As a dedicated Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon based in Istanbul, Turkey, I bring a strong foundation of experience and a profound commitment to enhancing both form and function to every patient I serve. My journey in the field has been marked by comprehensive training in Marmara University Plastic Surgery Department, one of Turkey's premier centers for breast and facial plastic surgery, where I've had the privilege of specializing in several transformative areas of surgical expertise.
Facial Rejuvenation Surgery: With a profound understanding of facial aesthetics, I am dedicated to helping patients achieve a youthful, refreshed appearance while also providing reconstructive solutions for those facing unique challenges.
Orthognathic Surgery: My extensive training in orthognathic surgery equips me with the skills to harmonize facial structures and restore optimal function, addressing issues related to jaw alignment and facial symmetry with precision and care.
Facial Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery: My specialization extends to a wide range of facial procedures, including:
Deep Plane Facelift Surgery: Delivering natural, long-lasting results with cutting edge surgical technique on facial rejuvenation.
Neck Reshaping Surgeries: Crafting elegant and youthful neck contours.
Endoscopic Facial Surgeries: Minimally invasive techniques for maximum impact.
Periorbital Rejuvenation and Blepharoplasties: Illuminating the windows to the soul.
Facial Bone Contouring: Sculpting facial aesthetics with precision.
Frontal Shaping for Facial Gender Reassignment: Empowering individuals on transformative journeys. Revisional Facial Surgeries: Perfecting previous procedures to achieve excellence.
Facial Paralysis Reconstruction with Tendon and Muscle Transfers: Restoring both function and aesthetics. Scar Revisions and Burn Scarifications: Erasing the marks of the past.
Stem Cell Treatments: Harnessing the latest regenerative therapies.
Skin and Intraoral Tumor Ablation with Reconstructions: Uniting oncological care with aesthetic mastery. Jaw Enhancements and Genioplasties: Balancing and harmonizing facial profiles.
Double Jaw/Bimax Surgeries: Achieving facial symmetry and optimal function.
Rhinoplasties and Nose Reconstructions: Perfecting nasal aesthetics with artistry.
Breast Aesthetics and Reconstruction: Having trained at one of Turkey's leading centers for breast surgeries, I am well- versed in the art of breast aesthetics and reconstruction, ensuring that patients regain both their confidence and their sense of self.
At the core of my practice is a dedication to individualized care. I believe that every patient is unique, and their needs and aspirations deserve tailored attention. My mission is to provide compassionate, patient-centered care that goes beyond routine procedures, ensuring that each individual receives the personalized treatment they deserve.
As I continue to push the boundaries of plastic and aesthetic surgery, my focus remains on achieving excellence in both form and function, all while prioritizing the unique needs of every patient under my care.
Mehr lesenProfessor Hakan
Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon
Assoz. Dr. Tayfun Türkaslan ist ein Facharzt für ästhetische Chirurgie mit über 20 veröffentlichten Artikeln in internationalen Ausgaben, der seine Spezialisierung nach Zertifizierungsprozessen im Ausland abgeschlossen hat und Mitglied verschiedener wissenschaftlicher Organisationen ist. Er hat in verschiedenen Krankenhäusern gearbeitet und bietet derzeit seine professionellen medizinischen Dienstleistungen in seiner Privatpraxis an.
Mehr lesenAsoc. Prof. Dr. Seckin Ulusoy ist Experte für Rhinologie, plastische Nasenchirurgie und plastische Gesichtschirurgie. Er ist spezialisiert auf den Umgang mit verschiedenen Nasenproblemen wie Nasenallergie, Nebenhöhlenproblemen sowie Schnarchen und Schlafapnoe. Er hat eine breite medizinische Ausbildung absolviert, darunter ein Stipendium in Europa und den USA. Er ist Mitglied mehrerer Berufsverbände, hat 52 begutachtete Artikel veröffentlicht und sechs Buchkapitel verfasst.
Mehr lesenDr. X hat einen Abschluss in Medizin von der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Istanbul und einen Abschluss in Gesundheitsmanagement vom Institut für Gesundheitswissenschaften der Universität Istanbul. Er hat Erfahrung in der Arbeit als Arzt, Hausarzt und Arzt. Er ist zertifiziert in Imcas, Nutrition, Mint Lift Rope Hanger Training, American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine Level 1, Ozone Therapy, Hacamat, Mesotherapy, Aesthetic Medicine, Botox and Dermal Filling, Reproductive Health Consultancy, Stop Cancer Trainer Education, Pb Serum (Enzimatic Advanced Cell Therapy) Training und Reproductive Health Education des Gesundheitsministeriums.
Mehr lesenDieser Arzt hat in den letzten 24 Jahren verschiedene medizinische und ästhetische Ausbildungen absolviert, darunter Laser-Haarentfernung, Botox- und Füllungsanwendungen, Mesotherapie, fraktionierte Laserbehandlung, PRP-Anwendung, ablative Laser-CO2-Schulung, Endopeel-Anwendungen, Kavitationsschulung, IPL-Schulung, Ozon Therapie, Leichendissektion, Fadenlifting und mehr.
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