Dr. Joan Albanell Mestres ist eine sehr erfahrene Onkologin mit umfangreichem Bildungs- und Forschungshintergrund. Er hat sein MBBS an der University Autónoma de Barcelona abgeschlossen und verschiedene Forschungs- und Onkologieprogramme geleitet. Er hat 120 Artikel in renommierten Zeitschriften mit mehr als 9000 Zitationen veröffentlicht.
Mehr lesenDr. Rodrigo Rocamora Zuniga ist ein renommierter Neurologe, Leiter der Abteilung für Epilepsie an HM Delfos Spanien und Professor an der Universität UPF. Er promovierte an der Universität Bonn, spezialisierte sich auf Neurologie an der Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile und erwarb einen Bachelor in Medizin an der Mendoza School of Medical in Argentinien. Er war auch Teil neurologischer Zentren und Krankenhäuser, leitender Arzt mehrerer Berufsverbände und hat in verschiedenen Zeitschriften veröffentlicht.
Mehr lesenDiseases Treated: vigorexia, sports injuries, muscular alterations, osteochondrosis, sprains, rhabdomyolysis, plantar fasciitis, obesity.
Services Offered: Pediatric control, First Pediatric visit, School medical examination, Pediatric check-up, Check-up visit, Sports Medicine visit, Treatment visit, Successive Sports Medicine visits, Emergencies Pediatric, Repeat visits Pediatrics.
Create and participate in projects and clinical sessions to promote and prevent health through healthy habits such as physical activity and nutrition. Fundació Hospital de Nens de Barcelona Scholarship for research project, As Principal Investigator (PI) "Evaluation of the effectiveness of physical activity in the Loss of BMI in overweight and obesity in children and adolescents."
Mehr lesenDr. Javier Mareque Bueno has completed his training with numerous stays abroad in prestigious hospitals in the US, Belgium and Germany. After two years of practice in public and private hospitals in Barcelona, Dr. Mareque obtains the Fellow of the EBOMFS (European Board of Oro-Maxillo-Facial Surgery) in Bruges.
Dr. Javier Mareque Bueno combines his professional and healthcare activity at the Maxilonet and Vithas medical centers with his teaching and research activity at the International University of Catalonia (UIC)). Currently, he is part of the Board of Directors of Mutual Médica, and is a member of the Assembly of Compromisers and of the Finance Commission of the College of Physicians of Barcelona.
Expert in: Orthognathic surgery, facial plastic surgery, Temporomandibular joint (TMJ), dental implants, augmentation mentoplasty, and facial trauma.
Professional Experience:
More than 15 years of experience.
Medical Director of Maxilonet (currently).
Oral and maxillofacial surgeon at Vithas Vigo Hospital and HM Nens.
Oral and maxillofacial surgeon at the Vithas Pontevedra Medical Center.
Stay in Orthognathic Surgery. Dr. Simonas Grybauskas. Kaunas Hospital. Lithuania (2013).
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Vall D'Hebrón University Hospital (2002 - 2010).
Stay in Dental Implantology. Dr D. Tarnow NYU Dental College. New York. USA (2008).
Stay at Head & Neck Surgery. Dr Jatin P Shah Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. New York. USA (2006).
Stay in Orthognathic Surgery. Dr Maurice Mommaerts Hospital AZ Sant Jan. Brugge. Belgian (2005).Stay in Facial Traumatology. Hospital October 12. Madrid, Spain (2004).
Director of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine at the Faculty of Dentistry of the International University of Catalonia.
Professor of the Degree in Dentistry of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine of the International University of Catalonia.
Postgraduate Professor at the International University of Catalonia.
Vice Dean of the International University of Catalonia (2016 - 2017).
Outstanding Academic Achievements:
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the University of Santiago de Compostela (1995 - 2001).
Degree in Dentistry from the International University of Catalonia (2002 - 2006).
Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2007).
Doctor of Surgery from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2007).
Master Part Time MBA 06-08 Esade Business school.
MIR at the Vall d'Hebrón Hospital in Barcelona (2007).
Stays in prestigious Hospitals in the USA, Belgium, Germany and France.
Fellow of the European Board of Oro-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Brugge. European Board of Oro-Maxillo-Facial Surgery (2010).
Awards and Honors:
Leibinger price from the EACMFS (2008).
AO scholarship for postgraduate training. AO fellowship (2007).
Accesit Juan Pedro Moreno Award for the best poster. SEOP. Seville (2007).
Second prize end of residence scholarship. SECOM. Tenerife (2007).
Dr. Gómez Iglesias Basic Research Scholarship. SECOM (2006).
Hugo Obwegeser traveling Scholarship from the EACMFS (2006).
Member of Private Medical Associations:
Member of the Board of the Catalan-Balearic Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (SCBCMFO).
Member of the Spanish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (SECOM).
Member of the International Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons (IAOMS).
Member of the Catalan Society of Odonto-Stomatology (SCOE).
His services include: Allergology Visits, Forced Spirometry, Spirometry, Parenteral Immunotherapy, Parenteral Immunotherapy with extracts of Hymenoptera, Allergy prick tests, Allergy tests, Bronchodilation tests , Specific Bronchial challenge tests, and Food Challenge tests.
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Dr. Augusto Covaro is an orthopedic surgeon specialized in spine surgery and performs his professional activity in Barcelona. He offers a series of services to his patients as a consultant in spinal surgery at ICATME, Institut Universitari Dexeus and Hospital de Igualada, including treatments for lumbar spine stenosis, back pain, radiculopathy, scoliosis, herniated disc and other spinal pathologies
He completed two fellowships in spinal surgery, one in Aarhus, Denmark, with the support of the SICOT international society in 2012 and the second in complex spine surgery in Uppsala, Sweden, in 2016, with the support of a grant from the international society AOspine .
During his career, Dr. Covaro has a continuous participation in international meetings and contributed to several articles published in scientific magazines.
He has a great experience in the treatment of patients and uses the knowledge he has acquired to provide each patient with the best quality of care.
Mehr lesenArztbesuch | preis auf anfrage |
Laminektomie | $15720.8 - $26201.33 |
Diskektomie | $10480.53 - $20961.06 |
Entfernung eines Rückenmarkstumors | $26201.33 - $52402.66 |
He completed two fellowships in spinal surgery, one in Aarhus, Denmark, with the support of the SICOT international society in 2012 and the second in complex spine surgery in Uppsala, Sweden, in 2016, with the support of a grant from the international society AOspine .
During his career, Dr. Covaro has a continuous participation in international meetings and contributed to several articles published in scientific magazines.
He has a great experience in the treatment of patients and uses the knowledge he has acquired to provide each patient with the best quality of care.
Dr. Covaro is a member of several professional organizations, including the Spanish Society of Orthopedics, AOspine, GEER and Eurospine.
Mehr lesenArztbesuch | preis auf anfrage |
Laminektomie | $15720.8 - $26201.33 |
Diskektomie | $10480.53 - $20961.06 |
Entfernung eines Rückenmarkstumors | $26201.33 - $52402.66 |
During his career, Dr. Covaro has a continuous participation in international meetings and contributed to several articles published in scientific magazines. Dr. Covaro is a member of several professional organizations, including the Spanish Society of Orthopedics, AOspine, GEER and Eurospine.
Currently, Dr. Covaro attends his patients at the Institut Universitari Dexeus and the Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, in Barcelona. To make an appointment with Dr. Augusto Covaro, contact ICATME, Institut Universitari Dexeus
Arztbesuch | preis auf anfrage |
Laminektomie | $15720.8 - $26201.33 |
Diskektomie | $10480.53 - $20961.06 |
Entfernung eines Rückenmarkstumors | $26201.33 - $52402.66 |
Juan José Espinos ist Facharzt für Reproduktionsmedizin.
Juan José Espinos ist Autor von 27 medizinischen Publikationen.
Mehr lesenDr. Maria Arqué ist Gynäkologin, spezialisiert auf reproduktive Endokrinologie und Unfruchtbarkeit, mit einem Doktortitel in Medizin. Sie hat Erfahrung in integrativer und funktioneller Medizin, Ernährung, Yoga und Achtsamkeit und ist Dozentin, Gründerin und Ärztliche Direktorin bei Gynnergy. Sie ist Mitglied von ESHRE und ASRM und spricht mehrere Sprachen.
Mehr lesenDr. Monica Aura ist eine hochqualifizierte Ärztin mit einem Abschluss in Medizin und Chirurgie und einem Master-Abschluss in Gesundheitszentrumsmanagement und menschlicher assistierter Reproduktion. Sie verfügt über umfangreiche Berufserfahrung, unter anderem als Ärztliche Direktorin bei Fertty in Barcelona, Koordinatorin der Abteilung für assistierte Reproduktion am Hospital Quirón Barcelona und als Assistenzprofessorin im Master of Assisted Reproduction bei UAB-Fertty. Sie ist außerdem aktives Mitglied der Arbeitsgruppe Spende und Genetik der Spanischen Gesellschaft für Fruchtbarkeit (SEF) und Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Komitees der Sektion assistierte Reproduktion der katalanischen Akademie der medizinischen Wissenschaften.
Mehr lesenMiguel Angel Checa ist Geburtshelfer, Gynäkologe und Spezialist für Reproduktionsmedizin.
Miguel Angel Checa ist Autor von 36 wissenschaftlichen Publikationen. Er lehrte an den Universitäten von Katalonien, Spanien, Europa, USA, Lateinamerika.
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