Professor Dr. Selman Lacin graduated from the Faculty of Gulhane Military Medical Academy In 1988 and was a resident in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Izmir Dokuz Eylul University in between 1991 and 1996.
Prof. Dr.Selman Laçin, began as an assistant professor at the University of Celal Bayar of Manisa, has taken the degree of Associate Professor in 2002. After 8 years in academic medicine, he moved to Istanbul.
He worked for different periods in Swedish Karolinska Institute,Department of OB / GYN, Israel Tel-Aviv University, assisted reproduction and IVF Center and Gulhane Military Medical Academy of IVF Center .
There are over 80 articles published in scientific journals at home and abroad and scientific contribution to the writing of the many books.
Between 2004 - 2007, he worked at the Istanbul Memorial Hospital IVF Center.
He established and directed the Medical Park Hospital IVF Center during 2007 - 2008. He began working in Medicana Health Group in 2008.
Professor Laçin is the member of many professional and social organizations at home and abroad.His main areas of interest are Hormonal Disorders, Infertility, IVF and Gynecologic Endoscopic (laparoscopic and hysteroscopic) Surgery.
Prof. Dr. Selman Laçin is now the director of the Medicana International Hospital IVF Center in Beylikduzu, İstanbul, Turkey
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