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Beste Morbus Crohn Gastroenterologen in Istanbul - TOP -25 Ärzte

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Fahad Mawlood - Allgemeinarzt. Gewinner von 4 wissenschaftlichen Preisen. Er diente in Westasien. Ehemaliger Teamleiter eines medizinischen Teams zur Betreuung arabischsprachiger Patienten. Jetzt Fahad ist verantwortlich für die Datenverarbeitung und die Genauigkeit der medizinischen Inhalte.
Tarik Akar
20 Jahre der Erfahrung
143 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Tarik Akar

20 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dr. Tarık Akar absolvierte im Jahr 2000 die Cerrahpaşa School of Medicine der Universität Istanbul und erhielt 2004 den Titel „Internist“. Er hat 19 internationale Artikel, 6 lokale Artikel und 25 lokale und internationale Kongresspräsentationen veröffentlicht. Zu seinen medizinischen Interessengebieten gehören Achalasie, ESD, ERCP, Zenker-Divertikel und Gastroparese.

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Dr. Tarık Akar absolvierte im Jahr 2000 die Cerrahpaşa School of Medicine der Universität Istanbul und erhielt 2004 den Titel „Internist“. Er hat 19 internationale Artikel, 6 lokale Artikel und 25 lokale und internationale Kongresspräsentationen veröffentlicht. Zu seinen medizinischen Interessengebieten gehören Achalasie, ESD, ERCP, Zenker-Divertikel und Gastroparese.

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Yilmaz Bilgic
23 Jahre der Erfahrung
2 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Medipol Acibadem Bezirkskrankenhaus

Yilmaz Bilgic

23 Jahre der Erfahrung


Degree: Bachelor's
Field: Medicine
University: Atatürk University
Year: 2001

Degree: Master's
Field: Medicine
University: Atatürk University
Year: 2001

Specialization/Doctorate: Internal Medicine/Gastroenterology
University: İnönü University
Year: 2012

Associate Professorship: Gastroenterology
University: İnönü University
Year: 2018

Foreign Language: English, 67.5, 2007

H-index (WoS/Google): 8/10

Impact Factor: 8.1577

Key Research Work:
“Does apocynin increase liver regeneration in the partial hepatectomy model?” Yılmaz Bilgiç, Burhan Hakan Kanat, Onural ÖZHAN, Azibe YILDIZ, Zeynep AKSUNGUR, Mehmet Erman ERDEMLİ, Nigar VARDI, Yusuf TÜRKÖZ, Sami AKBULUT, Adem KÖSE, Hakan PARLAKPINAR. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 2023 (53), 1-12 Q3.

Declared Project Title, Year:
K.3.6. “Investigation of the Effects of Vinpocetine in Sepsis Created by Cecal Ligation and Puncture in Rats” (Principal Investigator), 2023

International Experience:
Advanced Endoscopy Training, Anam Hospital, South Korea (3 months, 2016)
Advanced ERCP Course, Olympus Training Center, Hamburg (2017)


  • Institution: İnönü University Turgut Özal Medical Center
    City: Malatya
    Position: Assistant Chief Physician
    Period: 2021 - 2024
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Degree: Bachelor's
Field: Medicine
University: Atatürk University
Year: 2001

Degree: Master's
Field: Medicine
University: Atatürk University
Year: 2001

Specialization/Doctorate: Internal Medicine/Gastroenterology
University: İnönü University
Year: 2012

Associate Professorship: Gastroenterology
University: İnönü University
Year: 2018

Foreign Language: English, 67.5, 2007

H-index (WoS/Google): 8/10

Impact Factor: 8.1577

Key Research Work:
“Does apocynin increase liver regeneration in the partial hepatectomy model?” Yılmaz Bilgiç, Burhan Hakan Kanat, Onural ÖZHAN, Azibe YILDIZ, Zeynep AKSUNGUR, Mehmet Erman ERDEMLİ, Nigar VARDI, Yusuf TÜRKÖZ, Sami AKBULUT, Adem KÖSE, Hakan PARLAKPINAR. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 2023 (53), 1-12 Q3.

Declared Project Title, Year:
K.3.6. “Investigation of the Effects of Vinpocetine in Sepsis Created by Cecal Ligation and Puncture in Rats” (Principal Investigator), 2023

International Experience:
Advanced Endoscopy Training, Anam Hospital, South Korea (3 months, 2016)
Advanced ERCP Course, Olympus Training Center, Hamburg (2017)


  • Institution: İnönü University Turgut Özal Medical Center
    City: Malatya
    Position: Assistant Chief Physician
    Period: 2021 - 2024
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Mehmet Altan Kaya
34 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul
Grand Clinic Istanbul

Mehmet Altan Kaya

34 Jahre der Erfahrung


Ankara University Faculty of Medicine 



Göztepe Training and Research Hospital General Surgery



National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress

World Congress on Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension

Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Congress

Cerrahpaşa Surgery Meetings Turkish Bariatric Surgery Association

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Ankara University Faculty of Medicine 



Göztepe Training and Research Hospital General Surgery



National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress

World Congress on Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension

Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Congress

Cerrahpaşa Surgery Meetings Turkish Bariatric Surgery Association

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Volkan Kinas
9 Jahre der Erfahrung
3 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Büyük Anadolu Krankenhäuser

Volkan Kinas

9 Jahre der Erfahrung



Cancer Surgery

Pancreatic Surgery

Bile Duct Surgery

Bariatric Metabolic Surgery

Oncological Surgery

Breast Surgery

Gastric cancer

Colon cancer

Thyroid Cancer

Obesity Surgery

Diabetes Surgeries


































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Cancer Surgery

Pancreatic Surgery

Bile Duct Surgery

Bariatric Metabolic Surgery

Oncological Surgery

Breast Surgery

Gastric cancer

Colon cancer

Thyroid Cancer

Obesity Surgery

Diabetes Surgeries


































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Muzaffer Al
14 Jahre der Erfahrung
3 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Büyük Anadolu Krankenhäuser

Muzaffer Al

14 Jahre der Erfahrung



Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine (1991)

KTÜ Faculty of Medicine Farabi Hospital (Specialization.1998)

Istanbul University Çapa Faculty of Medicine (Laparoscopic Surgery Training, 2002)

Istanbul University Çapa Faculty of Medicine (Laparoscopic Antireflux Surgery Training, 2006)

Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine (General Surgery Clinic Advance Laparoscopic Surgery, Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery, Morbid Obesity and Oncological Cancer Surgery Training, 2010i)





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Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine (1991)

KTÜ Faculty of Medicine Farabi Hospital (Specialization.1998)

Istanbul University Çapa Faculty of Medicine (Laparoscopic Surgery Training, 2002)

Istanbul University Çapa Faculty of Medicine (Laparoscopic Antireflux Surgery Training, 2006)

Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine (General Surgery Clinic Advance Laparoscopic Surgery, Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery, Morbid Obesity and Oncological Cancer Surgery Training, 2010i)





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Nihat Okcu
25 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul
Medipol University Pendik Hospital

Nihat Okcu

25 Jahre der Erfahrung



Pendik Medipol University Hospital





1999 Karadeniz Technical University, Gastroenterology


1997Atatürk University, Internal Diseases Professorship


1992 Atatürk University, Internal Diseases Associated Professorship 


1985 Atatürk University, Internal Diseases Specialist 


1981 Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine




1- Nihat Okçu Gülçin Polat,Arif Yılmaz,Mehmet Koruk,The demographıc features of gastrıc cancers ın erzurum(Eurasian J Med 2000; 32: 63-65)


2- Üst Gastrointestinal Kanamalı Olguların Bir Değerlendirilmesi. Klinik Bilimler-Doktor.2000, - E.akarsu,N.Okçu, ve Ark.Kuzeydoğu Anadolu’da 6:4:435-438


3-N.Okçu, A.yılmaz. İ.kiki,M.D.onuk, C.gündoğdu, H.uzunismail. Tanısal Üst Gastrointestinal endoskopi Sonuçlarımız. Atatürk Üniversitesi Tıp Dergisi 1997,29 (2):486


4-N. Okçu, M.gündoğdu, M.D. onuk, İ.kiki, l.cerrahoğlu, k.yılmaz, i. çapoğlu. Nonsteroid Anti İnflamatuar İlaç (NSAİİ) Kullanan Hastalarda oluşan Gastroduodenal Lezyonların Önlenmesinde Misoprostolün Yeri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Tıp Dergisi 1997,29 (2):453-455.


5-N.Okçu, A. öz, m.d. onuk, e.akarsu, b. tekin, h.z. tonbul, h.kaya. Kronik Aktif Hepatit İle Dekopanse Karaciğer Parankim Yetmezliğinde Plazma Fibronektin Düzeyleri ve Karaciğerin Fonksiyon Durumu İle İlişkisi. Türk J. Gastroenterol 1995;27(4): 422-426.


6-N.Okçu, tahir buran,m.d. onuk,a. yılmaz, e.akarsu, g. akçay. Erzurum ve Çevresinde Duodenum Ülserli Hastalarda Helicobacter Pylori Prevelansı. Türk J. Gastroenterol 1995;27(4): 447-450.


7-N.Okçu, b.s. uyanık, e. akarsu, e. bakan, z. tonbul. Mide ve Kolorektal Kanserlerinde Karbonhidrat Antijenleri (CA-19-9, CA-125), Karsinoembriyonik Antijen (CEA) ve Alkalen Fosfatazın Önemi. Türk J. Gastroenterol 1995;6:467-471.


8-N. Okçu, m.d. onuk, e. akarsu, h. doğan, c. gündoğdu. Bölgemizdeki Hepatoselüler Karsinomlu Hastalarda Major Risk Faktörleri. Gastroenteroloji 1994;5(2):154-157


9-N.Okçu, m.d. onuk, e. akarsu, h. doğan, c.gündoğdu, tahir buran. Erzurum Bölgesinde Gastrik Karsinom Sıklığı, Endoskopik ce Histolojik Özellikler. Gastroenteroloji 1994;5(2):263-267.


10-N. Okçu, m.d. onuk, tahir buran, e. akarsu, m.a. çiftçioğlu. Erzurum İli Çevresinde Nonspesifik Gastritli Olgularda Helicobacter Pylori Sıklığı. Gastroenteroloji 1994;5(2):211-213.


11-N.Okçu, m.d. onuk, ö. ünal, e. akarsu, l. incesu, k. akgöz. Karın İçi Kitle Lezyonlarında Ultrason Rehberliğinde Yapılan İnce İğne Aspirasyon Biyopsisinin Tanı Değeri. Gastroenteroloji 1993;4(1):166-68.


12-N.O.kçu, m.d. onuk, m. polat, a. yılmaz, m. gündoğdu, m. paç. Budd-Chiari Sendromu (2 Olgu). Türk J Gastroenterhepatol 1993; 4(1):77-80.


13-N.Okçu, h. koçak, m.d. onuk, m. gündoğdu, e. bakan, a. yılmaz, a. başoğlu, a. ateş, f.a. paç. The Effect of Atrial Pressure Changes and Cardiac Nerves on Plasma Atrial Natriüretic Peptide (ANP) Levels. Vascular Surgery 1993; 27(2): 128-132


15-N.Okçu, m.d. onuk, a.yılmaz, m. gündoğdu, t. buran. Omeprozol ve Ranitidinin Peptik Ülser İyileşmesine Etkileri. Doğa-Tr.J. of Medical Sciences 1992;16:657-658.


16-N. Okçu, m.r. yiğitoğlu, b. adam, e. bakan. Konjestif Kalp Yetersizliği Olan Hastalarda Digıxin’in Plazma Atrial Natriüretik Peptik Düzeyine Etkisi. S.Ü. Tıp Fak. Dergisi 1991;7(2):243-247..


17-N.Okçu, a. yılmaz. Üst Gastrointestinal Sistem Kanamalarında Histamin H2 -Reseptör Antagonistlerinin Etkisi. Endoskopi Dergisi 1991;2(4):17-23.


18-N.Okçu, E. bakan, b. adam, a. yılmaz, m.r. yiğitoğlu. Kronik Hepatit ve Karaciğer Sirozlu Hastalarda Seks Hormanları ve Seks Hormon Bağlayıcı Globülin Seviyeleri (Editöre Mektup). Doğa-Tr. J. Of Medical Sciences 1991;15:1-2.


19-N.Okcu Ömer Yılmaz.Helıcobacter pylorı and related gastroıntestınal system dıseases Turkiye Klinikleri JMed Sci. 2013;33(3):806-13


20-Nihat Okçu , Ömer yılmaz, hakan dursun, gülçin polat. Dispeptik semptomlarla beslenme alışkanlıkları, endoskopik ve histolojik bulgular arasındaki ilişki (Eurasian J Med 2006; 38: 13-17)


21-Mehmet Bilici,1Nihat Okcu,1Kerim Cayır,1Ibrahim Pirim,2Salim B. Tekin,1andCemal Gundogdu3 - Distribuion of HLA Tissue Groups in Patients with Gastric Cancer Eurasian J Med. 2010 Apr; 42(1): 9.11.


22-Nihat Okcu,Abdulhalim Bak,Mehmet Sari,Mehmet Arslan,Sait Kapicioglu :The fibroblast proliferation,relationship of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and interferon-A2A Gastroenterology April 2000Volume 118,Issue 4, Part 2, PageA1404


23-Kubra Kaynar,Sait Kapicioglu,Mehmet Sarı,Nihat Okcu,Abdulhalim Baki. The effect of fish oil on stress ulcer prophylaxis GastroenterologyVolume 118, Issue 4, Part 2, PageA1255

Mehr lesen



Pendik Medipol University Hospital





1999 Karadeniz Technical University, Gastroenterology


1997Atatürk University, Internal Diseases Professorship


1992 Atatürk University, Internal Diseases Associated Professorship 


1985 Atatürk University, Internal Diseases Specialist 


1981 Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine




1- Nihat Okçu Gülçin Polat,Arif Yılmaz,Mehmet Koruk,The demographıc features of gastrıc cancers ın erzurum(Eurasian J Med 2000; 32: 63-65)


2- Üst Gastrointestinal Kanamalı Olguların Bir Değerlendirilmesi. Klinik Bilimler-Doktor.2000, - E.akarsu,N.Okçu, ve Ark.Kuzeydoğu Anadolu’da 6:4:435-438


3-N.Okçu, A.yılmaz. İ.kiki,M.D.onuk, C.gündoğdu, H.uzunismail. Tanısal Üst Gastrointestinal endoskopi Sonuçlarımız. Atatürk Üniversitesi Tıp Dergisi 1997,29 (2):486


4-N. Okçu, M.gündoğdu, M.D. onuk, İ.kiki, l.cerrahoğlu, k.yılmaz, i. çapoğlu. Nonsteroid Anti İnflamatuar İlaç (NSAİİ) Kullanan Hastalarda oluşan Gastroduodenal Lezyonların Önlenmesinde Misoprostolün Yeri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Tıp Dergisi 1997,29 (2):453-455.


5-N.Okçu, A. öz, m.d. onuk, e.akarsu, b. tekin, h.z. tonbul, h.kaya. Kronik Aktif Hepatit İle Dekopanse Karaciğer Parankim Yetmezliğinde Plazma Fibronektin Düzeyleri ve Karaciğerin Fonksiyon Durumu İle İlişkisi. Türk J. Gastroenterol 1995;27(4): 422-426.


6-N.Okçu, tahir buran,m.d. onuk,a. yılmaz, e.akarsu, g. akçay. Erzurum ve Çevresinde Duodenum Ülserli Hastalarda Helicobacter Pylori Prevelansı. Türk J. Gastroenterol 1995;27(4): 447-450.


7-N.Okçu, b.s. uyanık, e. akarsu, e. bakan, z. tonbul. Mide ve Kolorektal Kanserlerinde Karbonhidrat Antijenleri (CA-19-9, CA-125), Karsinoembriyonik Antijen (CEA) ve Alkalen Fosfatazın Önemi. Türk J. Gastroenterol 1995;6:467-471.


8-N. Okçu, m.d. onuk, e. akarsu, h. doğan, c. gündoğdu. Bölgemizdeki Hepatoselüler Karsinomlu Hastalarda Major Risk Faktörleri. Gastroenteroloji 1994;5(2):154-157


9-N.Okçu, m.d. onuk, e. akarsu, h. doğan, c.gündoğdu, tahir buran. Erzurum Bölgesinde Gastrik Karsinom Sıklığı, Endoskopik ce Histolojik Özellikler. Gastroenteroloji 1994;5(2):263-267.


10-N. Okçu, m.d. onuk, tahir buran, e. akarsu, m.a. çiftçioğlu. Erzurum İli Çevresinde Nonspesifik Gastritli Olgularda Helicobacter Pylori Sıklığı. Gastroenteroloji 1994;5(2):211-213.


11-N.Okçu, m.d. onuk, ö. ünal, e. akarsu, l. incesu, k. akgöz. Karın İçi Kitle Lezyonlarında Ultrason Rehberliğinde Yapılan İnce İğne Aspirasyon Biyopsisinin Tanı Değeri. Gastroenteroloji 1993;4(1):166-68.


12-N.O.kçu, m.d. onuk, m. polat, a. yılmaz, m. gündoğdu, m. paç. Budd-Chiari Sendromu (2 Olgu). Türk J Gastroenterhepatol 1993; 4(1):77-80.


13-N.Okçu, h. koçak, m.d. onuk, m. gündoğdu, e. bakan, a. yılmaz, a. başoğlu, a. ateş, f.a. paç. The Effect of Atrial Pressure Changes and Cardiac Nerves on Plasma Atrial Natriüretic Peptide (ANP) Levels. Vascular Surgery 1993; 27(2): 128-132


15-N.Okçu, m.d. onuk, a.yılmaz, m. gündoğdu, t. buran. Omeprozol ve Ranitidinin Peptik Ülser İyileşmesine Etkileri. Doğa-Tr.J. of Medical Sciences 1992;16:657-658.


16-N. Okçu, m.r. yiğitoğlu, b. adam, e. bakan. Konjestif Kalp Yetersizliği Olan Hastalarda Digıxin’in Plazma Atrial Natriüretik Peptik Düzeyine Etkisi. S.Ü. Tıp Fak. Dergisi 1991;7(2):243-247..


17-N.Okçu, a. yılmaz. Üst Gastrointestinal Sistem Kanamalarında Histamin H2 -Reseptör Antagonistlerinin Etkisi. Endoskopi Dergisi 1991;2(4):17-23.


18-N.Okçu, E. bakan, b. adam, a. yılmaz, m.r. yiğitoğlu. Kronik Hepatit ve Karaciğer Sirozlu Hastalarda Seks Hormanları ve Seks Hormon Bağlayıcı Globülin Seviyeleri (Editöre Mektup). Doğa-Tr. J. Of Medical Sciences 1991;15:1-2.


19-N.Okcu Ömer Yılmaz.Helıcobacter pylorı and related gastroıntestınal system dıseases Turkiye Klinikleri JMed Sci. 2013;33(3):806-13


20-Nihat Okçu , Ömer yılmaz, hakan dursun, gülçin polat. Dispeptik semptomlarla beslenme alışkanlıkları, endoskopik ve histolojik bulgular arasındaki ilişki (Eurasian J Med 2006; 38: 13-17)


21-Mehmet Bilici,1Nihat Okcu,1Kerim Cayır,1Ibrahim Pirim,2Salim B. Tekin,1andCemal Gundogdu3 - Distribuion of HLA Tissue Groups in Patients with Gastric Cancer Eurasian J Med. 2010 Apr; 42(1): 9.11.


22-Nihat Okcu,Abdulhalim Bak,Mehmet Sari,Mehmet Arslan,Sait Kapicioglu :The fibroblast proliferation,relationship of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and interferon-A2A Gastroenterology April 2000Volume 118,Issue 4, Part 2, PageA1404


23-Kubra Kaynar,Sait Kapicioglu,Mehmet Sarı,Nihat Okcu,Abdulhalim Baki. The effect of fish oil on stress ulcer prophylaxis GastroenterologyVolume 118, Issue 4, Part 2, PageA1255

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Binnur Simsek
37 Jahre der Erfahrung
221 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Liv Hospital

Binnur Simsek

37 Jahre der Erfahrung

Medical Interests and Activities 

Hepatic Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension 

Hepatic Cancer 

Viral Hepatitides (Chronic Hepatitis B, C and Delta Infections) 

Alcoholic Chronic Liver Disease 

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease 

Stomach and Duodenal Ulcer 

Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage (Ulcer and Varicose Vein Bleeding) 

Functional Digestive System Disorders (Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Functional Intestinal Obstruction and Diarrhea...) 

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease) 

Malabsorption Syndromes (Celiac Disease and Alike) 

Gastrointestinal Tract Malignancies

Education and Experience 

Liv Hospital, Ulus, Gastroenterohepatology Department (2013 ...) 

Associate Professor of Medicine, Obligatory Service at Gastroenterology, Şanlıurfa Training and Research Hospital (2010-2012) 

Subspecialty in Gastroenterohepatology, Department of Gastroenterohepatology, İstanbul Faculty of Medicine, İstanbul University (2004-2010) 

Research Fellow, Physician, Department of Internal Diseases, 

İstanbul Faculty of Medicine, İstanbul University (1992 - 1998)


Turkish Association For The Study of The Liver 

Turkish Society of Gastroenterology 

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Society 

Internal Diseases Specialty Association

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Medical Interests and Activities 

Hepatic Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension 

Hepatic Cancer 

Viral Hepatitides (Chronic Hepatitis B, C and Delta Infections) 

Alcoholic Chronic Liver Disease 

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease 

Stomach and Duodenal Ulcer 

Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage (Ulcer and Varicose Vein Bleeding) 

Functional Digestive System Disorders (Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Functional Intestinal Obstruction and Diarrhea...) 

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease) 

Malabsorption Syndromes (Celiac Disease and Alike) 

Gastrointestinal Tract Malignancies

Education and Experience 

Liv Hospital, Ulus, Gastroenterohepatology Department (2013 ...) 

Associate Professor of Medicine, Obligatory Service at Gastroenterology, Şanlıurfa Training and Research Hospital (2010-2012) 

Subspecialty in Gastroenterohepatology, Department of Gastroenterohepatology, İstanbul Faculty of Medicine, İstanbul University (2004-2010) 

Research Fellow, Physician, Department of Internal Diseases, 

İstanbul Faculty of Medicine, İstanbul University (1992 - 1998)


Turkish Association For The Study of The Liver 

Turkish Society of Gastroenterology 

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Society 

Internal Diseases Specialty Association

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Omer Necip Aytug
44 Jahre der Erfahrung
143 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Omer Necip Aytug

44 Jahre der Erfahrung
Dieser Arzt wurde 1956 geboren und absolvierte 1980 die Hacettepe University School of Medicine. Ihm wurde 1985 der Titel eines Internisten verliehen und er absolvierte 1997 sein Stipendium für Gastroenterologie an der Marmara University. Er ist seit 1989 außerordentlicher Professor an der Firat University und a Professor an der Abant İzzet Baysal University seit 1998. Er hat in privaten Krankenhäusern gearbeitet und gelehrt, darunter das Camlica Medicana Hospital und das Memorial Service Hospital sowie die Medizinische Fakultät der Duzce University.Mehr lesen
Dieser Arzt wurde 1956 geboren und absolvierte 1980 die Hacettepe University School of Medicine. Ihm wurde 1985 der Titel eines Internisten verliehen und er absolvierte 1997 sein Stipendium für Gastroenterologie an der Marmara University. Er ist seit 1989 außerordentlicher Professor an der Firat University und a Professor an der Abant İzzet Baysal University seit 1998. Er hat in privaten Krankenhäusern gearbeitet und gelehrt, darunter das Camlica Medicana Hospital und das Memorial Service Hospital sowie die Medizinische Fakultät der Duzce University.
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Tülin Kendir Koçak
22 Jahre der Erfahrung
32 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Emsey Hospital

Tülin Kendir Koçak

22 Jahre der Erfahrung

Dr. X ist ein Facharzt mit über 25 Jahren Erfahrung in den Bereichen Gastroenterologie, Innere Medizin und Endoskopie. Er verfügt über Erfahrung in einer Reihe von endoskopischen Verfahren, darunter Ösophagogastroduodenoskopie, Koloskopie, Ösophagusvarizenbandligatur und Achalasie-Ballondilatation. Er hat auch perkutane endoskopische Gastrostomien, Fremdkörperentfernungen und Lebernadelbiopsien durchgeführt.

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Dr. X ist ein Facharzt mit über 25 Jahren Erfahrung in den Bereichen Gastroenterologie, Innere Medizin und Endoskopie. Er verfügt über Erfahrung in einer Reihe von endoskopischen Verfahren, darunter Ösophagogastroduodenoskopie, Koloskopie, Ösophagusvarizenbandligatur und Achalasie-Ballondilatation. Er hat auch perkutane endoskopische Gastrostomien, Fremdkörperentfernungen und Lebernadelbiopsien durchgeführt.

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Prof Dr Ozgur Kemik
Klinischer Onkologe/-in
27 Jahre der Erfahrung
14 Rezensionen
Türkei, Istanbul
Hermes Clinics

Prof Dr Ozgur Kemik

Klinischer Onkologe/-in
27 Jahre der Erfahrung
Dr. Prof. Dr. Ozgur Kemik ist ein erfahrener Onkologe, der sich auf die Behandlung von Krebs mit minimal-invasiven Techniken spezialisiert hat. Er beherrscht unter anderem Operationen wie die Entfernung von Leberkrebs, Lebertransplantation und Magenbypass. Sein Fachwissen umfasst fortgeschrittene laparoskopische Chirurgie, Krebserkrankungen des unteren Magen-Darm-Trakts, hepatobiliäre Krebserkrankungen, zytoreduktive Chirurgie und Nierentransplantation. Er ist Mitglied in mehreren Berufsverbänden und hat in seiner Laufbahn wichtige Führungspositionen innegehabt.Mehr lesen
Dr. Prof. Dr. Ozgur Kemik ist ein erfahrener Onkologe, der sich auf die Behandlung von Krebs mit minimal-invasiven Techniken spezialisiert hat. Er beherrscht unter anderem Operationen wie die Entfernung von Leberkrebs, Lebertransplantation und Magenbypass. Sein Fachwissen umfasst fortgeschrittene laparoskopische Chirurgie, Krebserkrankungen des unteren Magen-Darm-Trakts, hepatobiliäre Krebserkrankungen, zytoreduktive Chirurgie und Nierentransplantation. Er ist Mitglied in mehreren Berufsverbänden und hat in seiner Laufbahn wichtige Führungspositionen innegehabt.
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Akin Unal
14 Jahre der Erfahrung
Türkei, Istanbul
Sava clinic

Akin Unal

14 Jahre der Erfahrung

He was born in Istanbul in 1982. He graduated from Kocaeli University, Faculty of Medicine. In 2012, he worked as an emergency medical assistant at Taksim First Aid EAH.


Between 2013-2018, he specialized in general surgery at Haseki EAH. Then, between 2018-2020, he completed his compulsory service at Bitlis Tatvan State Hospital. 

Since 2020, with Dr. Hasan Lice, they have worked with the Sava team for bariatric surgeries. He is married and has two kids.

He is also the deputy chief physician of the hospital.

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He was born in Istanbul in 1982. He graduated from Kocaeli University, Faculty of Medicine. In 2012, he worked as an emergency medical assistant at Taksim First Aid EAH.


Between 2013-2018, he specialized in general surgery at Haseki EAH. Then, between 2018-2020, he completed his compulsory service at Bitlis Tatvan State Hospital. 

Since 2020, with Dr. Hasan Lice, they have worked with the Sava team for bariatric surgeries. He is married and has two kids.

He is also the deputy chief physician of the hospital.

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