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Entdecken Sie die besten Kosten und Kliniken für der Oberlidchirurgie in Lugano 2024

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Fahad Mawlood - Allgemeinarzt. Gewinner von 4 wissenschaftlichen Preisen. Er diente in Westasien. Ehemaliger Teamleiter eines medizinischen Teams zur Betreuung arabischsprachiger Patienten. Jetzt Fahad ist verantwortlich für die Datenverarbeitung und die Genauigkeit der medizinischen Inhalte.
Entdecken Sie die besten Kosten und Kliniken für der Oberlidchirurgie in Lugano 2024

1 neue Rezensionen über die Behandlung Oberlidchirurgie in Lugano: Prüfen Sie echte Patientenerfahrung

Larisa Petrosova • Rhinoplastik (Nasenkorrektur) Vereinigte Arabische Emirate 23. Apr. 2019

Verifizierte Rezension.

Oberlidchirurgie Übersicht in der Schweiz

Operationszeit - 1 Stunden
Bleiben Sie im Land - 2 Tage
Rehabilitation - 7 Tage
Anästhesie - Lokale Anästhesie
Anfragen bearbeitet - 110449
Bookimed Gebühren - $0

Was kostet Oberlidchirurgie in Schweiz? Finden Sie jetzt heraus

Der Durchschnittspreis von Oberlidchirurgie in Lugano beträgt $1869, der Mindestpreis beträgt $300 und der Höchstpreis beträgt $6500.
Preise anfordern
Türkei Polen Tschechien
Oberlidchirurgie von $1563 von $1050 von $716
Die Gesamtkosten werden individuell berechnet. Sie können je nach medizinischer Frage, Qualifikation des Arztes, Komplexität der Prozeduren und damit zusammenhängender Komplikationen (falls vorhanden) variieren. Sie erhalten den genauen Preis für eine plastische Chirurgie nach Konsultation mit einem Arzt.
Laut 1 Kliniken im Ranking vorgestellt
Entdecken Sie die besten Kliniken von Oberlidchirurgie in Lugano: 1 geprüfte Optionen und Preise
Überprüfen Sie das Krankenhaus-Ranking basierend auf Anfragen und 1 Rezensionen , um die richtige Klinik für Sie auszuwählen.
Schweiz, Lugano
92% Patienten empfehlen

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LaCLINIQUE of Switzerland® is a leading Swiss healthcare company specializing in aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery. It has offices in Lugano, Locarno (Switzerland), Milan, Turin, Rome, Naples (Italy), and Dubai (UAE). LaCLINIQUE of Switzerland® centers apply the most modern and exclusive therapeutic protocols, introducing innovative technologies. Supervised by dedicated professionals, these protocols ensure exceptional customer care and safety. 

In the LaCLINIQUE of Switzerland® Center, clients are welcomed and accompanied by a personal consultant who is available for assistance at any time. During consultations, specialists help patients find interventions best suited to their requests. Each treatment is personalized to restore patients' physical and mental well-being. The center has a team of specialists in aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery, general surgery, digestive endoscopy, general medicine, psychotherapy, and aesthetic medicine.

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Erhalten Sie eine medizinische Prüfung für Oberlidchirurgie in Lugano: Wählen Sie Ihren Experten aus 3 erfahrenen Ärzte

Schweiz, Lugano
Andrea Parafioriti
5 Jahre der Erfahrung
LaCLINIQUE of Switzerland
Dr. med. Andrea Parafioriti specializes in Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.He attended the Di Ivo Pitanguy School of Plastic Surgery for two years as an internal plastic surgeon and has had more than 900 surgeries to his credit.He continued his training in France with Dr. med. Francois Petit, specializing in new minimally invasive gluteoplasty techniques.Subsequently, he trained new plastic surgeons in residency school in Palermo, Italy.He is a new generation plastic surgery specialist, particularly trained in the best schools in the world and who has gained experience with the use of new protocols with mesenchymal stem cells applied to both surgery and regenerative medicine.
Schweiz, Lugano
Silvio Ascione
18 Jahre der Erfahrung
LaCLINIQUE of Switzerland
I was born in Naples, born in 1981, and I have the best job in the world. Imagine waking up every morning and knowing that on that day you will make someone's dream come true: you will change a man's life forever, you will give birth to a new woman, you will help a girl achieve happiness, a boy gain self-confidence. I am Silvio Ascione, specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Son of art, from my father, a great man and great plastic surgeon, I learned the complex and enchanting magic of aesthetic plastic surgery. Nourished by art and medical knowledge, I grew up in operating theatres, always behind my father's back who, like the best of masters, passed on to me, a young disciple, the passion for a profession in which art combines to science to create masterpieces. Graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 2005 from the Second University of Naples, qualified in the first session of 2006 and specialized in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the School of Specialization of the Second University of Naples directed by Prof. Francesco D'Andrea, I am enrolled in the 'Order of Surgeons of Benevento and I obtained a Master's degree in Oncoplastic Surgery and integrated treatments at the University of Genoa.My experience in the surgical room, however, began much earlier, and it was an intense, very hard journey, characterized by total dedication, constant updating, continuous training: initially internal at the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery of the S.U.N., I frequented then the Department of Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of the Mediterranean Clinic of Naples affiliated with the “Tor Vergata” University of Rome, the A.O.R.N. Major Burns Center Department, directed by Prof. Roberto D'Alessio, the Trauma Center Department of Prof. Antonio Martin. I regularly participate in all the main national and international Plastic Surgery conferences to stay constantly updated on the technological innovations offered by the market, the cutting-edge products and instruments to be used for my treatments, the new research and the most recent studies in the field of plastic and aesthetic surgery.I studied and carried out in-depth internships at universities and hospital centers in Spain, France and North America, gaining extraordinary experience on the most advanced surgical techniques, in particular on facial and breast rejuvenation.​MY MISSIONMy innate passion for surgery, my attention to the care of the image and the harmony of forms, my obsessive precision and attention to detail, my unstoppable research and updating activity, my decades of experience in the most varied spheres of plastic and aesthetic surgery, working side by side with my specialized team, allow me today to boast a curriculum full of successes and satisfactions and to be able to offer my patients a detailed and scrupulous visit, a precise diagnosis, a treatment plan personalized and efficient intervention, agreed on the basis of the patient's needs and desires, highly effective personal techniques and tools to eliminate all types of blemishes, signs of aging or congenital imperfections, through increasingly less invasive interventions and with increasingly natural results.​Experience, professionalism, harmony, naturalness: these are the four key points on which I build a relationship that is first human, then professional, with my patient. The choice of plastic or aesthetic surgery does not only involve the decision to undertake a path of external change. For this reason I dedicate myself with dedication and attention to listening to the discomforts and wishes of each of my patients, so that we can plan together the most appropriate intervention for their needs and to achieve the expected result and to accompany them step by step towards a path of external and internal rebirth
Schweiz, Lugano
Antonio D'ari
19 Jahre der Erfahrung
LaCLINIQUE of Switzerland
SURGEONREGISTERED WITH THE MEDICAL ORDER OF NAPLESSPECIALIST IN RECONSTRUCTIVE AND COSMETIC PLASTIC SURGERY AT THE LUIGI VANVITELLI UNIVERSITYPhD in experimental reconstructive surgeryMaster Tutor in Aesthetic Medicine at Luigi Vanvitelli UniversityWINNER OF SICPRE SCHOLARSHIP FOR INTERNSHIP ABROADTUTOR AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CATALUNYA FOR CORPSE DISSECTION COURSESRegistered with SicpreAuthor of dozens of scientific publications  Antonio D'Ari, surgeon graduated from the “Luigi Vanvitelli” University, boasts considerable experience in the field of plastic surgery where he specialized with top marks (50/50 cum laude) in December 2010 at the chair of plastic surgery at the “Luigi Vanvitelli” university. He won the PhD in "Experimental Reconstructive Surgery" at the "Luigi Vanvitelli" University where he directed his research group and authored numerous scientific publications. He participates in numerous conferences as a speaker and is registered with the most important and authoritative companies in the sector. Always looking for innovative techniques that improve patient satisfaction, he has performed numerous internships abroad and in Italy. He worked for a year at the “Eva Peron” hospital in Buenos Aires by prof. Hector Lanza where he dedicated himself to reconstructive surgery of the breast and all congenital malformations of newborns. In fact, he participated in numerous humanitarian missions in the “Solitary Homeland Surgery” project. He spent 12 months in Rio de Janeiro where he dedicated himself to cosmetic surgery at the Ivo Pitanguy school and carried out hundreds of operations. He was in Brno in the Czech Republic at Prof. Vesely's plastic surgery clinic where he took refresher courses to perfect some microsurgery techniques for breast reconstruction. He actively attended, both from an operating and a scientific point of view, the plastic surgery departments of the "Antonio Cardarelli" hospital and the "Pellegrini" hospital. He attended the Senology department at the "Pascale" hospital in Naples.He was tutor of the Master of Aesthetic Medicine at the “Luigi Vanvitelli” University and was a teacher and tutor of cadaver dissection courses at the private University of Catalonia in Barcelona, during which he taught the most innovative surgical techniques for facial surgery.
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Experte des Medizinischen Beirats von Bookimed für Oberlidchirurgie

Einer der besten plastischen Chirurgen der Welt, Autor von 8 innovativen Methoden der plastischen Chirurgie.
Rang unter den 50 besten plastischen Chirurgen der Welt.
Ausgezeichnet mit der Golden Scalpel Trophy im Jahr 2014 – vergleichbar mit dem Oscar in der plastischen Chirurgie.