Dr. Tomasz Gede ist ein hochqualifizierter Facharzt für Urologie und Allgemeinchirurgie.
Er wird von den Patienten für sein überdurchschnittliches Engagement bei der Arbeit, seine Freundlichkeit, seinen individuellen Umgang mit jedem Patienten, sein großes Herz und seinen enormen Einsatz für die Patienten geschätzt, vor allem aber für seine präzisen Diagnosen und die wirksame Behandlung onkologischer Patienten, auch in äußerst schwierigen Situationen.
Ein unbestrittener Favorit der Patienten aus der gesamten Region Jelenia Góra.
Der Arzt bietet Fachberatungen im Bereich der Urologie an. Er ist auch einer der besten Chirurgen in der Region Niederschlesien. Er führt seit vielen Jahren eine Reihe von Eingriffen in der urologischen Abteilung der KCM-Klinik durch.
Tomasz Gede, MD, führt Eingriffe in den Bereichen durch:
Endoskopische Chirurgie der Blase und der Harnleiter
Endoskopische Prostatachirurgie
Laserchirurgie der Prostata
Laserentfernung von Harnsteinen
Laparoskopische Nierenchirurgie
Laparoskopische Prostatachirurgie
Penisoperationen und Penisprothesen
Hoden- und Hodenchirurgie
Chirurgie bei Harninkontinenz
Blasenbehandlung mit Botulinumtoxin
Zystoskopie unter Narkose
Specialist in urology and general surgery Specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate diseases Description The first Polish urologist certified as an Ablatherm® HIFU operator, the only doctor in Central and Eastern Europe who trains doctors and medical teams in the HIFU method. Promoter of innovative treatment methods and surgical techniques.
Professional education
Dr. Filipek is a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine of the Medical Academy in Krakow, where he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in 1977, in 1980 he obtained the first degree of specialization in general surgery, and in 1986 the second degree in urology. In 1999 he obtained the degree of doctor of medical sciences.
Professional experience
Dr. n. med. Marek Filipek serves as the Head of the Urology Department of the Independent Specialist Western Hospital in Grodzisk Mazowiecki. He created from scratch one of the most modern and best equipped urology departments in Poland. For many years, Dr. Filipek was associated with the Urology Clinic of the Jagiellonian University Medical College, where he worked as a senior assistant and lecturer. In the years 2000-2006, he was the head of the Urology Department of the St. Luke Provincial Hospital in Tarnów.
He participated in many scientific and advanced courses. He spent internships and scholarships in many prestigious foreign urology centers, including the Professor F. Debruyne Urology Clinic in Nijmegen. In 2014, Dr. Filipek completed training in Focal-One HIFU, with Dr. Albert Gelet, at the Hospices Civils de Lyon Edouard Herriot Hospital, in Lyon, France. In the same year, in April, the doctor also participated in the course of the European School of Urology “Focal therapy in prostate cancer” in Stockholm.
Scientific activity
Dr. n. med. Marek Filipek is a member of the Polish Urological Society (in 1997 he was the Vice-President of the Krakow Branch of the PTU). He is also a full member of the European Urological Society. He has also been awarded many times for his scientific activity and achievements in the field of urology (winner of, among others, the 1st PTU award and the Prof. Zew Wajsman award). The scientific achievements of Dr. n. med. Marek Filipek include several dozen publications and papers presented at Polish and foreign congresses and conferences. He is the author of over 30 publications and papers published, among others, in Urologia Polska or presented at the congresses of the Polish Urological Society and the European Urological Society. He has also participated in international, multi-center clinical trials many times. Every year Dr. Filipek also participates in the meetings of the American Urological Association.