Mustafa Solak, MD, ist ein Arzt, der seinen Abschluss an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Hacettepe-Universität gemacht hat und Aufenthalte am Lehr- und Forschungskrankenhaus Istanbul Sisli Etfal und ein Stipendium am Krebsinstitut der Hacettepe-Universität absolviert hat. Er ist spezialisiert auf Brustkrebs, Hodenkrebs, Eierstockkrebs, Lungenkrebs, Kopf-Hals-Krebs und Magen-Darm-Krebs. Er hat auch am MD Anderson Cancer Center der University of Texas, dem Corum Training Hospital der Hitit University und dem Medical Park Hospital gearbeitet.
Mehr lesenErfahrung
2017 - 2022 Haseki Trainings- und Forschungskrankenhaus, Außerordentlicher Professor
2017 - 2022 Haseki Ausbildungs- und Forschungskrankenhaus
2013 – 2017 Haseki Ausbildungs- und Forschungskrankenhaus
2013 – 2017 Haseki Ausbildungs- und Forschungskrankenhaus, Chefarzt
2010 - 2013 Staatliches Krankenhaus Silivri (Dienstpflicht)
2008 – 2008 Medizinische Fakultät der Universität Michigan
2005 – 2010 Medizinische Fakultät Istanbul, Abteilung für Urologie
2010 Universität Istanbul, Medizinische Fakultät Istanbul, Abteilung für Urologie
2004 Universität Istanbul, Medizinische Fakultät Istanbul
Internationale Peer-Review-Zeitschriften:
Culpan M, Atis G, Sanli O, Bozkurt Y, Atmaca AF, Semerci B, Kutsal C, Canda AE, Akbulut F, Tugcu V, Boylu U, Erturhan S, Koca O, Ateş F, Halis F, Soyupek S, Turna B, Cakmak S, Sahin S, Erdem S, Yildirim A. „Vergleich von Tumorenukleation und standardmäßiger partieller Nephrektomie gemäß Trifecta-Ergebnissen: Eine multizentrische Studie der Türkischen Akademie für Urologie, Arbeitsgruppe Uro-Onkologie.“ J Invest Surg. 2022 Mai;35(5):1112-1118.
Sahan M, Sarilar O, Akbulut MF, Demir E, Savun M, Sen O, Ozgor F. „Flexible Ureterorenoskopie und Laserlithotripsie mit Regionalanästhesie vs. Vollnarkose: Eine prospektive randomisierte Studie.“ Int Braz J Urol. 2020 Nov-Dez;46(6):1010-1018.
Cubuk A, Yanaral F, Savun M, Ayranci A, Erbin A, Yazici O, Akbulut MF, Sarilar O. „Modifizierte autologe transobturatorische Bandchirurgie – Bewertung der kurzfristigen Ergebnisse.“ Ginekol Pol. 2020;91(2):51-56.
Kandemir E, Savun M, Sezer A, Erbin A, Akbulut MF, Sarilar Ö. „Vergleich der miniaturisierten perkutanen Nephrolithotomie und der standardmäßigen perkutanen Nephrolithotomie bei sekundären Patienten: Eine randomisierte prospektive Studie.“ J Endourol. 2020 Jan;34(1):26-32.
Ucpinar B, Erbin A, Ayranci A, Caglar U, Alis D, Basal S, Sarilar O, Akbulut MF. „Vorhersage eines Rezidivs bei Patienten mit nicht-muskelinvasivem Blasenkrebs. Sind die Patienteneigenschaften wichtig?“ J BUON. 2019 Jul-Aug;24(4):1659-1665.
Ozdemir H, Erbin A, Sahan M, Savun M, Cubuk A, Yazici O, Akbulut MF, Sarilar O. „Vergleich von miniaturisierter perkutaner Nephrolithotomie in Rücken- und Bauchlage bei der Behandlung von Unterpol-, Mittelpol- und Nierenbeckensteinen: Eine Matched-Pair-Analyse.“ Int Braz J Urol. 2019 Sep-Okt;45(5):956-964.
Erbin A, Ucpinar B, Cubuk A, Yazici O, Uysal H, Savun M, Basal S, Akbulut MF. „Der Einfluss der Hüllengröße bei miniaturisierter perkutaner Nephrolithotomie bei erwachsenen Patienten; eine Matched-Pair-Analyse.“ Urol J. 2019 Dez 24;16(6):536-540.
Güler A, Erbin A, Ucpinar B, Savun M, Sarilar O, Akbulut MF. „Vergleich der miniaturisierten perkutanen Nephrolithotomie und der standardmäßigen perkutanen Nephrolithotomie zur Behandlung großer Nierensteine: eine randomisierte prospektive Studie.“ Urolithiasis. 2019 Jun;47(3):289-295.
Yanaral F, Ozgor F, Savun M, Agbas A, Akbulut F, Sarilar O. „Stoßwellenlithotripsie für pädiatrische Patienten: Welches Nomogramm kann postoperative Ergebnisse besser vorhersagen?“ Urologie. 2018 Jul;117:126-130.
Arslan B, Akbulut MF, Onuk O, Küçüktopçu O, Çilesiz NC, Ozkan A, Yazıcı G. „Ein Vergleich von Amplatz-Dilatatoren und Metalldilatatoren für die Traktdilatation bei der mini-perkutanen Nephrolithotomie.“ Int Urol Nephrol. 2017 Apr;49(4):581-585.
Akbulut F, Kucuktopcu O, Kandemir E, Ucpinar B, Ozgor F, Simsek A, Arslan B, Erbin A, Yanaral F, Binbay M, Gurbuz G. „Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit der Mini-perkutanen Nephrolithotomie bei adipösen Patienten.“ Springerplus. 2016 Jul 22;5(1):1148.
Sancak EB, Oguz S, Akbulut T, Uludag A, Akbas A, Kurt O, Akbulut MF. „Weibliche sexuelle Dysfunktion bei androgenetischer Alopezie: Fall-Kontroll-Studie.“ Can Urol Assoc J. 2016, Juli;10(7-8):E251-256.
Akbulut F, Kucuktopcu O, Kandemir E, Sonmezay E, Simsek A, Ozgor F, Binbay M, Muslumanoglu AY, Gurbuz G. „Vergleich von flexibler Ureterorenoskopie und Mini-perkutaner Nephrolithotomie bei der Behandlung von unteren Kelchsteinen kleiner als 2 cm.“ Ren Fail. 2016;38(1):163-7.
Tok A, Akbulut F, Buldu I, Karatag T, Kucuktopcu O, Gurbuz G, Istanbulluoglu O, Armagan A, Tepeler A, Tasci AI. „Vergleich von Mikroperkutaner und Miniperkutaner Nephrolithotomie bei mittelgroßen unteren Kelchsteinen.“ Urolithiasis. 2016 Apr;44(2):155-9.
Akbulut F, Tok A, Penbegul N, Daggulli M, Eryildirim B, Adanur S, Gurbuz G, Celik H, Utangac MM, Dede O, Bodakcı MN, Tepeler A, Sarica K. „Kolonperforation im Zusammenhang mit perkutaner Nephrolithotomie: von der Diagnose zur Behandlung.“ Urolithiasis. 2015 Nov;43(6):521-6.
Ozluk Y, Sari S, Guzel NT, Firat P, Akbulut F, Kilicaslan I. „Gemischter epithelialer und stromaler Tumor der Niere mit sarkomatöser Transformation, die in die Lunge metastasiert: Ein Fallbericht.“ Anal Quant Cytopathol Histpathol. 2015 Jun;37(3):199-205.
Ozgor F, Kucuktopcu O, Sarilar O, Toptas M, Simsek A, Gurbuz ZG, Akbulut MF, Binbay M. „Hat eine vorherige offene Nierenoperation oder perkutane Nephrolithotomie Auswirkungen auf die Ergebnisse und Komplikationen der perkutanen Nephrolithotomie?“ Urolithiasis. 2015 Nov;43(6):541-7.
Ugurlu İM, Akman T, Binbay M, Tekinarslan E, Yazıcı Ö, Akbulut MF, Özgör F, Müslümanoğlu AY. „Ergebnisse der retrograden flexiblen Ureterorenoskopie und Laserlithotripsie bei Steinleiden bei Patienten mit anomalen Nieren.“ Urolithiasis. 2015 Feb;43(1):77-82.
Simsek A, Ozgor F, Kirecci SL, Akbulut MF, Sonmezay E, Yuksel B, Kucuktopcu O, Gurbuz ZG. „Ergebnisse des spannungsfreien Vaginalbands bei wiederkehrender Belastungsinkontinenz nach erfolgloser transobturatorischer Bandoperation.“ J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2014 Jun;40(6):1764-9.
Simsek A, Kirecci SL, Kucuktopcu O, Ozgor F, Akbulut MF, Sarilar O, Ozkuvanci U, Gurbuz ZG. „Vergleich von Paroxetin und Dapoxetin, einem neuartigen selektiven Serotonin-Wiederaufnahmehemmer bei der Behandlung vorzeitiger Ejakulation.“ Asiatisch J Androl. 2014 Sep-Okt;16(5):725-7.
Akbulut F, Kucuktopcu O, Sonmezay E, Simsek A, Ozgor F, Gurbuz ZG. „Teilweise Penektomie nach Débridement einer Fournier-Gangrän mit fortschreitender isolierter Penisnekrose.“ Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2014 Sep;20(5):385-8.
Simsek A, Ozgor F, Yuksel B, Kucuktopcu O, Kirecci SL, Toptas M, Sarilar O, Berberoglu AY, Gurbuz ZG, Mimaroglu S, Akbulut F, Baykal M, Arslan B, Savun M, Ucpinar B. „Weibliche Sexualfunktion nach transobturatorischem Band bei Frauen mit urodynamischer Belastungsinkontinenz.“ Springerplus. 30. September 2014;3:570.
Akbulut F, Akman T, Salabas E, Dincer M, Ortac M, Kadioglu A. „Dissektion des neurovaskulären Bündels für die Nesbit-Prozedur bei Patienten mit angeborener Penisverkrümmung: medial oder lateral?“ Asian J Androl. 2014 Mai-Jun;16(3):442-5.
Kadioglu A, Sanli O, Akman T, Canguven O, Aydin M, Akbulut F, Kucukdurmaz F. „Faktoren, die den Grad der Penisdeformation bei der Peyronie-Krankheit beeinflussen: Eine Analyse von 1001 Patienten.“ J Androl. 2011 Sep-Okt;32(5):502-8.
Akman T, Sanli O, Uluocak N, Akbulut F, Nane I, Demir S, Kadioglu A. „Die am häufigsten auftretende Form der Peyronie-Krankheitsdeformität unter oraler Colchicin-Behandlung ist die laterale Krümmung, die sich meist nach dorsal verlagert.“ Andrologia. 2011 Feb;43(1):28-33.
Akbulut MF, Sanli O, Kadioglu A. „Redaktioneller Kommentar zu: Sind unfruchtbare Männer weniger gesund als fruchtbare Männer? Ergebnisse einer prospektiven Fall-Kontroll-Studie.“ Eur Urol. 2009 Dez;56(6):1032.
Acar O, Akinci M, Uluocak N, Akbulut F, Kilicaslan I, Gokce O. „Paratestikuläre Metastasierung eines malignen Melanoms: ein Fallbericht.“ Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2008 Jun;24(6):315-8.
Çubuk A, Erbin A, Savun M, Ayranci A, Üçpınar B, Yanaral F, Sarılar Ö, Basal Ş, Akbulut MF. „Autologe transobturatorische Mittelharnröhrenschlinge.“ Turk J Urol. 21. Dezember 2018;45(3):230-232.
Sarılar Ö, Özgör F, Küçüktopçu O, Uçpınar B, Akbulut MF, Savun M, Gürbüz ZG, Binbay M. „Ist die standardmäßige perkutane Nephrolithotomie immer noch die Standardbehandlungsmethode für Nierensteine unter drei Zentimetern?“ Turk J Urol. 2017 Jun;43(2):165-170.
Akbulut F, Savun M, Ucpinar B, Sahan M, Arslan B, Ozgor F, Simsek A, Berberoglu AY, Baykal M, Binbay M. „Dupliziertes Nierensystem mit H-förmigem Harnleiter: Eine außergewöhnliche Anomalie.“ Case Rep Urol. 2016;2016:4062515.
Akbulut F, Kucuktopcu O, Kandemir E, Sonmezay E, Simsek A, Ucpinar B, Ozgor F, Gurbuz G. „Vergleich der Wirksamkeit von Laser-Lithotripter mit Ultraschall-Lithotripter bei der perkutanen Mini-Nephrolithotomie.“ Arch Ital Urol Androl. 14. Jan. 2016;87(4):276-9.
Ozgor F, Simsek A, Aydogdu O, Kucuktopcu O, Sarilar O, Berberoglu AY, Akbulut MF, Binbay M. „Blutung während einer laparoskopischen partiellen Nephrektomie: Kann eine hämostatische Matrix helfen, die Hämostase zu verbessern?“
Mehr lesenAusbildung
Erzurum Koprukoyu State Hospital
Department: General Medicine
Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty
Department: Internal Medicine
Istanbul Gaziosmanpasa Taksim Training and Research Hospital
Department: Internal Medicine
Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty
Department: Allergy and Immunology Fellowship
Istanbul University Oncology Institute
Department: Medical Oncology Fellowship
Tekirdag City Hospital
Department: Medical Oncology Specialist
Istanbul Medipol University Medipol Bahcelievler Private Hospital
Department: Medical Oncology Assoc. Prof.
Medical Education
Sivas Cumhuriyet University Medical Faculty, Sivas, Turkey
Internal Medicine
Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, Department of Internal Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey
Allergy-Immunology Fellowship
Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty
Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Allergy and Immunology, Istanbul, Turkey
Medical Oncology Fellowship
Istanbul University Oncology Institute, Department of Medical Oncology, Istanbul, Turkey
ESMO Board Certification in Medical Oncology
10th September 2022 in Paris, France.
Medical Oncology Assoc. Prof.
Istanbul Medipol University Department of Medical Oncology, Istanbul, Turkey
1. Astefania - ROCHE
5. RUBY - Tesaro (PRA)
6. ENGOT-ov43/GOG-3036 - MSD
I. Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI
Weekly Paclitaxel in Classic Kaposi Sarcoma
Carboplatin Desensitization in Ovarian Carcinoma
High-Dose Chemotherapy for Ewing’s Sarcoma
Multidrug Refractory TFE3(+) Renal Cell Carcinoma
Crizotinib Efficacy in NSCLC with MET Alterations
Clinicopathological Features in ALK Mutant NSCLC
PSMA-Based Tumor Burden in Prostate Cancer
Atezolizumab in Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma
Pulmonary Sarcomatoid Carcinoma
Prognostic Factors in Atezolizumab-Treated Urothelial Carcinoma
Atezolizumab with Chemotherapy in Small Cell Lung Cancer
FOLFIRINOX vs. Gemcitabine + Nab-Paclitaxel in Pancreatic Cancer
Trastuzumab Emtansine in Older HER2-Positive Breast Cancer Patients
Real-Life Efficacy of Osimertinib in Advanced NSCLC
ALK-Positive Cells Percentage and Alectinib Efficacy
Real-World Data on Alectinib in ALK-Positive NSCLC
Prognostic Factors in Metastatic RCC with T790M Mutation
FLOT Regimen in Metastatic Gastric Cancer
Desensitization Protocol in Lenalidomide Hypersensitivity Reactions
Factors Associated with Diagnostic Skin Test Positivity in PPI Hypersensitivity
Efficacy of Capecitabine and Temozolomide in Neuroendocrine Tumors
Subsequent Treatments in Hormone-Positive Breast Cancer Progression
Termination of Trastuzumab in HER2-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer
Long-term Outcomes and Predictors of Recurrence in Node-Negative Early Stage Breast Cancer
Prognostic Factors Influencing PFS in HER2-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer
Treatment Efficacy of Ribociclib or Palbociclib plus Letrozole in Metastatic Breast Cancer
Efficacy and Safety of Sorafenib in Adult Metastatic Osteosarcoma Patients
Single-Agent Temozolomide as Salvage Therapy in Heavily Pretreated Metastatic Sarcoma Patients
Outcomes and Prognostic Factors in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma with Brain Metastases
FLOT Regimen in First-Line Treatment of Metastatic Gastric Cancer
Prognostic Factors of Perioperative FLOT Regimen in Operable Gastric Cancer
Efficacy and Outcomes of Systemic Chemotherapy in Posttransplant Kaposi Sarcoma
Comparison of Second-Line Treatments in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma
Toxicity Management and Effectiveness of Regorafenib in Advance GIST Patients: A Real-world Study - Authors: Paksoy, N., Ferhatoğlu, F., Doğan, İ., Khanmammadov, N., Bozbey, H. U., Karabulut, S., & Taştekin, D. - Journal: TURKISH JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY, 1(1)
Demographic and Clinical Features and Factors Associated with Survival in Patients with Primary Glomerulonephritis: Single Tertiary Center Experience - Authors: Paksoy, N., Trabulus, S., Seyahi, N., & Altiparmak, M. R. - Journal: Namik Kemal Tip Dergisi, 11(1)
Efficacy of Sorafenib in Symptomatic Patients with Pretreated Progressive Desmoid Tumors - Authors: Paksoy, N., Ferhatoglu, F., Dogan, I., Ak, N., Pehlivan, M., Ekenel, M., & Basaran, M.
Nodal Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy is a Better Predictive Factor of Survival Than Miller-Payne Scoring in Breast Cancer - Authors: Ak, Naziye, et al. - Journal: Journal of Oncological Sciences, 7.2: 42-49
Evaluation of Prognostic and Predictive Values of Hemogram Parameters in Patients with Advanced Stage Ovarian Carcinoma - Authors: Ak, Naziye, et al. - Journal: Turkish Journal of Oncology/Türk Onkoloji Dergisi, 2021, 36.4
Identifying Risk Factors Associated with Survival and Drug-Related Toxicities in Imatinib-Resistant Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST) Patients Treated with Sunitinib - Authors: Ferhatoglu, F., Karabulut, S., Paksoy, N., & Tastekin, D.
Real-life Outcomes of ROS1 Fusion-positive Metastatic Lung Cancer Patients who were Treated with Crizotinib - Authors: Dogan, İ., Khanmammadov, N., Paksoy, N., Ferhatoglu, F., Aydın, E., Vatansever, S., & Aydine, A. - Journal: TURK ONKOLOJI DERGISI-TURKISH JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY
Predictors of the acquisition of T790M mutation in EGFR-mutant metastatic lung cancer patients who were treated with EGFR inhibitors - Authors: Dogan, I., Khanmammadov, N., Paksoy, N., Vatansever, S., Saip, P., & Aydıner, A. - Journal: Eurasian Journal of Pulmonology
Laterality of Adrenal Gland Metastasis in Lung Cancer: Results of a Comparative Study - Authors: Ferhatoglu, F., Gagatay, T., Okumus, G., Aydiner, A., Paksoy, N., Ak, N., ... & Saip, P. - Journal: Eurasian Journal of Medical Investigation, 7(2)
Poor Risk Factors Affecting Cancer Patients Infected with Covid-19: A Retrospective Comparative Study from a Pandemic Hospital - Authors: Ferhatoglu, F., Kapağan, T., Paksoy, N., Ak, N., Medetalibeyoğlu, A., Şenkal, N., ... & Vatansever, S. - Journal: Turk Onkoloji Dergisi, 38(1)
Systemic Treatment Outcomes of Progressive Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma from the Registries of a Tertiary Cancer Center - Authors: Ferhatoglu, F., Paksoy, N., & Başaran, M. - Journal: Namik Kemal Tip Dergisi, 10(4)
Evaluation of clinical features and risk factors related to late recurrence (> 5 years) in patients with breast cancer - Authors: Ferhatoglu, F., Aydiner, A., & Paksoy, N. - Journal: Journal of Surgery & Medicine (JOSAM), 6(12)
Assessing the Clinical Impact of Lutetium-177 DOTATATE Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy (PRRT) on Metastatic Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Multicenter Real-World Data from Türkiye
Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, Internal Medicine Department PAKSOY, Nail. Demographical, clinical characteristics and survival factors in patients withprimary glomerulonephritis: Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Experience. (2016)
International Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings (ASCO/ESMO Abstracts)
Prognostic factors influencing progression-free survival in HER2 positive metastatic breast cancer patients who treated with lapatinib and capecitabine combination
Efficacy of regorafenib and 5-fluorouracil-based rechallenge treatment in the third-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer: A Turkish oncology group study
Long-term outcomes and predictors of recurrence in patients with early-stage node-negative breast cancer
Efficacy of temozolomide in pretreated patients with metastatic sarcoma
Efficacy of sorafenib in symptomatic patients with pretreated progressive desmoid tumors
Efficacy of sorafenib in heavily pretreated adult patients with metastatic osteosarcoma
Outcomes and prognostic factors in metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients with brain metastases
Association of response to first-line chemotherapy with the efficacy of atezolizumab in patients with metastatic urothelial carcinoma
Safety and survival in adult women with platinum-sensitive relapsed BRCA mutant ovarian cancer: A study of patients in Olaparib Turkey Early Access Program—LynTurk study
Atezolizumab in patients with metastatic urothelial carcinoma who have progressed after first-line chemotherapy: Results of real-life experiences
Mehr lesen
2021 - 2022
Klinischer Manager für Strahlenonkologie, Medicana International Istanbul Hospital
2021 - 2022
Abteilung für Strahlenonkologie, Medizinische Fakultät der Biruni-Universität
2020 - 2021
Klinischer Manager für Strahlenonkologie, Medicana International Istanbul Hospital
2017 - 2020
Klinischer Manager für Strahlenonkologie, Neolife Medical Center
2016 - 2017
Abteilung für Strahlenonkologie, Medizinische Fakultät der Eskişehir Osmangazi-Universität
2011 - 2016
Abteilung für Strahlenonkologie, Medizinische Fakultät der Eskişehir Osmangazi-Universität
2010 - 2011
Abteilung für Strahlenonkologie, Medizinische Fakultät der Eskişehir Osmangazi-Universität
2008 - 2010
Klinik für Strahlenonkologie, Samsun Ausbildungs- und Forschungskrankenhaus (Bildungskoordinator)
Medizinische Fakultät, Dokuz-Eylül-Universität
2006 - 2008
Klinik für Radioonkologie, Staatliches Krankenhaus Samsun Mehmet Aydın (Pflichtdienst)
2000 - 2006
Medizinische Fakultät, Dokuz-Eylül-Universität
Medizinische Fakultät der Biruni-Universität, Abteilung für Strahlenonkologie, Fakultätsmitglied, Professor Doktor
Bachelor-Programm der Fakultät für offene Bildung der Anadolu-Universität, Kulturerbe und Tourismus
Feyziye Schools Foundation Işık University Health Services Berufsschule, Fakultätsmitglied, Außerordentlicher Professor Doktor
Medizinische Fakultät der Universität Eskişehir Osmangazi, Abteilung für Strahlenonkologie, Fakultätsmitglied
Medizinische Fakultät der Universität Eskişehir Osmangazi, Abteilung für Strahlenonkologie, außerordentlicher Professor
Samsun Ausbildungs- und Forschungskrankenhaus, Facharzt, Pflichtdienst
Medizinische Fakultät der Dokuz Eylül-Universität, Abteilung für Strahlenonkologie, Medizinische Spezialisierung
Ege Universität, Medizinische Fakultät
Mehr lesenDr. graduated from Istanbul Faculty of Medicine in 2004. Tuncay TAŞ, after the training he received at Heildelberg University, Germany, Heilbronn SLK Hospital "Laparoscopy, Robotics and Oncology Center" in 2006 and 2007, has served his patients for many years, especially in the field of Robotic and Laparoscopic surgery in Turkey. Dr. TAŞ completed his urology specialization in Istanbul in 2010.
The majority of urology practice consists of cancer diagnosis, treatment and follow-up; prostate, kidney, bladder diseases; microscopic varicocele operation, MicroTESE, sperm enhancing treatments, azoospermia, erectile dysfunction treatments and other testicular diseases in the field of men's health; HOLEP, Rezum and TUR Prostate surgery in the field of adult male health; urinary incontinence treatments in the field of women's health; minimally invasive kidney stone treatments in general urology; Surgical treatment of hypospadias and other urological disorders in children.
He works as a faculty member at the Private Urology Clinic (Safe Urology) and the University.
Scientific Organizations of which he is a Member
Turkish Urology Association
Turkish Medical Association
Endourology Association
European Association of Urology
International Stem Cell Applications Association
Urological Oncology
Laparoscopic Urology
kidney problems
Penis Surgery
Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
medical School
2006 2007
University of Heidelberg, Germany
Scholarship: Urological Oncology and Laparoscopic Urology Department of Urology SLK Kliniken Heilbronn University of Heidelberg, Germany
Health Sciences University Taksim Training and Research Hospital
Postgraduate Medical Education – Specialization in Urology
Mehr lesenProf. Dr. M. İhsan KARAMAN ist urologischer Chirurg und Professor für Urologie mit Spezialisierung auf Prostatawachstum, Prostatakrebs, Harninkontinenz, sexuelle Dysfunktion, Nierensteinerkrankungen, männliche Unfruchtbarkeit und pädiatrische Urologie. Er hatte verschiedene Positionen inne, darunter den Leiter der Urologieklinik des Ausbildungs- und Forschungskrankenhauses Haydarpaşa Numune und den Präsidenten der Universität Istanbul Medeniyet, und war Mitglied verschiedener nationaler und internationaler Gremien. Er ist auch Mitglied mehrerer globaler zivilgesellschaftlicher Organisationen. Er spricht Englisch und versteht Arabisch.
Mehr lesenAs a urology specialist providing medical services, Prof. Dr. Hasan Biri graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1987. He started his residency in urology at Gazi University Hospital in 1987 and completed his specialization in 1992, becoming a urology specialist. Dr. Biri completed his compulsory service between 1993-1995. In 1995, he was appointed as an assistant professor at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine. Between 1997-1998, he participated in research in many areas of uro-oncology such as radical prostatectomy and radical cystectomy at the University of Southern California Kneed Norris Uro-oncology Center, and was involved in many clinical practices. He successfully passed the associate professorship exam in 1998 and continued his education and training activities as an associate professor at Gazi University. Between 2000-2003, he served as the head of urology and chief physician at Gazi Ankara Hospital. In 2004, he became a professor at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine. Throughout his academic career, he has published over 80 national and international publications and presented papers. As the founding president of Koru Healthcare Group, Prof. Dr. Hasan Biri currently provides medical services to his patients at Özel Koru Ankara Hospital. Prof. Dr. Hasan Biri is particularly specialized in robotic surgery, and his medical interests include:
• Uro-oncology
· Prostate Cancer
· Bladder Cancer
· Kidney Cancer
· Testicular Cancer
• Andrology
• Robotic Surgery (Prostate, Bladder, Kidney, Renal Artery Stenosis)
• Endourology
• Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
• Kidney Stone Disease
• Infertility.
Mehr lesenProf. Dr. Fatih Kurtuluş ist Urologe und FEBU (Fellow of European Board of Urology), der 1997 seinen Abschluss an der Medizinischen Fakultät Cerrahpasa der Universität Istanbul (Englisch) machte. Er verfügt über Erfahrung in den Bereichen Endourologie und Uroonkologie und war a seit 2018 Professor für Urologie. Er war an verschiedenen Organisationen und Forschungsprojekten beteiligt und hat verschiedene Artikel in internationalen referierten Zeitschriften veröffentlicht. Er ist auch Mitglied verschiedener Vereinigungen wie der European Association of Urology, der Endourological Society, der Turkish Association of Urology und der Urooncology Association.
Mehr lesenField of Speciality: Urology
Date of Birth: 1980
School of Medicine: Istanbul University School of Medicine
Graduate Medical Education: University of Health Sciences Taksim Training & Research Hospital
Fellowship: Urological Oncology and Laparoscopic Urology Department of Urology SLK Kliniken Heilbronn University of Heidelberg, Germany
Foreign Language: English
Having graduated from Istanbul University, Faculty of Medicine in Istanbul, he pursued Urological Surgery residency at University of Health Sciences Taksim Training & Research Hospital, Istanbul from 2005 to 2010. He subsequently completed fellowship training in Urological Oncology and Laparoscopic Urology at Department of Urology, Heilbronn, Heidelberg University, Germany.Dr. Taş is able to provide patients curative surgery that is extremely precise, preserves sexual function, has minimal blood loss, minimal pain and quick recovery.
Firsts of Safe Urology Clinic in Turkey: Penis injections of:
Cellular derived from adipose tissue
Autologous bone marrow mesenchymal Cellular
After graduating from Istanbul Medical Faculty in 2004, Dr. Tuncay Taş completed his specialization in Urology at Taksim Training and Research Hospital in 2010. After the training he received in 2006 and 2007 at the “Laparoscopy, Robotics and Oncology Center” of Heildelberg University, Heilbronn SLK Hospital, Germany, he continues to serve his patients in Turkey, especially in the field of Laparoscopic/Robotic Surgery. The majority of Tuncay Taş’s urology practice consists of man sexual health, cancer diagnosis and treatments
His sexual health and wellness practice offers cutting-edge technologies and treatment options for men. Dr Tas offers unique training and clinical protocols for practitioners who want to implement Penile Implants , Penile Enhancement , SafeFill and MaleShot into their practice. Dr Taş and his team presented the results of combined P.R.P (MALE-P-SHOT) and SVF application to the penis for the first time in Turkey at the scientific congress and shared the clinical results of these applications. It is also one of the first 5 centers in the world to publish the results of P.R.P (P.SHOT) applications. Dr Taş is one of the urology instructors at ISSCA who is fully involved in regenerative medicine.
(Source: At the congress organized by İHA International Cellular Therapies Association, Dr. Tuncay Taş shared his cell research in clinical regenerative medicine and erectile dysfunction. 2019, Sexual Medicine-Original Research2021, Apr;9(2):100313.doi:10.1016/j.esxm.2020.100313. Epub 2021 30 January.)
Recently Dr. Tas has developed a safe and effective treatment to improve penile circumference and has conducted training with a UK-based certification programme. This novel technique has been shown to have impressive and durable cosmetic results.
Robotic prostatectomy, Radical prostatectomy, HoLEP, Donor nephrectomy, Nephrectomy, Robotic surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Prostate cancer, Kidney cancer, Bladder cancer, Testicular cancer, Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection for testicular cancer, Erectile dysfunction, Sexual dysfunction, Male infertility, Varicocelectomy, Male hypogonadism, Penile implant insertion, Urethroplasty, Penile reconstruction, Penile enlargement, Urethral reconstruction, Artificial urinary sphincter implantation, Bladder botox injection, Urodynamic testing, Bladder augmentation, Urinary diversion, Urethral stricture, Ureteral obstruction, HIPEC, Reconstructive surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Fertility preservation, Minimally invasive surgery, Hypospadias
Membership of Scientific Organizations
Turkish Association of Urology
Turkish Medical Association
Association of Endourology
European Association of Urology
International Society for Stem Cells Applications
• Publications
Mehr lesenExpertise: | Urology |
Education :
University: School of Medicine (English), Marmara University, 1989-1997
Residency: Urology / Urology Clinic, Dr Lütfü Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital 1998-2003
Medical Specialty Thesis and Supervisors: The Role of Nerve Growth Factor in Bladder Outflow Obstruction, Assoc. Prof. Uğur Kuyumcuoğlu, M.D.
Assoc. Prof.: Urology Clinic, Dr Lütfü Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital 2013
Biography :
Resident / Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital (1998 – 2003)
• Army Physician / Sarıkamış 200-Bed Military Hospital (2003-2004)
• Chief Resident / Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital (2004 – 2017)
• Physician / Aydın Atatürk State Hospital (2017)
• Physician / Kocaeli Acıbadem Hospital (2017-2018)
• Physician / Adatıp Hospital (2018-…)
Area of Specialty :
İçerik Yazınız
Memberships :
Turkish Association of Urologic Surgery
Turkish Association of Urology
Turkish Association of Andrology
Society of Endourology
Urooncology Association
Turkish Medical Association
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