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Beste Diskektomie Neurochirurgen in Ravenna - TOP -2 Ärzte

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Fahad Mawlood - Allgemeinarzt. Gewinner von 4 wissenschaftlichen Preisen. Er diente in Westasien. Ehemaliger Teamleiter eines medizinischen Teams zur Betreuung arabischsprachiger Patienten. Jetzt Fahad ist verantwortlich für die Datenverarbeitung und die Genauigkeit der medizinischen Inhalte.
Ignazio Borghesi
29 Jahre der Erfahrung
Italien, Bologna
Maria Cecilia Hospital

Ignazio Borghesi

29 Jahre der Erfahrung

During his career, he has performed around 4.500 surgeries, most of which of a very high cranial and vertebral complexity. He is part of the multidisciplinary team of Maria Cecilia Hospital which performs interventions with innovative video-micro-surgical techniques with a digital microscope with a 4K 3D orbital camera with an exoscopic approach for the removal of extensive brain tumors. He has also managed more than 400 cases of minimally invasive surgery of trigeminal neuralgia, through the use of the exoscope, and of facial spasms and tumors of the posterior cranial fossa such as meningiomas and neurinomas.

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During his career, he has performed around 4.500 surgeries, most of which of a very high cranial and vertebral complexity. He is part of the multidisciplinary team of Maria Cecilia Hospital which performs interventions with innovative video-micro-surgical techniques with a digital microscope with a 4K 3D orbital camera with an exoscopic approach for the removal of extensive brain tumors. He has also managed more than 400 cases of minimally invasive surgery of trigeminal neuralgia, through the use of the exoscope, and of facial spasms and tumors of the posterior cranial fossa such as meningiomas and neurinomas.

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Arztbesuch preis auf anfrage
Diskektomie $12059.75 - $27408.52
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Raul Zini
45 Jahre der Erfahrung
Italien, Bologna
Maria Cecilia Hospital

Raul Zini

45 Jahre der Erfahrung

Since 2007 he has been Coordinator of the Operative Unit of Orthopedics and Traumatology at Maria Cecilia Hospital and Scientific Supervisor of the Orthopedic Area of GVM Care & Research, where every year more than 1,200 cases are treated by his team of orthopedists.

He operates in the field of diagnosis and therapeutic treatment of degenerative diseases and traumatic diseases of the knee, hip, shoulder, ankle, foot, hand, spine; in the arthroscopic treatment of the wrist, hip, knee and shoulder and in major prosthetic surgery for the knee, hip, shoulder, as well as in orthopedic and physiatric rehabilitation. In particular, he specializes in the treatment of the following pathologies: femoro-acetabular impingement, pubalgia, chondropathy, Perthes disease, synovitis and the snapping hip syndrome. Author of 7 monographs of over 100 publications in national scientific journals. Among the most recent publications: "Thirty years of Arthroscopy in Italy" 2011 Argalia Publishing and "Groin Pain Syndrome" 2017 Publishing Springer-Verlag. He is the author of over 200 reports on Hip, Knee, Ankle, Shoulder Prosthetics, Hip, Ankle, Knee, Elbow, Wrist, Shoulder Arthroscopy, BioTechnology, Sports Traumatology. He was awarded twice with the Bellando-Randone Prize of the Italian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatologists (SIOT) for the best monograph of the year 1983 with the book "Radiculography Lombare - Text Atlas", Editrice Roma; and for the best monograph of the 1997 with the volume "Arthroscopy of the ankle - Practical manual of surgical technique" Editrice Fortuna.

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Since 2007 he has been Coordinator of the Operative Unit of Orthopedics and Traumatology at Maria Cecilia Hospital and Scientific Supervisor of the Orthopedic Area of GVM Care & Research, where every year more than 1,200 cases are treated by his team of orthopedists.

He operates in the field of diagnosis and therapeutic treatment of degenerative diseases and traumatic diseases of the knee, hip, shoulder, ankle, foot, hand, spine; in the arthroscopic treatment of the wrist, hip, knee and shoulder and in major prosthetic surgery for the knee, hip, shoulder, as well as in orthopedic and physiatric rehabilitation. In particular, he specializes in the treatment of the following pathologies: femoro-acetabular impingement, pubalgia, chondropathy, Perthes disease, synovitis and the snapping hip syndrome. Author of 7 monographs of over 100 publications in national scientific journals. Among the most recent publications: "Thirty years of Arthroscopy in Italy" 2011 Argalia Publishing and "Groin Pain Syndrome" 2017 Publishing Springer-Verlag. He is the author of over 200 reports on Hip, Knee, Ankle, Shoulder Prosthetics, Hip, Ankle, Knee, Elbow, Wrist, Shoulder Arthroscopy, BioTechnology, Sports Traumatology. He was awarded twice with the Bellando-Randone Prize of the Italian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatologists (SIOT) for the best monograph of the year 1983 with the book "Radiculography Lombare - Text Atlas", Editrice Roma; and for the best monograph of the 1997 with the volume "Arthroscopy of the ankle - Practical manual of surgical technique" Editrice Fortuna.

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Arztbesuch preis auf anfrage
Diskektomie $12059.75 - $27408.52
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Bookimed, eine führende globale Plattform für Medizintourismus, hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Kunden bei der Suche nach einer Diskektomie zu unterstützen, indem es fachkundige Unterstützung und vertrauenswürdige medizinische Lösungen für jede Situation bietet. Mithilfe eines intelligenten automatischen Rankingsystems werden transparente Kliniklisten erstellt, die von einem Datenwissenschaftler unter Einsatz von KI für Genauigkeit sorgfältig gepflegt werden. Die Plattform garantiert Authentizität, indem sie Bewertungen von echten Patienten nach ihren Behandlungen veröffentlicht. Bookimed bietet umfassende medizinische Lösungen mit Updates von Kliniken, um die Vertrauenswürdigkeit zu gewährleisten. Der Inhalt zum Thema Diskektomie, der von erfahrenen medizinischen Autoren erstellt und von Spezialisten überprüft wurde, entspricht den redaktionellen Richtlinien von Bookimed und spiegelt das Engagement der Plattform für die Bereitstellung hochwertiger und klarer Gesundheitsinformationen wider. Für weitere Details oder Anfragen kontaktieren Sie uns bitte unter marketing@bookimed.com oder erfahren Sie hier mehr über uns und unsere Mission.

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