Dr. Mehmet Taşkoparan ist ein qualifizierter orthopädischer Chirurg, der fließend Englisch spricht und sich auf Wirbelsäulenfrakturchirurgie, Kyphoplastiechirurgie, endoskopische und perkutane Wirbelsäulenchirurgie, dreidimensionale Knie- und Hüftchirurgie, minimalinvasive Traumachirurgie, pädiatrische Skoliose- und Kyphosechirurgie, Spinalkanalstenose, totale Sprunggelenks-, Schulter- und Fingerprothesen, totale Hüft- und Knieprothesen, rheumatische Knie- und Hüfterkrankungen, ESWT (Extrakorporale Stoßwellentherapie) zur Behandlung von Fersensporn und Tennisarm, interventionelle Arthroskopie (Sportverletzungen und Meniskusoperationen), Behandlung von Frakturen und Luxationen, arthroskopische Operation des vorderen Kreuzbandes, Schulterarthroskopie, Karpaltunnel, Ulnar Tuzak und Tarsaltunnelsyndrom. Er ist assoziiert mit der Türkischen Vereinigung für Orthopädie und Traumatologie (TOTBİD), der Türkischen Ärztekammer (TMA), der Türkischen Wirbelsäulengesellschaft, der Türkischen Vereinigung für Orthopädie und Traumatologie und der Arthroplasty Society.
Mehr lesenDr. Mehmet Taşkoparan ist ein qualifizierter orthopädischer Chirurg, der fließend Englisch spricht und sich auf Wirbelsäulenfrakturchirurgie, Kyphoplastiechirurgie, endoskopische und perkutane Wirbelsäulenchirurgie, dreidimensionale Knie- und Hüftchirurgie, minimalinvasive Traumachirurgie, pädiatrische Skoliose- und Kyphosechirurgie, Spinalkanalstenose, totale Sprunggelenks-, Schulter- und Fingerprothesen, totale Hüft- und Knieprothesen, rheumatische Knie- und Hüfterkrankungen, ESWT (Extrakorporale Stoßwellentherapie) zur Behandlung von Fersensporn und Tennisarm, interventionelle Arthroskopie (Sportverletzungen und Meniskusoperationen), Behandlung von Frakturen und Luxationen, arthroskopische Operation des vorderen Kreuzbandes, Schulterarthroskopie, Karpaltunnel, Ulnar Tuzak und Tarsaltunnelsyndrom. Er ist assoziiert mit der Türkischen Vereinigung für Orthopädie und Traumatologie (TOTBİD), der Türkischen Ärztekammer (TMA), der Türkischen Wirbelsäulengesellschaft, der Türkischen Vereinigung für Orthopädie und Traumatologie und der Arthroplasty Society.
Areas of Expertise
Stroke Rehabilitation
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
Orthopedic Rehabilitation
Neurological Rehabilitation
Pediatric Rehabilitation
Robotic Rehabilitation
Atroplasty Rehabilitation
Fracture Rehabilitation
Osteoarthritis (Calcification)
Osteoporosis (Bone Resorption)
Faculty of Medicine
Specialization: Ankara Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Training and Research Hospital
Associate Professor: 12.10.2015
Erkin Gülten, Elhan Atilla H, Aybay Canan, Şirzai Hülya, Özel Sumru (2007) Validity and reliability of the Turkish translation of the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI). Disability and Rehabilitation
Mehr lesenAreas of Expertise
Stroke Rehabilitation
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
Orthopedic Rehabilitation
Neurological Rehabilitation
Pediatric Rehabilitation
Robotic Rehabilitation
Atroplasty Rehabilitation
Fracture Rehabilitation
Osteoarthritis (Calcification)
Osteoporosis (Bone Resorption)
Faculty of Medicine
Specialization: Ankara Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Training and Research Hospital
Associate Professor: 12.10.2015
Erkin Gülten, Elhan Atilla H, Aybay Canan, Şirzai Hülya, Özel Sumru (2007) Validity and reliability of the Turkish translation of the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI). Disability and Rehabilitation
Hello everyone!
My name is Hamide Uzun. I am experienced Nutritionist on Wellness, detox and anti aging programmes.
My aim is helping persons to understand eating habits and sustaining their lifestyle habits about nutrition.
I am graduated ın 2011 Erciyes University Health Sciences Faculty and now also studying PhD İn İzmir Katip Celebi University.
The fact that nutrition science increases with new information every day makes me enthusiastic about doing this profession.My mission is to combine my professional talent with my deep knowledge of health and well-being to provide solutions that will bring balance and harmony to people's physical and mental health. My goal is to continuously improve this field and implement comprehensive approaches that will improve people's lives.
Mehr lesenHello everyone!
My name is Hamide Uzun. I am experienced Nutritionist on Wellness, detox and anti aging programmes.
My aim is helping persons to understand eating habits and sustaining their lifestyle habits about nutrition.
I am graduated ın 2011 Erciyes University Health Sciences Faculty and now also studying PhD İn İzmir Katip Celebi University.
The fact that nutrition science increases with new information every day makes me enthusiastic about doing this profession.My mission is to combine my professional talent with my deep knowledge of health and well-being to provide solutions that will bring balance and harmony to people's physical and mental health. My goal is to continuously improve this field and implement comprehensive approaches that will improve people's lives.
Arztbesuch | preis auf anfrage |
Rehabilitation für Kinder mit Zerebralparese | $2690 |
Umfassende Rehabilitation | |
Orthopädische Rehabilitation (pro 1 Tag) | $150 |
Arztbesuch | preis auf anfrage |
Rehabilitation für Kinder mit Zerebralparese | $2690 |
Umfassende Rehabilitation | |
Orthopädische Rehabilitation (pro 1 Tag) | $150 |
Arztbesuch | preis auf anfrage |
Rehabilitation für Kinder mit Zerebralparese | $2690 |
Umfassende Rehabilitation | |
Orthopädische Rehabilitation (pro 1 Tag) | $150 |
Hello everyone! I’m Nikolay, and I’m a Physiotherapist & Clinical Psychologist.
I hold a Master’s degree in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation from International Dublin University, along with additional qualifications in Kinesiology and Adaptive Physical Therapy from Moscow. I also have clinical psychology training from the V.M. Bekhterev Institute in Saint Petersburg, which gives me a unique perspective on integrating physical and psychological health in my practice.
Throughout my career, I have gained expertise in Manual Therapy, Acupuncture from the Beijing Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and various detox therapies. I’ve developed a holistic method called "Kinesio-Psychocorrection" (KPK), which combines physical therapy, neurophysiology, and psychology to restore balance in the body and enhance overall health.
My main areas of interest lie in researching the effects of movement on health, from the cellular level to the biomechanics of the entire body. I am constantly seeking ways to develop new techniques for regenerating the musculoskeletal and nervous systems and creating tools that diagnose and correct posture and movement patterns.
My goal is to help people improve their health through personalized rehabilitation and preventative treatments, and I am passionate about finding innovative approaches to support my patients’ well-being.
Mehr lesenHello everyone! I’m Nikolay, and I’m a Physiotherapist & Clinical Psychologist.
I hold a Master’s degree in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation from International Dublin University, along with additional qualifications in Kinesiology and Adaptive Physical Therapy from Moscow. I also have clinical psychology training from the V.M. Bekhterev Institute in Saint Petersburg, which gives me a unique perspective on integrating physical and psychological health in my practice.
Throughout my career, I have gained expertise in Manual Therapy, Acupuncture from the Beijing Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and various detox therapies. I’ve developed a holistic method called "Kinesio-Psychocorrection" (KPK), which combines physical therapy, neurophysiology, and psychology to restore balance in the body and enhance overall health.
My main areas of interest lie in researching the effects of movement on health, from the cellular level to the biomechanics of the entire body. I am constantly seeking ways to develop new techniques for regenerating the musculoskeletal and nervous systems and creating tools that diagnose and correct posture and movement patterns.
My goal is to help people improve their health through personalized rehabilitation and preventative treatments, and I am passionate about finding innovative approaches to support my patients’ well-being.