Dr. Mohssen Ansarin ist Onkologe mit Spezialisierung auf Kopf-Hals-Krebs und Fördermitglied von SRS und AIOCC. Er ist Autor und Co-Autor von mehr als 50 Artikeln und derzeit Chefredakteur von ACTA Otolaryngologica.
Mehr lesenDr. Mohssen Ansarin ist Onkologe mit Spezialisierung auf Kopf-Hals-Krebs und Fördermitglied von SRS und AIOCC. Er ist Autor und Co-Autor von mehr als 50 Artikeln und derzeit Chefredakteur von ACTA Otolaryngologica.
Filippo de Marinis ist Direktor der Thoracic Oncology Unit am European Cancer Center (Mailand, Italien). Der Arzt leitet klinische Studien zu neuen Methoden bei der Behandlung von bösartigen Tumoren des Brustkorbs.
Die Erfahrung des Arztes beträgt mehr als 30 Jahre.
1978 schloss de Marinis sein Studium der Pneumologie an der Universität Sapienza in Rom ab. Zwischen 1983 und 1986 spezialisierte er sich auf Onkologie an der Katholischen Universität des Heiligen Herzens in Rom. Danach arbeitete Filippo de Marinis als Arzt am Carlo-Forlanini-Krankenhaus und am Institut für klinische Studien und pneumophysiologische Forschung. Seit 2007 lehrt er Pneumologie an der Privatuniversität Rom „Campus Biomedico“ („Biomedico Campus“) und an der Universität Sapienza Rom. Seit 2013 leitet der Professor die Abteilung für Thoraxkrebs am Europäischen Krebszentrum.
Ein Termin bei Filippo de Marinis dauert zwischen 40 und 60 Minuten. In dieser Zeit erhebt der Arzt die Krankengeschichte des Patienten und gleicht sie mit den Untersuchungsergebnissen ab. Um eine genaue Diagnose zu stellen oder eine Operation zu planen, wird der Arzt bei Bedarf zusätzliche Tests verschreiben.
Professor de Marinis ist Autor von 250 wissenschaftlichen Publikationen in 130 medizinischen Publikationen. Als einer der besten Spezialisten für die Behandlung von Lungenkrebs war er in den letzten 5 Jahren Redner auf 300 wissenschaftlichen Kongressen.
Der Arzt nimmt an nationalen und internationalen klinischen Studien neuer Medikamente teil.
Filippo de Marinis ist Direktor der Thoracic Oncology Unit am European Cancer Center (Mailand, Italien). Der Arzt leitet klinische Studien zu neuen Methoden bei der Behandlung von bösartigen Tumoren des Brustkorbs.
Die Erfahrung des Arztes beträgt mehr als 30 Jahre.
1978 schloss de Marinis sein Studium der Pneumologie an der Universität Sapienza in Rom ab. Zwischen 1983 und 1986 spezialisierte er sich auf Onkologie an der Katholischen Universität des Heiligen Herzens in Rom. Danach arbeitete Filippo de Marinis als Arzt am Carlo-Forlanini-Krankenhaus und am Institut für klinische Studien und pneumophysiologische Forschung. Seit 2007 lehrt er Pneumologie an der Privatuniversität Rom „Campus Biomedico“ („Biomedico Campus“) und an der Universität Sapienza Rom. Seit 2013 leitet der Professor die Abteilung für Thoraxkrebs am Europäischen Krebszentrum.
Ein Termin bei Filippo de Marinis dauert zwischen 40 und 60 Minuten. In dieser Zeit erhebt der Arzt die Krankengeschichte des Patienten und gleicht sie mit den Untersuchungsergebnissen ab. Um eine genaue Diagnose zu stellen oder eine Operation zu planen, wird der Arzt bei Bedarf zusätzliche Tests verschreiben.
Professor de Marinis ist Autor von 250 wissenschaftlichen Publikationen in 130 medizinischen Publikationen. Als einer der besten Spezialisten für die Behandlung von Lungenkrebs war er in den letzten 5 Jahren Redner auf 300 wissenschaftlichen Kongressen.
Der Arzt nimmt an nationalen und internationalen klinischen Studien neuer Medikamente teil.
Barbara Alicia Erechek ist Direktorin der Abteilung für Strahlentherapie am Europäischen Krebszentrum in Mailand und Professorin für Radioonkologie an der Universität Mailand. Der Arzt ist spezialisiert auf Strahlentherapie bei allen Arten von Krebs und metastasierenden Tumoren.
Professor Erechek erhielt 1992 ihren medizinischen Abschluss an der Universität Danzig (Polen). Ihre Qualifikationen auf dem Gebiet der Radioonkologie verbesserte sie am Onkologischen Institut Warschau, der Universität Mailand, dem Beatson Cancer Center der Universität Glasgow (UK). Seit 1997 arbeitet der Mediziner als Facharzt für Strahlentherapie am Europäischen Krebszentrum. Seit 2015 leitet sie die Abteilung Strahlentherapie der Klinik.
Ein Termin bei Dr. Erechek zur Bestrahlungsplanung dauert 30-50 Minuten. Der Arzt untersucht die Krankenakten und Testergebnisse des Patienten. Sie erklärt die Diagnose, spricht über die weitere Behandlung. Der Arzt gibt Empfehlungen, wie man sich am besten auf den Ablauf der Eingriffe vorbereitet, damit sie am angenehmsten sind.
Um eine Beratung von Professor Erechek zu erhalten, hinterlassen Sie eine Anfrage auf der Bookimed-Website. Der medizinische Koordinator wird sich mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen, um das Datum und die Uhrzeit der Konsultation zu vereinbaren.
Professorin Barbara Alicia Erechek ist Autorin von 140 wissenschaftlichen Publikationen.
Zwischen 1999 und 2003 erhielt Prof. Jereczek 4 Auszeichnungen von der Medizinischen Universität Danzig für Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Onkologie und Strahlentherapie.
Barbara Alicia Erechek ist Direktorin der Abteilung für Strahlentherapie am Europäischen Krebszentrum in Mailand und Professorin für Radioonkologie an der Universität Mailand. Der Arzt ist spezialisiert auf Strahlentherapie bei allen Arten von Krebs und metastasierenden Tumoren.
Professor Erechek erhielt 1992 ihren medizinischen Abschluss an der Universität Danzig (Polen). Ihre Qualifikationen auf dem Gebiet der Radioonkologie verbesserte sie am Onkologischen Institut Warschau, der Universität Mailand, dem Beatson Cancer Center der Universität Glasgow (UK). Seit 1997 arbeitet der Mediziner als Facharzt für Strahlentherapie am Europäischen Krebszentrum. Seit 2015 leitet sie die Abteilung Strahlentherapie der Klinik.
Ein Termin bei Dr. Erechek zur Bestrahlungsplanung dauert 30-50 Minuten. Der Arzt untersucht die Krankenakten und Testergebnisse des Patienten. Sie erklärt die Diagnose, spricht über die weitere Behandlung. Der Arzt gibt Empfehlungen, wie man sich am besten auf den Ablauf der Eingriffe vorbereitet, damit sie am angenehmsten sind.
Um eine Beratung von Professor Erechek zu erhalten, hinterlassen Sie eine Anfrage auf der Bookimed-Website. Der medizinische Koordinator wird sich mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen, um das Datum und die Uhrzeit der Konsultation zu vereinbaren.
Professorin Barbara Alicia Erechek ist Autorin von 140 wissenschaftlichen Publikationen.
Zwischen 1999 und 2003 erhielt Prof. Jereczek 4 Auszeichnungen von der Medizinischen Universität Danzig für Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Onkologie und Strahlentherapie.
Professor Santoro is heavily involved in research, with interest in many topics, such as the development of new cancer drugs and new biological therapies, interests for solid and haematological tumours, and not only he treats cancer survivors but also patients with comorbidities.
He has worked in Humanitas Research Hospital for 22 years. Professor Santoro’s post-graduate research was carried out at the Unité de Development Therapeutique (Institut de Cancerologie et d’Immunogenetique, Villejuif of Paris) from 1974 to 1975, and in the Division of Medical Oncology of the National Cancer Institute of Milan from 1976 to 1977.
In 1977, he specialized in Clinical and Laboratory Haematology at University of Rome. In 1979, he completed his fellowship post-graduate work in the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center of New York and later, at Stanford University. In 1980, he specialized in oncology at the University of Genoa.
Current Teaching Activity: Professor Santoro worked as Contract Professor at the Specialization School in Clinical Pathology ad Pavia University from 1992 to 1997. Also, from 1993 to 2002 he has been President of the Rare Tumour Group. Now he is full professor at Humanitas University.
Current Positions:
In addition, Professor Santoro’s unique expertise was recognized through numerous awards, such as the Managing Doctor of the Year award (2013), the City of Siena S. Caterina d’Oro Award (2013, Serra Association Award for scientific research) and social and healthcare commitment (Salerno, 2009).
Publications: santoro%a - Search Results - PubMed (nih.gov)
Mehr lesenProfessor Santoro is heavily involved in research, with interest in many topics, such as the development of new cancer drugs and new biological therapies, interests for solid and haematological tumours, and not only he treats cancer survivors but also patients with comorbidities.
He has worked in Humanitas Research Hospital for 22 years. Professor Santoro’s post-graduate research was carried out at the Unité de Development Therapeutique (Institut de Cancerologie et d’Immunogenetique, Villejuif of Paris) from 1974 to 1975, and in the Division of Medical Oncology of the National Cancer Institute of Milan from 1976 to 1977.
In 1977, he specialized in Clinical and Laboratory Haematology at University of Rome. In 1979, he completed his fellowship post-graduate work in the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center of New York and later, at Stanford University. In 1980, he specialized in oncology at the University of Genoa.
Current Teaching Activity: Professor Santoro worked as Contract Professor at the Specialization School in Clinical Pathology ad Pavia University from 1992 to 1997. Also, from 1993 to 2002 he has been President of the Rare Tumour Group. Now he is full professor at Humanitas University.
Current Positions:
In addition, Professor Santoro’s unique expertise was recognized through numerous awards, such as the Managing Doctor of the Year award (2013), the City of Siena S. Caterina d’Oro Award (2013, Serra Association Award for scientific research) and social and healthcare commitment (Salerno, 2009).
Publications: santoro%a - Search Results - PubMed (nih.gov)
Dr Braun's primary responsibilities include direct leadership and execution of complex surgeries, including gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and other advanced metabolic and bariatric procedures. He has developed solid experience in managing the different clinical challenges present in obese patients, providing them with personalized and optimized care to ensure positive long-term outcomes.
His surgical practice is based on an in-depth methodology and a careful look at the latest technological innovations in the field of bariatric surgery. He has actively worked to implement advanced protocols and continually improve operational techniques, while maintaining the highest standards of patient safety and care.
With over 2000 operations performed as a surgeon specializing in oncology, he has developed extensive experience and expertise in laparoscopic and robotic surgery applied to the care of cancer patients.
As a primary operator, he has successfully conducted a wide range of laparoscopic and robotic surgeries for the treatment of oncological conditions, including gastrointestinal, urological, gynecological and other solid tumors. His surgical practice has focused on the application of advanced techniques, using cutting-edge laparoscopic instruments and robotic systems
Mehr lesenDr Braun's primary responsibilities include direct leadership and execution of complex surgeries, including gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and other advanced metabolic and bariatric procedures. He has developed solid experience in managing the different clinical challenges present in obese patients, providing them with personalized and optimized care to ensure positive long-term outcomes.
His surgical practice is based on an in-depth methodology and a careful look at the latest technological innovations in the field of bariatric surgery. He has actively worked to implement advanced protocols and continually improve operational techniques, while maintaining the highest standards of patient safety and care.
With over 2000 operations performed as a surgeon specializing in oncology, he has developed extensive experience and expertise in laparoscopic and robotic surgery applied to the care of cancer patients.
As a primary operator, he has successfully conducted a wide range of laparoscopic and robotic surgeries for the treatment of oncological conditions, including gastrointestinal, urological, gynecological and other solid tumors. His surgical practice has focused on the application of advanced techniques, using cutting-edge laparoscopic instruments and robotic systems
Prof. Filippini began his career in 1980 and has been teaching at the University of Chieti since the 1990s in the fields of General Surgery, Microsurgery, Reconstructive Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Orthopedics, and Gynecology. His primary focus is oncological surgery, particularly specializing in "The surgical treatment of locally advanced tumors and multi-organ resections." He has enriched his expertise by visiting prominent reference centers in the United States, including the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in Manhattan, New York City. There, he delved into minimally invasive, laparoscopic, and microsurgical techniques under the guidance of esteemed mentors such as John Daly, Michele Gagner, and Murray Brennan. Additionally, in 2005, he further expanded his skills at the City of Hope Oncology Center in Los Angeles, focusing on robotic surgery in oncology.
In 1980, Prof. Filippini graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the G. D'Annunzio University of Chieti in Italy with honors, presenting an experimental thesis on lympho-venous anastomosis using microsurgical techniques. He completed his specialization in general surgery at the University of Pisa with distinction after five years. In 1990, he obtained another specialization in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery from the University of Padua in Italy, where he maintained a stellar academic record.
Prof. Filippini has presented at numerous national and international conferences and authored over 100 scientific publications. Additionally, he has co-authored two monographs.
Mehr lesenProf. Filippini began his career in 1980 and has been teaching at the University of Chieti since the 1990s in the fields of General Surgery, Microsurgery, Reconstructive Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Orthopedics, and Gynecology. His primary focus is oncological surgery, particularly specializing in "The surgical treatment of locally advanced tumors and multi-organ resections." He has enriched his expertise by visiting prominent reference centers in the United States, including the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in Manhattan, New York City. There, he delved into minimally invasive, laparoscopic, and microsurgical techniques under the guidance of esteemed mentors such as John Daly, Michele Gagner, and Murray Brennan. Additionally, in 2005, he further expanded his skills at the City of Hope Oncology Center in Los Angeles, focusing on robotic surgery in oncology.
In 1980, Prof. Filippini graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the G. D'Annunzio University of Chieti in Italy with honors, presenting an experimental thesis on lympho-venous anastomosis using microsurgical techniques. He completed his specialization in general surgery at the University of Pisa with distinction after five years. In 1990, he obtained another specialization in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery from the University of Padua in Italy, where he maintained a stellar academic record.
Prof. Filippini has presented at numerous national and international conferences and authored over 100 scientific publications. Additionally, he has co-authored two monographs.
Prof. Deraco has dedicated his career to helping patients with complex cancers, particularly those affecting the peritoneum, a membrane in the abdomen. He began his medical career in 1989 at the Surgery and Experimental Oncology Departments of the Fondazione IRCCS, National Cancer Institute in Milan, Italy. Over the years, he has played a key role in advancing treatments for peritoneal surface malignancies (PSM). For more than a decade, he was the lead physician for the Peritoneal Surface Malignancies Program. Since 2017, he has served as the director of the Peritoneal Surface Malignancies Unit, where he continues to focus on providing cutting-edge care for his patients.
Prof. Deraco’s expertise is in specialized cancer treatments like Cytoreductive Surgery (CRS), Hyperthermic Intra-Peritoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC), and Pressurized Intra-Peritoneal Aerosolized Chemotherapy (PIPAC). These techniques aim to remove cancer and deliver heated chemotherapy directly to the abdomen, giving patients with PSM new hope. He has successfully treated over 1,200 patients using these advanced methods.
In addition to his clinical work, Prof. Deraco is a professor at Milan University, where he teaches future surgeons about peritoneal surface malignancies. His teaching extends internationally, as he has mentored over 30 postdoctoral fellows from prestigious institutions worldwide.
Prof. Deraco’s educational background is extensive. He earned his medical degree from the University of Messina in 1987 with top honors, followed by a specialization in general surgery five years later. His training continued in Paris, where he specialized in oncology at the prestigious Paris Dauphine University. He further honed his skills through fellowships in world-renowned institutions such as the Gustave Roussy Institute in France, the Royal Marsden Hospital in the UK, and the Washington Cancer Institute in the USA.
Throughout his career, Prof. Deraco has remained actively involved in research and professional organizations. He has published over 250 scientific articles and 25 book chapters, contributing to the advancement of cancer treatment globally. He serves on the board of multiple scientific societies dedicated to cancer research, including the Peritoneal Surface Oncology International Group (PSOGI) and the Italian Society for Loco-Regional Cancer Therapy (SITILO).
Mehr lesenProf. Deraco has dedicated his career to helping patients with complex cancers, particularly those affecting the peritoneum, a membrane in the abdomen. He began his medical career in 1989 at the Surgery and Experimental Oncology Departments of the Fondazione IRCCS, National Cancer Institute in Milan, Italy. Over the years, he has played a key role in advancing treatments for peritoneal surface malignancies (PSM). For more than a decade, he was the lead physician for the Peritoneal Surface Malignancies Program. Since 2017, he has served as the director of the Peritoneal Surface Malignancies Unit, where he continues to focus on providing cutting-edge care for his patients.
Prof. Deraco’s expertise is in specialized cancer treatments like Cytoreductive Surgery (CRS), Hyperthermic Intra-Peritoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC), and Pressurized Intra-Peritoneal Aerosolized Chemotherapy (PIPAC). These techniques aim to remove cancer and deliver heated chemotherapy directly to the abdomen, giving patients with PSM new hope. He has successfully treated over 1,200 patients using these advanced methods.
In addition to his clinical work, Prof. Deraco is a professor at Milan University, where he teaches future surgeons about peritoneal surface malignancies. His teaching extends internationally, as he has mentored over 30 postdoctoral fellows from prestigious institutions worldwide.
Prof. Deraco’s educational background is extensive. He earned his medical degree from the University of Messina in 1987 with top honors, followed by a specialization in general surgery five years later. His training continued in Paris, where he specialized in oncology at the prestigious Paris Dauphine University. He further honed his skills through fellowships in world-renowned institutions such as the Gustave Roussy Institute in France, the Royal Marsden Hospital in the UK, and the Washington Cancer Institute in the USA.
Throughout his career, Prof. Deraco has remained actively involved in research and professional organizations. He has published over 250 scientific articles and 25 book chapters, contributing to the advancement of cancer treatment globally. He serves on the board of multiple scientific societies dedicated to cancer research, including the Peritoneal Surface Oncology International Group (PSOGI) and the Italian Society for Loco-Regional Cancer Therapy (SITILO).