospital 2011 - 2014
  • - Zonguldak Ereğli Anadolu hospital 2015 - 2018
  • - Zonguldak Ereğli Echomar hospital 2018 - 2020
  • - Eskişehir Private Gürlife Hospital 2020 - 2022
  • - Turgutlu Private Egeumut Hospital 2022 - 2023
  • - Trabzon Medical Park
  • - Izmir Metropol Hospital


  • - Ankara university
  • - Vocational Trainings, Courses and Conferences Attended
  • - Evaluations of nasal airway
  • - Rhinocamp winter davos best work award
  • - Professional Memberships
  • - TTB Foundation
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Dr Arzu Öz
12 Jahre der Erfahrung
3 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul

Dr Arzu Öz

12 Jahre der Erfahrung

Op. Dr. Arzu Öz

Otolaryngology (ENT)


Specialty Training

2000 - 2006
Medical Education, Full-time (University Graduate)

Undergraduate Education

1989 - 1995
ENT and Head, Neck Surgery, Formal Education


2023 -
ClinicExpert - ENT

2015 - 2023
Medient Ear, Nose, and Throat Medical Center - ENT

2017 - 2021
Acibadem Altunizade Hospital - ENT

2015 - 2017
Private Üsküdar Anadolu Hospital - ENT

2013 - 2015
İzmir Ödemiş State Hospital - ENT

2012 - 2013
Ministry of Health Muş Varto State Hospital - ENT

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Op. Dr. Arzu Öz

Otolaryngology (ENT)


Specialty Training

2000 - 2006
Medical Education, Full-time (University Graduate)

Undergraduate Education

1989 - 1995
ENT and Head, Neck Surgery, Formal Education


2023 -
ClinicExpert - ENT

2015 - 2023
Medient Ear, Nose, and Throat Medical Center - ENT

2017 - 2021
Acibadem Altunizade Hospital - ENT

2015 - 2017
Private Üsküdar Anadolu Hospital - ENT

2013 - 2015
İzmir Ödemiş State Hospital - ENT

2012 - 2013
Ministry of Health Muş Varto State Hospital - ENT

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Enis Ekincioglu
11 Jahre der Erfahrung
2 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Dr. Enis Ekincioglu Rhinoplasty Clinic

Enis Ekincioglu

11 Jahre der Erfahrung
Dr. Enis Ekincioglu ist ein angesehener plastischer Chirurg und HNO-Spezialist, der sich auf kosmetische Eingriffe im Gesicht sowie auf Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde (HNO) und Kopf- und Halschirurgie spezialisiert hat. Er erhielt den 2. Preis auf dem 40. Nationalen HNO-Kongress und hat zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen in angesehenen nationalen und internationalen Fachzeitschriften.Mehr lesen
Dr. Enis Ekincioglu ist ein angesehener plastischer Chirurg und HNO-Spezialist, der sich auf kosmetische Eingriffe im Gesicht sowie auf Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde (HNO) und Kopf- und Halschirurgie spezialisiert hat. Er erhielt den 2. Preis auf dem 40. Nationalen HNO-Kongress und hat zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen in angesehenen nationalen und internationalen Fachzeitschriften.
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Yasin Kulaksiz
7 Jahre der Erfahrung
2 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Medipol Acibadem Bezirkskrankenhaus

Yasin Kulaksiz

7 Jahre der Erfahrung

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Yasin Kulaksız
Date of Birth: November 20, 1992
Title: Specialist Doctor


Doctarate (PhD)
Field: Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT)
University: Bezmialem Vakıf University
Year: [Year of Completion]


Doctorate (PhD)
Field: Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT)
University: Bezmialem Vakıf University



  • Expertise in Rhinoplasty and ENT surgeries
  • Patient assessment and care
  • Surgical techniques and postoperative management
  • [Additional relevant skills]
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Curriculum Vitae

Name: Yasin Kulaksız
Date of Birth: November 20, 1992
Title: Specialist Doctor


Doctarate (PhD)
Field: Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT)
University: Bezmialem Vakıf University
Year: [Year of Completion]


Doctorate (PhD)
Field: Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT)
University: Bezmialem Vakıf University



  • Expertise in Rhinoplasty and ENT surgeries
  • Patient assessment and care
  • Surgical techniques and postoperative management
  • [Additional relevant skills]
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Denizhan Ozkaya
37 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Izmir
Chirurgisches medizinisches Zentrum Ento

Denizhan Ozkaya

37 Jahre der Erfahrung

Deniz Han Özkaya was born in Izmir in 1964.
He graduated from Ege University Faculty of Medicine in 1987. He received his ENT specialty from Celal Bayar Faculty of Medicine in 2000.

In 2001 Op. Dr. Together with Ümit FİLİZ, he founded Private ENTO Ear Nose and Throat Clinic in Alsancak.

He is a member of the Ear – Nose – Throat and Head and Neck Surgery Association and the Facial Plastic Surgery Association.

Rhinoplasty and sinus surgery are his professional interests. He is married and has two children.

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Deniz Han Özkaya was born in Izmir in 1964.
He graduated from Ege University Faculty of Medicine in 1987. He received his ENT specialty from Celal Bayar Faculty of Medicine in 2000.

In 2001 Op. Dr. Together with Ümit FİLİZ, he founded Private ENTO Ear Nose and Throat Clinic in Alsancak.

He is a member of the Ear – Nose – Throat and Head and Neck Surgery Association and the Facial Plastic Surgery Association.

Rhinoplasty and sinus surgery are his professional interests. He is married and has two children.

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Umit Filiz
30 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Izmir
Chirurgisches medizinisches Zentrum Ento

Umit Filiz

30 Jahre der Erfahrung

He was born in France in 1969. After graduating from İzmir Müdafaai Hukuk Primary School and Bornova Anatolian High School, he entered Ege University Faculty of Medicine. After completing his specialization at Celal Bayar University Faculty of Medicine Ear Nose and Throat Clinic, he worked as Op.Dr. Together with Denizhan Özkaya, he founded ENTO Ear, Nose and Throat in Alsancak.

Op.Dr., who worked as a visiting doctor at the Ear Nose and Throat Clinic of the University of Vienna, Austria, in 1998. Ümit Filiz speaks English and German.

He is a member of the Turkish Ear Nose Throat Head and Neck Surgery Association, the Turkish Ear Nose Throat Head and Neck Surgery Foundation, the Turkish ENT Facial Plastic Surgery Working Group, the Turkish Sleep Research Association and the European Sleep Research Association Aviation Medical Association.

He received the “Flight Medicine” certificate at the Eskişehir Aerospace Medicine Physiological Training Course within the Air Force (8 October – 16 November 2001). Aesthetic and functional nose surgery, endoscopic sinus surgeries and snoring and apnea surgery are his special areas of interest.

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He was born in France in 1969. After graduating from İzmir Müdafaai Hukuk Primary School and Bornova Anatolian High School, he entered Ege University Faculty of Medicine. After completing his specialization at Celal Bayar University Faculty of Medicine Ear Nose and Throat Clinic, he worked as Op.Dr. Together with Denizhan Özkaya, he founded ENTO Ear, Nose and Throat in Alsancak.

Op.Dr., who worked as a visiting doctor at the Ear Nose and Throat Clinic of the University of Vienna, Austria, in 1998. Ümit Filiz speaks English and German.

He is a member of the Turkish Ear Nose Throat Head and Neck Surgery Association, the Turkish Ear Nose Throat Head and Neck Surgery Foundation, the Turkish ENT Facial Plastic Surgery Working Group, the Turkish Sleep Research Association and the European Sleep Research Association Aviation Medical Association.

He received the “Flight Medicine” certificate at the Eskişehir Aerospace Medicine Physiological Training Course within the Air Force (8 October – 16 November 2001). Aesthetic and functional nose surgery, endoscopic sinus surgeries and snoring and apnea surgery are his special areas of interest.

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Selahattin Tugrul
12 Jahre der Erfahrung
2 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Medipol Acibadem Bezirkskrankenhaus

Selahattin Tugrul

12 Jahre der Erfahrung


 1987 - 1993, (Doctorate) İstanbul University, Faculty of Medicine,  

1993 – 1997, (Medical Specialty) İstanbul University, Faculty of Medicine,



 2012 – 2016, (Assistant Professor) Bezmiâlem Vakıf University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Otorhinolaryngology

 2016 – 2022, (Associate Professor) Bezmiâlem Vakıf University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Otorhinolaryngology

2022 – 2024, (Professor) Bezmiâlem Vakıf University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Otorhinolaryngology

2024 – Present, (Professor) Medipol Acıbadem Hospital

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 1987 - 1993, (Doctorate) İstanbul University, Faculty of Medicine,  

1993 – 1997, (Medical Specialty) İstanbul University, Faculty of Medicine,



 2012 – 2016, (Assistant Professor) Bezmiâlem Vakıf University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Otorhinolaryngology

 2016 – 2022, (Associate Professor) Bezmiâlem Vakıf University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Otorhinolaryngology

2022 – 2024, (Professor) Bezmiâlem Vakıf University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Otorhinolaryngology

2024 – Present, (Professor) Medipol Acıbadem Hospital

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Tuncay Kodas
24 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Izmir
Chirurgisches medizinisches Zentrum Ento

Tuncay Kodas

24 Jahre der Erfahrung

After he completed his University in Dicle University Medical Faculty, he has specialized in ENT Clinic in Izmir Education and Reseacrh Hospital. Following he worked in Aydin Medline Hospital as ENT Specialist. Since May 2012 he began working at Private ENTO ENT Medical Center and still continue to work there.He is a highly skilled specialist in the treatment of protruding ears (otoplasty) and a broad range of related ear conditions. With a deep understanding of ear anatomy and aesthetics, he is adept at correcting prominent ears, providing solutions that balance cosmetic appeal with functional outcomes. His expertise extends to the diagnosis and management of congenital ear deformities such as microtia and lop ear, as well as addressing ear trauma, keloid formation after ear piercings, and chronic ear infections that may affect both children and adults. He is committed to offering comprehensive and personalized care, utilizing advanced surgical techniques and non-surgical options to ensure optimal results for his patients. His approach is patient-centered, focusing on delivering the highest standard of care with a dedication to improving both the appearance and overall ear health of his patients.

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After he completed his University in Dicle University Medical Faculty, he has specialized in ENT Clinic in Izmir Education and Reseacrh Hospital. Following he worked in Aydin Medline Hospital as ENT Specialist. Since May 2012 he began working at Private ENTO ENT Medical Center and still continue to work there.He is a highly skilled specialist in the treatment of protruding ears (otoplasty) and a broad range of related ear conditions. With a deep understanding of ear anatomy and aesthetics, he is adept at correcting prominent ears, providing solutions that balance cosmetic appeal with functional outcomes. His expertise extends to the diagnosis and management of congenital ear deformities such as microtia and lop ear, as well as addressing ear trauma, keloid formation after ear piercings, and chronic ear infections that may affect both children and adults. He is committed to offering comprehensive and personalized care, utilizing advanced surgical techniques and non-surgical options to ensure optimal results for his patients. His approach is patient-centered, focusing on delivering the highest standard of care with a dedication to improving both the appearance and overall ear health of his patients.

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Celil Göçer
28 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Ankara
Lokman Hekim Akay Hospital

Celil Göçer

28 Jahre der Erfahrung

Academic and Professional Background

  • Education:
    • 1990–1996: Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine (MD).
    • 1996–2000: Residency in ENT at Ankara Training and Research Hospital.
    • 2002: Advanced training at the House Ear Institute, Los Angeles, USA.
  • Professional Experience:
    • Various roles including researcher, specialist, and chief at prominent hospitals in Turkey.
    • Since 2011: Professor at Lokman Hekim Health Group, focusing on ENT diseases.

Key Achievements and Research Contributions

  • Published Work:
    • Over 30 scientific articles in international journals on ENT topics such as hearing loss, laryngeal cancer, and sinus conditions.
    • Topics include rare diseases, surgical innovations, and radiological evaluations.
    • Co-author of ENT-related books and translated chapters in notable surgical references.
  • Conference Presentations:
    • Frequent presenter at national and international scientific meetings.
    • Delivered groundbreaking studies on cochlear implants, paranasal tumors, and hearing aid effects on geriatric tinnitus.
  • Awards & Recognition:
    • Recognized for excellence in clinical practice and surgical training models, particularly in stapedectomy.

Clinical and Research Interests

  • Diseases of the ear, nose, and throat, with a focus on:
    • Hearing disorders (sensorineural, conductive, age-related).
    • Rhinological conditions, including sinusitis and mucosal pathologies.
    • Oncological ENT cases, specifically rare cancers of the larynx and paranasal sinuses.

International Training and Professional Development

  • Attended multiple specialized courses at the House Ear Institute (USA) focusing on temporal bone surgery and pathology.
  • Participation in advanced workshops and conferences such as the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery Foundation (AAO-HNSF).

Publications and Citations

  • Authored high-impact studies cited in prominent journals.
  • Contributions to understanding ENT disorders through innovative research methods, such as temporal bone dissection and immunohistochemistry.

Prof. Dr. Celil Göçer is a distinguished ENT specialist whose extensive clinical expertise and academic contributions have greatly influenced the field. He is highly regarded for his innovative surgical approaches and dedication to advancing medical knowledge.

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Academic and Professional Background

  • Education:
    • 1990–1996: Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine (MD).
    • 1996–2000: Residency in ENT at Ankara Training and Research Hospital.
    • 2002: Advanced training at the House Ear Institute, Los Angeles, USA.
  • Professional Experience:
    • Various roles including researcher, specialist, and chief at prominent hospitals in Turkey.
    • Since 2011: Professor at Lokman Hekim Health Group, focusing on ENT diseases.

Key Achievements and Research Contributions

  • Published Work:
    • Over 30 scientific articles in international journals on ENT topics such as hearing loss, laryngeal cancer, and sinus conditions.
    • Topics include rare diseases, surgical innovations, and radiological evaluations.
    • Co-author of ENT-related books and translated chapters in notable surgical references.
  • Conference Presentations:
    • Frequent presenter at national and international scientific meetings.
    • Delivered groundbreaking studies on cochlear implants, paranasal tumors, and hearing aid effects on geriatric tinnitus.
  • Awards & Recognition:
    • Recognized for excellence in clinical practice and surgical training models, particularly in stapedectomy.

Clinical and Research Interests

  • Diseases of the ear, nose, and throat, with a focus on:
    • Hearing disorders (sensorineural, conductive, age-related).
    • Rhinological conditions, including sinusitis and mucosal pathologies.
    • Oncological ENT cases, specifically rare cancers of the larynx and paranasal sinuses.

International Training and Professional Development

  • Attended multiple specialized courses at the House Ear Institute (USA) focusing on temporal bone surgery and pathology.
  • Participation in advanced workshops and conferences such as the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery Foundation (AAO-HNSF).

Publications and Citations

  • Authored high-impact studies cited in prominent journals.
  • Contributions to understanding ENT disorders through innovative research methods, such as temporal bone dissection and immunohistochemistry.

Prof. Dr. Celil Göçer is a distinguished ENT specialist whose extensive clinical expertise and academic contributions have greatly influenced the field. He is highly regarded for his innovative surgical approaches and dedication to advancing medical knowledge.

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Onur Buyukkoc
22 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul
Atlas University Medicine Hospital

Onur Buyukkoc

22 Jahre der Erfahrung

2009-2014 Istanbul Okmeydanı Eğt. And Research. Hst. ENT Specialization Training

2007-2009 Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine

2002-2007 Gülhane Military Medical Faculty (GATA) Faculty of Medicine


2024- Medicine Hospital Specialist Doctor

2019-2023 Ankara City Hospital Specialist Doctor

2018-2019 Istanbul Gaziosmanpaşa Eğt. And Research. Hst. Specialist Doctor

2016-2018 Private Reyap Hospital Specialist Doctor

2015-2016 Private Haliç Hospital Specialist Doctor

2014-2015 Muş Malazgirt State Hospital Specialist Doctor

2014-2014 Istanbul Bahçelievler State Hospital Specialist Doctor

2009-2014 Istanbul Okmeydanı Eğt. And Research. Hst. Assistant Physician

2009-2009 Tokat Reşadiye District State Hospital General Practitioner


Articles he wrote and contributed to;

2023 - Buyukkoc O, Celik B, Yalcıner G, Uzun Ata E, Babademez MA. Mucociliary Clearance and its Relationship to Chest CT Scores in Covid 19 Patients. On J Otolaryngol & Rhinol. 6(3): 2023. OJOR.MS.ID.000637. DOI:10.33552/OJOR.2023.06.000637.

2021 - Akca Caglar A, Akca H, Kurt F, Akcan Yildiz L, Nalcacioglu P, Buyukkoc O, Dibek Misirlioglu E. Sudden-onset haemolacria in an adolescent girl. Paediatr Int Child Health. 2021 Nov;41(4):295-299.1949563. Epub 2021 Jul 18. PMID: 34275424.

2014 - Topaloglu I, Salturk Z, Atar Y, Berkiten G, Buyukkoç O, Cakir O. Evaluation of voice quality after supraglottic laryngectomy. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014 Dec;151(6):1003-7. Epub 2014 Oct 10. PMID: 25305271.

2013 - The Relationship Between Laryngeal Cancers and Neck Metastases/ Poster Paper

2013 - Use of Calcium Hydroxyapatite as Injection Material in Vocal Cord Paralysis/ Oral Presentation

2012 - Classification of deformities in patients operated for nasal septal deformity/Poster Paper

2012 - Bal M, Berkiten G, Topaloğlu İ, & Büyükkoç O. Waardenburg Syndrome (Report Of 4 Cases).

Mehr lesen

2009-2014 Istanbul Okmeydanı Eğt. And Research. Hst. ENT Specialization Training

2007-2009 Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine

2002-2007 Gülhane Military Medical Faculty (GATA) Faculty of Medicine


2024- Medicine Hospital Specialist Doctor

2019-2023 Ankara City Hospital Specialist Doctor

2018-2019 Istanbul Gaziosmanpaşa Eğt. And Research. Hst. Specialist Doctor

2016-2018 Private Reyap Hospital Specialist Doctor

2015-2016 Private Haliç Hospital Specialist Doctor

2014-2015 Muş Malazgirt State Hospital Specialist Doctor

2014-2014 Istanbul Bahçelievler State Hospital Specialist Doctor

2009-2014 Istanbul Okmeydanı Eğt. And Research. Hst. Assistant Physician

2009-2009 Tokat Reşadiye District State Hospital General Practitioner


Articles he wrote and contributed to;

2023 - Buyukkoc O, Celik B, Yalcıner G, Uzun Ata E, Babademez MA. Mucociliary Clearance and its Relationship to Chest CT Scores in Covid 19 Patients. On J Otolaryngol & Rhinol. 6(3): 2023. OJOR.MS.ID.000637. DOI:10.33552/OJOR.2023.06.000637.

2021 - Akca Caglar A, Akca H, Kurt F, Akcan Yildiz L, Nalcacioglu P, Buyukkoc O, Dibek Misirlioglu E. Sudden-onset haemolacria in an adolescent girl. Paediatr Int Child Health. 2021 Nov;41(4):295-299.1949563. Epub 2021 Jul 18. PMID: 34275424.

2014 - Topaloglu I, Salturk Z, Atar Y, Berkiten G, Buyukkoç O, Cakir O. Evaluation of voice quality after supraglottic laryngectomy. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014 Dec;151(6):1003-7. Epub 2014 Oct 10. PMID: 25305271.

2013 - The Relationship Between Laryngeal Cancers and Neck Metastases/ Poster Paper

2013 - Use of Calcium Hydroxyapatite as Injection Material in Vocal Cord Paralysis/ Oral Presentation

2012 - Classification of deformities in patients operated for nasal septal deformity/Poster Paper

2012 - Bal M, Berkiten G, Topaloğlu İ, & Büyükkoç O. Waardenburg Syndrome (Report Of 4 Cases).

Mehr lesen
Cihan Albayrak
13 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul
Medipol University Pendik Hospital

Cihan Albayrak

13 Jahre der Erfahrung



2017 - Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Ear Nose and Throat Diseases


2011 - Inonu University, Faculty of Medicine




2020 - to present - Medipol University Pendik Hospital


2017 - 2020 - Igdir State Hospital


2011 - 2011 - Malatya Dogansehir TSM



1. Anatomical correlation between existence of concha bullosa and maxillary sinus volume.

Uygar Levent Demir1,M E Akca2,R Ozpar3,C Albayrak2,B Hakyemez

2. Tek veya Çift Aritenoidin Korunabildiği Suprakrikoid Parsiyel Larenjektomili Hastalarda Fonksiyonel ve Onkolojik Sonuçlar, Tez Çalışması.

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2017 - Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Ear Nose and Throat Diseases


2011 - Inonu University, Faculty of Medicine




2020 - to present - Medipol University Pendik Hospital


2017 - 2020 - Igdir State Hospital


2011 - 2011 - Malatya Dogansehir TSM



1. Anatomical correlation between existence of concha bullosa and maxillary sinus volume.

Uygar Levent Demir1,M E Akca2,R Ozpar3,C Albayrak2,B Hakyemez

2. Tek veya Çift Aritenoidin Korunabildiği Suprakrikoid Parsiyel Larenjektomili Hastalarda Fonksiyonel ve Onkolojik Sonuçlar, Tez Çalışması.

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Sezgin Bekdemir
24 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Izmir
Chirurgisches medizinisches Zentrum Ento

Sezgin Bekdemir

24 Jahre der Erfahrung

He was born in Bulancak the district of Giresun in 1974. After he completed his middle and high school education in Giresun, in 1992, he won 19 May University Medical Faculty in Samsun. In 2000, he won Erzurum Atatürk University Medical Faculty section of ENT, he worked in Otlu Government Hospital and Erzurum Numune Hospital after he completed his specialty in 2004. In 2005 he began working at Erzurum Private Recovery Hospital.


Between 2007 – 2008 he completed his military service in Van Military Hospital. After returning from his military service he worked in Erzurum Private Recovery Hospital for 4 more months. In 2008 he began working at Ankara Private Lokman Hekim Hopital Etlik and branch of Sincan. After working in Ankara for 5 years, on October 2013 he began working in Izmir Recovery University Hospital. On July 2014, he began working in Turgutlu Private Ege Umut Hospital. Finally, in 2015 he joined ENTO ENT family.

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He was born in Bulancak the district of Giresun in 1974. After he completed his middle and high school education in Giresun, in 1992, he won 19 May University Medical Faculty in Samsun. In 2000, he won Erzurum Atatürk University Medical Faculty section of ENT, he worked in Otlu Government Hospital and Erzurum Numune Hospital after he completed his specialty in 2004. In 2005 he began working at Erzurum Private Recovery Hospital.


Between 2007 – 2008 he completed his military service in Van Military Hospital. After returning from his military service he worked in Erzurum Private Recovery Hospital for 4 more months. In 2008 he began working at Ankara Private Lokman Hekim Hopital Etlik and branch of Sincan. After working in Ankara for 5 years, on October 2013 he began working in Izmir Recovery University Hospital. On July 2014, he began working in Turgutlu Private Ege Umut Hospital. Finally, in 2015 he joined ENTO ENT family.

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