Beste Gesäßstraffung Ärzte in Spanien - TOP -2 Ärzte

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Fahad Mawlood
Antonio Rivera Munoz
  • 4.8 Ausgezeichnet 3 Rezensionen
  • 18 Jahre der Erfahrung
  • Spanien, Marbella, Quirónsalud Marbella
  • Dr Rivera obtained his Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Seville and continued his academic training until he completed a University Master in Tissue Engineering at the Histology Department of the University of Granada and later obtained the speciality in Plastic, Repair and Cosmetic Surgery at the Virgen de las Nieves (Granada) University Hospital.

    Dr Rivera has developed extensive experience in the area of surgery, where he has been in practice for over ten years. Always at the forefront of new technologies applied to surgical techniques, he is a habitual participant in specialist scientific forums as well as national and international conventions.

    Professional Experience

    • 2007-2012 - Plastic, Repair and Cosmetic Surgery Resident Doctor at the Virgen de las Nieves (Granada) University Hospital

    • May 2012 - Currently, Co-director of the Plastic, Cosmetic and Repair Surgery Unit of the Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital.

    • May 2013 - Currently, Co-director of the Plastic, Cosmetic and Repair Surgery Unit of the Quirónsalud Campo de Gibraltar Hospital.

    • He has also been part of General Surgery and Traumatology, Maxillofacial Surgery and Major Burn Ward teams. Additionally, he has cooperated with the Plastic Surgery Unit of the Teknon Clinic in Barcelona.


    The Plastic, Cosmetic and Repair Surgery Unit of the Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital performs the most advanced treatments in Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine with the total guarantee that the patient is treated within a hospital environment, thus ensuring the highest level of safety during the surgical procedure and the recovery time.

    Our team of specialists combine their solid professional expertise in the correction of congenital or acquired anomalies affecting the shape or the appearance of your body. As this speciality deals with various areas and systems, the experts often work in conjunction with other medical areas.

    With regards to female cosmetic surgery, the Plastic, Cosmetic and Repair Surgery Unit of the Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital specialises in the augmentation and reduction of breasts, breast lift, tuberous breast correction, abdominoplasty, arms and thigh lift, surgery of the genitalia and reconstructive surgery after a mastectomy at the Breast Cancer Unit. We also perform male breast reduction and facial surgical procedures such as facial lift, eyelid surgery, nose remodelling, ear correction surgery and double-chin surgery.

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Preis auf Anfrage
José Luis Martín Del Yerro Coca
  • 3.4 Gut 5 Rezensionen
  • 43 Jahre der Erfahrung
  • Spanien, Madrid, Quironsalud Madrid
Preis auf Anfrage
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Yan Matsiivskiy
Leiter des Teams der medizinischen Koordinatoren