Beste Keratoplastik Ärzte in Barcelona - TOP -1 Ärzte

Der Inhalt entspricht den Redaktionsrichtlinien von Bookimed und wurde auf Qualität geprüft
Fahad Mawlood
Ferran Mascaró Zamora
  • 4.7 Ausgezeichnet 409 Rezensionen
  • 28 Jahre der Erfahrung
  • Spanien, Barcelona, Teknon Barcelona
  • Experience

    - Resident physician in the ophthalmology service of Bellvitge Hospital (2001).

    -Commission for training in surgery (cataract surgery) at the San Rafael Hospital

    - Study Committee of the Clinical and University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela in the Department of Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgery (Drs. Perez-Moreira and Prada, 2001)

    Assistance in consultation and surgery at the Teknoftal Institut Oftàlmic and head of the orbital and oculoplastics department (since 1999)

    Since 2001, Deputy Ophthalmologist of the Health Service and the University City of Bellvitge. Since 2003, Head of the Orbital and Oculoplastics Department with accreditation by the Center for Surveillance in Orbital Tumors and Orbital Decompression Surgery for Thyroid Disease.

    Resident Lecturer (since 2006)

    Specializations: lens surgery, refractive surgery, orbital surgery, lacrimal duct surgery and oculoplastics.


    Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Barcelona with outstanding qualifications and an outstanding award

    Ophthalmology specialist via MIR

    Doctorate at the Autonomous University of Barcelona


    Participation in more than 20 national and international round tables.

    Presentation of 25 courses and 46 papers at national and international conferences.

    Publication of 2 original articles in national and international specialized journals.

    Co-author of 3 books on ophthalmology.

    Scientific societies

    Member and Fellow of the Spanish Society of Ocular and Orbital Plastic Surgery.

    Member and Associate of the Catalan Society of Ophthalmology.

    Member of the Ulsa del Mona Foundation, Maputo Hospital, Mozambique 2008

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Die Wahl einer Klinik im Ausland kann stressig sein. Bei Bookimed, wo wir bereits über 800.000 Patienten geholfen haben, verstehen wir Ihre Bedenken. Wir wissen, wie man vertrauenswürdige Ärzte, das beste Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis und Lösungen selbst für komplizierte Fälle findet. Wir sind hier, um Sie bei jedem Schritt zu unterstützen.
Yan Matsiivskiy
Leiter des Teams der medizinischen Koordinatoren