Beste Chemotherapie Hämatologe-Onkologen in Thailand - TOP -2 Ärzte

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Fahad Mawlood - Allgemeinarzt. Gewinner von 4 wissenschaftlichen Preisen. Er diente in Westasien. Ehemaliger Teamleiter eines medizinischen Teams zur Betreuung arabischsprachiger Patienten. Jetzt Fahad ist verantwortlich für die Datenverarbeitung und die Genauigkeit der medizinischen Inhalte.
Kodchanut Litleaungdej Md
10 Jahre der Erfahrung
Thailand, Bangkok
Intrarat Hospital

Kodchanut Litleaungdej Md

10 Jahre der Erfahrung

Kodchanut Litleaungdej, M.D.

  • High school: Benjamarachalai school under the royal patronage 2008
  • Graduated MD from faculty of Medicine, Naresuan university hospital 2014 (GPA  3.41 Second Honor)
  • Graduated Thai Board of hematology on July,2020 from haematology fellowship at Haematology unit, Department of Internal medicine, faculty of medicine, Thammasat University.
  • Internist at Pranangklao hospital 2014
  • Internist at Bangbuatong hospital 2015-2017
  • Resident Hematology at Thammasat university hospital since July,2017
  • Working as Haematologist (Pioneer) at Huahin hospital since 2020
2015-2017 Instructor nursing student at Sai noi hospital and Bangbuatong hospital 
2015 Member of Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee at Bangbuatong hospital 
2015 Emergency Medicine, organized by Phramongkutklao hospital
2016 Update in internal medicine, organized by Siriraj hospital
2016 Ambulatory medicine, organized by Chulalongkorn-Ramathibodi-Siriraj 
2016 5th ECG workshop, organized by Chulalongkorn hospital
 Co-author in: Development and validation of a cancer-associated venous thromboembolism 
clinical risk prediction (CAT-CR) model >> waiting for publication
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Kodchanut Litleaungdej, M.D.

  • High school: Benjamarachalai school under the royal patronage 2008
  • Graduated MD from faculty of Medicine, Naresuan university hospital 2014 (GPA  3.41 Second Honor)
  • Graduated Thai Board of hematology on July,2020 from haematology fellowship at Haematology unit, Department of Internal medicine, faculty of medicine, Thammasat University.
  • Internist at Pranangklao hospital 2014
  • Internist at Bangbuatong hospital 2015-2017
  • Resident Hematology at Thammasat university hospital since July,2017
  • Working as Haematologist (Pioneer) at Huahin hospital since 2020
2015-2017 Instructor nursing student at Sai noi hospital and Bangbuatong hospital 
2015 Member of Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee at Bangbuatong hospital 
2015 Emergency Medicine, organized by Phramongkutklao hospital
2016 Update in internal medicine, organized by Siriraj hospital
2016 Ambulatory medicine, organized by Chulalongkorn-Ramathibodi-Siriraj 
2016 5th ECG workshop, organized by Chulalongkorn hospital
 Co-author in: Development and validation of a cancer-associated venous thromboembolism 
clinical risk prediction (CAT-CR) model >> waiting for publication
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