Born in Ankara in 1980, he received his primary and secondary education in Artvin, his hometown. He graduated from Inebolu High School in 1997 and started studying at Ankara University Faculty of Medicine the same year. He received his Medical Doctor degree in 2003 and ranked high in the medical specialization exam the same year.
He started his cardiology specialization education in the Department of Cardiology at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine and became a cardiology specialist in 2008.
He served as an interventional cardiologist in Rize Education and Research Hospital during his mandatory service.
He worked in the field of electrophysiology with Prof. Dr. Remzi Karaoğuz at Ankara Güven Hospital. He became an Associate Professor in January 2014 and a Professor in 2023.
Throughout his academic career, he has published many scientific publications that have been published nationally and internationally and have received high citations. He provides patent and consultancy services for medical engineering in addition to clinical medical education and treatment services. He is a member of national and international scientific societies. He is currently working in interventional cardiology and cardiac electrophysiology fields in the Cardiology Clinic at Ankara Koru Çukurambar Hospital.
His medical interests include:
Cardiac electrophysiological (EPS) study and ablation therapy
Implantation and follow-up of cardiac pacemakers
Interventional Cardiology
Mehr lesenProf. M.D. Yusuf Serdar Sakin was born in Nevşehir in 1978. After completing his primary and secondary education in Ankara, he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at Gülhane Military Medical Academy in 2002.
Following his graduation, he served in Gole/Ardahan for two years. He started his internal medicine training at the Department of Internal Medicine, Gülhane Faculty of Medicine.
After completing his training, he worked as an internal medicine specialist in Ankara. A year later, he began additional training in the Department of Gastroenterology at Gülhane Faculty of Medicine and completed his training in 2014.
After graduation, Yusuf Serdar Sakin continued to work in the same department. He also received advanced endoscopy and Motility training at AMC Center in the Netherlands in 2017.
After obtaining the title of Associate Professor in 2017, he became a Professor in 2023.
He currently provides medical services to patients at Koru Ankara Hospital. His areas of medical interest include:
-Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
-Push enteroscopy
-Endoscopic mucosal resection
-High-resolution manometry
-pH/pH-impedance metry analysis
-Advanced endoscopic procedures (stenting, dilation, etc.)
-Gastrointestinal motility disorders
-Gastroesophageal reflux disease
-Inflammatory bowel diseases
-Advanced endoscopic procedures and pancreatitis.
Dr. Sogol Nasrollahzadeh is a medical doctor with more than 8-year experience in the private practice.
In 2020, Sogol graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the Giresun University in Turkey. Although she completed her studies, Dr. Nasrollahzadeh continues to receive training and to attend university courses in plastic surgery and skin disease related studies. After graduating, Sogol commenced working at the Ozel Bower Hospital, one of the leading private hospitals in Turkey. Over a period of 3 years after her degree, Sogol not only perfected her studies in cosmetic and aesthetic medical field, but also, she performed several successful procedures in treating dermatological diseases and regenerative treatments with a specific focus on anti-aging solutions.
Sogol has successfully completed additional studies obtaining an international certification and license in mesotherapy and regenerative medicine. In 2023, she set up her clinic in the center of Istanbul where, together with another doctor, patients can receive regenerative medicine treatments and skin disease related therapies as well as plastic surgery assistance. The clinic commenced to collaborate with Advanced Bio-Gen in order to provide a set of additional stem cells treatments for several medical conditions.
Sogol is usually described by her patients as a professional with high moral and human qualities, characterized by empathy, integrity, and compassion. Her dedication to the well-being of others is reflected in her ability for active listening and empathy towards patients. Sogol demonstrates strong morality in addressing sensitive issues and respects the privacy of patients with great ethical consideration. Dr. Nasrollahzadeh is known for her sincerity, transparency, and respect towards colleagues and collaborators. Her integrity is evident in the honest management of situations and adherence to the highest professional standards. Her leadership is team-oriented, fostering a collaborative and inclusive work environment.
Mehr lesenEducational Details
High School: Bahçelievler Deneme High School, Ankara
Bachelor’s Degree: School of Medicine, Ankara University
Specialty: Urology Department, School of Medicine, Ankara University
Associate Professor: November 16, 1998, Urology
Scientific Activities:
• 2nd Ankara Urooncology Course, September 21-22, 1995
• 3rd Ankara Urooncology Course, October 2-4, 1997
• Update in Urological Oncology, 4-5 October 1996
• 3rd Mediterranean Video Endoscopic Basic Surgery Course, September 26-28, 1998
• 1st Continent Urinary Diversion Course Held in Istanbul. May 1-3, 1998
• 1st International Ankara Urooncology Course, June 25-26
Assoz. Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Ertugrul ist Gastroenterologe mit den Spezialgebieten ERCP, Lebertransplantation, Gastroskopie, endoskopische Operationen, Leberbiopsie, Lebererkrankungen, Gallengangserkrankungen und Reflux. Er ist Absolvent der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Istanbul und spezialisiert auf Innere Medizin und Gastroenterologie. Er ist Mitglied der Turkish Gastroenterology Association, der Turkish Liver Research Association und der Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Association.
Mehr lesenGeboren 1974 in Ankara, Prof. Dr. M. Öner Şanlı erhielt seine Grund- und Sekundarausbildung von TED. Nach seinem Abschluss am Ankara College; 1998 absolvierte er die Medizinische Fakultät der Gazi-Universität und erhielt den Titel "Doktor". Nächste; 1999 begann er sein medizinisches Fachgebiet an der Universität Istanbul, Medizinische Fakultät Istanbul, Abteilung für Urologie. Während seiner ca. 5,5-jährigen Ausbildung auf dem Fachgebiet aktiv in allen Teilgebieten der Urologie tätig, hat Dr. Shanly hat im Dezember 2004 seine Dissertation zum Thema „Relationship of the SLC34A2 gene located in the 4p15.3-4p1 region with testicular microlithiasis“ vorgelegt und ihm aufgrund der anschließenden wissenschaftlichen Forschung den Titel „Facharzt für Urologie“ verliehen. Dr. Shanly hat 2008 die Prüfung des European Board of Urology erfolgreich bestanden, und im Juni 2011 wurde ihm der Titel „Assistant Professor of Urology“ aufgrund der Ergebnisse der akademischen Bewertung und der fachlichen Prüfung des Intercollegiate Council verliehen. Nachdem Shanly im Juli 2017 seine Professur erhalten hatte, war er von September 2016 bis Januar 2018 als Gastprofessor am University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center tätig. Seit Januar 2018 arbeitet er weiterhin an der Universität Istanbul, Medizinische Fakultät Istanbul, Abteilung für Urologie. Außerdem ist Dr. Bekannt; Er setzt seine außerschulische urologische Praxis am Bahçelievler Memorial Hospital fort. Shanly erhielt 2005 ein Stipendium für ein Studium der Uroonkologie von einem pharmazeutischen Unternehmen und nutzte diese Gelegenheit im Department of Urology der University of Michigan, um die Anwendung der Operationstechnik "Laparoskopie" zu studieren das Gebiet der Urologie. . Anschließend wird Dr. Šanly hatte die Möglichkeit, diese Technik an der Urologischen Klinik Heidelberg der Universität Heilbronn zu entwickeln, und erhielt 2008 ein Ausbildungsstipendium der European Association of Urology. Herr Dr. Neben dieser Entwicklung in einem ruhmreichen Berufsfeld, parallel zu dem in jüngerer Zeit entstandenen „Surgeon Scientist“-Konzept, neben der Mitarbeit in der medizinischen Grundlagenforschung, insbesondere im Teilgebiet der Uroonkologie und Uroonkologie klinische Forschung; versucht zu handeln. Dr. Shanly hat bis heute an über 90 weltweit veröffentlichten Artikeln mitgewirkt und verfolgt weiterhin aktiv sein akademisches Leben, insbesondere in den Bereichen Uroonkologie und laparoskopische Urologie. Dr. Zusätzlich zu seiner Mitgliedschaft in der Glorious European Association of Urology und der World Association of Endourologists; Er ist in der türkischen Vereinigung für Urologie und der türkischen Vereinigung für Endourologie aktiv. Er war auch Vorstandsmitglied der Endourology Society und ehemaliger Herausgeber des Bulletin of Endourology und ehemaliger stellvertretender Herausgeber des Turkish Journal of Urology. Die Teildisziplinen der Urologie lassen sich wie folgt zusammenfassen: Allgemeine Urologie, Uroonkologie, Prostatakrebs, Nierenkrebs, Blasenkrebs, Hodenkrebs, gutartige Prostatavergrößerung, urologische Laparoskopie, Roboterchirurgie.
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Mehr lesenDr. hat einen medizinischen Abschluss der Universität Istanbul, Cerrahpasa Medical School, Türkei, und absolvierte Facharztausbildungen in Kardiologie an der Marmara-Universität in Istanbul und an der Universität für Gesundheitswissenschaften, Istanbul Mehmet Akif Ersoy, Ausbildungs- und Forschungskrankenhaus für Herz-Kreislauf- und Thoraxchirurgie. Dr. hat außerdem Praktika, Praktika und Hospitanzen in der Notaufnahme, Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie, Kardiologie und medizinischen Onkologie am UNAERP, New York Presbyterian Hospital, University of Pittsburgh Medical College Presbyterian Hospital und University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center absolviert.
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