Beste Krampfadern Ärzte in Spanien - TOP -2 Ärzte

Der Inhalt entspricht den Redaktionsrichtlinien von Bookimed und wurde auf Qualität geprüft
Fahad Mawlood
César García Madrid
  • 4.7 Ausgezeichnet 409 Rezensionen
  • 32 Jahre der Erfahrung
  • Akkredititationen:
  • Spanien, Barcelona, Teknon Barcelona
  • Dr. César García Madrid ist Spezialist für Angiologie, vaskuläre und endovaskuläre Chirurgie und verfügt über mehr als 25 Jahre Erfahrung. Er ist ein Pionier in der nicht-chirurgischen Behandlung von Krampfadern und hat über 200 Artikel veröffentlicht, die sich der endovaskulären Chirurgie widmen. Er ist Mitglied mehrerer Fachgesellschaften und wurde mehrfach ausgezeichnet.

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Entfernung von Krampfadern
5.945 € - 7.927 €
Gallardo Pedrajas
  • 4.8 Ausgezeichnet 3 Rezensionen
  • 75 Jahre der Erfahrung
  • Spanien, Marbella, Quirónsalud Marbella
  • His extensive training includes qualifications that award him the specialisation in endovascular techniques relating to angiology, such as the certification to manage vascular laboratories and X- ray facilities with medical purposes granted by the Medical Physics Spanish Association, as well as numerous training positions in national and international medical centres and hospitals in France, the UK and the USA.

    Dr Gallardo Pedrajas combines his medical practice with his teaching position as an Assistant in the Surgery Studies of the Malaga University and the European Society of Vascular Surgery (ESVS). He is also very active as a scientific researcher and proponent, with numerous research papers and projects being published in scientific journals of international reputation, and has been involved in more than 100 medical lectures and communications within his specialisation.

    Professional experience

    • Medical Residency in Angiology and Vascular Surgery, A Coruña University Hospital.( 2007-12).

    • Consultant Doctor in Medicine, Angiology and Vascular Surgery, Santiago de Compostela University Hospital and A Coruña San Rafael Hospital (2012-15).

    • Consultant Doctor in Medicine, Angiology and Vascular Surgery, Quirónsalud Marbella-Malaga Hospitals (2015-22).

    • Head of the Angiology and Vascular Surgery Unit, Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital (2022- currently).

    Member of Scientific Associations:

    He is a member of the Board of Directors of the following:

    American Cardiology JACC Journal and a revisor of the Board of Editors of JVET.

    Secretary of the Andalusian Vascular Society and a member of the Committee of Directors of the Spanish Vascular Surgery Society (SEACV, in its Spanish abbreviation).

    European Society of Vascular Surgery. A Professor of the ESVS Academy and Convenor for aorta and vascular access.


    Vascular Surgery Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital has a team of specialists in Angiology and Vascular Surgery, supported by a nursing team with large experience and knowledge in the diagnosis and treatment of vascular diseases and their potential complications. This healthcare multidisciplinary approach helps us offer premium quality medical assistance to our patients.

    The Angiology and Vascular Surgery Unit stands out for the implementation and development of technologically-advanced techniques in the comprehensive treatment of artery and venous diseases, with special interest in minimally- invasive endovascular treatments, not only to solve varicose vein issues, but also aneurysm and obstructive artery disease.

    Our healthcare professionals deal with the prophylaxis, diagnosis and treatment of vascular diseases such as artery, venous and lymphatic disease. Each patient is taken through a process of individualised rapid and coordinated assessment.

    Diseases, treatments, techniques and multidisciplinary units

    Artery disease: endovascular or surgical treatment of aneurism or supra-aortic trunks occlusive disease; visceral, renal, aortic and limb arteries

    • Venous disease: haemodynamic surgery and sclerotherapy of varicose veins
    • Treatment of venous thromboembolism
    • Lymphatic disease: diagnosis and treatment
    • Artery-vein malformation: diagnosis and treatment
    • Our hospital is a reference in the salvage of limbs (diabetic foot and critical limb ischaemia).
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Die Wahl einer Klinik im Ausland kann stressig sein. Bei Bookimed, wo wir bereits über 800.000 Patienten geholfen haben, verstehen wir Ihre Bedenken. Wir wissen, wie man vertrauenswürdige Ärzte, das beste Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis und Lösungen selbst für komplizierte Fälle findet. Wir sind hier, um Sie bei jedem Schritt zu unterstützen.
Yan Matsiivskiy
Leiter des Teams der medizinischen Koordinatoren